ASHG/GA4GH Special - A Recap of Interesting NGS Algorithms of the Year

ASHG/GA4GH Special - A Recap of Interesting NGS Algorithms of the Year

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Section 1 covers algorithms for short reads (primarily Illumina). The reads are clean and the main problem is the volume of data. The size of each library can be 50-100G and imagine doing that for 10,000 human genomes together. The tags: [] categories for challenging problems are - base-calling, kmer counting (the most basic step), de Bruijn graph construction, genome assembly, BWT construction of large library, compression of large libraries, searching through many such genomes and expression analysis.

Section 2 covers long noisy reads primarily from PacBio, but should also be equally applicable for nanopore data. The challenge here is how to take care of the noise in the reads.

Section 3 covers GPU acceleration, which is one of the ways to go over the data analysis bottleneck.

Section 4 asks the question of whether it is really necessary to keep scaling up from 10K genomes to 100K genomes and so on, or can we answer biological questions by trying a different route.

Section 5 mentions two new blogs started this year by skilled bioinformaticians.

Section 6 adds a number of interesting papers missed in the first cut. We went through all issues of arxiv/biorxiv and tried to find every interesting paper.

Enjoy and feel free to comment, distribute, criticize, flame us or whatever !!



1. Algorithms for Short Reads

KMC - Minimizer-based Kmer Counting Algorithm for Short Reads

KMC 2: Fast and resource-frugal k-mer counting

Motivation: Building the histogram of occurrences of every k-symbol long substring of nucleotide data is a standard step in many bioinformatics applications, known under the name of k-mer counting. Its applications include developing de Bruijn graph genome assemblers, fast multiple sequence alignment and repeat detection. The tremendous amounts of NGS data require fast algorithms for k-mer counting, preferably using moderate amounts of memory.

Results: We present a novel method for k-mer counting, on large datasets at least twice faster than the strongest competitors (Jellyfish~2, KMC~1), using about 12\,GB (or less) of RAM memory. Our disk-based method bears some resemblance to MSPKmerCounter, yet replacing the original minimizers with signatures (a carefully selected subset of all minimizers) and using (k,x)-mers allows to significantly reduce the I/O, and a highly parallel overall architecture allows to achieve unprecedented processing speeds. For example, KMC~2 allows to count the 28-mers of a human reads collection with 44-fold coverage (106\,GB of compressed size) in about 20 minutes, on a 6-core Intel i7 PC with an SSD.

We also discussed another efficient kmer counting program - scTurtle - in our blog.


BCALM - Chikhi et al.’s Algorithm for dBG Construction using Minimizer

De Novo Assembly of Human Genome with Only 1.5 GB RAM

The de Bruijn graph plays an important role in bioinformatics, especially in the context of de novo assembly. However, the representation of the de Bruijn graph in memory is a computational bottleneck for many assemblers. Recent papers proposed a navigational data structure approach in order to improve memory usage. We prove several theoretical space lower bounds to show the limitation of these types of approaches. We further design and implement a general data structure (DBGFM) and demonstrate its use on a human whole-genome dataset, achieving space usage of 1.5 GB and a 46% improvement over previous approaches. As part of DBGFM, we develop the notion of frequency-based minimizers and show how it can be used to enumerate all maximal simple paths of the de Bruijn graph using only 43 MB of memory. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach can be integrated into an existing assembler by modifying the ABySS software to use DBGFM.


Kraken - Minimizer-based Algorithm for Metagenome Classification

Kraken: Ultrafast Metagenomic Sequence Classification Using Exact Alignments

Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels to metagenomic DNA sequences. Previous programs designed for this task have been relatively slow and computationally expensive, forcing researchers to use faster abundance estimation programs, which only classify small subsets of metagenomic data. Using exact alignment of k-mers, Kraken achieves classification accuracy comparable to the fastest BLAST program. In its fastest mode, Kraken classifies 100 base pair reads at a rate of over 4.1 million reads per minute, 909 times faster than Megablast and 11 times faster than the abundance estimation program MetaPhlAn. Kraken is available at


BWT Construction for Large Short-read Library

Heng Li’s ropebwt2 paper.

