bioconductor v3.9.0 BSgenome
Infrastructure shared by all the Biostrings-based genome data
Link to this section Summary
Class "BSParams"
The BSgenomeForge functions
BSgenomeViews objects
BSgenome objects
BSgenome utilities
SNPlocs objects
XtraSNPlocs objects
Find available/installed genomes
Export a BSgenome object as a FASTA or twoBit file
getSeq methods for BSgenome and XStringSet objects
SNP injection
Link to this section Functions
Class "BSParams"
A parameter class for representing all parameters needed for running
the bsapply
Marc Carlson
The BSgenomeForge functions
A set of functions for making a BSgenome data package.
## Top-level BSgenomeForge function:
forgeBSgenomeDataPkg(x, seqs_srcdir=".", destdir=".", verbose=TRUE)
## Low-level BSgenomeForge functions:
forgeSeqlengthsFile(seqnames, prefix="", suffix=".fa",
seqs_srcdir=".", seqs_destdir=".", verbose=TRUE)
forgeSeqFiles(seqnames, mseqnames=NULL,
seqfile_name=NA, prefix="", suffix=".fa",
seqs_srcdir=".", seqs_destdir=".",
ondisk_seq_format=c("2bit", "rda", "fa.rz", "fa"),
forgeMasksFiles(seqnames, nmask_per_seq,
ondisk_seq_format=c("2bit", "rda", "fa.rz", "fa"),
masks_srcdir=".", masks_destdir=".",
AGAPSfiles_type="gap", AGAPSfiles_name=NA,
AGAPSfiles_prefix="", AGAPSfiles_suffix="_gap.txt",
RMfiles_name=NA, RMfiles_prefix="", RMfiles_suffix=".fa.out",
TRFfiles_name=NA, TRFfiles_prefix="", TRFfiles_suffix=".bed",
Argument | Description |
x | A BSgenomeDataPkgSeed object or the name of a BSgenome data package seed file. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
seqs_srcdir, masks_srcdir | Single strings indicating the path to the source directories i.e. to the directories containing the source data files. Only read access to these directories is needed. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
destdir | A single string indicating the path to the directory where the source tree of the target package should be created. This directory must already exist. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
ondisk_seq_format | Specifies how the single sequences should be stored in the forged package. Can be "2bit" , "rda" , "fa.rz" , or "fa" . If "2bit" (the default), then all the single sequences are stored in a single twoBit file. If "rda" , then each single sequence is stored in a separated serialized XString object (one per single sequence). If "fa.rz" or "fa" , then all the single sequences are stored in a single FASTA file (compressed in the RAZip format if "fa.rz" ). |
verbose | TRUE or FALSE . |
seqnames, mseqnames | A character vector containing the names of the single (for seqnames ) and multiple (for mseqnames ) sequences to forge. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
seqfile_name, prefix, suffix | See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information, in particular the description of the seqfile_name , seqfiles_prefix and seqfiles_suffix fields of a BSgenome data package seed file. |
seqs_destdir, masks_destdir | During the forging process the source data files are converted into serialized Biostrings objects. seqs_destdir and masks_destdir must be single strings indicating the path to the directories where these serialized objects should be saved. These directories must already exist. forgeSeqlengthsFile will produce a single .rda file. Both forgeSeqFiles and forgeMasksFiles will produce one .rda file per sequence. |
nmask_per_seq | A single integer indicating the desired number of masks per sequence. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
AGAPSfiles_type, AGAPSfiles_name, AGAPSfiles_prefix, AGAPSfiles_suffix, |
| These arguments are named accordingly to the corresponding fields of a BSgenome data package seed file. See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package for more information. |
These functions are intended for Bioconductor users who want to make a new
BSgenome data package, not for regular users of these packages.
See the BSgenomeForge vignette in this package
( vignette("BSgenomeForge")
) for an extensive coverage
of this topic.
H. Pagès
seqs_srcdir <- system.file("extdata", package="BSgenome")
seqnames <- c("chrX", "chrM")
## Forge .rda sequence files:
forgeSeqFiles(seqnames, prefix="ce2", suffix=".fa.gz",
seqs_destdir=tempdir(), ondisk_seq_format="rda")
## Forge .2bit sequence files:
forgeSeqFiles(seqnames, prefix="ce2", suffix=".fa.gz",
seqs_destdir=tempdir(), ondisk_seq_format="2bit")
## Sanity checks:
genome <- BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2
load(file.path(tempdir(), "chrX.rda"))
stopifnot(genome$chrX == chrX)
load(file.path(tempdir(), "chrM.rda"))
stopifnot(genome$chrM == chrM)
ce2_sequences <- import(file.path(tempdir(), "single_sequences.2bit"))
ce2_sequences0 <- DNAStringSet(list(chrX=genome$chrX, chrM=genome$chrM))
stopifnot(identical(names(ce2_sequences0), names(ce2_sequences)) &&
all(ce2_sequences0 == ce2_sequences))
BSgenomeViews objects
The BSgenomeViews class is a container for storing a set of genomic positions on a BSgenome object, called the "subject" in this context.
