bioconductor v3.9.0 Ggbio
The ggbio package extends and specializes the grammar of
Link to this section Summary
Grob getter
Plot class
Tracked class
Arrange grobs by parse their legend.
Generic autoplot function
Alignment geoms for GRanges object
Arch geoms for GRanges object
Arrow geoms for GRanges object
Arrowrect geoms for GRanges object
Segment geoms for GRanges object
Chevron geoms for GRanges object
Rect geoms for GRanges object
Segment geoms for GRanges object
class ggbio
ggplot methods
Save a ggplot object or tracks with sensible defaults
Create a circle layout
Create a karyogram layout
Simple navigation for ggbio object.
Plot estimated fragment length for paired-end RNA-seq data
Manhattan for GWAS
Plot Ranges Linked with Data
Plot single chromosome with cytobands
Plot Splice Summary from RNA-seq data
Plot stacked overview
rescale ggplot object
scale color for fold change values
scale filled color to customized giemsa color.
scale x by unit
Generates summaries on the specified windows
Binning method
Calculate coverage
Calculate gene structure
Transform the data to a data.frame and for multiple geoms.
Calculate mismatch summary
Reduce an object.
Slice Rle/RleList to view them as bar or heatmap.
Calculate stepping levels
Tabulate a GRanges object
theme in ggbio
Tracks for genomic graphics
Link to this section Functions
Grob getter
'Grob' class is a container for 'grob' based object defined with grid
system. Generic function Grob
gets grob object supported by grid system, and make an instance of
subclass of class 'Grob'.
'GrobList' is a container of list of 'Grob' object.
list(list("Grob"), list("gg"))(x)
list(list("Grob"), list("gtable"))(x)
list(list("Grob"), list("trellis"))(x)
list(list("Grob"), list("lattice"))(x)
list(list("Grob"), list("GGbio"))(x)
Argument | Description |
x | object of class: gg, gtable, trellis, lattice, GGbio. |
A Grob
Tengfei Yin
Plot class
genealize a graphic object to a Plot object.
list(list("Plot"), list("gg"))(x)
list(list("Plot"), list("trellis"))(x, mutable = FALSE)
list(list("Plot"), list("GGbio"))(x)
list(list("Plot"), list("Ideogram"))(x)
Argument | Description |
x | object of gg, GGbio, trellis, Ideogram. |
mutable | whether a plot repsonse to + method or not. |
A Plot object.
Tengfei Yin
Tracked class
Create a tracked object, designed for tracks function.
Tracked(mutable = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, labeled = TRUE,
hasAxis = FALSE, bgColor = "white", height = unit(1, "null"))
Argument | Description |
mutable | logical value, default TRUE . To control whether a track is updatable by applying + on it. |
fixed | logical value, default FALSE . To control whether the scale response to a xlim change or not. |
labeled | logical value, default TRUE . To control whether to label it all not. |
hasAxis | logical value, default FALSE . To control whether to show axis for that track or not. |
bgColor | character to control background color of a track. |
height | unit, to control track height. |
a Tracked
Tengfei Yin
Arrange grobs by parse their legend.
Arrange grobs and parse their legend, then put it together on the right.
arrangeGrobByParsingLegend(..., nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL,
widths = c(4, 1), legend.idx = NULL)
Argument | Description |
... | ggplot graphics. |
nrow | number of row for layout. |
ncol | number of columns for layout |
widths | width ratio for plot group and legend group. |
legend.idx | legend index you want to keep. |
Tengfei Yin
p1 <- qplot(x = mpg, y= cyl, data = mtcars, color = carb)
p2 <- qplot(x = mpg, y= cyl, data = mtcars, color = wt)
p3 <- qplot(x = mpg, y= cyl, data = mtcars, color = qsec)
p4 <- qplot(x = mpg, y= cyl, data = mtcars, color = gear)
arrangeGrobByParsingLegend(p1, p2, p3, p4)
arrangeGrobByParsingLegend(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 1)
arrangeGrobByParsingLegend(p1, p2, p3, p4, legend.idx = 2)
Generic autoplot function
is a generic function to visualize various data
object, it tries to give better default graphics and customized
choices for each data type, quick and convenient to explore your
genomic data compare to low level ggplot
method, it is much
simpler and easy to produce fairly complicate graphics, though you may
lose some flexibility for each layer.
list(list("autoplot"), list("GRanges"))(object, ..., chr, xlab, ylab, main, truncate.gaps = FALSE, = NULL, ratio = 0.0025, space.skip = 0.1,
legend = TRUE, geom = NULL, stat = NULL,
chr.weight = NULL,
coord = c("default", "genome", "truncate_gaps"),
layout = c("linear", "karyogram", "circle"))
list(list("autoplot"), list("GRangesList"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, indName = "grl_name",
geom = NULL, stat = NULL, coverage.col = "gray50",
coverage.fill = coverage.col, group.selfish = FALSE)
list(list("autoplot"), list("IRanges"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main)
list(list("autoplot"), list("Seqinfo"))(object, ideogram = FALSE, ... )
list(list("autoplot"), list("GAlignments"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, which,
geom = NULL, stat = NULL)
list(list("autoplot"), list("BamFile"))(object, ..., which, xlab, ylab, main,
bsgenome, geom = "line", stat = "coverage", method = c("raw",
"estimate"), coord = c("linear", "genome"),
resize.extra = 10, space.skip = 0.1, show.coverage =
list(list("autoplot"), list("character"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, which)
list(list("autoplot"), list("TxDbOREnsDb"))(object, which, ..., xlab, ylab, main, truncate.gaps =
FALSE, = NULL, ratio = 0.0025,
mode = c("full", "reduce"),geom =
c("alignment"), stat = c("identity", "reduce"),
names.expr = "tx_name", label = TRUE)
list(list("autoplot"), list("BSgenome"))(object, which, ...,
xlab, ylab, main, geom = NULL)
list(list("autoplot"), list("Rle"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, binwidth, nbin = 30,
geom = NULL, stat = c("bin", "identity", "slice"),
type = c("viewSums", "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
list(list("autoplot"), list("RleList"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main, nbin = 30, binwidth,
facetByRow = TRUE, stat = c("bin", "identity", "slice"),
geom = NULL, type = c("viewSums", "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
list(list("autoplot"), list("matrix"))(object, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
geom = c("tile", "raster"), axis.text.angle = NULL,
hjust = 0.5, na.value = NULL,
rownames.label = TRUE, colnames.label = TRUE,
axis.text.x = TRUE, axis.text.y = TRUE)
list(list("autoplot"), list("ExpressionSet"))(object, ..., type = c("heatmap", "none",
"scatterplot.matrix", "pcp", "MA", "boxplot",
"mean-sd"), test.method =
"t", rotate = FALSE, pheno.plot = FALSE, main_to_pheno
= 4.5, padding = 0.2)
list(list("autoplot"), list("RangedSummarizedExperiment"))(object, ..., type = c("heatmap", "link", "pcp", "boxplot", "scatterplot.matrix"), pheno.plot = FALSE,
main_to_pheno = 4.5, padding = 0.2, = 1)
list(list("autoplot"), list("VCF"))(object, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,,
type = c("default", "geno", "info", "fixed"),
full.string = FALSE, = TRUE,
genome.axis = TRUE,
transpose = TRUE)
list(list("autoplot"), list("OrganismDb"))(object, which, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,
truncate.gaps = FALSE, = NULL,
ratio = 0.0025,
geom = c("alignment"),
stat = c("identity", "reduce"),
columns = c("TXNAME", "SYMBOL", "TXID", "GENEID"),
names.expr = "SYMBOL",
label = TRUE,
label.color = "gray40")
list(list("autoplot"), list("VRanges"))(object, ...,which = NULL,
arrow = TRUE, indel.col = "gray30",
geom = NULL,
xlab, ylab, main)
list(list("autoplot"), list("TabixFile"))(object, which, ...)