Fast construction of FM-index for long sequence reads

We mentioned Heng Lis ropebwt2 code at github in the past, but now he discloses the algorithm in a brief paper posted at arxiv. We will spend the rest of the day trying to understand what is going on.

Summary: We present a new method to incrementally construct the FM-index for both short and long sequence reads, up to the size of a genome. It is the first algorithm that can build the index while implicitly sorting the sequences in the reverse (complement) lexicographical order without a separate sorting step. The implementation is among the fastest for indexing short reads and the only one that practically works for reads of averaged kilobases in length. Availability and implementation: Contact:

Is constructing FM index still relevant in the Minimizer world?

Rayan Chikhi worked through an example here that you will find helpful.

Also check -

BWT Construction Parallelized in Parabwt

BEETL-fastq: a searchable compressed archive for DNA reads

FASTQ is a standard file format for DNA sequencing data which stores both nucleotides and quality scores. A typical sequencing study can easily generate hundreds of gigabytes of FASTQ files, while public archives such as ENA and NCBI and large international collaborations such as the Cancer Genome Atlas can accumulate many terabytes of data in this format. Text compression tools such as gzip are often employed to reduce the storage burden, but have the disadvantage that the data must be decompressed before it can be used.

Here we present BEETL-fastq, a tool that not only compresses FASTQ-formatted DNA reads more compactly than gzip, but also permits rapid search for k-mer queries within the archived sequences. Importantly, the full FASTQ record of each matching read or read pair is returned, allowing the search results to be piped directly to any of the many standard tools that accept FASTQ data as input.


We show that 6.6 terabytes of human reads in FASTQ format can be transformed into 1.7 terabytes of indexed files, from where we can search for 1, 10, 100, 1000, a million of 30-mers in respectively 3, 8, 14, 45 and 567 seconds plus 20 ms per output read. Useful applications of the search capability are highlighted, including the genotyping of structural variant breakpoints and “in silico pull-down” experiments in which only the reads that cover a region of interest are selectively extracted for the purposes of variant calling or visualization.


BEETL-fastq is part of the BEETL library, available as a github repository at


Compression of Large Libraries

BARCODE - Fast lossless compression via cascading Bloom filters

BMC Bioinformatics paper -


Data from large Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) experiments present challenges both in terms of costs associated with storage and in time required for file transfer. It is sometimes possible to store only a summary relevant to particular applications, but generally it is desirable to keep all information needed to revisit experimental results in the future. Thus, the need for efficient lossless compression methods for NGS reads arises. It has been shown that NGS-specific compression schemes can improve results over generic compression methods, such as the Lempel-Ziv algorithm, Burrows-Wheeler transform, or Arithmetic Coding. When a reference genome is available, effective compression can be achieved by first aligning the reads to the reference genome, and then encoding each read using the alignment position combined with the differences in the read relative to the reference. These reference-based methods have been shown to compress better than reference-free schemes, but the alignment step they require demands several hours of CPU time on a typical dataset, whereas reference-free methods can usually compress in minutes.


We present a new approach that achieves highly efficient compression by using a reference genome, but completely circumvents the need for alignment, affording a great reduction in the time needed to compress. In contrast to reference-based methods that first align reads to the genome, we hash all reads into Bloom filters to encode, and decode by querying the same Bloom filters using read-length subsequences of the reference genome. Further compression is achieved by using a cascade of such filters.


Our method, called BARCODE, runs an order of magnitude faster than reference- based methods, while compressing an order of magnitude better than reference- free methods, over a broad range of sequencing coverage. In high coverage (50-100 fold), compared to the best tested

compressors, BARCODE saves 80-90% of the running time while only increasing space slightly.