## Constructor
## ------------
BSgenomeViews(subject, granges)
## Accessors
## ---------
list(list("subject"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("granges"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, use.mcols=FALSE)
list(list("length"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("names"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("seqnames"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("start"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("end"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("width"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("ranges"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, use.mcols=FALSE)
list(list("elementNROWS"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("seqinfo"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
## DNAStringSet methods
## --------------------
list(list("seqtype"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("nchar"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE)
list(list("unlist"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, recursive=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
list(list("alphabetFrequency"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, as.prob=FALSE, collapse=FALSE, baseOnly=FALSE)
list(list("hasOnlyBaseLetters"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
list(list("uniqueLetters"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x)
|list(list("letterFrequency"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, letters, OR="|", as.prob=FALSE, collapse=FALSE)|
list(list("oligonucleotideFrequency"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, width, step=1,
as.prob=FALSE, as.array=FALSE,
fast.moving.side="right", with.labels=TRUE,"matrix")
list(list("nucleotideFrequencyAt"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, at, as.prob=FALSE, as.array=TRUE,
fast.moving.side="right", with.labels=TRUE)
list(list("consensusMatrix"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, as.prob=FALSE, shift=0L, width=NULL, baseOnly=FALSE)
list(list("consensusString"), list("BSgenomeViews"))(x, ambiguityMap=IUPAC_CODE_MAP, threshold=0.25,
shift=0L, width=NULL)
Argument | Description |
subject | A BSgenome object or the name of a reference genome specified in a way that is accepted by the getBSgenome function. In that case the corresponding BSgenome data package needs to be already installed (see ? for the details). |
granges | A GRanges object containing ranges relative to the genomic sequences stored in subject . |
x | A BSgenomeViews object. |
use.mcols | TRUE or FALSE (the default). Whether the metadata columns on x (accessible with mcols(x) ) should be propagated to the returned object or not. |
type, allowNA, recursive, use.names | Ignored. |
as.prob, letters, OR, width | See ? and ? in the Biostrings package. |
collapse, baseOnly | See ? in the Biostrings package. |
step, as.array, fast.moving.side, with.labels,, at | See ? in the Biostrings package. |
shift, ambiguityMap, threshold | See ? in the Biostrings package. |
The BSgenome class.
The GRanges class in the GenomicRanges package.
The DNAStringSet class in the Biostrings package.
The seqinfo and related getters in the GenomeInfoDb package for getting the sequence information stored in an object.
TxDb objects in the GenomicFeatures package.
H. Pagès
genome <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
txdb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
ex <- exons(txdb, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_name", "gene_id"))
v <- Views(genome, ex)
as(v, "DNAStringSet")
v10 <- v[1:10] # select the first 10 views
subject(v10) # same as subject(v)
seqinfo(v10) # same as seqinfo(v)
as(v10, "DNAStringSet")
alphabetFrequency(v10, collapse=TRUE)
v12 <- v[width(v) <= 12] # select the views of 12 nucleotides or less
## BSgenomeViews objects are list-like objects. That is, the
## BSgenomeViews class derives from List and typical list/List
## operations (e.g. [[, elementNROWS(), unlist(), elementType(),
## etc...) work on these objects:
is(v12, "List") # TRUE
head(elementNROWS(v12)) # elementNROWS(v) is the same as width(v)
BSgenome objects
The BSgenome class is a container for storing the full genome sequences
of a given organism. BSgenome objects are usually made in advance by
a volunteer and made available to the Bioconductor community as
"BSgenome data packages".
See ?
for how to get the list of
"BSgenome data packages" curently available.
GenomeDescription-class ,
BSgenome-utils ,
DNAString-class ,
DNAStringSet-class ,
MaskedDNAString-class ,
subseq,XVector-method ,
H. Pagès
## Loading a BSgenome data package doesn't load its sequences
## into memory:
## Number of sequences in this genome:
## Display a summary of the sequences:
## Index of single sequences:
## Lengths (i.e. number of nucleotides) of the single sequences:
## Load chromosome I from disk to memory (hence takes some time)
## and keep a reference to it:
chrI <- Celegans[["chrI"]] # equivalent to Celegans$chrI
class(chrI) # a DNAString instance
length(chrI) # with 15080483 nucleotides
## Single sequence can be renamed:
seqnames(Celegans) <- sub("^chr", "", seqnames(Celegans))
seqnames(Celegans) <- paste0("chr", seqnames(Celegans))
## Multiple sequences:
rn5 <- BSgenome.Rnorvegicus.UCSC.rn5
rn5_chr1 <- rn5$chr1
rn5_random <- Rnorvegicus$random
class(rn5_random) # a DNAStringSet instance
## Character vector containing the description lines of the first
## 4 sequences in the original FASTA file:
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## We want a message to be printed each time a sequence is removed
## from the cache:
gc() # nothing seems to be removed from the cache
rm(rn5_chr1, rn5_random)
gc() # rn5_chr1 and rn5_random are removed from the cache (they are
# not in use anymore)
## Get the current amount of data in memory (in Mb):
mem0 <- gc()["Vcells", "(Mb)"]
system.time(rn5_chr2 <- rn5$chr2) # read from disk
gc()["Vcells", "(Mb)"] - mem0 # 'rn5_chr2' occupies 20Mb in memory
system.time(tmp <- rn5$chr2) # much faster! (sequence
# is in the cache)
gc()["Vcells", "(Mb)"] - mem0 # we're still using 20Mb (sequences
# have a pass-by-address semantic
# i.e. the sequence data are not
# duplicated)
## subseq() doesn't copy the sequence data either, hence it is very
## fast and memory efficient (but the returned object will hold a
## reference to 'rn5_chr2'):
y <- subseq(rn5_chr2, 10, 8000000)
gc()["Vcells", "(Mb)"] - mem0
## We must remove all references to 'rn5_chr2' before it can be
## removed from the cache (so the 20Mb of memory used by this
## sequence are freed):
rm(rn5_chr2, tmp)
## Remember that 'y' holds a reference to 'rn5_chr2' too:
gc()["Vcells", "(Mb)"] - mem0
BSgenome utilities
Utilities for BSgenome objects.
