bioconductor v3.9.0 BiocParallel

This package provides modified versions and novel

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Enable parallelization on batch systems

Enable parallelization on batch systems

BiocParallelParam objects

Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation

Developer interface

Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend

Enable multi-core parallel evaluation

Enable serial evaluation

Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation

Apply a function on subsets of data frames

Parallel iteration over an indeterminate number of data chunks

Parallel lapply-like functionality

Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation

Parallel mapply-like functionality

Resume computation with partial results

Schedule back-end Params

Try expression evaluation, recovering from bperror signals

Tools for developing functions for parallel execution in distributed memory

Parallel, vectorized evaluation

Transform vectorized functions into parallelized, vectorized function

Inter-process locks and counters

Maintain a global registry of available back-end Params

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Enable parallelization on batch systems


This class is used to parameterize scheduler options on managed high-performance computing clusters.


BatchJobsParam(workers, cleanup = TRUE, 
    work.dir = getwd(), stop.on.error = TRUE, seed = NULL,
    resources = NULL, conffile = NULL, cluster.functions = NULL, 
    progressbar = TRUE, jobname = "BPJOB",, work.dir=work.dir),, cluster.functions=cluster.functions),,


list()Addition arguments, currently not handled.


getClass("BiocParallelParam") for additional parameter classes.

register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.


Michel Lang,


p <- BatchJobsParam(progressbar=FALSE)
bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)

## see vignette for additional explanation
funs <- makeClusterFunctionsSLURM("~/slurm.tmpl")
param <- BatchJobsParam(4, cluster.functions=funs)
bplapply(1:10, function(i) sqrt)
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Enable parallelization on batch systems


This class is used to parameterize scheduler options on managed high-performance computing clusters using batchtools.

BatchtoolsParam() : Construct a BatchtoolsParam-class object.

batchtoolsWorkers() : Return the default number of workers for each backend.

batchtoolsTemplate() : Return the default template for each backend.

batchtoolsCluster() : Return the default cluster.

batchtoolsRegistryargs() : Create a list of arguments to be used in batchtools' makeRegistry ; see registryargs argument.


    workers = batchtoolsWorkers(cluster),
    cluster = batchtoolsCluster(),
    registryargs = batchtoolsRegistryargs(),
    saveregistry = FALSE,
    resources = list(),
    template = batchtoolsTemplate(cluster),
    stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NA_integer_,
    timeout = 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L, exportglobals=TRUE,
    log = FALSE, logdir = NA_character_, resultdir=NA_character_,
    jobname = "BPJOB"
batchtoolsWorkers(cluster = batchtoolsCluster())


resourcesnamed list()
list()name-value pairs


getClass("BiocParallelParam") for additional parameter classes.

register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.

The batchtools package.


Nitesh Turaga,


## Pi approximation
piApprox = function(n) {
nums = matrix(runif(2 * n), ncol = 2)
d = sqrt(nums[, 1]^2 + nums[, 2]^2)
4 * mean(d <= 1)


## Calculate piApprox 10 times
param <- BatchtoolsParam()
result <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param)

## see vignette for additional explanation
param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=5,
## Run parallel job
result = bplapply(rep(10e5, 100), piApprox, BPPARAM=param)

## bpmapply
param = BatchtoolsParam()
result = bpmapply(fun, x = 1:3, y = 1:3, MoreArgs = list(z = 1),

## bpvec
param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2)
result = bpvec(1:10, seq_along, BPPARAM=param)

## bpvectorize
param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2)
## this returns a function
bpseq_along = bpvectorize(seq_along, BPPARAM=param)
result = bpseq_along(1:10)

## bpiterate
ITER <- function(n=5) {
i <- 0L
function() {
i <<- i + 1L
if (i > n)
rep(i, n)

param <- BatchtoolsParam()
res <- bpiterate(ITER=ITER(), FUN=function(x,y) sum(x) + y, y=10, BPPARAM=param)

## save logs
logdir <- tempfile()
param <- BatchtoolsParam(log=TRUE, logdir=logdir)
res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param)

## save registry (should be used only for debugging)
file.dir <- tempfile()
registryargs <- batchtoolsRegistryargs(file.dir = file.dir)
param <- BatchtoolsParam(saveregistry = TRUE, registryargs = registryargs)
res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param)
dir(dirname(file.dir), basename(file.dir))
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BiocParallelParam objects


The BiocParallelParam virtual class stores configuration parameters for parallel execution. Concrete subclasses include SnowParam , MulticoreParam , BatchtoolsParam , and DoparParam and SerialParam .


BiocParallelParam is the virtual base class on which other parameter objects build. There are 5 concrete subclasses:

list(" ", " ", list(list(), list(list("SnowParam"), ": distributed memory computing")), " ", " ", list(list(), list(list("MulticoreParam"), ": shared memory computing")), " ", " ", list(list(), list(list("BatchtoolsParam"), ": scheduled cluster computing")), " ", " ", list(list(), list(list("DoparParam"), ": foreach computing")), " ", " ", list(list(), list(list("SerialParam"), ": non-parallel execution")), " ", " ")

The parameter objects hold configuration parameters related to the method of parallel execution such as shared memory, independent memory or computing with a cluster scheduler.



Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain.



## For examples see ?SnowParam, ?MulticoreParam, ?BatchtoolsParam
## and ?SerialParam.
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Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation


This package provides modified versions and novel implementation of functions for parallel evaluation, tailored to use with Bioconductor objects.


This package uses code from the parallel package,


Author: packageDescription("BiocParallel")$Author

Maintainer: packageDescription("BiocParallel")$Maintainer

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Developer interface


Functions documented on this page are meant for developers wishing to implement BPPARAM objects that extend the BiocParallelParam virtual class to support additional parallel back-ends.


## class extension
.prototype_update(prototype, ...)
## manager interface
.send_to(backend, node, value)
.send_all(backend, value)
## worker interface
.send(worker, value)
## supporting implementations
.bplapply_impl(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM = bpparam())
.bpiterate_impl(ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init, = FALSE,
    BPPARAM = bpparam())


prototypeA named list of default values for reference class fields.
xA BPPARAM instance.
backendAn object containing information about the cluster, returned by bpbackend(<BPPARAM>) .
workerThe object to which the worker communicates via .send and .recv . .close terminates the worker.
nodeAn integer value indicating the node in the backend to which values are to be sent or received.
valueAny R object, to be sent to or from workers.
X, ITER, FUN, REDUCE, init,, BPREDO, BPPARAMSee bplapply and bpiterate .
list()For .prototype_update() , name-value pairs to initialize derived and base class fields. For .bplapply_impl() , .bpiterate_impl() , additional arguments to FUN() ; see bplapply and bpiterate .