Argument | Description |
object | object to be plot. |
columns | columns passed to method works for TxDb , EnsDb and OrganismDb . |
label.color | when label turned on for gene model, this parameter controls label color. |
arrow | arrow passed to geome_alignment function to control intron arrow attributes. |
indel.col | indel colors. |
ideogram | Weather to call plotIdeogram or not, default is FALSE , if TRUE , layout_karyogram will be called. |
transpose | logical value, defaut TRUE, always make features from VCF as x, so we can use it to map to genomic position. |
axis.text.angle | axis text angle. |
axis.text.x | logical value indicates whether to show x axis and labels or not. |
axis.text.y | logical value indicates whether to show y axis and labels or not. |
hjust | horizontal just for axis text. |
rownames.label | logical value indicates whether to show rownames of matrix as y label or not. |
colnames.label | logical value indicates whether to show colnames of matrix as y label or not. |
na.value | color for NA value. |
rotate | |
pheno.plot | show pheno plot or not. |
main_to_pheno | main matrix plot width to pheno plot width ratio. |
padding | padding between plots. | | index for assay you are going to use. |
geom | Geom to use (Single character for now). Please see section Geometry for details. |
truncate.gaps | logical value indicate to truncate gaps or not. | | shrinkage function. Please see shrinkagefun in package biovizBase. |
ratio | used in maxGap . |
mode | Display mode for genomic features. |
space.skip | space ratio between chromosome spaces in coordate genome. |
coord | Coodinate system. |
chr.weight | numeric vectors which sum to <1, the names of vectors has to be matched with seqnames in seqinfo, and you can only specify part of the seqnames, other lengths of chromosomes will be assined proportionally to their seqlengths, for example, you could specify chr1 to be 0.5, so the chr1 will take half of the space and other chromosomes squeezed to take left of the space. |
legend | A logical value indicates whether to show legend or not. Default is TRUE |
which | A GRanges object to subset the result, usually passed to the ScanBamParam function. For autoplot,EnsDb , which can in addition also be an object extending AnnotationFilter , an AnnotationFilterList combining such objects or a formula representing a filter expression. See examples below or documentation of AnnotationFilter for more details. |
show.coverage | A logical value indicates whether to show coverage or not. This is used for geom "mismatch.summary". |
resize.extra | A numeric value used to add buffer to intervals to compute stepping levels on. |
bsgenome | A BSgenome object. Only need for geom "mismatch.summary". |
xlab | x label. |
ylab | y label. |
label | logic value, default TRUE. To show label by the side of features. |
facetByRow | A logical value, default is TRUE ,facet RleList by row. If FALSE, facet by column. |
type | For Rle/RleList, "raw" plot everything, so be careful, that would be pretty slow if you have too much data. For "viewMins", "viewMaxs", "viewMeans", "viewSums", require extra arguments to slice the object. so users need to at least provide lower , more details and control please refer the the manual of slice function in IRanges. For "viewMins", "viewMaxs", we use viewWhichMin and viewWhichMax to get x scale, for "viewMeans", "viewSums", we use window midpoint as x. For ExpreesionSet, ploting types. |
layout | Layout including linear, circular and karyogram. for GenomicRangesList , it only supports circular layout. |
method | method used for parsing coverage from bam files. 'estimate' use fast esitmated method and 'raw' use relatively slow parsing method. |
test.method | test method |
... | Extra parameters. Usually are those parameters used in autoplot to control aesthetics or geometries. |
main | title. |
stat | statistical transformation. |
indName | When coerce GRangesList to GRanges , names created for each group. |
coverage.col | coverage stroke color. |
coverage.fill | coverage fill color. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
names.expr | names expression used for creating labels. For EnsDb objects either "tx_id" , "gene_name" or "gene_id" . |
binwidth | width of the bins. |
nbin | number of bins. |
genome.axis | logical value, if TRUE, whenever possible, try to parse genomic postition for each column(e.g. RangedSummarizedExperiment), show column as exatcly the genomic position instead of showing them side by side and indexed from 1. |
full.string | logical value. If TRUE, show full string of indels in plot for VCF. | | logical value. If TRUE, show REF in VCF at bottom track. |
chr | characters indicates the seqnames to be subseted. |
A ggplot
object, so you can use common features from ggplot2
package to manipulate the plot.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 1000
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
idx <- sample(1:length(gr), size = 50)
### code chunk number 3: default
### code chunk number 4: bar-default-pre
gr.b <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b2 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr2", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b <- c(gr.b, gr.b2)
### code chunk number 5: bar-default
p1 <- autoplot(gr.b, geom = "bar")
## use value to fill the bar
p2 <- autoplot(gr.b, geom = "bar", aes(fill = value))
tracks(default = p1, fill = p2)
### code chunk number 6: autoplot.Rnw:236-237
autoplot(gr[idx], geom = "arch", aes(color = value), facets = sample ~ seqnames)
### code chunk number 7: gr-group
gra <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(1,7,20), end = c(4,9,30)), group = c("a", "a", "b"))
## if you desn't specify group, then group based on stepping levels, and gaps are computed without
## considering extra group method
p1 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group), geom = "alignment")
## when use group method, gaps only computed for grouped intervals.
## default is group.selfish = TRUE, each group keep one row.
## in this way, group labels could be shown as y axis.
p2 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group, group = group), geom = "alignment")
## group.selfish = FALSE, save space
p3 <- autoplot(gra, aes(fill = group, group = group), geom = "alignment", group.selfish = FALSE)
tracks('non-group' = p1,'group.selfish = TRUE' = p2 , 'group.selfish = FALSE' = p3)
### code chunk number 8: gr-facet-strand
autoplot(gr, stat = "coverage", geom = "area",
facets = strand ~ seqnames, aes(fill = strand))
### code chunk number 9: gr-autoplot-circle
autoplot(gr[idx], layout = 'circle')
### code chunk number 10: gr-circle
seqlengths(gr) <- c(400, 500, 700)
values(gr)$ <- gr[sample(1:length(gr), size = length(gr))]
idx <- sample(1:length(gr), size = 50)
gr <- gr[idx]
ggplot() + layout_circle(gr, geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70", radius = 7, trackWidth = 3) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "bar", radius = 10, trackWidth = 4,
aes(fill = score, y = score)) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "point", color = "red", radius = 14,
trackWidth = 3, grid = TRUE, aes(y = score)) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "link", = "", radius = 6, trackWidth = 1)
### code chunk number 11: seqinfo-src
data(hg19Ideogram, package = "biovizBase")
sq <- seqinfo(hg19Ideogram)
### code chunk number 12: seqinfo
autoplot(sq[paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X"))])
### code chunk number 13: ir-load
N <- 100
ir <- IRanges(start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE))
## add meta data
df <- DataFrame(value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
values(ir) <- df
### code chunk number 14: ir-exp
p1 <- autoplot(ir)
p2 <- autoplot(ir, aes(fill = pair)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
p3 <- autoplot(ir, stat = "coverage", geom = "line", facets = sample ~. )
p4 <- autoplot(ir, stat = "reduce")
tracks(p1, p2, p3, p4)
### code chunk number 15: grl-simul
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(30:40, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
grl <- split(gr, values(gr)$pair)
### code chunk number 16: grl-exp
## default gap.geom is 'chevron'
p1 <- autoplot(grl, group.selfish = TRUE)
p2 <- autoplot(grl, group.selfish = TRUE, main.geom = "arrowrect", gap.geom = "segment")
tracks(p1, p2)
### code chunk number 17: grl-name
autoplot(grl, aes(fill = ..grl_name..))