list(list("matchPWM"), list("BSgenome"))(pwm, subject, min.score = "80%", exclude = "",
maskList = logical(0))
list(list("countPWM"), list("BSgenome"))(pwm, subject, min.score = "80%", exclude = "",
maskList = logical(0))
list(list("vmatchPattern"), list("BSgenome"))(pattern, subject, max.mismatch = 0, min.mismatch = 0,
with.indels = FALSE, fixed = TRUE, algorithm = "auto",
exclude = "", maskList = logical(0), userMask =
IRangesList(), invertUserMask = FALSE)
list(list("vcountPattern"), list("BSgenome"))(pattern, subject, max.mismatch = 0, min.mismatch = 0,
with.indels = FALSE, fixed = TRUE, algorithm = "auto",
exclude = "", maskList = logical(0), userMask =
IRangesList(), invertUserMask = FALSE)
list(list("vmatchPDict"), list("BSgenome"))(pdict, subject, max.mismatch = 0, min.mismatch = 0,
fixed = TRUE, algorithm = "auto", verbose = FALSE,
exclude = "", maskList = logical(0))
list(list("vcountPDict"), list("BSgenome"))(pdict, subject, max.mismatch = 0, min.mismatch = 0,
fixed = TRUE, algorithm = "auto", collapse = FALSE,
weight = 1L, verbose = FALSE, exclude = "", maskList = logical(0))
Argument | Description |
pwm | A numeric matrix with row names A, C, G and T representing a Position Weight Matrix. |
pattern | A DNAString object containing the pattern sequence. |
pdict | A DNAStringSet object containing the pattern sequences. |
subject | A BSgenome object containing the subject sequences. |
min.score | The minimum score for counting a match. Can be given as a character string containing a percentage (e.g. "85%" ) of the highest possible score or as a single number. |
max.mismatch, min.mismatch | The maximum and minimum number of mismatching letters allowed (see `?`` for the details). If non-zero, an inexact matching algorithm is used. |
with.indels | If TRUE then indels are allowed. In that case, min.mismatch must be 0 and max.mismatch is interpreted as the maximum "edit distance" allowed between any pattern and any of its matches (see `?`` for the details). |
fixed | If FALSE then IUPAC extended letters are interpreted as ambiguities (see `?`` for the details). |
algorithm | For vmatchPattern and vcountPattern one of the following: "auto" , "naive-exact" , "naive-inexact" , "boyer-moore" , "shift-or" , or "indels" . For vmatchPDict and vcountPDict one of the following: "auto" , "naive-exact" , "naive-inexact" , "boyer-moore" , or "shift-or" . |
collapse, weight | ignored arguments. |
verbose | TRUE or FALSE . |
exclude | A character vector with strings that will be used to filter out chromosomes whose names match these strings. |
maskList | A named logical vector of maskStates preferred when used with a BSGenome object. When using the bsapply function, the masks will be set to the states in this vector. |
userMask | An IntegerRangesList , containing a mask to be applied to each chromosome. See bsapply . |
invertUserMask | Whether the userMask should be inverted. |
A GRanges object for matchPWM
with two
elementMetadata columns: "score" (numeric), and "string" (DNAStringSet).
A GRanges object for vmatchPattern
A GRanges object for vmatchPDict
one elementMetadata column: "index", which represents a mapping to a
position in the original pattern dictionary.
A data.frame object for countPWM
and vcountPattern
with three columns: "seqname" (factor), "strand" (factor), and
"count" (integer).
A DataFrame object for vcountPDict
with four
columns: "seqname" ('factor' Rle), "strand" ('factor' Rle),
"index" (integer) and "count" ('integer' Rle). As with vmatchPDict
the index column represents a mapping to a position in the original
pattern dictionary.
P. Aboyoun
pwm <- PWM(HNF4alpha)
matchPWM(pwm, Celegans)
countPWM(pwm, Celegans)
pattern <- consensusString(HNF4alpha)
vmatchPattern(pattern, Celegans, fixed = "subject")
vcountPattern(pattern, Celegans, fixed = "subject")
vmatchPDict(HNF4alpha[1:10], Celegans)
vcountPDict(HNF4alpha[1:10], Celegans)
SNPlocs objects
The SNPlocs class is a container for storing known SNP locations (of class list("snp") ) for a given organism.
SNPlocs objects are usually made in advance by a volunteer and made
available to the Bioconductor community as list("SNPlocs data packages") .
See ?
for how to get the list of
list("SNPlocs and ", list("XtraSNPlocs"), " data packages") curently available.
The main focus of this man page is on how to extract SNPs from an SNPlocs object.
snpsBySeqname(x, seqnames, ...)
list(list("snpsBySeqname"), list("SNPlocs"))(x, seqnames,
snpsByOverlaps(x, ranges, ...)
list(list("snpsByOverlaps"), list("SNPlocs"))(x, ranges,, ...)
snpsById(x, ids, ...)
list(list("snpsById"), list("SNPlocs"))(x, ids, ifnotfound=c("error", "warning", "drop"))
Argument | Description |
x | A SNPlocs object. |
seqnames | The names of the sequences for which to get SNPs. Must be a subset of seqlevels(x) . NAs and duplicates are not allowed. |
... | Additional arguments, for use in specific methods. Arguments passed to the snpsByOverlaps method for SNPlocs objects thru ... are used internally in the call to subsetByOverlaps . See ?IRanges:: in the IRanges package and ?GenomicRanges:: in the GenomicRanges package for more information about the subsetByOverlaps() generic and its method for GenomicRanges objects. | | Should the rs prefix be dropped from the returned RefSNP ids? (RefSNP ids are stored in the RefSNP_id metadata column of the returned object.) |
ranges | One or more genomic regions of interest specified as a GRanges or GPos object. A single region of interest can be specified as a character string of the form "ch14:5201-5300" . |
ids | The RefSNP ids to look up (a.k.a. rs ids). Can be integer or character vector, with or without the "rs" prefix. NAs are not allowed. |
ifnotfound | What to do if SNP ids are not found. |
returns a named integer vector containing the number
of SNPs for each sequence in the reference genome.