Start a BPPARM implementation by creating a reference class, e.g., extending the virtual class BiocParallelParam . Because of idiosyncracies in reference class field initialization, an instance of the class should be created by calling the generator returned by setRefClass() with a list of key-value pairs providing default parameteter arguments. The default values for the BiocParallelParam base class is provided in a list .BiocParallelParam_prototype , and the function .prototype_update() updates a prototype with new values, typically provided by the user. See the example below.

BPPARAM implementations need to implement bpstart() and bpstop() methods; they may also need to implement, bplapply() and bpiterate() methods. Each method usually performs implementation-specific functionality before calling the next (BiocParallelParam) method. To avoid the intricacies of multiple dispatch, the bodies of BiocParallelParam methods are available for direct use as exported symbols.

  • bpstart,BiocParallelParam-method ( .bpstart_impl() ) initiates logging, random number generation, and registration of finalizers to ensure that started clusters are stopped.

  • bpstop,BiocParallelParam-method ( .bpstop_impl() ) ensures appropriate clean-up of stopped clusters, including sending the DONE semaphore. bpstart() will usually arrange for workers to enter .bpworker_impl() to listen for and evaluate tasks.

  • bplapply,ANY,BiocParallelParam-method and bpiterate,ANY,BiocParallelParam-method ( .bplapply_impl() , .bpiterate_impl() ) implement: serial evaluation when there is a single core or task available; BPREDO functionality, and parallel lapply-like or iterative calculation.

Invoke .bpstart_impl() , .bpstop_impl() , .bplapply_impl() , and .bpiterate_impl() after any BPPARAM-specific implementation details.

New implementations will also implement bpisup() and bpbackend() / bpbackend<-() ; there are no default methods.

The backends (object returned by bpbackend() ) of new BPPARAM implementations must support length() (number of nodes). In addition, the backends must support .send_to() and .recv_any() manager and .send() , .recv() , and .close() worker methods. Default .send_all() and .recv_all() methods are implemented as simple iterations along the length(cluster) , invoking .send_to() or .recv_any() on each iteration.


The return value of .prototype_update() is a list with elements in prototype substituted with key-value pairs provided in list() .

All send* and recv* functions are endomorphic, returning a cluster object.


", "##
", "## Extend BiocParallelParam; `.A()` is not meant for the end user
", "##
", "
", ".A <- setRefClass(
", "    "A",
", "    contains = "BiocParallelParam",
", "    fields = list(id = "character")
", ")
", "
", "## Use a prototype for default values, including the prototype for
", "## inheritted fields
", "
", ".A_prototype <- c(
", "    list(id = "default_id"),
", "    .BiocParallelParam_prototype
", ")
", "
", "## Provide a constructor for the user
", "A <- function(...) {
", "    prototype <- .prototype_update(.A_prototype, ...)
", ", prototype)
", "}
", "
", "## Provide an R function for field access
", "
", "bpid <- function(x)
", "    x$id
", "
", "## Create and use an instance, overwriting default values
", "
", "bpid(A())
", "
", "a <- A(id = "my_id", threshold = "WARN")
", "bpid(a)
", "bpthreshold(a)
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Enable parallel evaluation using registered dopar backend


This class is used to dispatch parallel operations to the dopar backend registered with the foreach package.






DoparParam can be used for shared or non-shared memory computing depending on what backend is loaded. The doSNOW package supports non-shared memory, doParallel supports both shared and non-shared. When not specified, the default number of workers in DoparParam is determined by getDoParWorkers() . See the foreach package vignette for details using the different backends:


getClass("BiocParallelParam") for additional parameter classes.

register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.

foreach-package for the parallel backend infrastructure used by this param class.


Martin Morgan


# First register a parallel backend with foreach

p <- DoparParam()
bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)
bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)

register(DoparParam(), default=TRUE)
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Enable multi-core parallel evaluation


This class is used to parameterize single computer multicore parallel evaluation on non-Windows computers. multicoreWorkers() chooses the number of workers.


## constructor
## ------------------------------------
MulticoreParam(workers = multicoreWorkers(), tasks = 0L,
               stop.on.error = TRUE,
               progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL,
               timeout = 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L, exportglobals=TRUE,
               log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_,
               resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB",
               manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_,
## detect workers
## ------------------------------------


workersinteger(1) Number of workers. Defaults to all cores available as determined by detectCores .
tasksinteger(1) . The number of tasks per job. value must be a scalar integer >= 0L. In this documentation a job is defined as a single call to a function, such as bplapply , bpmapply etc. A task is the division of the X argument into chunks. When tasks == 0 (default), X is divided as evenly as possible over the number of workers. A tasks value of > 0 specifies the exact number of tasks. Values can range from 1 (all of X to a single worker) to the length of X (each element of X to a different worker). When the length of X is less than the number of workers each element of X is sent to a worker and tasks is ignored.
stop.on.errorlogical(1) Enable stop on error.
progressbarlogical(1) Enable progress bar (based on plyr:::progress_text).
RNGseedinteger(1) Seed for random number generation. When not NULL , this value is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream to generate random number streams on each worker.
timeoutnumeric(1) Time (in seconds) allowed for worker to complete a task. This value is passed to base::setTimeLimit() as both the cpu and elapsed arguments. If the computation exceeds timeout an error is thrown with message 'reached elapsed time limit'.
exportglobalslogical(1) Export base::options() from manager to workers? Default TRUE .
loglogical(1) Enable logging.
thresholdcharacter(1) Logging threshold as defined in futile.logger .
logdircharacter(1) Log files directory. When not provided, log messages are returned to stdout.
resultdircharacter(1) Job results directory. When not provided, results are returned as an list() list() object (list) to the workspace.
jobnamecharacter(1) Job name that is prepended to log and result files. Default is "BPJOB".
manager.hostnamecharacter(1) Host name of manager node. See 'Global Options', in SnowParam .
manager.portinteger(1) Port on manager with which workers communicate. See 'Global Options' in SnowParam .
list()Additional arguments passed to makeCluster


MulticoreParam is used for shared memory computing. Under the hood the cluster is created with makeCluster(..., type ="FORK") from the parallel package.

The default number of workers is determined by multicoreWorkers() . On windows, the number of multicore workers is always 1. Otherwise, the default is normally the maximum of 1 and parallel::detectCores() - 2 . Machines with 3 or fewer cores, or machines where number of cores cannot be determined, are assigned a single worker. Machines with more than 127 cores are limited to the number of list("R") connections available when the workers start; this is 128 (a hard-coded limit in list("R") ) minus the number of open connections as returned by nrow(showConnections(all=TRUE)) . The option mc.cores can be used to specify an arbitrary number of workers, e.g., options(mc.cores=4L) ; the list("Bioconductor") build system enforces a maximum of 4 workers.