## equal to
## autoplot(grl, aes(fill = grl_name))
### code chunk number 18: rle-simul
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
## @knitr create
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
### code chunk number 19: rle-bin
p1 <- autoplot(xRle)
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, nbin = 80)
p3 <- autoplot(xRle, geom = "heatmap", nbin = 200)
tracks('nbin = 30' = p1, "nbin = 80" = p2, "nbin = 200(heatmap)" = p3)
### code chunk number 20: rle-id
p1 <- autoplot(xRle, stat = "identity")
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, stat = "identity", geom = "point", color = "red")
tracks('line' = p1, "point" = p2)
### code chunk number 21: rle-slice
p1 <- autoplot(xRle, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5)
p2 <- autoplot(xRle, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
tracks('bar' = p1, "heatmap" = p2)
### code chunk number 22: rlel-simul
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
### code chunk number 23: rlel-bin
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList)
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, nbin = 80)
p3 <- autoplot(xRleList, geom = "heatmap", nbin = 200)
tracks('nbin = 30' = p1, "nbin = 80" = p2, "nbin = 200(heatmap)" = p3)
### code chunk number 24: rlel-id
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList, stat = "identity")
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, stat = "identity", geom = "point", color = "red")
tracks('line' = p1, "point" = p2)
### code chunk number 25: rlel-slice
p1 <- autoplot(xRleList, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5)
p2 <- autoplot(xRleList, type = "viewMaxs", stat = "slice", lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
tracks('bar' = p1, "heatmap" = p2)
### code chunk number 26: txdb
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
### code chunk number 27: txdb-visual
p1 <- autoplot(txdb, which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], names.expr = "tx_name:::gene_id")
p2 <- autoplot(txdb, which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], stat = "reduce", color = "brown",
fill = "brown")
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(5, 1)) + ylab("")
### EnsDb
## Fetching gene models from an EnsDb object.
ensdb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
## We use a GenenameFilter to specifically retrieve all transcripts for that gene.
p1 <- autoplot(ensdb, which = GenenameFilter("ALDOA"), names.expr = "gene_name")
## Instead of providing the GenenameFilter, we can also use filter expressions
p2 <- autoplot(ensdb, which = ~ genename == "ALDOA", stat = "reduce",
color = "brown", fill = "brown")
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(5, 1)) + ylab("")
## Alternatively, we can specify a GRangesFilter and display all genes
## that are (partially) overlapping with that genomic region:
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=16, IRanges(30768000, 30770000), strand="+")
autoplot(ensdb, GRangesFilter(gr, "any"), names.expr="gene_name")
## Just submitting the GRanges object also works.
autoplot(ensdb, gr, names.expr="gene_name")
## Or genes encoded on both strands.
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = 16, IRanges(30768000, 30770000), strand = "*")
autoplot(ensdb, GRangesFilter(gr), names.expr="gene_name")
## Also, we can spefify directly the gene ids and plot all transcripts of these
## genes (not only those overlapping with the region)
autoplot(ensdb, GeneIdFilter(c("ENSG00000196118", "ENSG00000156873")))
### code chunk number 28: ga-load
data("genesymbol", package = "biovizBase")
bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "SRR027894subRBM17.bam",
which <- keepStandardChromosomes(genesymbol["RBM17"])
## need to set use.names = TRUE
ga <- readGAlignments(bamfile,
param = ScanBamParam(which = which),
use.names = TRUE)
### code chunk number 29: ga-exp
p1 <- autoplot(ga)
p2 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "rect")
p3 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "line", stat = "coverage")
tracks(default = p1, rect = p2, coverage = p3)
### code chunk number 30: bf-load (eval = FALSE)
## library(Rsamtools)
## bamfile <- "./wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeqK562R1x75dAlignsRep1V2.bam"
## bf <- BamFile(bamfile)
### code chunk number 31: bf-est-cov (eval = FALSE)
## autoplot(bamfile)
## autoplot(bamfile, which = c("chr1", "chr2"))
## autoplot(bf)
## autoplot(bf, which = c("chr1", "chr2"))
## data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
## autoplot(bamfile, method = "raw", which = genesymbol["ALDOA"])
## library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
## autoplot(bf, stat = "mismatch", which = genesymbol["ALDOA"], bsgenome = Hsapiens)
### code chunk number 32: char-bam (eval = FALSE)
## bamfile <- "./wgEncodeCaltechRnaSeqK562R1x75dAlignsRep1V2.bam"
## autoplot(bamfile)
### code chunk number 33: char-gr
test_path <- system.file("tests", package = "rtracklayer")
test_bed <- file.path(test_path, "test.bed")
autoplot(test_bed, aes(fill = name))
### matrix
volcano <- volcano[20:70, 20:60] - 150
autoplot(volcano, xlab = "xlab", main = "main", ylab = "ylab")
## special scale theme for 0-centered values
autoplot(volcano, geom = "raster")+scale_fill_fold_change()
## when a matrix has colnames and rownames label them by default
colnames(volcano) <- sort(sample(1:300, size = ncol(volcano), replace = FALSE))
rownames(volcano) <- letters[sample(1:24, size = nrow(volcano), replace = TRUE)]
## even with row/col names, you could also disable it and just use numeric index
autoplot(volcano, colnames.label = FALSE)
autoplot(volcano, rownames.label = FALSE, colnames.label = FALSE)
## don't want the axis has label??
autoplot(volcano, axis.text.x = FALSE)
autoplot(volcano, axis.text.y = FALSE)
# or totally remove axis
colnames(volcano) <- lapply(letters[sample(1:24, size = ncol(volcano),
replace = TRUE)],
paste(rep(x, 7), collapse = "")
