No WWIII !! We are Back

No WWIII !! We are Back

Dear Readers, We have been hiding in our bunkers fearing the worst, when someone forwarded us a NY Times op- ed. Then we received another forwarding of the same article, and another. Lo and behold, the article is going strong as the most emailed one from NY Times three days in a row, surpassing hot scientific discoveries such as ‘Middle-Aged Men, Too, Can Blame Estrogen for That Waistline’ !


Few weeks back, when we wrote the following commentary, several readers complained to us privately or in comment section about being wrong on Russia:

Russia Best Assembler, Best French Actor and now Freest Country !!

Although at first we felt tempted to restart those arguments based on the new evidences, after some thought we decided to declare peace with those readers.

The developments of the last few days led to many humorous occasions. Let us cover those in the rest of the commentary before getting to more interesting topics in the following posts.

A Really Cool Kickstarter project !

Kickstarter has been paying for small and large technology development projects, and some scientists argued it could be a good alternative to writing government grants. However, they may face intense competition from projects like the following:

A Replacement President

It explains why Russian president writes NY Times article, but US president goes to Jay Leno show.

A Cartoon

More informative about funding than guitar playing of Dr. Francis Collins.

September 7, 2013

Protest Against NSA

Brazilian hackers are angry no doubt, but they confused the four-letter agency with the three-letter agency.


First time in its 139 year history that Nature Makes an Endorsement for Political Post

Old, but really funny !!


Written by M. //