bioconductor v3.9.0 Vsn

The package implements a method for normalising microarray intensities, and works

Link to this section Summary


Class to contain result of a vsn fit

Class to contain input data and parameters for vsn functions

Wrapper functions for vsn

Intensity data for one cDNA slide with two adjacent tissue samples from a nephrectomy (kidney)

Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000

Plot row standard deviations versus row means

Wrapper for vsn to be used as a normalization method with expresso

Simulate data and assess vsn's parameter estimation

The transformation that is applied to the scaling parameter of the vsn model

Fit the vsn model

Apply the vsn transformation to data

Calculate the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model

Link to this section Functions

Class to contain result of a vsn fit


Class to contain result of a vsn fit




Wolfgang Huber


v = vsn2(kidney)
v[1:10, ]
Link to this function


Class to contain input data and parameters for vsn functions


Class to contain input data and parameters for vsn functions




Wolfgang Huber

Wrapper functions for vsn


justvsn is equivalent to calling list(" ", " fit = vsn2(x, ...) ", " nx = predict(fit, newdata=x, useDataInFit = TRUE) ") vsnrma is a wrapper around vsn2 and rma .


justvsn(x, ...)
vsnrma(x, ...)


xFor justvsn , any kind of object for which vsn2 methods exist. For vsnrma , an AffyBatch .
list()Further arguments that get passed on to vsn2 .


vsnrma does probe-wise background correction and between-array normalization by calling vsn2 on the perfect match (PM) values only. Probeset summaries are calculated with the medianpolish algorithm of rma .


justvsn returns the vsn-normalised intensities in an object generally of the same class as its first argument (see the man page of predict for details). It preserves the metadata.

vsnrma returns an ExpressionSet .




Wolfgang Huber


## use "vsn2" to produce a "vsn" object
fit = vsn2(kidney)
nkid = predict(fit, newdata=kidney)

## justvsn on ExpressionSet
nkid2 = justvsn(kidney)
stopifnot(identical(exprs(nkid), exprs(nkid2)))

## justvsn on RGList
rg = new("RGList", list(R=exprs(kidney)[,1,drop=FALSE], G=exprs(kidney)[,2,drop=FALSE]))
erge = justvsn(rg)

Intensity data for one cDNA slide with two adjacent tissue samples from a nephrectomy (kidney)


Intensity data for one cDNA slide with two adjacent tissue samples from a nephrectomy (kidney)


kidney is an ExpressionSet containing the data from one cDNA chip. The 8704x2 matrix exprs(kidney) contains the spot intensities for the red (635 nm) and green color channels (532 nm) respectively. For each spot, a background estimate from a surrounding region was subtracted.




The chip was produced in 2001 by Holger Sueltmann at the Division of Molecular Genome Analysis at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg.


Huber W, Boer JM, von Heydebreck A, Gunawan B, Vingron M, Fuzesi L, Poustka A, Sueltmann H. Transcription profiling of renal cell carcinoma. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol. 2002;86:153-64. PMID: 12647365


plot(exprs(kidney), pch = ".", log = "xy")
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "blue")

Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000


8 cDNA chips from Alizadeh lymphoma paper


lymphoma is an ExpressionSet containing the data from 8 chips from the lymphoma data set by Alizadeh et al. (see references). Each chip represents two samples: on color channel 1 (CH1, Cy3, green) the common reference sample, and on color channel 2 (CH2, Cy5, red) the various disease samples. See pData(lymphoma) . The 9216x16 matrix exprs(lymphoma) contains the background-subtracted spot intensities (CH1I-CH1B and CH2I-CH2B, respectively).




The chip intensity files were downloaded from the Stanford microarray database. Starting from the link below, this was done by following the links list("Published Data") -> list("Alizadeh AA, et al. (2000) Nature 403(6769):503-11") -> list("Data in SMD") -> list("Display Data") , and selecting the following 8 slides: list(list("l"), list(" ", "lc7b019", list(), " ", "lc7b047", list(), " ", "lc7b048", list(), " ", "lc7b056", list(), " ", "lc7b057", list(), " ", "lc7b058", list(), " ", "lc7b069", list(), " ", "lc7b070 ")) Then, the script makedata.R from the scripts subdirectory of this package was run to generate the list() data object.