## Oops, overlapped
## tweak with it.
autoplot(volcano, axis.text.angle = -45, hjust = 0)
## when character is the value
x <- sample(c(letters[1:3], NA), size = 100, replace = TRUE)
mx <- matrix(x, nrow = 5)
## tile gives you a white margin
rownames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:5]
autoplot(mx, color = "white")
colnames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:20]
autoplot(mx, color = "white")
autoplot(mx, color = "white", size = 2)
## weird in aes(), though works
## default tile is flexible
autoplot(mx, aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6))
autoplot(mx, aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6), na.value = "white")
autoplot(mx, aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6)) + theme_clear()
### Views
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- dnorm(1:5e3, mean = 1e3, sd = 200)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
v1 <- Views(xRle, start = sample(.4e3:.6e3, size = 50, replace = FALSE), width =1000)
names(v1) <- letters[sample(1:24, size = length(v1), replace = TRUE)]
autoplot(v1, geom = "tile", aes(width = 0.5, height = 0.5))
autoplot(v1, geom = "line")
autoplot(v1, geom = "line", aes(color = row)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
autoplot(v1, geom = "line", facets = NULL)
autoplot(v1, geom = "line", facets = NULL, alpha = 0.1)
### ExpressionSet
## select 50 features
idx <- sample(seq_len(dim(sample.ExpressionSet)[1]), size = 50)
eset <- sample.ExpressionSet[idx,]
## default heatmap
p1 <- autoplot(eset)
p2 <- p1 + scale_fill_fold_change()
autoplot(eset, geom = "tile", color = "white", size = 2)
autoplot(eset, geom = "tile", aes(width = 0.6, height = 0.6))
autoplot(eset, pheno.plot = TRUE)
idx <- order(pData(eset)[,1])
eset2 <- eset[,idx]
autoplot(eset2, pheno.plot = TRUE)
## parallel coordainte plot
autoplot(eset, type = "pcp")
## boxplot
autoplot(eset, type = "boxplot")
## scatterplot.matrix
## slow, be carefull
##autoplot(eset[, 1:7], type = "scatterplot.matrix")
## mean-sd
autoplot(eset, type = "mean-sd")
### RangedSummarizedExperiment
nrows <- 200; ncols <- 6
counts <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
counts2 <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
rowRanges <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(50, 150)),
IRanges(floor(runif(200, 1e5, 1e6)), width=100),
strand=sample(c("+", "-"), 200, TRUE))
colData <- DataFrame(Treatment=rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 3),
sset <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(counts=counts,
counts2 = counts2),
rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)
autoplot(sset) + scale_fill_fold_change()
autoplot(sset, pheno.plot = TRUE)
### pcp
autoplot(sset, type = "pcp")
### boxplot
autoplot(sset, type = "boxplot")
### scatterplot matrix
##autoplot(sset, type = "scatterplot.matrix")
### vcf
vcffile <- system.file("extdata", "chr22.vcf.gz", package="VariantAnnotation")
vcf <- readVcf(vcffile, "hg19")
## default use type 'geno'
## default use genome position
## or disable it
autoplot(vcf, genome.axis = FALSE)
## not transpose
autoplot(vcf, genome.axis = FALSE, transpose = FALSE, rownames.label = FALSE)
## use
autoplot(vcf, = "DS")
## equivalent to
autoplot(vcf, = 2)
## doesn't work when cannot find
autoplot(vcf, = "NO")
## use AF or first
autoplot(vcf, type = "info")
## geom bar
autoplot(vcf, type = "info", aes(y = THETA))
autoplot(vcf, type = "info", aes(y = THETA, fill = VT, color = VT))
autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed")
autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", size = 10) + xlim(c(50310860, 50310890)) + ylim(0.75, 1.25)
p1 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed") + xlim(50310860, 50310890)
p2 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", full.string = TRUE) + xlim(50310860, 50310890)
tracks("full.string = FALSE" = p1, "full.string = TRUE" = p2)+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL, limits = c(0, 3))
p3 <- autoplot(vcf, type = "fixed", = FALSE) + xlim(50310860, 50310890) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL, limits = c(0, 2))
### code chunk number 56: bs-v
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
p1 <- autoplot(Hsapiens, which = resize(genesymbol["ALDOA"], width = 50))
p2 <- autoplot(Hsapiens, which = resize(genesymbol["ALDOA"], width = 50), geom = "rect")
tracks(text = p1, rect = p2)
### code chunk number 57: sessionInfo
Alignment geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as alignment.
% for GRangeslist(list("geom_alignment"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main, facets = NULL, stat =
c("stepping", "identity"), range.geom = c("rect",
"arrowrect"), gap.geom = c("chevron", "arrow",
"segment"), rect.height = NULL, group.selfish = TRUE,
label = TRUE)
list(list("geom_alignment"), list("TxDbOREnsDb"))(data, ..., which, columns = c("tx_id", "tx_name",
"gene_id"), names.expr = "tx_name", facets = NULL,
truncate.gaps = FALSE, = NULL, ratio =
list(list("geom_alignment"), list("GRangesList"))(data, ..., which = NULL,
cds.rect.h = 0.25,
exon.rect.h = cds.rect.h,
utr.rect.h = cds.rect.h/2,
xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, geom = "alignment",
stat = c("identity", "reduce"),
range.geom = "rect",
gap.geom = "arrow",
utr.geom = "rect",
names.expr = NULL,
label = TRUE,
label.color = "gray40",
arrow.rate = 0.015,
length = unit(0.1, "cm"))
list(list("geom_alignment"), list("OrganismDb"))(data, ..., which,
columns = c("TXNAME", "SYMBOL", "TXID", "GENEID"),
names.expr = "SYMBOL",
facets = NULL,
truncate.gaps = FALSE, = NULL, ratio = 0.0025
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges , data.frame , TxDb or EnsDb object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed. |
which | GRanges object to subset the TxDb or EnsDb object. For EnsDb : can also be a single object extending AnnotationFilter , an AnnotationFilterList combining such objects or a filter expression in form of a formula . |
cds.rect.h | cds heights. |
exon.rect.h | exon heights. |
utr.rect.h | utr heights. |
label.color | label color. |
arrow.rate | arrow rate. |
length | arrow length. |
columns | columns to get from object. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
stat | For GRanges : Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . For TxDb : defualt "identity" give full gene model and "reduce" for reduced model. |
gap.geom | Geom for 'gap' computed from the data you passed based on the group information. |
rect.height | Half height of the arrow body. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
truncate.gaps | logical value indicate to truncate gaps or not. | | shrinkage function. Please see shrinkagefun in package biovizBase. |
ratio | used in maxGap . |
geom | geometric object. only support "gene" now. |
range.geom | geom for main intevals or exons. |
utr.geom | geom for utr region. |
names.expr | expression for showing y label. |
label | logical value. Whether to label the intervals with names specified by argument names.expr . |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment()
## or
ggplot() + geom_alignment(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment(stat = "stepping", aes(group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish controls when
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment(stat = "stepping", aes(group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE)
## =======================================
## main/gap geom
## =======================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment(range.geom = "arrowrect", gap.geom = "chevron")
## =======================================
## For TxDb
## =======================================
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
## made a track comparing full/reduce stat.
ggbio() + geom_alignment(data = txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
p1 <- ggplot(txdb) + geom_alignment(which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
p2 <- ggplot(txdb) + geom_alignment(which = genesymbol["RBM17"], stat = "reduce")
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(3, 1))
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(3, 1)) + theme_tracks_sunset()
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(3, 1)) +
theme_tracks_sunset(axis.line.color = NA)
## change y labels
ggplot(txdb) + geom_alignment(which = genesymbol["RBM17"], names.expr = "tx_id:::gene_id")
Arch geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as arches.
% for data.framelist(list("geom_arch"), list("data.frame"))(data, ..., n = 25, max.height = 10)
% for GRangeslist(list("geom_arch"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main, facets = NULL,
rect.height = 0, n = 25, max.height = 10)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters passed to autoplot function, aes mapping support height, x, xend . |
x start of the arches
xend end of the arches
height height of arches
| Label for x | |ylab
| Label for y | |main
| Title for plot. | |n
| Integer values at which interpolation takes place to create 'n' equally spaced points spanning the interval ['min(x)', 'max(x)']. | |facets
| Faceting formula to use. | |rect.height
| When data isGRanges
, this padding the arches from original y value to allow users putting arches 'around' the interval rectangles. | |max.height
| Max height of all arches. |
To draw a interval data as arches, we need to provide a special geom for
this purpose. Arches is popular in gene viewer or genomoe browser,
when they try to show isoforms or gene model. geom_arch
just like any other geom_*
function in ggplot2, you can pass
aes() to it to map variable to height of arches.