A FORK transport starts workers with the mcfork function and communicates between master and workers using socket connections. mcfork builds on fork() and thus a Linux cluster is not supported. Because FORK clusters are Posix based they are not supported on Windows. When MulticoreParam is created/used in Windows it defaults to SerialParam which is the equivalent of using a single worker.

list(" ", " ", list(list("error handling:"), list(" ", " ", " By default all computations are attempted and partial results ", " are returned with any error messages. ", " ", list(" ", " ", " ", list(), " ", list("stop.on.error"), " A ", list("logical"), ". Stops all jobs as soon ", " as one job fails or wait for all jobs to terminate. When ", " ", list("FALSE"), ", the return value is a list of successful results ", " along with error messages as 'conditions'. ",


", " ", list(), " The ", list("bpok(x)"), " function returns a ", list("logical()"), " vector ", " that is FALSE for any jobs that threw an error. The input ", " ", list("x"), " is a list output from a bp*apply function such as ", " ", list("bplapply"), " or ", list("bpmapply"), ". ", " "), " ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("logging:"), list(" ", " When ", list("log = TRUE"), " the ", list("futile.logger"), " package is loaded on ",

"      the workers. All log messages written in the ", list("futile.logger"), " format

", " are captured by the logging mechanism and returned in real-time ", " (i.e., as each task completes) instead of after all jobs have finished. ", " ", " Messages sent to ", list("stdout"), " and ", list("stderr"), " are returned to ", " the workspace by default. When ", list("log = TRUE"), " these ", " are diverted to the log output. Those familiar with the ", list("outfile"),


", " argument to ", list("makeCluster"), " can think of ", list("log = FALSE"), " as ", " equivalent to ", list("outfile = NULL"), "; providing a ", list("logdir"), " is the ", " same as providing a name for ", list("outfile"), " except that BiocParallel ", " writes a log file for each task. ", " ", " The log output includes additional statistics such as memory use ", " and task runtime. Memory use is computed by calling gc(reset=TRUE) ", " before code evaluation and gc() (no reseet) after. The output of the ",

"      second gc() call is sent to the log file. There are many ways to

", " track memory use - this particular approach was taken because it is ", " consistent with how the BatchJobs package reports memory on the ", " workers. ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("log and result files:"), list(" ", " Results and logs can be written to a file instead of returned to ", " the workspace. Writing to files is done from the master as each task ", " completes. Options can be set with the ",

list("logdir"), " and

", " ", list("resultdir"), " fields in the constructor or with the accessors, ", " ", list("bplogdir"), " and ", list("bpresultdir"), ". ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("random number generation:"), list(" ", " ", list("MulticoreParam"), " and ", list("SnowParam"), " use the random number ", " generation support from the parallel package. These params are ", " snow-derived clusters so the arguments for multicore-derived functions ", " such as ",

list("mc.set.seed"), " and ", list(""), " do not apply.

", " ", " Random number generation is controlled through the param argument, ", " ", list("RNGseed"), " which is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream. ", " ", list("clusterSetRNGStream"), " uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number ", " generator and distributes streams to the members of a cluster. If ", " ", list("RNGseed"), " is not NULL it serves as the seed to the streams, ", " otherwise the streams are set from the current seed of the master process ",

"      after selecting the L'Ecuyer generator. See ?", list("clusterSetRNGStream"), "

", " for more details. ", " ")), " ", " ")


  • register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.

  • SnowParam for computing in distributed memory

  • BatchJobsParam for computing with cluster schedulers

  • DoparParam for computing with foreach

  • SerialParam for non-parallel evaluation


Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Job configuration:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## MulticoreParam supports shared memory computing. The object fields
## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and
## result format.
bpparam <- MulticoreParam()

## By default the param is created with the maximum available workers
## determined by multicoreWorkers().

## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name:
bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE
dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile())
bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Logging:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel)
## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages
## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to finish.

## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok
## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning
## should return after the error.

X <- 1:3
fun <- function(x) {
if (x == 1) {
if (TRUE & c(TRUE, TRUE))  ## warning
} else if (x == 2) {
x                          ## ok
} else if (x == 3) {
sqrt("FOO")                ## error

## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter
## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor.
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE)
res <- tryCatch({
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM=bpparam)
}, error=identity)

## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a file:
bplogdir(bpparam) <- tempdir()
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Managing results:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given
## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda',
## 'TASK2.Rda', etc.
dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile())
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, resultdir = resultdir, stop.on.error = FALSE)
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Error handling:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the job is terminated as soon as an
## error is hit. When FALSE, all computations are attempted and partial
## results are returned along with errors. In this example the number of
## 'tasks' is set to equal the length of 'X' so each element is run
## separately. (Default behavior is to divide 'X' evenly over workers.)

## All results along with error:
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, tasks = 4, stop.on.error = FALSE)
res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam))

## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no error.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Random number generation:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field.
## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream
## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes
## streams to members of the cluster.

bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465)
bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1), BPPARAM = bpparam)
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Enable serial evaluation


This class is used to parameterize serial evaluation, primarily to facilitate easy transition from parallel to serial code.


SerialParam(stop.on.error = TRUE, log = FALSE,
    threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, progressbar = FALSE)


stop.on.errorA logical determining behavior on error; see SnowParam .
loglogical(1) Enable logging; see SnowParam .
thresholdcharacter(1) Logging threshold; see SnowParam .
logdircharacter(1) Log files directory. When not provided, log messages are returned to stdout.
progressbarlogical(1) Enable progress bar (based on plyr:::progress_text).


getClass("BiocParallelParam") for additional parameter classes.

register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.


Martin Morgan


p <- SerialParam()
simplify2array(bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p))
bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)

register(SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
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Enable simple network of workstations (SNOW)-style parallel evaluation


This class is used to parameterize simple network of workstations (SNOW) parallel evaluation on one or several physical computers. snowWorkers() chooses the number of workers.