A. Alizadeh et al., Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403(6769):503-11, Feb 3, 2000.



Plot row standard deviations versus row means


Methods for objects of classes matrix , ExpressionSet , vsn and MAList to plot row standard deviations versus row means.


           ranks = TRUE,
           xlab  = ifelse(ranks, "rank(mean)", "mean"),
           ylab  = "sd",
           plot  = TRUE,
       bins  = 50,


xAn object of class matrix , ExpressionSet , vsn or MAList .
ranksLogical, indicating whether the x-axis (means) should be plotted on the original scale ( FALSE ) or on the rank scale ( TRUE ). The latter distributes the data more evenly along the x-axis and allows a better visual assessment of the standard deviation as a function of the mean.
xlabCharacter, label for the x-axis.
ylabCharacter, label for the y-axis.
pchIgnored - exists for backward compatibility.
plotLogical. If TRUE (default), a plot is produced. Calling the function with plot=FALSE can be useful if only its return value is of interest.
binsGets passed on to stat_binhex .
list()Further arguments that get passed on to stat_binhex .


Standard deviation and mean are calculated row-wise from the expression matrix (in) x . The scatterplot of these versus each other allows you to visually verify whether there is a dependence of the standard deviation (or variance) on the mean. The red line depicts the running median estimator (window-width 10%). If there is no variance-mean dependence, then the line should be approximately horizontal.


A named list with five components: its elements px and py are the x- and y-coordinates of the individual data points in the plot; its first and second element are the x-coordinates and values of the running median estimator (the red line in the plot). Its element gg is the plot object (see examples). Depending on the value of plot , the method can (and by default does) have a side effect, which is to print gg on the active graphics device.


Wolfgang Huber


data("kidney") <- function(x) log(ifelse(x>0, x, NA))

exprs(kidney) <-
msd <- meanSdPlot(kidney)

## The `ggplot` object is returned in list element `gg`, here is an example of how to modify the plot
msd$gg + ggtitle("Hello world") + scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "darkred") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 7))

## Try this out with not log-transformed data, vsn2-transformed data, the lymphoma data, your data ...
Link to this function


Wrapper for vsn to be used as a normalization method with expresso


Wrapper for vsn2 to be used as a normalization method with the expresso function of the package affy. The expresso function is deprecated, consider using justvsn instead. The normalize.AffyBatch.vsn can still be useful on its own, as it provides some additional control of the normalization process (fitting on subsets, alternate transform parameters).


     strata = NULL,
     subsample = if (nrow(exprs(abatch))>30000L) 30000L else 0L,
     log2scale = TRUE,


abatchAn object of type AffyBatch .
referenceOptional, a 'vsn' object from a previous fit. If this argument is specified, the data in 'x' are normalized "towards" an existing set of reference arrays whose parameters are stored in the object 'reference'. If this argument is not specified, then the data in 'x' are normalized "among themselves". See vsn2 for details.
strataThe 'strata' functionality is not supported, the parameter is ignored.
subsampleIs passed on to vsn2 .
subsetThis allows the specification of a subset of expression measurements to be used for the vsn fit. The transformation with the parameters of this fit is then, however, applied to the whole dataset. This is useful for excluding expression measurements that are known to be differentially expressed or control probes that may not match the vsn model, thus avoiding that they influence the normalization process. This operates at the level of probesets, not probes. Both 'subset' and 'subsample' can be used together.
log2scaleIf TRUE, this will perform a global affine transform on the data to put them on a similar scale as the original non-transformed data. Many users prefer this. Fold-change estimates are not affected by this transform. In some situations, however, it may be helpful to turn this off, e.g., when comparing independently normalized subsets of the data.
log2asympIf TRUE, this will perform a global affine transform on the data to make the generalized log (asinh) transform be asymptotically identical to a log base 2 transform. Some people find this helpful. Only one of 'log2scale' or 'log2asymp' can be set to TRUE. Fold-change estimates are not affected by this transform.
...Further parameters for vsn2 .


