Topics Being Covered Elsewhere in our Blog

Topics Being Covered Elsewhere in our Blog

A few weeks back, we split our blog into multiple subsections covering various topics. Many of those subsections are growing rapidly, and if you have not checked them, please look around.



The most rapidly growing subsection is on universities and academia. If you are a PhD student, postdoc, young college professor or old college professor, this is a section you must read carefully. What has been going on in US universities is truly shocking, and our blog is the only place that connects all of the dots properly.

In a nutshell, US economy is being backed by exponentially increasing the college loans. In 2005, bankers surreptitiously introduced a clause in a Federal bill, making student loan non-recourse and collectible by Federal government. That clause allows Federal government to recklessly loan money to students, because IRS will collect it (with interest) over the life time of working people.

Colleges are willing participants in this scheme. That exponentially rising student loans allows colleges to raise their fees a lot faster than inflation, and they way they do is by sending out promotional materials claiming inflated benefits of college degrees.

These developments are part of a larger collapse taking place in the entire US society and those topics are being discussed in our social blog.



Our fish blog is dedicated to covering all genomic developments in the very amazing and little explored fish world. We posted two large commentaries with phylogeny and videos of all fish orders. These will be referred to again and again in all of our future commentaries to explain the context of various genomic research topics.



In the software blog, we cover all frameworks and programs to develop a truly amazing bioinformatics website. We like to stay at the cutting edge on the developments in the internet world and bring the information to you.



In our RNAseq blog, we have been covering a number of algorithms and methods specifically for RNAseq. A post on Estimating Transcript Expression using Min-cost Flow Method is added yesterday.


We are making sure various focused topics stay within their respective blogs so that someone interested in bioinformatics algorithm is not bothered with eating fish. Our fully automated front-page brings all latest topics in various sections together so that you do not have to switch between ten places.


Developments in the work -

1. We are working on fully automating the jobs section to bring relevant information on bioinformatics jobs from everywhere in the internet.

2. We have been doing extensive rewrite and clean-up of the tutorials.

3. We have been working with a number of people on the puzzles.

4. A surprise gift for the readers is coming up soon.

Stay tuned !!

Written by M. //