Fastest Way to Reverse Complement a Sequence

Fastest Way to Reverse Complement a Sequence

Kai Blin asked how fast reverse complementing is in various languages.


The answer not only depends on the language, but also on the algorithm as well as the hardware.

Speaking of algorithms to reverse a byte, we mentioned [this Stanford website] ( few months back. It is low level designers’ paradise. Also do not miss this stackoverflow thread that discusses hardware dependence of the algorithms.

As we discussed in What They Never Teach You in Programming Classes, if Intel designs a ‘bioinformatics co-processor’, nobody will need to write fancy reverse complement code any more.


Readers may find the following pages useful.

1. Stanford ‘bit twiddling’ website mentioned above.

a) Reverse bits the obvious way

b) Reverse bits in word by lookup table

c) Reverse the bits in a byte with 3 operations (64-bit multiply and modulus division)

d) Reverse the bits in a byte with 4 operations (64-bit multiply, no division)

e) Reverse the bits in a byte with 7 operations (no 64-bit)

f) Reverse an N-bit quantity in parallel in 5 * lg(N) operations

Stackoverflow page has benchmarks of above options.

2. EDAboard question - How to reverse the bits in a byte?

Because no microcontroller has a built in hardware instruction for bit reversal, you usually do it in a loop, utilizing shift instructions. I guess, you can easily figure out the C code for the operation.

The fastest method is however a ROM table of 256 bytes, that holds the reversed code for each possible input byte.

3. Paper - Bit-level optimization for high-level synthesis and FPGA-based acceleration

ABSTRACT Automated hardware design from behavior-level abstraction has drawn wide interest in FPGA-based acceleration and configurable computing research field. However, for many high-level programming languages, such as C/C++, the description of bitwise access and computation is not as direct as hardware description languages, and high-level synthesis of algorithmic descriptions may generate suboptimal implementations for bitwise computation-intensive applications. In this paper we introduce a bit-level transformation and optimization approach to assisting high-level synthesis of algorithmic descriptions. We introduce a bit-flow graph to capture bit-value information. Analysis and optimizing transformations can be performed on this representation, and the optimized results are transformed back to the standard data-flow graphs extended with a few instructions representing bitwise access. This allows high-level synthesis tools to automatically generate circuits with higher quality. Experiments show that our algorithm can reduce slice usage by 29.8% on average for a set of real-life benchmarks on Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGAs. In the meantime, the clock period is reduced by 13.6% on average, with an 11.4% latency reduction.

Written by M. //