## constructor
## ------------------------------------
SnowParam(workers = snowWorkers(type), type=c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"),
          tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = TRUE,
          progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL,
          timeout = 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L, exportglobals = TRUE,
          log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_,
          resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB",
          manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_,
## coercion
## ------------------------------------
## as(SOCKcluster, SnowParam)
## as(spawnedMPIcluster,SnowParam)
## detect workers
## ------------------------------------
snowWorkers(type = c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"))


workersinteger(1) Number of workers. Defaults to all cores available as determined by detectCores . For a SOCK cluster workers can be a character() vector of host names.
typecharacter(1) Type of cluster to use. Possible values are SOCK (default) and MPI . Instead of type=FORK use MulticoreParam .
tasksinteger(1) . The number of tasks per job. value must be a scalar integer >= 0L. In this documentation a job is defined as a single call to a function, such as bplapply , bpmapply etc. A task is the division of the X argument into chunks. When tasks == 0 (default), X is divided as evenly as possible over the number of workers. A tasks value of > 0 specifies the exact number of tasks. Values can range from 1 (all of X to a single worker) to the length of X (each element of X to a different worker). When the length of X is less than the number of workers each element of X is sent to a worker and tasks is ignored.
stop.on.errorlogical(1) Enable stop on error.
progressbarlogical(1) Enable progress bar (based on plyr:::progress_text).
RNGseedinteger(1) Seed for random number generation. When not NULL , this value is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream to generate random number streams on each worker.
timeoutnumeric(1) Time (in seconds) allowed for worker to complete a task. This value is passed to base::setTimeLimit() as both the cpu and elapsed arguments. If the computation exceeds timeout an error is thrown with message 'reached elapsed time limit'.
exportglobalslogical(1) Export base::options() from manager to workers? Default TRUE .
loglogical(1) Enable logging.
thresholdcharacter(1) Logging threshold as defined in futile.logger .
logdircharacter(1) Log files directory. When not provided, log messages are returned to stdout.
resultdircharacter(1) Job results directory. When not provided, results are returned as an list() list() object (list) to the workspace.
jobnamecharacter(1) Job name that is prepended to log and result files. Default is "BPJOB".
manager.hostnamecharacter(1) Host name of manager node. See 'Global Options', below.
manager.portinteger(1) Port on manager with which workers communicate. See 'Global Options', below.
list()Additional arguments passed to makeCluster


SnowParam is used for distributed memory computing and supports 2 cluster types: list("SOCK") (default) and list("MPI") . The SnowParam builds on infrastructure in the snow and parallel packages and provides the additional features of error handling, logging and writing out results.

The default number of workers is determined by snowWorkers() which is usually the maximum of 1L and parallel::detectCores() - . Machines with 3 or fewer cores, or machines where number of cores cannot be determined, are assigned a single worker. Machines with more than 127 cores are limited to the number of list("R") connections available when the workers start; this is 128 (a hard-coded limit in list("R") ) minus the number of open connections as returned by nrow(showConnections(all=TRUE)) . The option mc.cores can be used to specify an arbitrary number of workers, e.g., options(mc.cores=4L) ; the list("Bioconductor") build system enforces a maximum of 4 workers.

list(" ", " ", list(list("error handling:"), list(" ", " ", " By default all computations are attempted and partial results ", " are returned with any error messages. ", " ", list(" ", " ", " ", list(), " ", list("stop.on.error"), " A ", list("logical"), ". Stops all jobs as soon ", " as one job fails or wait for all jobs to terminate. When ", " ", list("FALSE"), ", the return value is a list of successful results ", " along with error messages as 'conditions'. ",


", " ", list(), " The ", list("bpok(x)"), " function returns a ", list("logical()"), " vector ", " that is FALSE for any jobs that threw an error. The input ", " ", list("x"), " is a list output from a bp*apply function such as ", " ", list("bplapply"), " or ", list("bpmapply"), ". ", " "), " ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("logging:"), list(" ", " When ", list("log = TRUE"), " the ", list("futile.logger"), " package is loaded on ",

"      the workers. All log messages written in the ", list("futile.logger"), " format

", " are captured by the logging mechanism and returned real-time ", " (i.e., as each task completes) instead of after all jobs have finished. ", " ", " Messages sent to ", list("stdout"), " and ", list("stderr"), " are returned to ", " the workspace by default. When ", list("log = TRUE"), " these ", " are diverted to the log output. Those familiar with the ", list("outfile"),


", " argument to ", list("makeCluster"), " can think of ", list("log = FALSE"), " as ", " equivalent to ", list("outfile = NULL"), "; providing a ", list("logdir"), " is the ", " same as providing a name for ", list("outfile"), " except that BiocParallel ", " writes a log file for each task. ", " ", " The log output includes additional statistics such as memory use ", " and task runtime. Memory use is computed by calling gc(reset=TRUE) ", " before code evaluation and gc() (no reseet) after. The output of the ",

"      second gc() call is sent to the log file. There are many ways to

", " track memory use - this particular approach was taken because it is ", " consistent with how the BatchJobs package reports memory on the ", " workers. ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("log and result files:"), list(" ", " Results and logs can be written to a file instead of returned to ", " the workspace. Writing to files is done from the master as each task ", " completes. Options can be set with the ",

list("logdir"), " and

", " ", list("resultdir"), " fields in the constructor or with the accessors, ", " ", list("bplogdir"), " and ", list("bpresultdir"), ". ", " ", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("random number generation:"), list(" ", " ", list("MulticoreParam"), " and ", list("SnowParam"), " use the random number ", " generation support from the parallel package. These params are ", " snow-derived clusters so the arguments for multicore-derived functions ",

"      such as ", list("mc.set.seed"), " and ", list(""), " do not apply.

", " ", " Random number generation is controlled through the param argument, ", " ", list("RNGseed"), " which is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream. ", " ", list("clusterSetRNGStream"), " uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number ", " generator and distributes streams to the members of a cluster. If ", " ", list("RNGseed"), " is not NULL it serves as the seed to the streams, ",

"      otherwise the streams are set from the current seed of the master process

", " after selecting the L'Ecuyer generator. See ?", list("clusterSetRNGStream"), " ", " for more details. ", " ")), " ", " NOTE: The ", list("PSOCK"), " cluster from the ", list("parallel"), " package does not ", " support cluster options ", list("scriptdir"), " and ", list("useRscript"), ". ", list("PSOCK"), " ", " is not supported because these options are needed to re-direct to an ",

"    alternate worker script located in BiocParallel.

", " ")


  • register for registering parameter classes for use in parallel evaluation.

  • MulticoreParam for computing in shared memory

  • BatchJobsParam for computing with cluster schedulers

  • DoparParam for computing with foreach

  • SerialParam for non-parallel evaluation


Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain.


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Job configuration:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## SnowParam supports distributed memory computing. The object fields
## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and result
## format.
bpparam <- SnowParam()

## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name:
bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE
dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile())
bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Logging:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel)
## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages
## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to
## finish.

## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok
## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning
## should return after the error.

X <- 1:3
fun <- function(x) {
if (x == 1) {
if (TRUE & c(TRUE, TRUE))  ## warning
} else if (x == 2) {
x                          ## ok
} else if (x == 3) {
sqrt("FOO")                ## error

## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter
## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor.
bpparam <- SnowParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE)
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam)
}, error=identity)

## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a
## file:
dir.create(logdir <- tempfile())
bplogdir(bpparam) <- logdir
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Managing results:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given
## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda',
## 'TASK2.Rda', etc.
dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile())
bpparam <- SnowParam(2, resultdir = resultdir)
bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Error handling:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the process returns as soon as an error
## is thrown.