Minimizer Success Disk-based Genome Sequencing Data Compression

We propose ORCOM (Overlapping Reads COmpression with Minimizers), a compression algorithm dedicated to sequencing reads (DNA only). Most compressors for such data, usually in FASTQ format, cannot efficiently compress the DNA stream if a given dataset is large, since the redundancy between overlapping reads cannot be easily exploited in the main memory, often a few times smaller than the amount of data to compress. More interesting solutions for this problem are disk-based~\cite{Y2011,CBJR2012}, where the better of these two, from Cox~et al.~\cite{CBJR2012}, is based on the BurrowsWheeler transform (BWT) and achieves 0.484\,bits per base for a 135.3\,Gbp human genome sequencing collection with 45-fold coverage. Our method makes use of a conceptually simple and easily parallelizable idea of minimizers, to obtain 0.376\,bits per base as the compression ratio.


Searching from Many Genomes

Check this development from David Haussler’s group.

David Haussler and colleagues had been working on how to align a new read library against thousands of human genomes. The easy solution of performing the same alignment thousand times does not scale well. Benedict Paten, Adam Novak and David Haussler posted a new paper in arxiv to address this question. This appears like an interesting paper, but we have not read it carefully to understand the innovation beyond what Juni Siren (corrected) and others proposed before.

To support comparative genomics, population genetics, and medical genetics, we propose that a reference genome should come with a scheme for mapping each base in any DNA string to a position in that reference genome. We refer to a collection of one or more reference genomes and a scheme for mapping to their positions as a reference structure. Here we describe the desirable properties of reference structures and give examples. To account for natural genetic variation, we consider the more general case in which a reference genome is represented by a graph rather than a set of phased chromosomes; the latter is treated as a special case.

Readers may also find the following work from Haussler group relevant

HAL: a Hierarchical Format for Storing and Analyzing Multiple Genome Alignments


SPAdes for Genome Assembly

When it comes to genome assembly, SPAdes group stands way apart from others by publishing many new developments every year.

SPAdes Groups Long-awaited Repeat Resolver Paper is Published

dipSpades Beats Haplomerger Hands Down in Diploid Assembly

Also, Pavel Pevzner, who leads this group, published an interesting paper on manifold de Bruijn graph. We are not sure whether it is incorporated in SPAdes yet.

Manifold de Bruijn Graphs - Yu Lin and Pavel A. Pevzner

Genome assembly is usually abstracted as the problem of reconstructing a string from a set of its k-mers. This abstraction naturally leads to the classical de Bruijn graph approachthe key algorithmic technique in genome assembly. While each vertex in this approach is labeled by a string of the fixed length k, the recent genome assembly studies suggest that it would be useful to generalize the notion of the de Bruijn graph to the case when vertices are labeled by strings of variable lengths. Ideally, we would like to choose larger values of k in high-coverage regions to reduce repeat collapsing and smaller values of k in the low-coverage regions to avoid fragmentation of the de Bruijn graph. To address this challenge, the iterative de Bruijn graph assembly (IDBA) approach allows one to increase k at each iterations of the graph construction. We introduce the Manifold de Bruijn (M-Bruijn) graph (that generalizes the concept of the de Bruijn graph) and show that it can provide benefits similar to the IDBA approach in a single iteration that considers the entire range of possible k-mer sizes rather than varies k from one iteration to another.


BESST for Scaffolding During Genome Assembly


BESST is a package for scaffolding genomic assemblies. It contains several modules for e.g. building a contig graph from available information, obtaining scaffolds from this graph, and accurate gap size information (based on GapEst For installation, see docs/INSTALL.txt.


Sailfish for RNAseq Expression Analysis

For RNAseq expression profiling, Sailfish reduced the time of analysis by doing it straight from kmers instead of reads.