, snpsByOverlaps
, and snpsById
an unstranded GPos object with 1 element
(genomic position) per SNP and the following metadata columns:
: RefSNP ID (aka "rs id"). Character vector with no NAs and no duplicates.alleles_as_ambig
: A character vector with no NAs containing the alleles for each SNP represented by an IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity code. See?
in the Biostrings package for more information. The alleles are always reported with respect to the positive strand.
Note that this GPos object is unstranded i.e. all the SNPs in it have their strand set to"*"
If ifnotfound="error"
, the object returned by snpsById
is guaranteed to be parallel to ids
, that is, the i-th
element in the GPos object corresponds to the
i-th element in ids
XtraSNPlocs packages and objects for molecular variations of class other than snp e.g. of class in-del , heterozygous , microsatellite , etc...
in the IRanges package andGenomicRanges::
in the GenomicRanges package for more information about thesubsetByOverlaps()
generic and its method for GenomicRanges objects.IUPAC_CODE_MAP
in the Biostrings package.
H. Pagès
snps <- SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh38
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsBySeqname()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get all SNPs located on chromosome 22 or MT:
snpsBySeqname(snps, c("22", "MT"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsByOverlaps()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get all SNPs overlapping some genomic region of interest:
snpsByOverlaps(snps, "22:33.63e6-33.64e6")
## With the regions of interest being all the known CDS for hg38
## located on chromosome 22 or MT (except for the chromosome naming
## convention, hg38 is the same as GRCh38):
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
my_cds <- cds(txdb)
seqlevels(my_cds, pruning.mode="coarse") <- c("chr22", "chrM")
seqlevelsStyle(my_cds) # UCSC
seqlevelsStyle(snps) # NCBI
seqlevelsStyle(my_cds) <- seqlevelsStyle(snps)
genome(my_cds) <- genome(snps)
my_snps <- snpsByOverlaps(snps, my_cds)
table(my_snps %within% my_cds)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsById()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Lookup some RefSNP ids:
my_rsids <- c("rs10458597", "rs12565286", "rs7553394")
snpsById(snps, my_rsids) # error, rs7553394 not found
## The following example uses more than 2GB of memory, which is more
## than what 32-bit Windows can handle:
is_32bit_windows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" &&
.Platform$r_arch == "i386"
if (!is_32bit_windows) {
snpsById(snps, my_rsids, ifnotfound="drop")
XtraSNPlocs objects
The XtraSNPlocs class is a container for storing extra SNP locations and alleles for a given organism. While a SNPlocs object can store only molecular variations of class list("snp") , an XtraSNPlocs object contains molecular variations of other classes ( list("in-del") , list("heterozygous") , list("microsatellite") , list("named-locus") , list("no-variation") , list("mixed") , list("multinucleotide-polymorphism") ).
XtraSNPlocs objects are usually made in advance by a volunteer and made
available to the Bioconductor community as list("XtraSNPlocs data packages") .
See ?
for how to get the list of
list(list("SNPlocs"), " and XtraSNPlocs data packages") curently available.
The main focus of this man page is on how to extract SNPs from an XtraSNPlocs object.
list(list("snpcount"), list("XtraSNPlocs"))(x)
list(list("snpsBySeqname"), list("XtraSNPlocs"))(x, seqnames,
columns=c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "RefSNP_id"),, as.DataFrame=FALSE)
list(list("snpsByOverlaps"), list("XtraSNPlocs"))(x, ranges,
columns=c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "RefSNP_id"),, as.DataFrame=FALSE, ...)
list(list("snpsById"), list("XtraSNPlocs"))(x, ids,
columns=c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "RefSNP_id"),
ifnotfound=c("error", "warning", "drop"), as.DataFrame=FALSE)
list(list("colnames"), list("XtraSNPlocs"))(x, do.NULL=TRUE, prefix="col")
Argument | Description |
x | An XtraSNPlocs object. |
seqnames | The names of the sequences for which to get SNPs. NAs and duplicates are not allowed. The supplied seqnames must be a subset of seqlevels(x) . |
columns | The names of the columns to return. Valid column names are: seqnames , start , end , width , strand , RefSNP_id , alleles , snpClass , loctype . See Details section below for a description of these columns. | | Should the rs prefix be dropped from the returned RefSNP ids? (RefSNP ids are stored in the RefSNP_id metadata column of the returned object.) |
as.DataFrame | Should the result be returned in a DataFrame instead of a GRanges object? |
ranges | One or more regions of interest specified as a GRanges object. A single region of interest can be specified as a character string of the form "ch14:5201-5300" . |
... | Additional arguments, for use in specific methods. Arguments passed to the snpsByOverlaps method for XtraSNPlocs objects thru ... are used internally in the call to subsetByOverlaps . See ?IRanges:: in the IRanges package and ?GenomicRanges:: in the GenomicRanges package for more information about the subsetByOverlaps() generic and its method for GenomicRanges objects. |
ids | The RefSNP ids to look up (a.k.a. rs ids ). Can be integer or character vector, with or without the "rs" prefix. NAs are not allowed. |
ifnotfound | What to do if SNP ids are not found. |
do.NULL, prefix | These arguments are ignored. |
returns a named integer vector containing the number
of SNPs for each chromosome in the reference genome.
and snpsById
both return a
GRanges object with 1 element per SNP,
unless as.DataFrame
is set to TRUE
in which case they
return a DataFrame with 1 row per SNP.
When a GRanges object is returned, the columns
requested via the columns
argument are stored as metada columns
of the object, except for the following columns: seqnames
, end
, width
, and strand
These "spatial columns" (in the sense that they describe the genomic
locations of the SNPs) can be accessed by calling the corresponding
getter on the GRanges object.