## When 'stop.on.error' is FALSE all computations are attempted. Partial
## results are returned along with errors. Use bptry() to see the
## partial results
bpparam <- SnowParam(2, stop.on.error = FALSE)
res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam))

## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no
## error.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Random number generation:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field.
## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream
## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes
## streams to members of the cluster.

bpparam <- SnowParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465)
bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1),
BPPARAM = bpparam)

Apply a function on subsets of data frames


This is a parallel version of aggregate .


list(list("bpaggregate"), list("formula,BiocParallelParam"))(x, data, FUN, ..., 
    BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpaggregate"), list("data.frame,BiocParallelParam"))(x, by, FUN, ..., 
    simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpaggregate"), list("matrix,BiocParallelParam"))(x, by, FUN, ..., 
    simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpaggregate"), list("ANY,missing"))(x, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())


xA data.frame , matrix or a formula.
byA list of factors by which x is split; applicable when x is data.frame or matrix .
dataA data.frame ; applicable when x is a formula .
FUNFunction to apply.
...Additional arguments for FUN .
simplifyIf set to TRUE , the return values of FUN will be simplified using simplify2array .
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.
BPREDOA list of output from bpaggregate with one or more failed elements. When a list is given in BPREDO , bpok is used to identify errors, tasks are rerun and inserted into the original results.


bpaggregate is a generic with methods for data.frame matrix and formula objects. x is divided into subsets according to factors in by . Data chunks are sent to the workers, FUN is applied and results are returned as a data.frame .

The function is similar in spirit to aggregate from the stats package but aggregate is not explicitly called. The bpaggregate formula method reformulates the call and dispatches to the data.frame method which in turn distributes data chunks to workers with bplapply .


See aggregate .


Martin Morgan .


if (require(Rsamtools) && require(GenomicAlignments)) {

fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")
param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("flag", "mapq"))
gal <- readGAlignments(fl, param=param)

## Report the mean map quality by range cutoff:
cutoff <- rep(0, length(gal))
cutoff[start(gal) > 1000 & start(gal) < 1500] <- 1
cutoff[start(gal) > 1500] <- 2
bpaggregate($mapq), list(cutoff = cutoff), mean)


Parallel iteration over an indeterminate number of data chunks


bpiterate iterates over an indeterminate number of data chunks (e.g., records in a file). Each chunk is processed by parallel workers in an asynchronous fashion; as each worker finishes it receives a new chunk. Data are traversed a single time.


bpiterate(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpiterate"), list("ANY,ANY,missing"))(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpiterate"), list("ANY,ANY,BatchtoolsParam"))(
    ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init,, BPPARAM=bpparam()


ITERA function with no arguments that returns an object to process, generally a chunk of data from a file. When no objects are left (i.e., end of file) it should return NULL and continue to return NULL regardless of the number of times it is invoked after reaching the end of file. This function is run on the master.
FUNA function to process the object returned by ITER ; run on parallel workers separate from the master. When BPPARAM is a MulticoreParam, FUN is decorated with additional arguments and therefore must have list() in the signature.
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to bpiterate .
REDUCEOptional function that combines (reduces) output from FUN . As each worker returns, the data are combined with the REDUCE function. REDUCE takes 2 arguments; one is the current result and the other is the output of FUN from a worker that just finished.
initOptional initial value for REDUCE ; must be of the same type as the object returned from FUN . When supplied, is set to TRUE. When TRUE, REDUCE is applied to the results from the workers in the same order the tasks were sent out.
list()Arguments to other methods, and named arguments for FUN .


Supported for SnowParam , MulticoreParam and BatchtoolsParam .

bpiterate iterates through an unknown number of data chunks, dispatching chunks to parallel workers as they become available. In contrast, other bp*apply functions such as bplapply or bpmapply require the number of data chunks to be specified ahead of time. This quality makes bpiterate useful for iterating through files of unknown length.

ITER serves up chunks of data until the end of the file is reached at which point it returns NULL. Note that ITER should continue to return NULL reguardless of the number of times it is invoked after reaching the end of the file. FUN is applied to each object (data chunk) returned by ITER .


By default, a list the same length as the number of chunks in ITER() . When REDUCE is used, the return is consistent with application of the reduction.



Valerie Obenchain .


if (require(Rsamtools) && require(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14) &&
require(GenomicAlignments) && require(ShortRead)) {

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Iterate through a BAM file
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Select a single file and set 'yieldSize' in the BamFile object.
fl <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[[1]]
bf <- BamFile(fl, yieldSize = 300000)

## bamIterator() is initialized with a BAM file and returns a function.
## The return function requires no arguments and iterates through the
## file returning data chunks the size of yieldSize.
bamIterator <- function(bf) {
done <- FALSE
if (!isOpen( bf))

function() {
if (done)
yld <- readGAlignments(bf)
if (length(yld) == 0L) {
done <<- TRUE
} else yld

## FUN counts reads in a region of interest.
roi <- GRanges("chr14", IRanges(seq(19e6, 107e6, by = 10e6), width = 10e6))
counter <- function(reads, roi, ...) {
countOverlaps(query = roi, subject = reads)

## Initialize the iterator.
ITER <- bamIterator(bf)

## The number of chunks returned by ITER() determines the result length.
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3)
## bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(workers = 3), see ?BatchtoolsParam
bpiterate(ITER, counter, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## Re-initialize the iterator and combine on the fly with REDUCE:
ITER <- bamIterator(bf)
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3)
bpiterate(ITER, counter, REDUCE = sum, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Iterate through a FASTA file
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## Set data chunk size with 'n' in the FastqStreamer object.
sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package = 'ShortRead'))
fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), "s_1_sequence.txt")

## Create an iterator that returns data chunks the size of 'n'.
fastqIterator <- function(fqs) {
done <- FALSE
if (!isOpen(fqs))

function() {
if (done)
yld <- yield(fqs)
if (length(yld) == 0L) {
done <<- TRUE
} else yld

## The process function summarizes the number of times each sequence occurs.
summary <- function(reads, ...) {
ShortRead::tables(reads, n = 0)$distribution

## Create a param.
bpparam <- SnowParam(workers = 2)

## Initialize the streamer and iterator.
fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100)
ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs)
bpiterate(ITER, summary, BPPARAM = bpparam)

## Results from the workers are combined on the fly when REDUCE is used.
## Collapsing the data in this way can substantially reduce memory
## requirements.
fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100)
ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs)
bpiterate(ITER, summary, REDUCE = merge, all = TRUE, BPPARAM = bpparam)


Parallel lapply-like functionality


bplapply applies FUN to each element of X . Any type of object X is allowed, provided length , [ , and [[ methods are available. The return value is a list of length equal to X , as with lapply .


bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())


XAny object for which methods length , [ , and [[ are implemented.
FUNThe function to be applied to each element of X .
list()Additional arguments for FUN , as in lapply .
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to BiocParallel functions.
BPREDOA list of output from bplapply with one or more failed elements. When a list is given in BPREDO , bpok is used to identify errors, tasks are rerun and inserted into the original results.