Please refer to the Details and References sections of the man page for vsn2 for more details about this method.

Important note : after calling vsn2 , the function normalize.AffyBatch.vsn exponentiates the data (base 2). This is done in order to make the behavior of this function similar to the other normalization methods in affy. That packages uses the convention of taking the logarithm to base in subsequent analysis steps (e.g. in medpolish ).


An object of class AffyBatch . The vsn object returned, which can be used as reference for subsequent fits, is provided by description(abatch)@preprocessing$vsnReference .




D. P. Kreil , Wolfgang Huber


## Please see vignette.
Link to this function


Simulate data and assess vsn's parameter estimation


Functions to validate and assess the performance of vsn through simulation of data.


sagmbSimulateData(n=8064, d=2, de=0, up=0.5, nrstrata=1,  miss=0, log2scale=FALSE)
sagmbAssess(h1, sim)


nNumeric. Number of probes (rows).
dNumeric. Number of arrays (columns).
deNumeric. Fraction of differentially expressed genes.
upNumeric. Fraction of up-regulated genes among the differentially expressed genes.
nrstrataNumeric. Number of probe strata.
missNumeric. Fraction of data points that is randomly sampled and set to NA .
log2scaleLogical. If TRUE , glog on base 2 is used, if FALSE , (the default), then base e.
h1Matrix. Calibrated and transformed data, according, e.g., to vsn
simList. The output of a previous call to sagmbSimulateData , see Value


Please see the vignette.


For sagmbSimulateData , a list with four components: hy , an n x d matrix with the true (=simulated) calibrated, transformed data; y , an n x d matrix with the simulated uncalibrated raw data - this is intended to be fed into vsn2 ; , a logical vector of length n , specifying which probes are simulated to be differentially expressed. strata , a factor of length n .

For sagmbSimulateData , a number: the root mean squared difference between true and estimated transformed data.


Wolfgang Huber


Wolfgang Huber, Anja von Heydebreck, Holger Sueltmann, Annemarie Poustka, and Martin Vingron (2003) "Parameter estimation for the calibration and variance stabilization of microarray data", Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: Vol. 2: No. 1, Article 3.


sim <- sagmbSimulateData(nrstrata = 4)
ny  <- vsn2(sim$y, strata = sim$strata)
res <- sagmbAssess(exprs(ny), sim)
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The transformation that is applied to the scaling parameter of the vsn model


The transformation that is applied to the scaling parameter of the vsn model




bReal vector.


A real vector of same length as b, with transformation f applied (see vignette Likelihood Calculations for vsn ).


Wolfgang Huber


b  = seq(-3, 2, length=20)
fb = scalingFactorTransformation(b)
plot(b, fb, type="b", pch=16)

Fit the vsn model


vsn2 fits the vsn model to the data in x and returns a list("vsn") object with the fit parameters and the transformed data matrix. The data are, typically, feature intensity readings from a microarray, but this function may also be useful for other kinds of intensity data that obey an additive-multiplicative error model. To obtain an object of the same class as x , containing the normalised data and the same metdata as x , use list(" ", " fit = vsn2(x, ...) ", " nx = predict(fit, newdata=x) ", " ") or the wrapper justvsn . Please see the vignette list("Introduction to vsn") .


          lts.quantile = 0.9,
          subsample    = 0L,
          verbose      = interactive(),
          returnData   = TRUE,
          calib        = "affine",
          minDataPointsPerStratum = 42L,
          optimpar     = list(),
          defaultpar   = list(factr=5e7, pgtol=2e-4, maxit=60000L,
                              trace=0L, cvg.niter=7L, cvg.eps=0))
list(list("vsn2"), list("ExpressionSet"))(x, reference, strata, ...)
list(list("vsn2"), list("AffyBatch"))(x, reference, strata, subsample, ...)
list(list("vsn2"), list("NChannelSet"))(x, reference, strata, backgroundsubtract=FALSE,
       foreground=c("R","G"), background=c("Rb", "Gb"), ...)
list(list("vsn2"), list("RGList"))(x, reference, strata, ...)