Summary of available columns ( my_snps
being the returned object):
: The name of the chromosome where each SNP is located. Access withseqnames(my_snps)
is a GRanges object.start
: The starting and ending coordinates of each SNP with respect to the chromosome indicated inseqnames
. Coordinated are 1-based and with respect to the 5' end of the plus strand of the chromosome in the reference genome. Access withstart(my_snps)
, orranges(my_snps)
is a GRanges object.width
: The number of nucleotides spanned by each SNP on the reference genome (e.g. a width of 0 means the SNP is an insertion). Access withwidth( my_snps)
is a GRanges object.strand
: The strand that the alleles of each SNP was reported to. Access withstrand(my_snps)
is a GRanges object.RefSNP_id
: The RefSNP id (a.k.a. rs id ) of each SNP. Access withmcols(my_snps)$RefSNP_id
is a GRanges object.alleles
: The alleles of each SNP in the format used by dbSNP. Access withmcols(my_snps)$alleles
is a GRanges object.snpClass
: Class of each SNP. Possible values arein-del
, andmultinucleotide-polymorphism
. Access withmcols(my_snps)$snpClass
is a GRanges object.loctype
: See for the 6 loctype codes used by dbSNP, and their meanings. WARNING: The code assigned to each SNP doesn't seem to be reliable. For example, loctype codes 1 and 3 officially stand for insertion and deletion, respectively. However, when looking at the SNP ranges it actually seems to be the other way around. Access withmcols(my_snps)$loctype
is a GRanges object.colnames(x)
returns the names of the available columns.
GRanges objects in the GenomicRanges package.
SNPlocs packages and objects for molecular variations of class snp .
H. Pagès
snps <- XtraSNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh38
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsBySeqname()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location, RefSNP id, and alleles for all "extra SNPs"
## located on chromosome 22 or MT:
snpsBySeqname(snps, c("ch22", "chMT"), columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsByOverlaps()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location, RefSNP id, and alleles for all "extra SNPs"
## overlapping some regions of interest:
snpsByOverlaps(snps, "ch22:33.63e6-33.64e6",
columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## With the regions of interest being all the known CDS for hg38
## (except for the chromosome naming convention, hg38 is the same
## as GRCh38):
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
hg38_cds <- cds(txdb)
seqlevelsStyle(hg38_cds) # UCSC
seqlevelsStyle(snps) # dbSNP
seqlevelsStyle(hg38_cds) <- seqlevelsStyle(snps)
genome(hg38_cds) <- genome(snps)
snpsByOverlaps(snps, hg38_cds, columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsById()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location and alleles for some RefSNP ids:
my_rsids <- c("rs367617508", "rs398104919", "rs3831697", "rs372470289",
"rs141568169", "rs34628976", "rs67551854")
snpsById(snps, my_rsids, c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## See ?XtraSNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh38 for more examples of using
## snpsBySeqname() and snpsById().
Find available/installed genomes
gets the list of BSgenome data packages that
are available in the Bioconductor repositories for your version of
gets the list of BSgenome data packages that
are currently installed on your system.
searchs the installed BSgenome data packages for the
specified genome and returns it as a BSgenome object.
available.genomes(splitNameParts=FALSE, type=getOption("pkgType"))
getBSgenome(genome, masked=FALSE)
Argument | Description |
splitNameParts | Whether to split or not the package names in parts. In that case the result is returned in a data frame with 5 columns. |
type | Character string indicating the type of package ( "source" , "mac.binary" or "win.binary" ) to look for. |
genome | A BSgenome object, or the full name of an installed BSgenome data package, or a short string specifying a genome assembly (a.k.a. provider version) that refers unambiguously to an installed BSgenome data package. |
masked | TRUE or FALSE . Whether to search for the masked BSgenome object (i.e. the object that contains the masked sequences) or not (the default). |
A BSgenome data package contains the full genome sequences for a given organism.
Its name typically has 4 parts (5 parts if it's a masked BSgenome
data package i.e. if it contains masked sequences) separated by a dot
e.g. BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
The 1st part is always
.The 2nd part is the name of the organism in abbreviated form e.g.
, etc...The 3rd part is the name of the organisation who provided the genome sequences. We formally refer to it as the provider of the genome. E.g.
, etc...The 4th part is the release string or number used by this organisation for this particular genome assembly. We formally refer to it as the provider version of the genome. E.g.
, etc...If the package contains masked sequences, its name has the
suffix added to it, which is typically the 5th part.
A BSgenome data package contains a single top-level object (a BSgenome object) named like the package itself that can be used to access the genome sequences.
For available.genomes
and installed.genomes
: by default
(i.e. if splitNameParts=FALSE
), a character vector containing
the names of the BSgenome data packages that are available (for
) or currently installed (for
). If splitNameParts=TRUE
, the list of
packages is returned in a data frame with one row per package and the
following columns: pkgname
(character), organism
(factor), provider_version
(character), and
For getBSgenome
: the BSgenome object containing the sequences
for the specified genome. Or an error if the object cannot be found in the
BSgenome data packages currently installed.
BSgenome objects.
H. Pagès
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## available.genomes() and installed.genomes()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# What genomes are currently installed:
# What genomes are available:
# Split the package names in parts:
av_gen <- available.genomes(splitNameParts=TRUE)
# Make your choice and install with:
if (interactive()) {
if (!require("BiocManager"))
# Have a coffee 8-)
# Load the package and display the index of sequences for this genome:
Scerevisiae # same as BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer1
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## getBSgenome()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Specify the full name of an installed BSgenome data package:
genome <- getBSgenome("BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2")
## Specify a genome assembly (a.k.a. provider version):
genome <- getBSgenome("hg38")
class(genome) # BSgenome object
genome <- getBSgenome("hg38", masked=TRUE)
class(genome) # MaskedBSgenome object
Apply a function to each chromosome in a genome.
bsapply(BSParams, ...)