See methods{bplapply} for additional methods, e.g., method?bplapply("MulticoreParam") .


See lapply .



Martin Morgan . Original code as attributed in mclapply .



## ten tasks (1:10) so ten calls to FUN default registered parallel
## back-end. Compare with bpvec.
fun <- function(v) {
message("working") ## 10 tasks
bplapply(1:10, fun)

Internal Functions for SNOW-style Parallel Evaluation


The functions documented on this page are primarily for use within BiocParallel to enable SNOW-style parallel evaluation, using communication between manager and worker nodes through sockets.


list(list("bploop"), list("lapply"))(manager, X, FUN, ARGFUN, BPPARAM, ...)
list(list("bploop"), list("iterate"))(manager, ITER, FUN, ARGFUN, BPPARAM,
       REDUCE, init,, ...)


managerAn object representing the manager node. For workers, this is the node to which the worker will communicate. For managers, this is the form of iteration -- lapply or iterate .
XA vector of jobs to be performed.
FUNA function to apply to each job.
ARGFUNA function accepting an integer value indicating the job number, and returning the job-specific arguments to FUN .
BPPARAMAn instance of a BiocParallelParam class.
ITERA function used to generate jobs. No more jobs are available when ITER() returns NULL .
REDUCE(Optional) A function combining two values returned by FUN into a single value.
init(Optional) Initial value for reduction. logical(1) indicating that reduction must occur in the order jobs are dispatched ( TRUE ) or that reduction can occur in the order jobs are completed ( FALSE ).
list()Additional arguments, ignored in all cases.


Workers enter a loop. They wait to receive a message ( list() list) from the manager . The message contains a type element, with evaluation as follows:

list(" ", " ", " ", list(list(list("EXEC")), list("Execute the ", list(), list(), " code in the message, returning ", " the result to the ", list("manager"), ".")), " ", " ", " ", list(list(list("DONE")), list("Signal termination to the ", list("manager"), ", ", " terminate the worker.")), " ", " ", " ")

Managers under lapply dispatch pre-determined jobs, X , to workers, collecting the results from and dispatching new jobs to the first available worker. The manager returns a list of results, in a one-to-one correspondence with the order of jobs supplied, when all jobs have been evaluated.

Managers under iterate dispatch an undetermined number of jobs to workers, collecting previous jobs from and dispatching new jobs to the first available worker. Dispatch continues until available jobs are exhausted. The return value is by default a list of results in a one-to-one correspondence with the order of jobs supplied. The return value is influenced by REDUCE , init , and .


Valerie Obenchain, Martin Morgan. Derived from similar functionality in the snow and parallel packages.


## These functions are not meant to be called by the end user.

Parallel mapply-like functionality


bpmapply applies FUN to first elements of ... , the second elements and so on. Any type of object in ... is allowed, provided length , [ , and [[ methods are available. The return value is a list of length equal to the length of all objects provided, as with mapply .


    BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpmapply"), list("ANY,missing"))(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, 
    USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpmapply"), list("ANY,BiocParallelParam"))(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, 


FUNThe function to be applied to each element passed via ... .
list()Objects for which methods length , [ , and [[ are implemented. All objects must have the same length or shorter objects will be replicated to have length equal to the longest.
MoreArgsList of additional arguments to FUN .
SIMPLIFYIf TRUE the result will be simplified using simplify2array .
USE.NAMESIf TRUE the result will be named.
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance defining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.
BPREDOA list of output from bpmapply with one or more failed elements. When a list is given in BPREDO , bpok is used to identify errors, tasks are rerun and inserted into the original results.


See methods{bpmapply} for additional methods, e.g., method?bpmapply("MulticoreParam") .


See mapply .



Michel Lang . Original code as attributed in mclapply .



fun <- function(greet, who) {
paste(Sys.getpid(), greet, who)
greet <- c("morning", "night")
who <- c("sun", "moon")

param <- bpparam()
original <- bpworkers(param)
bpworkers(param) <- 2
result <- bpmapply(fun, greet, who, BPPARAM = param)
cat(paste(result, collapse="
"), "
bpworkers(param) <- original

Resume computation with partial results


Identifies unsuccessful results returned from bplapply , bpmapply , bpvec , bpaggregate or bpvectorize .




xResults returned from a call to bp*apply .


  • list("bpok") list(" ", " Returns a ", list("logical()"), " vector: FALSE for any jobs that resulted in ", " an error. ", list("x"), " is the result list output by ", list("bplapply"), ", ", " ", list("bpmapply"), ", ", list("bpvec"), ", ", list("bpaggregate"), " or ", list("bpvectorize"), ". ", " ")


Michel Lang, Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Catch errors:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## By default 'stop.on.error' is TRUE in BiocParallelParam objects.
SnowParam(workers = 2)

## If 'stop.on.error' is TRUE an ill-fated bplapply() simply stops,
## displaying the error message.
param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = TRUE)
bplapply(list(1, "two", 3), sqrt, BPPARAM = param)
}, error=identity)

## If 'stop.on.error' is FALSE then the computation continues. Errors
## are signalled but the full evaluation can be retrieved
param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = FALSE)
X <- list(1, "two", 3)
result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt, BPPARAM = param))

## Check for errors:
fail <- !bpok(result)

## Access the traceback with attr():
tail(attr(result[[2]], "traceback"), 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Resume calculations:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## The 'resume' mechanism is triggered by supplying a list of partial
## results as 'BPREDO'. Data elements that failed are rerun and merged
## with previous results.

## A call of sqrt() on the character "2" returns an error.
param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = FALSE)
X <- list(1, "two", 3)
result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt, BPPARAM = param))

## Fix the input data by changing the character "2" to a numeric 2:
X_mod <- list(1, 2, 3)

## Repeat the original call to bplapply() with the partial results as 'BPREDO':
bplapply(X_mod, sqrt, BPPARAM = param , BPREDO = result)

Schedule back-end Params


Use functions on this page to influence scheduling of parallel processing.




xAn instance of a BiocParallelParam class, e.g., MulticoreParam , SnowParam , DoparParam . x can be missing, in which case the default back-end (see register ) is used.
...Additional arguments, perhaps used by methods.


bpschedule returns a logical(1) indicating whether the parallel evaluation should occur at this point.


bpschedule returns a scalar logical.