Check -

Goodbye RSEM, Sailfish Paper Published

We wrote about very fast Sailfish algorithm, when it came out in the arxiv (DEseq and Sailfish Papers for RNAseq). Also, one of our readers liked the code and we wrote about it as well

Good C++ Development Practices in Sailfish Code

Now the readers can find the published paper in Nature Biotech. There is no excuse for not using it.


Blindcall for Base-calling

BlindCall: Ultra-fast Base-calling Algorithm Using Blind Deconvolution

Motivation: Base-calling of sequencing data produced by highthroughput

sequencing platforms is a fundamental process in current bioinformatics analysis. However, existing third-party probabilistic or machine-learning methods that significantly improve the accuracy of base-calls on these platforms are impractical for production use due to their computational inefficiency.

Results: We directly formulate base-calling as a blind deconvolution problem and implemented BlindCall as an efficient solver to this inverse problem. BlindCall produced base-calls at accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art probabilistic methods while processing data at rates ten times faster in most cases. The computational complexity of BlindCall scales linearly with read length making it better suited for new long-read sequencing technologies.

Availability and Implementation: BlindCall is implemented as a set of Matlab scripts available for download at



2. Pacbio Reads

DALIGN - Pacbio Aligner

In DALIGN Paper, Gene Myers Delivers a Major Blow to His Biggest Competitor

It is a very neat paper, because Gene Myers showed here a way to speed up alignment algorithms without going through BWT construction. It stands out of the norm from most other NGS alignment algorithms.

MHAP - Adam Philippy

After HGAP And SPAdes Comes New PacBio Assembler MHAP

Hybrid Assembly

Very Efficient Hybrid Assembler for PacBio Data

Reader Chengxi Ye mentioned to us a few months back that he developed a very efficient genome assembler for PacBio data, which did PacBio assembly of human genome in 6 hours on a desktop computer compared to >400K CPU hours using a cluster. For those, who do not know Chengxi Ye, he was the author of SparseAssembler and also developed ultrafast basecaller BlindCall. The algorithm of SparseAssembler is more relevant in the current context, because he leveraged its compression scheme in the new PacBio/hybrid assembler.



3. Hardware Acceleration - GPU

This year, Professor T.-W. Lam’s group at HKU published a number of papers on hardware acceleration of bioinformatics algorithms using GPU. Although they are mostly for short reads, we make a separate category here.

BWT Construction using GPU

This new preprint from Chi-Man Liu, Ruibang Luo and Tak-Wah Lam is worth checking out (h/t: @lexnederbragt) !! BWT construction is a major problem for large NGS read files, and as we discussed in What Problems are Being Solved by the Top NGS Bioinformaticians Today?, almost every top bioinformatician has a BWT-construction project going on. There are several benefits of turning read files into BWT quickly.

(i) faster compression and easy transfer (Tony Coxs rearranging of reads is a good example),

(ii) quick search through a large set of reads,

(iii) k-mer counting is an equivalent problem as BWT construction (see BWT Construction and K-mer Counting),

(iv) genome assembly using SGA-type of algorithm.

BALSA for Variant Calling using GPU

This paper reports an integrated solution, called BALSA, for the secondary analysis of next generation sequencing data; it exploits the computational power of GPU and an intricate memory management to give a fast and accurate analysis. From raw reads to variants (including SNPs and Indels), BALSA, using just a single computing node with a commodity GPU board, takes 5.5 hours to process 50-fold whole genome sequencing (~750 million 100bp paired-end reads), or just 25 minutes for 210-fold whole exome sequencing. BALSAs speed is rooted at its parallel algorithms to effectively exploit a GPU to speed up processes like alignment, realignment and statistical testing. BALSA incorporates a 16-genotype model to support the calling of SNPs and Indels and achieves competitive variant calling accuracy and sensitivity when compared to the ensemble of six popular variant callers. BALSA also supports efficient identification of somatic SNVs and CNVs; experiments showed that BALSA recovers all the previously validated somatic SNVs and CNVs, and it is more sensitive for somatic Indel detection. BALSA outputs variants in VCF format. A pileup-like SNAPSHOT format, while maintaining the same fidelity as BAM in variant calling, enables efficient storage and indexing, and facilitates the App development of downstream analyses.