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## =======================================
## simmulated GRanges
## =======================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## =======================================
## default
## =======================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arch()
# or
ggplot() + geom_arch(gr)
## =======================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## =======================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arch(aes(color = value, height = value, size = value),
alpha = 0.2, facets = sample ~ seqnames)
Arrow geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as arrows.
list(list("geom_arrow"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
angle = 30, length = unit(0.12, "cm"), type = "open",
stat = c("stepping", "identity"), facets = NULL,
arrow.rate = 0.03, group.selfish = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
angle | The angle of the arrow head in degrees (smaller numbers produce narrower, pointier arrows). Essentially describes the width of the arrow head. |
length | A unit specifying the length of the arrow head (from tip to base). |
type | One of "open" or "closed" indicating whether the arrow head should be a closed triangle. |
stat | Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
arrow.rate | Arrow density of the arrow body. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow()
# or
ggplot() + geom_arrow(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:identity
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow(stat = "identity", aes(y = value))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE)
## ======================================================================
## other options to control arrow angle, density, ...
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrow(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair),
arrow.rate = 0.01, legnth = unit(0.3, "cm"), agnle = 45,
group.selfish = FALSE)
Arrowrect geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as rectangle with a arrow head.
list(list("geom_arrowrect"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, stat = c("stepping", "identity"),
rect.height = NULL, arrow.head = 0.06,
arrow.head.rate = arrow.head, arrow.head.fix = NULL,
group.selfish = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
stat | Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . |
rect.height | Half height of the arrow body. |
arrow.head | Arrow head to body ratio. |
arrow.head.rate | Arrow head to body ratio. same with arrow.head. |
arrow.head.fix | fixed length of arrow head. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrowrect()
## or
ggplot() + geom_arrowrect(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrowrect(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:identity
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrowrect(stat = "identity", aes(y = value))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrowrect(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish controls when
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_arrowrect(gr, stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE)
Segment geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as vertical bar, width equals to interval width and use 'score' or specified 'y' as y scale.
list(list("geom_bar"), list("ANY"))(data, ...)
list(list("geom_bar"), list("GRanges"))(data,..., xlab, ylab, main)
Argument | Description |
data | Typically a GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() or color, size passed. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
Useful for showing bed like files, when imported as GRanges, have a extra 'score' column, use it as default y, you could also specify y by using aes(y = ).
A 'Layer'.
## load
## simul
gr.b <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b2 <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr2", IRanges(start = seq(1, 100, by = 10),
width = sample(4:9, size = 10, replace = TRUE)),
score = rnorm(10, 10, 3), value = runif(10, 1, 100))
gr.b <- c(gr.b, gr.b2)
## default use score as y
## bar
ggplot(gr.b) + geom_bar(aes(fill = value))
## or
ggplot() + geom_bar(gr.b, aes(fill = value))
ggplot(gr.b) + geom_bar(aes(y = value))
## equal to
autoplot(gr.b, geom = "bar")
Chevron geoms for GRanges object
Break normal intervals stroed in GRanges
object and show them
as chevron, useful for showing model or splice summary.
list(list("geom_chevron"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
offset = 0.1,
facets = NULL,
stat = c("stepping", "identity"),
chevron.height.rescale = c(0.1, 0.8),
group.selfish = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges object. |
... | Extra parameters passed to autoplot function. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
offset | A nunmeric value or characters. If it's numeric value, indicate how much you want the chevron to wiggle, usually the rectangle for drawing GRanges is of height unit 1, so it's better between -0.5 and 0.5 to make it nice looking. Unless you specify offset as one of those columns, this will use height of the chevron to indicate the columns. Of course you could use size of the chevron to indicate the column variable easily, please see the examples. |
facets | faceting formula to use. |
stat | character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . |
chevron.height.rescale | A numeric vector of length 2. When the offset parameters is a character which is one of the data columns, this parameter rescale the offset. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
To draw a normal GRanges as Chevron, we need to provide a special geom for
this purpose. Chevron is popular in gene viewer or genomoe browser,
when they try to show isoforms or gene model. geom_chevron
just like any other geom_*
function in ggplot2, you can pass
aes() to it to use height of chevron or width
of chevron to show statistics summary.
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_chevron()
## or
ggplot() + geom_chevron(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_chevron(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:identity
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_chevron(stat = "identity", aes(y = value))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_chevron(stat = "stepping", aes(group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish controls when
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_chevron(stat = "stepping", aes(group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE,
xlab = "xlab", ylab = "ylab", main = "main")
p <- qplot(x = mpg, y = cyl, data = mtcars)
## ======================================================================
## offset
## ======================================================================
gr2 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(1, 10, 20), width = 5))
gr2.p <- gaps(gr2)
## resize to connect them
gr2.p <- resize(gr2.p, fix = "center", width = width(gr2.p)+2)
ggplot(gr2) + geom_rect() + geom_chevron(gr2.p)
## notice the rectangle height is 0.8
## offset = 0 just like a line
ggplot(gr2) + geom_rect() + geom_chevron(gr2.p, offset = 0)
## equal height
ggplot(gr2) + geom_rect() + geom_chevron(gr2.p, offset = 0.4)
## ======================================================================
## chevron.height
## ======================================================================
values(gr2.p)$score <- c(100, 200)
ggplot(gr2) + geom_rect() + geom_chevron(gr2.p, offset = "score")
## chevron.height
ggplot(gr2) + geom_rect() + geom_chevron(gr2.p, offset = "score",
chevron.height.rescale = c(0.4, 10))
Rect geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as rectangle.
list(list("geom_rect"), list("ANY"))(data, ...)
list(list("geom_rect"), list("GRanges"))(data,..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, stat = c("stepping", "identity"),
rect.height = NULL,
group.selfish = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | Typically a GRanges or data.frame object. When it's data.frame , it's simply calling ggplot2::geom_rect. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() or color, size passed. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
stat | Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . |
rect.height | Half height of the arrow body. |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## data.frame call ggplot2::geom_rect
## ======================================================================
ggplot() + geom_rect(data = mtcars, aes(xmin = mpg, ymin = wt, xmax = mpg + 10, ymax = wt + 0.2,
fill = cyl))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect()
# or
ggplot() + geom_rect(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:identity
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect(stat = "identity", aes(y = value))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish controls when
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE)
Segment geoms for GRanges object
Show interval data as segments.
list(list("geom_segment"), list("ANY"))(data, ...)
% for GRangeslist(list("geom_segment"), list("GRanges"))(data,..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, stat = c("stepping", "identity"),
group.selfish = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() or color, size passed. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
stat | Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify y value in aes . |
group.selfish | Passed to addStepping , control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to FALSE , if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## ======================================================================
## data.frame call ggplot2::geom_segment
## ======================================================================
ggplot() + geom_segment(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt, xend = mpg + 10, yend = wt + 0.2,
fill = cyl))
## ======================================================================
## default
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_segment()
## or
ggplot() + geom_segment(gr)
## ======================================================================
## facetting and aesthetics
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_segment(facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand))
## ======================================================================
## stat:identity
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_segment(stat = "identity", aes(y = value))
## ======================================================================
## stat:stepping
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_segment(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair))
## ======================================================================
## group.selfish controls when
## ======================================================================
ggplot(gr) + geom_segment(stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE)
class ggbio
a sub class of ggplot and gg class defined in ggplot2 package, used for ggbio specific methods.
GGbio(ggplot = NULL, data = NULL, fetchable = FALSE, blank =
FALSE, ...)