BiocParallelParam for possible values of x .


Martin Morgan .


bpschedule(SnowParam())                 # TRUE
bpschedule(MulticoreParam(2))           # FALSE on windows

p <- MulticoreParam()
bpschedule(p)                           # TRUE
bplapply(1:2, function(i, p) {
bpschedule(p)                       # FALSE
}, p = p, BPPARAM=p)

Try expression evaluation, recovering from bperror signals


This function is meant to be used as a wrapper around bplapply() and friends, returning the evaluated expression rather than signalling an error.


bptry(expr, ..., bplist_error, bperror)


exprAn R expression; see tryCatch .
bplist_errorA handler function of a single argument, used to catch bplist_error conditions signalled by expr . A bplist_error condition is signalled when an element of bplapply and other iterations contain a evaluation that failed. When missing, the default retrieves the result attribute from the error, containing the partially evaluated results. Setting bplist_error=identity returns the evaluated condition. Setting bplist_error=stop passes the condition to other handlers, notably the handler provided by bperror .
bperrorA handler function of a single argument, use to catch bperror conditions signalled by expr . A bperror is a base class to all errors signaled by BiocParallel code. When missing, the default returns the condition without signalling an error.
list()Additional named handlers passed to tryCatch() . These user-provided handlers are evaluated before default handlers bplist_error , bperror .


The partially evaluated list of results.


tryCatch , bplapply .


Martin Morgan


param = registered()[[1]]
X = list(1, "2", 3)
bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt))                         # bplist_error handler
bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt), bplist_error=identity)  # bperror handler

Tools for developing functions for parallel execution in distributed memory


bpvalidate interrogates the function environment and search path to locate undefined symbols.




funThe function to be checked.


bpvalidate tests if a function can be run in a distributed memory environment (e.g., SOCK clusters, Windows machines). bpvalidate looks in the environment of fun , in the NAMESPACE exports of libraries loaded in fun , and along the search path to identify any symbols outside the scope of fun .

bpvalidate can be used to check functions passed to the bp* family of functions in BiocParallel or other packages that support parallel evaluation on clusters such as snow , BatchJobs , Rmpi , etc.

list(" ", " ", list(list("testing package functions"), list(" ", " The environment of a function defined inside a package is the ", " NAMESPACE of the package. It is important to test these functions ", " as they will be called from within the package, with the appropriate ", " environment. Specifically, do not copy/paste the function into ", " the workspace; once this is done the GlobalEnv becomes the function ", " environment. ", "
", " To test a package function, load the package then call the function by ",

"      name (myfun) or explicitly (mypkg:::myfun) if not exported.

", " ")), " ", " ", list(list("testing workspace functions"), list(" ", " The environment of a function defined in the workspace is the GlobalEnv. ", " Because these functions do not have an associated package NAMESPACE, ", " the functions and variables used in the body must be explicitly passed ", " or defined. See examples. ", " ", " Defining functions in the workspace is often done during development or ",

"      testing. If the function is later moved inside a package, it can be

", " rewritten in a more lightweight form by taking advantage of imported ", " symbols in the package NAMESPACE. ", " ")), " ", " ") NOTE: bpvalidate does not currently work on Generics.


A list of length 2 with named elements inPath and unknown.

  • list("inPath") list(" ", " A named list of symbols and where they were found. These symbols were ", " found on the search path instead of the function environment and ", " should probably be imported in the NAMESPACE or otherwise defined in ", " the package. ", " ")

  • list("unknown") list(" ", " A vector of symbols not found in the function environment or the ", " search path. ", " ")


Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain .


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Testing package functions
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------


## Test exported functions by name or the double colon:

## Non-exported functions are called with the triple colon:

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Testing workspace functions
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Functions defined in the workspace have the .GlobalEnv as their
## environment. Often the symbols used inside the function body
## are not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed explicitly.

## Loading libraries:
## In 'fun1' countBam() is flagged as unknown:
fun1 <- function(fl, ...)

## countBam() is not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed as
## an argument or made available by loading the library.
fun2 <- function(fl, ...) {

## Passing arguments:
## 'param' is defined in the workspace but not passed to 'fun3'.
## bpvalidate() flags 'param' as being found 'inPath' which means
## it is not defined in the function environment or inside the function.
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isMinusStrand=FALSE))

fun3 <- function(fl, ...) {
countBam(fl, param=param)

## 'param' is explicitly passed by adding it as a formal argument.
fun4 <- function(fl, ..., param) {
countBam(fl, param=param)

## The corresponding call to a bp* function includes 'param':
bplapply(files, fun4, param=param, BPPARAM=SnowParam(2))

Parallel, vectorized evaluation


bpvec applies FUN to subsets of X . Any type of object X is allowed, provided length , and [ are defined on X . FUN is a function such that length(FUN(X)) == length(X) . The objects returned by FUN are concatenated by AGGREGATE ( c() by default). The return value is FUN(X) .


bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())


XAny object for which methods length and [ are implemented.
FUNA function to be applied to subsets of X . The relationship between X and FUN(X) is 1:1, so that length(FUN(X, ...)) == length(X) . The return value of separate calls to FUN are concatenated with AGGREGATE .
list()Additional arguments for FUN .
AGGREGATEA function taking any number of arguments ... called to reduce results (elements of the ... argument of AGGREGATE from parallel jobs. The default, c , concatenates objects and is appropriate for vectors; rbind might be appropriate for data frames.
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to BiocParallel functions.
BPREDOA list of output from bpvec with one or more failed elements. When a list is given in BPREDO , bpok is used to identify errors, tasks are rerun and inserted into the original results.


This method creates a vector of indices for X that divide the elements as evenly as possible given the number of bpworkers() and bptasks() of BPPARAM . Indices and data are passed to bplapply for parallel evaluation.

The distinction between bpvec and bplapply is that bplapply applies FUN to each element of X separately whereas bpvec assumes the function is vectorized, e.g., c(FUN(x[1]), FUN(x[2])) is equivalent to FUN(x[1:2]) . This approach can be more efficient than bplapply but requires the assumption that FUN takes a vector input and creates a vector output of the same length as the input which does not depend on partitioning of the vector. This behavior is consistent with parallel:::pvec and the ?pvec man page should be consulted for further details.


The result should be identical to FUN(X, ...) (assuming that AGGREGATE is set appropriately).

