Installing BLASR is easy, but make sure you install dynamic hdf5 libraries first.
Running BLASR:
(contributed by Jason Chin)
here is how I use the blasr to align PacBio reads to the contigs (target.fasta). The “” is the suffix array from “target.fasta” generated by sawriter.
blasr query.fa ./target.fasta -sa ./ -bestn 40 -maxScore -500 -m 4 -nproc 24 -out target.m4 -maxLCPLength 15
the output format option “-m 4″ generate the alignment coordinate. Not fully documented, but I can explain that to you. (Easier in a phone…)
I use a 24 cores / 48G ram server for the alignment. It took about 2 to 3 hours aligning 3G PacBio Reads to 10^6 sequences of short read contigs with a mean 3.5kbp length.</i>