Argument | Description |
BSParams | a BSParams object that holds the various parameters needed to configure the bsapply function |
... | optional arguments to 'FUN'. |
By default the exclude parameter is set to not exclude anything. A popular option will probably be to set this to "rand" so that random bits of unassigned contigs are filtered out.
If BSParams
sets simplify=FALSE
, an ordinary list is returned
containing the results generated using the remaining BSParams specifications.
If BSParams
sets simplify=TRUE
, an sapply
simplification is performed on the results.
BSParams-class , BSgenome-class , BSgenome-utils
Marc Carlson
## Load the Worm genome:
## Count the alphabet frequencies for every chromosome but exclude
## mitochrondrial and scaffold ones:
params <- new("BSParams", X = Celegans, FUN = alphabetFrequency,
exclude = c("M", "_"))
## Or we can do this same function with simplify = TRUE:
params <- new("BSParams", X = Celegans, FUN = alphabetFrequency,
exclude = c("M", "_"), simplify = TRUE)
## Examples to show how we might look for a string (in this case an
## ebox motif) across the whole genome.
Ebox <- DNAStringSet("CACGTG")
pdict0 <- PDict(Ebox)
params <- new("BSParams", X = Celegans, FUN = countPDict, simplify = TRUE)
bsapply(params, pdict = pdict0)
params@FUN <- matchPDict
bsapply(params, pdict = pdict0)
## And since its really overkill to use matchPDict to find a single pattern:
params@FUN <- matchPattern
bsapply(params, pattern = "CACGTG")
## Examples on how to use the masks
genome <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.masked
## I can make things verbose if I want to see the chromosomes getting processed.
## For the 1st example, lets use default masks
params <- new("BSParams", X = genome, FUN = alphabetFrequency,
exclude = c(1:8,"M","X","_"), simplify = TRUE)
if (interactive()) {
## Set up the motifList to filter out all double T's and all double C's
params@motifList <-c("TT","CC")
## Get rid of the motifList
##Enable all standard masks
params@maskList <- c(RM=TRUE,TRF=TRUE)
##Disable all standard masks
params@maskList <- c(AGAPS=FALSE,AMB=FALSE)
Export a BSgenome object as a FASTA or twoBit file
methods for BSgenome objects.
NOTE: The export
generic function and most of
its methods are defined and documented in the rtracklayer package.
This man page only documents the 2 export
methods define in the BSgenome package.
list(list("export"), list("BSgenome,FastaFile,ANY"))(object, con, format, compress=FALSE, compression_level=NA, verbose=TRUE)
list(list("export"), list("BSgenome,TwoBitFile,ANY"))(object, con, format, ...)
Argument | Description |
object | The BSgenome object to export. |
con | A FastaFile or TwoBitFile object. Alternatively con can be a single string containing the path to a FASTA or twoBit file, in which case either the file extension or the format argument needs to be "fasta" , "twoBit" , or "2bit" . Also note that in this case, the export method that is called is either the method with signature c("ANY", "character", "missing") or the method with signature c("ANY", "character", "character") , both defined in the rtracklayer package. If object is a BSgenome object and the file extension or the format argument is "fasta" , "twoBit" , or "2bit" , then the flow eventually reaches one of 2 methods documented here. |
format | If not missing, should be "fasta" , "twoBit" , or "2bit" (case insensitive for "twoBit" and "2bit" ). |
compress, compression_level | Forwarded to writeXStringSet . See ? for the details. |
verbose | Whether or not the function should display progress. TRUE by default. |
... | Extra arguments. The method for TwoBitFile objects forwards them to bsapply . |
BSgenome objects.
generic, and FastaFile and TwoBitFile objects in the rtracklayer package.
Michael Lawrence
genome <- BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2
## Export as FASTA file.
out1_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "Celegans.fasta")
export(genome, out1_file)
## Export as twoBit file.
out2_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "Celegans.2bit")
export(genome, out2_file)
## Sanity checks:
dna0 <- DNAStringSet(as.list(genome))
system.time(dna1 <- import(out1_file))
stopifnot(identical(names(dna0), names(dna1)) && all(dna0 == dna1))
system.time(dna2 <- import(out2_file)) # importing twoBit is 10-20x
# faster than importing non
# compressed FASTA
stopifnot(identical(names(dna0), names(dna2)) && all(dna0 == dna2))
getSeq methods for BSgenome and XStringSet objects
methods for extracting a set of
sequences (or subsequences) from a BSgenome or
XStringSet object. For XStringSets, there are also
convenience methods on [
that delegate to getSeq
list(list("getSeq"), list("BSgenome"))(x, names, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA,
strand="+", as.character=FALSE)
list(list("getSeq"), list("XStringSet"))(x, names)
Argument | Description |
x | A BSgenome or XStringSet object. See the available.genomes function for how to install a genome. |
names | When x is a BSgenome , names must be a character vector containing the names of the sequences in x where to get the subsequences from, or a GRanges object, or a GRangesList object, or a named IntegerRangesList object, or a named IntegerRanges object. The IntegerRangesList or IntegerRanges object must be named according to the sequences in x where to get the subsequences from. If names is missing, then seqnames(x) is used. See ?`` for details on how to get the lists of single sequences and multiple sequences (respectively) contained in a [BSgenome](#bsgenome) object. When xis a [XStringSet](#xstringset) object, names` must be a character vector, GRanges or GRangesList object. |
start, end, width | Vector of integers (eventually with NAs) specifying the locations of the subsequences to extract. These are not needed (and it's an error to supply them) when names is a GRanges , GRangesList , IntegerRangesList , or IntegerRanges object. |
strand | A vector containing "+" s or/and "-" s. This is not needed (and it's an error to supply it) when names is a GRanges or GRangesList object. |
as.character | TRUE or FALSE . Should the extracted sequences be returned in a standard character vector? |
... | Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.) |
L, the number of sequences to extract, is determined as follow:
is a GRanges or IntegerRanges object then L =length(names)
is a GRangesList or IntegerRangesList object then L =length(unlist(names))
.Otherwise, L is the length of the longest of
and all these arguments are recycled to this length.NA
s and negative values in these 3 arguments are solved according to the rules of the SEW (Start/End/Width) interface (see?
for the details).
