Science Nobel Laureates Mock E-conmen on Stage of Award Ceremony

Science Nobel Laureates Mock E-conmen on Stage of Award Ceremony

Oh, this is hilarious !!

If you do not have time to watch the entire video, chemjobber blog covers the juiciest part.

Not everyday when science Nobelists get to take shots at the Economics prizewinners – it happened this week at the Swedish embassy compound at the gathering of this year’s Nobelists:

Then Martin Karplus, a Harvard University chemist, interjected, What understanding of the stock market do you really have?

Economics if one wants to call it a science seemed unable to explain the oscillations of the market, he said.

I see these fluctuations and they make zero sense to me, Professor Karplus declared. Maybe they make sense to you.

Professor Fama dismissed the question as unsophisticated, declaring its premise factually incorrect.

The hard scientists, more amused than chastened, turned to mocking the economists.

Youre asking about a very fundamental question, on what the nature of life is, James Rothman, a professor of cell biology at Yale University and one of the three newly minted laureates in medicine, told one questioner. I dont think theres anyone here even the economists who would have an opinion on that for sure.

Written by M. //