MEGAHIT - Metagenome Assembly using GPU

MEGAHIT is a NGS de novo assembler for assembling large and complex metagenomics data in a time- and cost-efficient manner. It finished assembling a soil metagenomics dataset with 252Gbps in 44.1 hours and 99.6 hours on a single computing node with and without a GPU, respectively. MEGAHIT assembles the data as a whole, i.e., it avoids pre-processing like partitioning and normalization, which might compromise on result integrity. MEGAHIT generates 3 times larger assembly, with longer contig N50 and average contig length than the previous assembly. 55.8% of the reads were aligned to the assembly, which is 4 times higher than the previous. The source code of MEGAHIT is freely available at this https URL under GPLv3 license.



4. Future

What should one do with so many efficient algorithms? The conventional answer is to cure human diseases, but we believe the companies are over-investing in this space. Our proposal is presented in the following commentaries.

Bioinformatics at a Crossroad Again Which Way Next?

Crossroads (ii) Is It Too Late to Acknowledge that Systems Biology and GWAS Failed?

Crossroads (iii) a New Direction for Bioinformatics with Twelve Fundamental Problems

To spare you from reading three long posts, here is a summary. We believe the new algorithms will be useful in solving fundamental problems in biology, and that process will eventually lead to curing health or other practical problems. The current attempts are too superficial.

To solve fundamental problems, the biologists and computer scientists need to meet halfway and learn quite a bit about each other’s field. That is the direction in which we like to take our blog from next year. All other suggestions are welcome.



5. New blogs

A number of new bioinformatics blogs came online in 2014. Here are a few noteworthy ones.

Gene Myers’ Dazzler Blog

James Knight’s Blog at Yale

If you think we missed any noteworthy contribution (including yours), please feel free to mention in the comment section.


Edit. 6. New Additions

After completing this commentary, we went to biorxiv to see whether we missed any other interesting development. The following papers appear noteworthy. We cannot guarantee that all of them are excellent, and welcome readers’ comment to spare us from reading so many papers.

Lighter: fast and memory-efficient error correction without counting

It is from the same group that developed Jellyfish and Sailfish.

Lighter is a fast, memory-efficient tool for correcting sequencing errors. Lighter avoids counting k-mers. Instead, it uses a pair of Bloom filters, one holding a sample of the input k-mers and the other holding k-mers likely to be correct. As long as the sampling fraction is adjusted in inverse proportion to the depth of sequencing, Bloom filter size can be held constant while maintaining near-constant accuracy. Lighter is parallelized, uses no secondary storage, and is both faster and more memory-efficient than competing approaches while achieving comparable accuracy.

Compression of short-read sequences using path encoding

Another one from the same group.

Storing, transmitting, and archiving the amount of data produced by next generation sequencing is becoming a significant computational burden. For example, large-scale RNA-seq meta-analyses may now routinely process tens of terabytes of sequence. We present here an approach to biological sequence compression that reduces the difficulty associated with managing the data produced by large-scale transcriptome sequencing. Our approach offers a new direction by sitting between pure reference-based compression and reference- free compression and combines much of the benefit of reference-based approaches with the flexibility of de novo encoding. Our method, called path encoding, draws a connection between storing paths in de Bruijn graphs — a common task in genome assembly — and context-dependent arithmetic coding. Supporting this method is a system, called a bit tree, to compactly store sets of kmers that is of independent interest. Using these techniques, we are able to encode RNA-seq reads using 3% – 11% of the space of the sequence in raw FASTA files, which is on average more than 34% smaller than recent competing approaches. We also show that even if the reference is very poorly matched to the reads that are being encoded, good compression can still be achieved.