Argument | Description |
ggplot | a ggplot or gg object. |
data | raw data |
fetchable | logical value, default FALSE , is there any fetch method available. |
blank | logical value, default FALSE , is this plot a blank plot. |
... | More properties passed to class like Cache . |
This class is defined to facilitate the ggbio-specific visualization
method, especially when using ggplot
to construct ggbio
supported object, that will return a ggbio class. And internals tricks
will help a lazy evaluation for following +
a ggbio object.
Tengfei Yin
p1 <- qplot()
g1 <- ggbio(p1)
ggplot methods
These methods extend ggplot
to support several
types of Bioconductor objects, as well as some base types like
matrix. They return a ggbio
object, which stores the original data
object. Please check the corresponding method for mold
to see how an object is coerced into a data.frame.
list(list("ggplot"), list("Vector"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("Seqinfo"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("ExpressionSet"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("TxDbOREnsDb"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("BSgenome"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("matrix"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("character"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("SummarizedExperiment"))(data, mapping = aes(), = 1L, list(), environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("GAlignments"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
list(list("ggplot"), list("VCF"))(data, mapping = aes(), list(),
environment = parent.frame())
Argument | Description |
data | original data object. |
mapping | the aesthetic mapping. |
... | other arguments passed to specific methods. |
environment | fall-back environment for evaluation of aesthetic symbols | | index of assay you are using when multiple assays exist. |
The biggest difference for objects returned by ggplot
ggbio from ggplot2, is we always keep the original data copy, this
is useful because in ggbio, our starting point is not always
data.frame, many special statistical transformation is computed upon
original data objects instead of coerced data.frame. This is a hack
to follow ggplot2's API while allow our own defined components to
trace back to original data copy and do the transformation. For
objects supported by mold
we transform them to
data.frame stored along the original data set, for objects which not
supported by mold
method, we only store the original copy
for ggbio specific graphics.
is typically used to construct a plot incrementally,
using the +
operator to add layers to the existing ggplot object.
This is advantageous in that the code is explicit about which
layers are added and the order in which they are added. For
complex graphics with multiple layers, initialization with
is recommended. You can always call qplot
package ggplot2 or autoplot
in ggbio for convenient usage.
There are three common ways to invoke ggplot
list() list(list("ggplot(df, aes(x, y,
))")) list() list(list("ggplot(df)"))
list() list(list("ggplot()"))
The first method is recommended if all layers use the same data and
the same set of aesthetics, although this method can also be used to
add a layer using data from another data frame. The second method
specifies the default data frame to use for the plot, but no
aesthetics are defined up front. This is useful when one data frame
is used predominantly as layers are added, but the aesthetics may
vary from one layer to another. The third method initializes a
skeleton ggplot
object which is fleshed out as layers are
added. This method is useful when multiple data frames are used to
produce different layers, as is often the case in complex graphics.
The examples below illustrate how these methods of invoking
can be used in constructing a graphic.
a return ggbio
object, which is a subclass of ggplot
defined in ggplot2 package, but that's more, a '.data' list entry is
stored with the returned object.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## GRanges
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## automatically facetting and assign y
## this must mean geom_rect support GRanges object
ggplot(gr) + geom_rect()
ggplot(gr) + geom_alignment()
ggplot() + geom_alignment(gr)
## use pure ggplot2's geom_rect, no auto facet
ggplot(gr) + ggplot2::geom_rect(aes(xmin = start, ymin = score,
xmax = end, ymax = score + 1))
## GRangesList
grl <- split(gr, values(gr)$pair)
ggplot(grl) + geom_alignment()
ggplot(grl) + geom_rect()
ggplot(grl) + ggplot2::geom_rect(aes(xmin = start, ymin = score,
xmax = end, ymax = score + 1))
## IRanges
ir <- ranges(gr)
ggplot(ir) + geom_rect()
ggplot(ir) + layout_circle(geom = "rect")
## Seqinfo
seqlengths(gr) <- c(400, 500, 420)
ggplot(seqinfo(gr)) + geom_point(aes(x = midpoint, y = seqlengths))
## matrix
mx <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3)
ggplot(mx, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = value))
## row is the factor
ggplot(mx, aes(x = x, y = row)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = value))
colnames(mx) <- letters[1:ncol(mx)]
## has extra 'colnames'
ggplot(mx, aes(x = x, y = row)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = colnames))
rownames(mx) <- LETTERS[1:nrow(mx)]
ggplot(mx, aes(x = x, y = row)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = rownames))
## please check autoplot, matrix for more control
## Views
% subject <- XInteger(10, 3:-6)
% ## equal width
% v1 <- Views(subject, start=4:1, width = 3)
% ggplot(v1) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = row, fill = value))
% ggplot(v1) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = factor(1), fill = value)) +
% facet_grid(group ~. )
% ## unequal width
% v2 <- Views(subject, start=4:1, width = 3:6)
% ggplot(v2) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = row, fill = value))
## ExpressionSet
## select 50 features
idx <- sample(seq_len(dim(sample.ExpressionSet)[1]), size = 50)
eset <- sample.ExpressionSet[idx,]
ggplot(eset) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value))
## please check autoplot,matrix method which gives you more control
ggplot(eset) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = sex))
ggplot(eset) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = type))
## Rle
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
ggplot(xRle) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value))
## RleList
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
ggplot(xRleList) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)) +
names(xRleList) <- c("a" ,"b")
ggplot(xRleList) + geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)) +
## RangedSummarizedExperiment
nrows <- 200; ncols <- 6
counts <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
counts2 <- matrix(runif(nrows * ncols, 1, 1e4), nrows)
rowRanges <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(50, 150)),
IRanges(floor(runif(200, 1e5, 1e6)), width=100),
strand=sample(c("+", "-"), 200, TRUE))
colData <- DataFrame(Treatment=rep(c("ChIP", "Input"), 3),
sset <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(counts=counts,
counts2 = counts2),
rowRanges=rowRanges, colData=colData)
ggplot(sset) + geom_raster(aes(x = x, y = y , fill = value))
Save a ggplot object or tracks with sensible defaults
ggsave is a convenient function for saving a plot. It defaults to saving the last plot that you displayed, and for a default size uses the size of the current graphics device. It also guesses the type of graphics device from the extension. This means the only argument you need to supply is the filename.
ggsave(filename, plot = last_plot(),
device = default_device(filename), path = NULL,
scale = 1, width = par("din")[1],
height = par("din")[2], units = c("in", "cm", "mm"),
dpi = 300, limitsize = TRUE, ...)
Argument | Description |
filename | file name/filename of plot |
plot | plot to save, defaults to last plot displayed |
device | device to use, automatically extract from file name extension |
path | path to save plot to (if you just want to set path and not filename) |
scale | scaling factor |
width | width (defaults to the width of current plotting window) |
height | height (defaults to the height of current plotting window) |
units | units for width and height when either one is explicitly specified (in, cm, or mm) |
dpi | dpi to use for raster graphics |
limitsize | when TRUE (the default), ggsave will not save images larger than 50x50 inches, to prevent the common error of specifying dimensions in pixels. |
... | other arguments passed to graphics device |
currently recognises the extensions eps/ps,
tex (pictex), pdf, jpeg, tiff, png, bmp, svg and wmf
(windows only).
