Ted Talk by Ben Goldacre on Manipulation of Clinical Trials

Ted Talk by Ben Goldacre on Manipulation of Clinical Trials

In The Drugs Dont Work, but Open Publication Will Not Fix Them, we wrote about an informative book titled Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients’ by Ben Goldacre. Readers will enjoy the following Ted talk by the same doctor/author (h/t: @dangraur) -

If you have longer time, listen to this podcast with Ben Goldacre about reporting on medical science -

A special hour of stories about reporting on medical science. The misreporting of the effect of vaccines on autism, tracking retractions in medical journals, and a century old hoax that went uncorrected for forty years.

In the Ted talk and podcast, Ben Goldacre compared misleading research by Pharma companies with high standards maintained by academic journals and academic conferences, where experts get to the truth by asking critical questions. Ironically, his book came out in the same month as the publication of ENCODE papers.

Even more unusual, it took us 2000 tweets to make that simple observation :)


Written by M. //