Faster sequence alignment through GPU-accelerated restriction of the seed- and-extend search space

Salzberg and colleagues going into GPU space.

Motivation: In computing pairwise alignments of biological sequences, software implementations employ a variety of heuristics that decrease the computational effort involved in computing potential alignments. A key element in achieving high processing throughput is to identify and prioritize potential alignments where high-scoring mappings can be expected. These tasks involve list-processing operations that can be efficiently performed on GPU hardware. Results: We implemented a read aligner called A21 that exploits GPU- based parallel sort and reduction techniques to restrict the number of locations where potential alignments may be found. When compared with other high-throughput aligners, this approach finds more high-scoring mappings without sacrificing speed or accuracy. A21 running on a single GPU is about 10 times faster than comparable CPU-based tools; it is also faster and more sensitive in comparison with other recent GPU-based aligners.

Algorithms in Stringomics (I): Pattern-Matching against “Stringomes”

Paolo Ferragina usually does innovative work. Worth taking a look.

This paper reports an initial design of new data-structures that generalizes the idea of pattern- matching in stringology, from its traditional usage in an (unstructured) set of strings to the arena of a well-structured family of strings. In particular, the object of interest is a family of strings composed of blocks/classes of highly similar ?stringlets,? and thus mimic a population of genomes made by concatenating haplotype-blocks, further constrained by haplotype-phasing. Such a family of strings, which we dub ?stringomes,? is formalized in terms of a multi-partite directed acyclic graph with a source and a sink. The most interesting property of stringomes is probably the fact that they can be represented efficiently with compression up to their k-th order empirical entropy, while ensuring that the compression does not hinder the pattern-matching counting and reporting queries ? either internal to a block or spanning two (or a few constant) adjacent blocks. The solutions proposed here have immediate applications to next-generation sequencing technologies, base-calling, expression profiling, variant-calling, population studies, onco-genomics, cyber security trace analysis and text retrieval.

Using 2k + 2 bubble searches to find SNPs in k-mer graphs

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) discovery is an important preliminary for understanding genetic variation. With current sequencing methods we can sample genomes comprehensively. SNPs are found by aligning sequence reads against longer assembled references. De Bruijn graphs are efficient data structures that can deal with the vast amount of data from modern technologies. Recent work has shown that the topology of these graphs captures enough information to allow the detection and characterisation of genetic variants, offering an alternative to alignment-based methods. Such methods rely on depth-first walks of the graph to identify closing bifurcations. These methods are conservative or generate many false-positive results, particularly when traversing highly inter-connected (complex) regions of the graph or in regions of very high coverage. We devised an algorithm that calls SNPs in converted De Bruijn graphs by enumerating 2k + 2 cycles. We evaluated the accuracy of predicted SNPs by comparison with SNP lists from alignment based methods. We tested accuracy of the SNP calling using sequence data from sixteen ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana and found that accuracy was high. We found that SNP calling was even across the genome and genomic feature types. Using sequence based attributes of the graph to train a decision tree allowed us to increase accuracy of SNP calls further. Together these results indicate that our algorithm is capable of finding SNPs accurately in complex sub-graphs and potentially comprehensively from whole genome graphs. The source code for a C++ implementation of our algorithm is available under the GNU Public Licence v3 at:

KmerStream: Streaming algorithms for k-mer abundance estimation

Paul Melsted.