Create a circle layout
Create a circle layout.
list(list("layout_circle"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., geom = c("point", "line", "link", "ribbon",
"rect", "bar", "segment", "hist", "scale", "heatmap", "ideogram",
"text"),, radius = 10, trackWidth = 5,
space.skip = 0.015, direction = c("clockwise",
"anticlockwise"), = function(x, y, n = 30)
bezier(x, y, evaluation = n), rect.inter.n = 60, rank,
ylim = NULL,
scale.n = 60, scale.unit = NULL, scale.type = c("M",
"B", "sci"), grid.n = 5, grid.background = "gray70",
grid.line = "white", grid = FALSE, chr.weight = NULL)
list(list("layout_circle"), list("missing"))(data, ...)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aesthetics mapping in aes(), or color, size , etc. For circle function, it passed to layout_circle . |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. | | Character indicates column that specifying end of the linking lines, that column should be a GRanges object. |
radius | Numeric value indicates radius. Default is 10. |
trackWidth | Numeric value indicates the track width. |
space.skip | Numeric value indicates the ratio of skipped region between chunks(chromosomes in GRanges ) to the whole track space. |
direction | Space layout orders. | | Function used for interpolate the linking lines. Default is Hmisc::bezier. |
rect.inter.n | n passed to interpolate function in rectangle transformation(from a rectangle) to a section in circular view. |
rank | For default equal trackWidth, use rank to specify the circle orders. |
ylim | Numeric range to control y limits. |
scale.n | Approximate number of ticks you want to show on the whole space. used when scale.unit is NULL . |
scale.unit | Unit used for computing scale. Default is NULL , |
scale.type | Scale type used for |
grid | logical value indicate showing grid background for track or not. |
grid.n | integer value indicate horizontal grid line number. |
grid.background | grid background color. |
grid.line | grid line color. |
chr.weight | numeric vectors which sum to <1, the names of vectors has to be matched with seqnames in seqinfo, and you can only specify part of the seqnames, other lengths of chromosomes will be assined proportionally to their seqlengths, for example, you could specify chr1 to be 0.5, so the chr1 will take half of the space and other chromosomes squeezed to take left of the space. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 100
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
seqlengths(gr) <- c(400, 500, 700)
values(gr)$ <- gr[sample(1:length(gr), size = length(gr))]
## doesn't pass gr to the ggplot
ggplot() + layout_circle(gr, geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70", radius = 7, trackWidth = 3) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "bar", radius = 10, trackWidth = 4, aes(fill = score, y = score)) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "point", color = "red", radius = 14,
trackWidth = 3, grid = TRUE, aes(y = score)) +
layout_circle(gr, geom = "link", = "", radius = 6,
trackWidth = 1)
## more formal API
ggplot(gr) + layout_circle(geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70", radius = 7, trackWidth = 3) +
layout_circle(geom = "bar", radius = 10, trackWidth = 4, aes(fill = score, y = score)) +
layout_circle(geom = "point", color = "red", radius = 14,
trackWidth = 3, grid = TRUE, aes(y = score)) +
layout_circle(geom = "link", = "", radius = 6, trackWidth = 1)
Create a karyogram layout
Create a karyogram layout.
list(list("layout_karyogram"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = seqnames ~ ., cytobands = FALSE, geom = "rect",
stat = NULL, ylim = NULL, rect.height = 10)
Argument | Description |
data | a GRanges object, which could contain extra information about cytobands. If you want an accurate genome mapping, please provide seqlengths with this GRanges object,otherwise it will emit a warning and use data space to estimate the chromosome space which is very rough. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() or arbitrary color and size . |
xlab | character vector or expression for x axis label. |
ylab | character vector or expression for y axis label. |
main | character vector or expression for plot title. |
facets | faceting formula to use. |
cytobands | logical value indicate to show the cytobands or not. |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
stat | character vector specifying statistics to use. |
ylim | limits for y axis, usually the chromosome spaces y limits are from 0 to rect.height, which 10, so if you wan to stack some data on top of it, you can set limits to like c(10, 20). |
rect.height | numreic value indicate half of the rectangle ploting region, used for alignment of multiple layers. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
### R code from vignette source 'karyogram.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: loading
data(hg19IdeogramCyto, package = "biovizBase")
## default pre-set color stored in
### code chunk number 2: default
autoplot(hg19IdeogramCyto, layout = "karyogram", cytobands = TRUE)
### code chunk number 3: change-order
hg19 <- keepSeqlevels(hg19IdeogramCyto, paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")))
autoplot(hg19, layout = "karyogram", cytobands = TRUE)
### code chunk number 4: cyto-normal
## it's a 'ideogram'
## set to FALSE
autoplot(hg19, layout = "karyogram", cytobands = FALSE, aes(fill = gieStain)) +
### code chunk number 5: load-RNAediting
data(darned_hg19_subset500, package = "biovizBase")
dn <- darned_hg19_subset500
## add seqlengths
## we have seqlegnths information in another data set
data(hg19Ideogram, package = "biovizBase")
seqlengths(dn) <- seqlengths(hg19Ideogram)[names(seqlengths(dn))]
## now we have seqlengths
## then we change order
dn <- keepSeqlevels(dn, paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X")))
autoplot(dn, layout = "karyogram")
## this equivalent to
## autoplot(seqinfo(dn))
### code chunk number 6: load-RNAediting-color
## since default is geom rectangle, even though it's looks like segment
## we still use both fill/color to map colors
autoplot(dn, layout = "karyogram", aes(color = exReg, fill = exReg))
### code chunk number 7: load-RNAediting-color-NA
## since default is geom rectangle, even though it's looks like segment
## we still use both fill/color to map colors
autoplot(dn, layout = "karyogram", aes(color = exReg, fill = exReg)) +
scale_color_discrete(na.value = "brown")
### code chunk number 8: load-RNAediting-color-fake
dn2 <- dn
seqlengths(dn2) <- rep(max(seqlengths(dn2)), length(seqlengths(dn2)) )
autoplot(dn2, layout = "karyogram", aes(color = exReg, fill = exReg))
### code chunk number 9: plotKaryogram (eval = FALSE)
## plotKaryogram(dn)
## plotKaryogram(dn, aes(color = exReg, fill = exReg))
### code chunk number 10: low-default
## plot ideogram
p <- ggplot(hg19) + layout_karyogram(cytobands = TRUE)
## eqevelant autoplot(hg19, layout = "karyogram", cytobands = TRUE)
### code chunk number 11: low-default-addon
p <- p + layout_karyogram(dn, geom = "rect", ylim = c(11, 21), color = "red")
## commented line below won't work
## the cytoband fill color has been used already.
## p <- p + layout_karyogram(dn, aes(fill = exReg, color = exReg), geom = "rect")
### code chunk number 12: edit-space
## plot chromosome space
p <- autoplot(seqinfo(dn))
## make sure you pass rect as geom
## otherwise you just get background
p <- p + layout_karyogram(dn, aes(fill = exReg, color = exReg), geom = "rect")
values(dn)$pvalue <- rnorm(length(dn))
p + layout_karyogram(dn, aes(x = start, y = pvalue), ylim = c(10, 30), geom = "line", color = "red")
### code chunk number 13: sessionInfo
Plot estimated fragment length for paired-end RNA-seq data
Plot estimated fragment length for paired-end RNA-seq data against single reduced data model.
list(list("plotFragLength"), list("character,GRanges"))(data, model,
gap.ratio = 0.0025,
geom = c("segment", "point", "line"),
type = c("normal", "cut"),
heights = c(400, 100),
annotation = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A character indicate the bam file. |
model | A reduced model to compute estimated fragment length. please see details. |
gap.ratio | When type is set to "cut", it will provide a compact view, which cut the common gaps in a certain ratio. |
geom | One or all three geoms could be drawn at the same time. y value of "point" and "line" indicate the estimated fragment length. and if geom is set to "segment", the segment is from the left most position to paired right most position, should be equal to "isize". |
type | "normal" return a uncut view, loose but the coordinate is true genomic coordinates. "cut" cut the view in a compact way. |
heights | Numeric vector indicate the heights of tracks. |
annotation | A logical value. TRUE shows model, and FALSE shows only fragment length with labels. |
We use a easy way to define this estimated fragment length, we collect all paired reads and model, reduce model first, then find common gaps, remove common gaps between paired-end reads, and compute the new estimated fragment length.