If names
is neither a GRanges or
GRangesList object, then the strand
argument is also recycled to length L.
Here is how the names passed to the names
argument are matched
to the names of the sequences in BSgenome object x
For each name
in names
(1): If
contains a single sequence with that name then this sequence is used for extraction;(2): Otherwise the names of all the elements in all the multiple sequences are searched. If the
argument is a character vector thenname
is treated as a regular expression andgrep
is used for this search, otherwise (i.e. when the names are supplied via a higher level object like GRanges or GRangesList ) thenname
must match exactly the name of the sequence. If exactly 1 sequence is found, then it is used for extraction, otherwise (i.e. if no sequence or more than 1 sequence is found) then an error is raised.
There are convenience methods for extracting sequences from
XStringSet objects using a
GenomicRanges or GRangesList
subscript (character subscripts are implicitly supported). Both methods
are simple wrappers around getSeq
, although the GRangesList method
differs from the getSeq
behavior in that the within-element results
are concatenated and returned as an XStringSet, rather than an
XStringSetList. See the examples.
Normally a DNAStringSet object (or character vector
if as.character=TRUE
With the 2 following exceptions:
A DNAStringSetList object (or CharacterList object if
) of the same shape asnames
is a GRangesList object.A DNAString object (or single character string if
) if L = 1 andnames
is not a GRanges , GRangesList , IntegerRangesList , or IntegerRanges object.
BSgenome-class ,
DNAString-class ,
DNAStringSet-class ,
MaskedDNAString-class ,
GRanges-class ,
GRangesList-class ,
IntegerRangesList-class ,
IntegerRanges-class ,
Be aware that using as.character=TRUE
can be very inefficient
when extracting a "big" amount of DNA sequences (e.g. millions of
short sequences or a small number of very long sequences).
Note that the masks in x
, if any, are always ignored. In other
words, masked regions in the genome are extracted in the same way as
unmasked regions (this is achieved by dropping the masks before extraction).
See `?`` for more
information about masked DNA sequences.
## Author
H. Pagès; improvements suggested by Matt Settles and others
## Examples
r ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A. SIMPLE EXAMPLES ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Load the Caenorhabditis elegans genome (UCSC Release ce2): library(BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2) ## Look at the index of sequences: Celegans ## Get chromosome V as a DNAString object: getSeq(Celegans, "chrV") ## which is in fact the same as doing: Celegans$chrV ## Never try this: getSeq(Celegans, "chrV", as.character=TRUE) ## or this (even worse): getSeq(Celegans, as.character=TRUE) ## Get the first 20 bases of each chromosome: getSeq(Celegans, end=20) ## Get the last 20 bases of each chromosome: getSeq(Celegans, start=-20) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## B. EXTRACTING SMALL SEQUENCES FROM DIFFERENT CHROMOSOMES ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- myseqs <- data.frame( chr=c("chrI", "chrX", "chrM", "chrM", "chrX", "chrI", "chrM", "chrI"), start=c(NA, -40, 8510, 301, 30001, 9220500, -2804, -30), end=c(50, NA, 8522, 324, 30011, 9220555, -2801, -11), strand=c("+", "-", "+", "+", "-", "-", "+", "-") ) getSeq(Celegans, myseqs$chr, start=myseqs$start, end=myseqs$end) getSeq(Celegans, myseqs$chr, start=myseqs$start, end=myseqs$end, strand=myseqs$strand) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## C. USING A GRanges OBJECT ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chrI", "chrI", "chrM"), ranges=IRanges(start=101:103, width=9)) gr1 # all strand values are "*" getSeq(Celegans, gr1) # treats strand values as if they were "+" strand(gr1)[] <- "-" getSeq(Celegans, gr1) strand(gr1)[1] <- "+" getSeq(Celegans, gr1) strand(gr1)[2] <- "*" if (interactive()) getSeq(Celegans, gr1) # Error: cannot mix "*" with other strand values gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chrM", "NM_058280_up_1000"), ranges=IRanges(start=103:102, width=9)) gr2 if (interactive()) { ## Because the sequence names are supplied via a GRanges object, they ## are not treated as regular expressions: getSeq(Celegans, gr2) # Error: sequence NM_058280_up_1000 not found } ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## D. USING A GRangesList OBJECT ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chrI", "chrII", "chrM", "chrII"), ranges=IRanges(start=101:104, width=12), strand="+") gr2 <- shift(gr1, 5) gr3 <- gr2 strand(gr3) <- "-" grl <- GRangesList(gr1, gr2, gr3) getSeq(Celegans, grl) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## E. EXTRACTING A HIGH NUMBER OF RANDOM 40-MERS FROM A GENOME ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- extractRandomReads <- function(x, density, readlength) { if (!is.integer(readlength)) readlength <- as.integer(readlength) start <- lapply(seqnames(x), function(name) { seqlength <- seqlengths(x)[name] sample(seqlength - readlength + 1L, seqlength * density, replace=TRUE) }) names <-, elementNROWS(start)) ranges <- IRanges(start=unlist(start), width=readlength) strand <- strand(sample(c("+", "-"), length(names), replace=TRUE)) gr <- GRanges(seqnames=names, ranges=ranges, strand=strand) getSeq(x, gr) } ## With a density of 1 read every 100 genome bases, the total number of ## extracted 40-mers is about 1 million: rndreads <- extractRandomReads(Celegans, 0.01, 40) ## Notes: ## - The short sequences in 'rndreads' can be seen as the result of a ## simulated high-throughput sequencing