Motivation: Several applications in bioinformatics, such as genome assemblers and error corrections methods, rely on counting and keeping track of k-mers (substrings of length k). Histograms of k-mer frequencies can give valuable insight into the underlying distribution and indicate the error rate and genome size sampled in the sequencing experiment. Results: We present KmerStream, a streaming algorithm for computing statistics for high throughput sequencing data based on the frequency of k-mers. The algorithm runs in time linear in the size of the input and the space requirement are logarithmic in the size of the input. This very low space requirement allows us to deal with much larger datasets than previously presented algorithms. We derive a simple model that allows us to estimate the error rate of the sequencing experiment, as well as the genome size, using only the aggregate statistics reported by KmerStream and validate the accuracy on sequences from a PhiX control. As an application we show how KmerStream can be used to compute the error rate of a DNA sequencing experiment. We run KmerStream on a set of 2656 whole genome sequenced individuals and compare the error rate to quality values reported by the sequencing equipment. We discover that while the quality values alone are largely reliable as a predictor of error rate, there is considerable variability in the error rates between sequencing runs, even when accounting for reported quality values. Availability: The tool KmerStream is written in C++ and is released under a GPL license. It is freely available at

SplitMEM: Graphical pan-genome analysis with suffix skips

Michael Schatz.

Motivation: With the rise of improved sequencing technologies, genomics is expanding from a single reference per species paradigm into a more comprehensive pan-genome approach with multiple individuals represented and analyzed together. One of the most sophisticated data structures for representing an entire population of genomes is a compressed de Bruijn graph. The graph structure can robustly represent simple SNPs to complex structural variations far beyond what can be done from linear sequences alone. As such there is a strong need to develop algorithms that can efficiently construct and analyze these graphs. Results: In this paper we explore the deep topological relationships between the suffix tree and the compressed de Bruijn graph. We introduce a novel O(n log n) time and space algorithm called splitMEM, that directly constructs the compressed de Bruijn graph for a pan- genome of total length n. To achieve this time complexity, we augment the suffix tree with suffix skips, a new construct that allows us to traverse several suffix links in constant time, and use them to efficiently decompose maximal exact matches (MEMs) into the graph nodes. We demonstrate the utility of splitMEM by analyzing the pan- genomes of 9 strains of Bacillus anthracis and 9 strains of Escherichia coli to reveal the properties of their core genomes. Availability: The source code and documentation are available open- source at

MUSIC: A Hybrid Computing Environment for Burrows-Wheeler Alignment for Massive Amount of Short Read Sequence Data

High-throughput DNA sequencers are becoming indispensable in our understanding of diseases at molecular level, in marker-assisted selection in agriculture and in microbial genetics research. These sequencing instruments produce enormous amount of data (often terabytes of raw data in a month) that requires efficient analysis, management and interpretation. The commonly used sequencing instrument today produces billions of short reads (upto 150 bases) from each run. The first step in the data analysis step is alignment of these short reads to the reference genome of choice. There are different open source algorithms available for sequence alignment to the reference genome. These tools normally have a high computational overhead, both in terms of number of processors and memory. Here, we propose a hybrid-computing environment called MUSIC (Mapping USIng hybrid Computing) for one of the most popular open source sequence alignment algorithm, BWA, using accelerators that show significant improvement in speed over the serial code.

Alignment-free comparison of next-generation sequencing data using compression-based distance measures

Enormous volumes of short reads data from next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have posed new challenges to the area of genomic sequence comparison.

The multiple sequence alignment approach is hardly applicable to NGS data due to the challenging problem of short read assembly.

Thus alignment-free methods need to be developed for the comparison of NGS samples of short reads.

Recently, new k-mer based distance measures such as {\it CVTree}, dS2, {\it co-phylog} have been proposed to address this problem.

However, those distances depend considerably on the parameter k, and how to choose the optimal k is not trivial since it may depend on different aspects of the sequence data.

Hence, in this paper we consider an alternative parameter-free approach: compression-based distance measures.

These measures have shown impressive performance on long genome sequences in previous studies, but they have not been tested on NGS short reads.

In this study we perform extensive validation and show that the compression- based distances are highly consistent with those distances obtained from the k-mer based methods, from the alignment-based approach, and from existing benchmarks in the literature.

Moreover, as these measures are parameter-free, no optimization is required and they still perform consistently well on multiple types of sequence data, for different kinds of species and taxonomy levels.