xAn object containing the data to which the model is fitted.
referenceOptional, a vsn object from a previous fit. If this argument is specified, the data in x are normalized "towards" an existing set of reference arrays whose parameters are stored in the object reference . If this argument is not specified, then the data in x are normalized "among themselves". See Details for a more precise explanation.
strataOptional, a factor or integer whose length is nrow(x) . It can be used for stratified normalization (i.e. separate offsets $a$ and factors $b$ for each level of strata ). If missing, all rows of x are assumed to come from one stratum. If strata is an integer, its values must cover the range $1,ldots,n$ , where $n$ is the number of strata.
lts.quantileNumeric of length 1. The quantile that is used for the resistant least trimmed sum of squares regression. Allowed values are between 0.5 and 1. A value of 1 corresponds to ordinary least sum of squares regression.
subsampleInteger of length 1. If its value is greater than 0, the model parameters are estimated from a subsample of the data of size subsample only, yet the fitted transformation is then applied to all data. For large datasets, this can substantially reduce the CPU time and memory consumption at a negligible loss of precision. Note that the AffyBatch method of vsn2 sets a value of 30000 for this parameter if it is missing from the function call - which is different from the behaviour of the other methods.
backgroundsubtractLogical of length 1: should local background estimates be subtracted before fitting vsn?
foreground, backgroundAligned character vectors of the same length, naming the channels of x that should be used as foreground and background values.
verboseLogical. If TRUE, some messages are printed.
returnDataLogical. If TRUE, the transformed data are returned in a slot of the resulting vsn object. Setting this option to FALSE allows saving memory if the data are not needed.
calibCharacter of length 1. Allowed values are affine and none . The default, affine , corresponds to the behaviour in package versions <= 3.9, and to what is described in references [1] and [2]. The option none is an experimental new feature, in which no affine calibration is performed and only two global variance stabilisation transformation parameters a and b are fitted. This functionality might be useful in conjunction with other calibration methods, such as quantile normalisation - see the vignette Introduction to vsn .
pstartOptional, a three-dimensional numeric array that specifies start values for the iterative parameter estimation algorithm. If not specified, the function tries to guess useful start values. The first dimension corresponds to the levels of strata , the second dimension to the columns of x and the third dimension must be 2, corresponding to offsets and factors.
minDataPointsPerStratumThe minimum number of data points per stratum. Normally there is no need for the user to change this; refer to the vignette for further documentation.
optimparOptional, a list with parameters for the likelihood optimisation algorithm. Default parameters are taken from defaultpar . See details.
defaultparThe default parameters for the likelihood optimisation algorithm. Values in optimpar take precedence over those in defaultpar . The purpose of this argument is to expose the default values in this manual page - it is not intended to be changed, please use optimpar for that.
...Arguments that get passed on to vsnMatrix .


An object of class vsn .


justvsn , predict


Wolfgang Huber


[1] Variance stabilization applied to microarray data calibration and to the quantification of differential expression, Wolfgang Huber, Anja von Heydebreck, Holger Sueltmann, Annemarie Poustka, Martin Vingron; Bioinformatics (2002) 18 Suppl.1 S96-S104.

[2] Parameter estimation for the calibration and variance stabilization of microarray data, Wolfgang Huber, Anja von Heydebreck, Holger Sueltmann, Annemarie Poustka, and Martin Vingron; Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (2003) Vol. 2 No. 1, Article 3.

[3] L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained Optimization, C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal, Technical Report, Northwestern University (1996).

[4] Package vignette: Likelihood Calculations for vsn



fit = vsn2(kidney)                   ## fit
nkid = predict(fit, newdata=kidney)  ## apply fit

plot(exprs(nkid), pch=".")
abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")

Apply the vsn transformation to data


Apply the vsn transformation to data.


list(list("predict"), list("vsn"))(object, newdata, strata=object@strata, log2scale=TRUE, useDataInFit=FALSE)


objectAn object of class vsn that contains transformation parameters and strata information, typically this is the result of a previous call to vsn2 .
newdataObject of class ExpressionSet , NChannelSet , AffyBatch (from the affy package), RGList (from the limma package), matrix or numeric , with the data to which the fit is to be applied to.
strataOptional, a factor or integer that aligns with the rows of newdata ; see the strata argument of vsn2 .
log2scaleIf TRUE , the data are returned on the glog scale to base 2, and an overall offset c is added (see Value section of the vsn2 manual page). If FALSE , the data are returned on the glog scale to base e, and no offset is added.