experiment. A non-realistic ## one though because: ## (a) It assumes that the underlying technology is perfect (the ## generated reads have no technology induced errors). ## (b) It assumes that the sequenced genome is exactly the same as ## the reference genome. ## (c) The simulated reads can contain IUPAC ambiguity letters only ## because the reference genome contains them. In a real ## high-throughput sequencing experiment, the sequenced genome ## of course doesn't contain those letters, but the sequencer ## can introduce them in the generated reads to indicate ## ambiguous base-calling. ## - Those reads are coming from the plus and minus strands of the ## chromosomes. ## - With a density of 0.01 and the reads being only 40-base long, the ## average coverage of the genome is only 0.4 which is low. The total ## number of reads is about 1 million and it takes less than 10 sec. ## to generate them. ## - A higher coverage can be achieved by using a higher density and/or ## longer reads. For example, with a density of 0.1 and 100-base reads ## the average coverage is 10. The total number of reads is about 10 ## millions and it takes less than 1 minute to generate them. ## - Those reads could easily be mapped back to the reference by using ## an efficient matching tool like matchPDict() for performing exact ## matching (see ?matchPDict for more information). Typically, a ## small percentage of the reads (4 to 5% in our case) will hit the ## reference at multiple locations. This is especially true for such ## short reads, and, in a lower proportion, is still true for longer ## reads, even for reads as long as 300 bases. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## F. SEE THE BSgenome CACHE IN ACTION ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- options(verbose=TRUE) first20 <- getSeq(Celegans, end=20) first20 gc() stopifnot(length(ls(Celegans@.seqs_cache)) == 0L) ## One more gc() call is needed in order to see the amount of memory in ## used after all the chromosomes have been removed from the cache: gc() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## G. USING '[' FOR CONVENIENT EXTRACTION ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- seqs <- getSeq(Celegans) seqs[gr1] seqs[grl]
SNP injection
Inject SNPs from a SNPlocs data package into a genome.
injectSNPs(x, snps)
list(list("snpcount"), list("BSgenome"))(x)
list(list("snplocs"), list("BSgenome"))(x, seqname, ...)
## Related utilities
Argument | Description |
x | A BSgenome object. |
snps | A SNPlocs object or the name of a SNPlocs data package. This object or package must contain SNP information for the single sequences contained in x . If a package, it must be already installed ( injectSNPs won't try to install it). |
seqname | The name of a single sequence in x . |
type | Character string indicating the type of package ( "source" , "mac.binary" or "win.binary" ) to look for. |
... | Further arguments to be passed to snplocs method for SNPlocs objects. |
returns a copy of the original genome x
where some
or all of the single sequences from x
are altered by injecting the
SNPs stored in snps
The SNPs in the altered genome are represented by an IUPAC ambiguity code
at each SNP location.
, snpcount
and snplocs
return NULL
if no SNPs were injected in x
(i.e. if x
is not a
BSgenome object returned by a previous call to injectSNPs
Otherwise SNPlocs_pkgname
returns the name of the package from
which the SNPs were injected, snpcount
the number of SNPs for each
altered sequence in x
, and snplocs
their locations in the
sequence whose name is specified by seqname
returns a character vector containing the names of the
SNPlocs and XtraSNPlocs data packages that are currently available on the
Bioconductor repositories for your version of R/Bioconductor.
A SNPlocs data package contains basic information (location and alleles)
about the known molecular variations of class snp for a given
A XtraSNPlocs data package contains information about the known molecular
variations of other classes ( in-del , heterozygous ,
microsatellite , named-locus , no-variation , mixed ,
multinucleotide-polymorphism ) for a given organism.
Only SNPlocs data packages can be used for SNP injection for now.
returns a character vector containing the names of
the SNPlocs and XtraSNPlocs data packages that are already installed.
BSgenome-class ,
, SNPlocs_pkgname
, snpcount
and snplocs
have the side effect to try to load the SNPlocs data package that was
specified thru the snps
argument if it's not already loaded.
H. Pagès
## What SNPlocs data packages are already installed:
## What SNPlocs data packages are available:
if (interactive()) {
## Make your choice and install with:
if (!require("BiocManager"))
## Inject SNPs from dbSNP into the Human genome:
genome <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.masked
genome2 <- injectSNPs(genome, "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh38")
genome2 # note the extra "with SNPs injected from ..." line
head(snplocs(genome2, "chr1"))
## Find runs of SNPs of length at least 25 in chr1. Might require
## more memory than some platforms can handle (e.g. 32-bit Windows
## and maybe some Mac OS X machines with little memory):
is_32bit_windows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" &&
.Platform$r_arch == "i386"
is_macosx <- substr(R.version$os, start=1, stop=6) == "darwin"
if (!is_32bit_windows && !is_macosx) {
chr1 <- injectHardMask(genome2$chr1)
ambiguous_letters <- paste(DNA_ALPHABET[5:15], collapse="")
lf <- letterFrequencyInSlidingView(chr1, 25, ambiguous_letters)
sl <- slice(as.integer(lf), lower=25)
v1 <- Views(chr1, start(sl), end(sl)+24)
max(width(v1)) # length of longest SNP run