The compression-based distance measures are assembly-free, alignment-free, parameter-free, and thus represent useful tools for the comparison of long genome sequences and NGS samples of short reads.

Linear Recognition of Almost Interval Graphs

Yixin Cao

Let interval+kv, interval+ke, and interval?ke denote the classes of graphs that can be obtained from some interval graph by adding k vertices, adding k edges, and deleting k edges, respectively. When k is small, these graph classes are called almost interval graphs. They are well motivated from computational biology, where the data ought to be represented by an interval graph while we can only expect an almost interval graph for the best. For any fixed k, we give linear-time algorithms for recognizing all these classes, and in the case of membership, our algorithms provide also a specific interval graph as evidence. When k is part of the input, these problems are also known as graph modification problems, all NP-complete. Our results imply that they are fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k, thereby resolving the long- standing open problem on the parameterized complexity of recognizing interval+ke, first asked by Bodlaender et al. [Bioinformatics, 11:49–57, 1995]. Moreover, our algorithms for recognizing interval+kv and interval?ke run in times O(6k?(n+m)) and O(8k?(n+m)), (where n and m stand for the numbers of vertices and edges respectively in the input graph,) significantly improving the O(k2k?n3m)-time algorithm of Heggernes et al. [STOC 2007] and the O(10k?n9)-time algorithm of Cao and Marx [SODA 2014] respectively.

Indexing large genome collections on a PC

Agnieszka Danek, Sebastian Deorowicz, Szymon Grabowski

Motivation: The availability of thousands of invidual genomes of one species should boost rapid progress in personalized medicine or understanding of the interaction between genotype and phenotype, to name a few applications. A key operation useful in such analyses is aligning sequencing reads against a collection of genomes, which is costly with the use of existing algorithms due to their large memory requirements.

Results: We present MuGI, Multiple Genome Index, which reports all occurrences of a given pattern, in exact and approximate matching model, against a collection of thousand(s) genomes. Its unique feature is the small index size fitting in a standard computer with 16–32\,GB, or even 8\,GB, of RAM, for the 1000GP collection of 1092 diploid human genomes. The solution is also fast. For example, the exact matching queries are handled in average time of 39\,?s and with up to 3 mismatches in 373\,?s on the test PC with the index size of 13.4\,GB. For a smaller index, occupying 7.4\,GB in memory, the respective times grow to 76\,?s and 917\,?s.

Availability: Software and Suuplementary material: \url{this http URL}.

[SAMBLASTER: fast duplicate marking and structural variant read extraction

Gregory G. Faust, Ira M. Hall

Motivation: Illumina DNA sequencing is now the predominant source of raw genomic data, and data volumes are growing rapidly. Bioinformatic analysis pipelines are having trouble keeping pace. A common bottleneck in such pipelines is the requirement to read, write, sort and compress large BAM files multiple times.

Results: We present SAMBLASTER, a tool that reduces the number of times such costly operations are performed. SAMBLASTER is designed to mark duplicates in read-sorted SAM files as a piped post-pass on DNA aligner output before it is compressed to BAM. In addition, it can simultaneously output into separate files the discordant read-pairs and/or split-read mappings used for structural variant calling. As an alignment post-pass, its own runtime overhead is negligible, while dramatically reducing overall pipeline complexity and runtime. As a stand-alone duplicate marking tool, it performs significantly better than PICARD or SAMBAMBA in terms of both speed and memory usage, while achieving nearly identical results.

Availability: SAMBLASTER is open source C++ code and freely available from this https URL

Constructing String Graphs in External Memory

In this paper we present an efficient external memory algorithm to compute the string graph from a collection of reads, which is a fundamental data representation used for sequence assembly.

Our algorithm builds upon some recent results on lightweight Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Longest Common Prefix (LCP) construction providing, as a by-product, an efficient procedure to extend intervals of the BWT that could be of independent interest.

We have implemented our algorithm and compared its efficiency against SGA-the most advanced assembly string graph construction program.

Written by M. //