When evaluation of individual elements of X results in an error, the result is a list with the same geometry (i.e., lengths() ) as the split applied to X to create chunks for parallel evaluation; one or more elements of the list contain a bperror element, indicting that the vectorized calculation failed for at least one of the index values in that chunk.

An error is also signaled when FUN(X) does not return an object of the same length as X ; this condition is only detected when the number of elements in X is greater than the number of workers.


bplapply for parallel lapply.

BiocParallelParam for possible values of BPPARAM .

pvec for background.


Martin Morgan .



## ten tasks (1:10), called with as many back-end elements are specified
## by BPPARAM.  Compare with bplapply
fun <- function(v) {
system.time(result <- bpvec(1:10, fun))

## invalid FUN -- length(class(X)) is not equal to length(X)
bptry(bpvec(1:2, class, BPPARAM=SerialParam()))

Transform vectorized functions into parallelized, vectorized function


This transforms a vectorized function into a parallel, vectorized function. Any function FUN can be used, provided its parallelized argument (by default, the first argument) has a length and [ method defined, and the return value of FUN can be concatenated with c .


bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpvectorize"), list("ANY,ANY"))(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam())
list(list("bpvectorize"), list("ANY,missing"))(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), 


FUNA function whose first argument has a length and can be subset [ , and whose evaluation would benefit by splitting the argument into subsets, each one of which is independently transformed by FUN . The return value of FUN must support concatenation with c .
...Additional arguments to parallization, unused.
BPPARAMAn optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.
BPREDOA list of output from bpvectorize with one or more failed elements. When a list is given in BPREDO , bpok is used to identify errors, tasks are rerun and inserted into the original results.


The result of bpvectorize is a function with signature list() ; arguments to the returned function are the original arguments FUN . BPPARAM is used for parallel evaluation.

When BPPARAM is a class for which no method is defined (e.g., SerialParam ), FUN(X) is used.

See methods{bpvectorize} for additional methods, if any.


A function taking the same arguments as FUN , but evaluated using bpvec for parallel evaluation across available cores.




Ryan Thompson


psqrt <- bpvectorize(sqrt) ## default parallelization

Inter-process locks and counters


Functions documented on this page enable locks and counters between processes on the same computer.

Use ipcid() to generate a unique mutex or counter identifier. A mutex or counter with the same id , including those in different processes, share the same state.

ipcremove() removes external state associated with mutex or counters created with id .

ipclock() blocks until the lock is obtained. ipctrylock() tries to obtain the lock, returning immediately if it is not available. ipcunlock() releases the lock. ipclocked() queries the lock to determine whether it is currently held.

ipcyield() returns the current counter, and increments the value for subsequent calls. ipcvalue() returns the current counter without incrementing. ipcreset() sets the counter to n , such that the next call to ipcyield() or ipcvalue() returns n .


## Utilities
## Locks
## Counters
ipcreset(id, n = 1)


idcharacter(1) identifier string for mutex or counter. ipcid() ensures that the identifier is universally unique.
ninteger(1) value from which ipcyield() will increment.



ipclock() creates a named lock, returning TRUE on success.

trylock() returns TRUE if the lock is obtained, FALSE otherwise.

ipcunlock() returns TRUE on success, FALSE (e.g., because there is nothing to unlock) otherwise.

ipclocked() returns TRUE when id is locked, and FALSE otherwise.


ipcyield() returns an integer(1) value representing the next number in sequence. The first value returned is 1.

ipcvalue() returns the value to be returned by the next call to ipcyield() , without incrementing the counter. If the counter is no longer available, ipcyield() returns NA .

ipcreset() returns n , invisibly.


ipcid() returns a character(1) unique identifier, with id (if not missing) prepended.

ipcremove() returns (invisibly) TRUE if external resources were released or FALSE if not (e.g., because the resources has already been released).



## Locks

id <- ipcid()



id <- ipcid()
result <- bplapply(1:5, function(i, id) {
time <- Sys.time()
}, id)
diff(sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE)))

## Counters

id <- ipcid()



ipcreset(id, 10)


id <- ipcid()
result <- bplapply(1:5, function(i, id) {
}, id)
sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE))

Maintain a global registry of available back-end Params


Use functions on this page to add to or query a registry of back-ends, including the default for use when no BPPARAM object is provided to functions.


register(BPPARAM, default=TRUE)


BPPARAMAn instance of a BiocParallelParam class, e.g., MulticoreParam , SnowParam , DoparParam .
defaultMake this the default BiocParallelParam for subsequent evaluations? If FALSE , the argument is placed at the lowest priority position.
bpparamClassWhen present, the text name of the BiocParallelParam class (e.g., MulticoreParam ) to be retrieved from the registry. When absent, a list of all registered instances is returned.


The registry is a list of back-ends with configuration parameters for parallel evaluation. The first list entry is the default and is used by BiocParallel functions when no BPPARAM argument is supplied.

At load time the registry is populated with default backends. On Windows these are SnowParam and SerialParam and on non-Windows MulticoreParam , SnowParam and SerialParam . When snowWorkers() or multicoreWorkers returns a single core, only SerialParm is registered.

The BiocParallelParam objects are constructed from global options of the corresponding name, or from the default constructor (e.g., SnowParam() ) if no option is specified. The user can set customizations during start-up (e.g., in an .Rprofile file) with, for instance, options(MulticoreParam=quote(MulticoreParam(workers=8))) .

The act of registering a back-end modifies the existing BiocParallelParam in the list; only one param of each type can be present in the registry. When default=TRUE , the newly registered param is moved to the top of the list thereby making it the default. When default=FALSE , the param is modified in place vs being moved to the top.

bpparam() , invoked with no arguments, returns the default BiocParallelParam instance from the registry. When called with the text name of a bpparamClass , the global options are consulted first, e.g., options(MulticoreParam=MulticoreParam()) and then the value of registered(bpparamClass) .


register returns, invisibly, a list of registered back-ends.

registered returns the back-end of type bpparamClass or, if bpparamClass is missing, a list of all registered back-ends.

bpparam returns the back-end of type bpparamClass or,


BiocParallelParam for possible values of BPPARAM .


Martin Morgan .


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## The registry
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## The default registry.
default <- registered()

## When default = TRUE the last param registered becomes the new default.
snowparam <- SnowParam(workers = 3, type = "SOCK")
register(snowparam, default = TRUE)

## Retrieve the default back-end,

## or a specific BiocParallelParam.

## restore original registry -- push the defaults in reverse order
for (param in rev(default))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Specifying a back-end for evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## The back-end of choice is given as the BPPARAM argument to
## the BiocParallel functions. None, one, or multiple back-ends can be
## used.

bplapply(1:6, sqrt, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(3))

## When not specified, the default from the registry is used.
bplapply(1:6, sqrt)