|useDataInFit | If TRUE , then no transformation is attempted and the data stored in object is transferred appropriately into resulting object, which otherwise preserves the class and metadata of newdata . This option exists to increase performance in constructs like list(" ", " fit = vsn2(x, ...) ", " nx = predict(fit, newdata=x) ", " ") and is used, for example, in the justvsn function. |


An object typically of the same class as newdata . There are two exceptions: if newdata is an RGList , the return value is an NChannelSet , and if newdata is numeric, the return value is a matrix with 1 column.


Wolfgang Huber



## nb: for random subsampling, the 'subsample' argument of vsn
##   provides an easier way to do this
fit = vsn2(kidney[sample(nrow(kidney), 500), ])
tn = predict(fit, newdata=exprs(kidney))
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Calculate the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model


logLik calculates the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model. plotVsnLogLik makes a false color plot for a 2D section of the likelihood landscape.


list(list("logLik"), list("vsnInput"))(object, p, mu = numeric(0), sigsq=as.numeric(NA), calib="affine")
              whichp = 1:2,
              expand = 1,
              ngrid = 31L,
              fun = logLik,
              main = "log likelihood",


objectA vsnInput object.
pFor plotVsnLogLik , a vector or a 3D array with the point in parameter space around which to plot the likelihood. For logLik , a matrix whose columns are the set of parameters at which the likelihoods are to be evaluated.
muNumeric vector of length 0 or nrow(object) . If the length is 0, there is no reference and sigsq must be NA (the default value). See vsn2 .
sigsqNumeric scalar.
calibas in vsn2 .
whichpNumeric vector of length 2, with the indices of those two parameters in p along which the section is to be taken.
expandNumeric vector of length 1 or 2 with expansion factors for the plot range. The range is auto-calculated using a heuristic, but manual adjustment can be useful; see example.
ngridInteger scalar, the grid size.
funFunction to use for log-likelihood calculation. This parameter is exposed only for testing purposes.
mainThis parameter is passed on levelplot .
...Arguments that get passed on to fun , use this for mu , sigsq , calib .


logLik is an R interface to the likelihood computations in vsn (which are done in C).


For logLik , a numeric matrix of size nrow(p)+1 by ncol(p) . Its columns correspond to the columns of p . Its first row are the likelihood values, its rows 2...nrow(p)+1 contain the gradients. If mu and sigsq are specified, the ordinary negative log likelihood is calculated using these parameters as given. If they are not specified, the profile negative log likelihood is calculated.

For plotVsnLogLik , a dataframe with the 2D grid coordinates and log likelihood values.




Wolfgang Huber



v = new("vsnInput", x=exprs(kidney),
pstart=array(as.numeric(NA), dim=c(1, ncol(kidney), 2)))

fit = vsn2(kidney)

p = sapply(seq(-1, 1, length=31), function(f) coef(fit)+c(0,0,f,0))

ll = logLik(v, p)

plot(p[3, ], ll[1, ], type="l", xlab=expression(b[1]), ylab=expression(-log(L)))
abline(v=coef(fit)[3], col="red")

plotVsnLogLik(v, coef(fit), whichp=c(1,3), expand=0.2)





The main function of the package is vsn2 . Interesting for its applications are also predict and the wrapper function justvsn .

vsn2 can be applied to objects of class ExpressionSet , NChannelSet , AffyBatch (from the affy package) and RGList (from the limma package), matrix and vector . It returns an object of class list("vsn") , which contains the results of fitting the vsn model to the data.

The most common use case is that you will want to construct a new data object with the vsn-normalized data whose class is the same as that of the input data and which preserves the metadata. This can be achieved by

list(" ", " fit = vsn2(x, ...) ", " nx = predict(fit, newdata=x) ", " ")

To simplify this, there exists also a simple wrapper justvsn .


Wolfgang Huber