A ggplot object when annotation = FALSE
and a frame grob if
annotation = TRUE
Tengfei Yin
bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "SRR027894subRBM17.bam", package="biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
model <- exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx") <- subsetByOverlaps(model, genesymbol["RBM17"])
exons.rbm17 <- subsetByOverlaps(exons(txdb), genesymbol["RBM17"]) <- reduce(exons.rbm17)
plotFragLength(bamfile,, geom = "line")
plotFragLength(bamfile,, geom = c("point","segment"))
plotFragLength(bamfile,, geom = c("point","segment"), annotation = FALSE)
plotFragLength(bamfile,, geom = c("point","segment"), type = "cut",
gap.ratio = 0.001)
Manhattan for GWAS
A Manhattan plot is special scatter plot used to visualize data with a large number of data points, with a distribute of some higher-magnitude values. For example, in the GWAS(genome-wide association studies). Here we mainly focus on GWAS Manhattan plots. X-axis is genomic coordinates and Y-axis is negative logarithm of the associated P-value for each single nucleotide polymorphism. So higher the value, more stronger the association they are.
plotGrandLinear(obj, ..., facets, space.skip = 0.01, geom = NULL,
cutoff = NULL, cutoff.color = "red", cutoff.size = 1,
legend = FALSE, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, = NULL, = NULL,
highlight.col = "red", highlight.label = TRUE,
highlight.label.size = 5, highlight.label.offset =
0.05, highlight.label.col = "black", spaceline =
Argument | Description |
obj | GRanges object which contains extra p value, before users pass this object, they need to make sure the pvalue has been changed to -log10(p). |
... | extra arguments passed. such as color, size, alpha. |
facets | facets formula, such as group ~ . |
space.skip | numeric value for skip ratio, between chromosome spaces.default is 0.01. |
geom | geometric object, defualt is "point". |
cutoff | A numeric vector which used as cutoff for Manhattan plot. |
cutoff.color | A character specifying the color used for cutoff. Default is "red". |
cutoff.size | A numeric value which used as cutoff line size. |
legend | A logical value indicate whether to show legend or not. Default is FALSE which disabled the legend. |
xlim | limits for x scale. |
ylim | limits for y scale. |
xlab | Label for xscale. |
ylab | Label for yscale. |
main | title. | | a GRanges object, this wil highlight overlapped region with provided intervals. | | if NULL , using rownames of GRanges object provided by argument , otherwise use character to indicate column used as labeled names. |
highlight.col | highlight colors. |
highlight.label | logical value, label the highlighted region of not. |
highlight.label.size | highlight label size. |
highlight.label.offset | highlight label offset. |
highlight.label.col | highlight label color. |
spaceline | show line between chromosomes. |
Please use seqlengths of the object and space.skip arguments to control the layout of the coordiant genome transformation.
aes(y = ...) is requried.
aes(color = ) is used to mapping to data variables, if just pass "color" without aes(), then will recycle the color to represent each chromosomes.please see the example below.
Return a ggplot object.
Tengfei Yin
## load
data(hg19IdeogramCyto, package = "biovizBase")
data(hg19Ideogram, package = "biovizBase")
## simul_gr
gr <- GRanges(rep(c("chr1", "chr2"), each = 5),
IRanges(start = rep(seq(1, 100, length = 5), times = 2),
width = 50))
## coord:genome
autoplot(gr, coord = "genome")
gr.t <- transformToGenome(gr)
## is
## simul_snp
chrs <- as.character(levels(seqnames(hg19IdeogramCyto)))
seqlths <- seqlengths(hg19Ideogram)[chrs]
nchr <- length(chrs)
nsnps <- 100
gr.snp <- GRanges(rep(chrs,each=nsnps),
IRanges(start =, lapply(chrs, function(chr){
N <- seqlths[chr]
})), width = 1),
SNP=sapply(1:(nchr*nsnps), function(x) paste("rs",x,sep='')),
pvalue = -log10(runif(nchr*nsnps)),
group = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"), size = nchr*nsnps,
replace = TRUE)
## shorter
nms <- seqnames(seqinfo(gr.snp)) <- gsub("chr", "", nms)
names( <- nms
gr.snp <- renameSeqlevels(gr.snp,
## unorder
autoplot(gr.snp, coord = "genome", geom = "point", aes(y = pvalue), space.skip = 0.01)
## sort
gr.snp <- keepSeqlevels(gr.snp, c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
autoplot(gr.snp, coord = "genome", geom = "point", aes(y = pvalue), space.skip = 0.01)
## with_seql
names(seqlths) <- gsub("chr", "", names(seqlths))
seqlengths(gr.snp) <- seqlths[names(seqlengths(gr.snp))]
autoplot(gr.snp, coord = "genome", geom = "point", aes(y = pvalue), space.skip = 0.01)
## line
autoplot(gr.snp, coord = "genome", geom = "line", aes(y = pvalue, group = seqnames,
color = seqnames))
## plotGrandLinear
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue))
## morecolor
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue, color = seqnames))
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue), color = c("green", "deepskyblue"))
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue), color = c("green", "deepskyblue", "red"))
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue), color = "red")
## cutoff
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue), cutoff = 3, cutoff.color = "blue", cutoff.size = 4)
## cutoff-low
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue)) + geom_hline(yintercept = 3, color = "blue", size = 4)
## longer
## let's make a long name
nms <- seqnames(seqinfo(gr.snp)) <- paste("chr00000", nms, sep = "")
names( <- nms
gr.snp <- renameSeqlevels(gr.snp,
## rotate
plotGrandLinear(gr.snp, aes(y = pvalue)) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-90, hjust=0))
## sessionInfo
Plot Ranges Linked with Data
Plot GRanges object structure and linked to a even spaced paralell coordinates plot which represting the data in elementeMetadata.
list(list("plotRangesLinkedToData"), list("RangedSummarizedExperiment"))(data, ...,
stat.y = seq_len(ncol(data)), stat.ylab = names(assays(data)[stat.assay]),
stat.assay = 1L)
list(list("plotRangesLinkedToData"), list("GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList"))(data, ...,
stat.y = seq_len(ncol(mcols(data))),
stat.ylab, sig, sig.col = c("black", "red"),
stat.coord.trans = coord_trans(),
annotation = list(), width.ratio = 0.8,
theme.stat = theme_gray(), theme.align = theme_gray(),
linetype = 3, heights)
Argument | Description |
data | GRanges object with a DataFrame as elementMetadata. |
... | Parameters passed to control lines in top plot. |
stat.y | integer (variable position starting in DataFrame of data, start from 1) or strings (variable names) which indicate the column names. |
stat.ylab | y label for stat track(the top track). |
stat.assay | default 1L, element of assays. |
sig | a character of element meta data column of logical value, indicates which row is signficant. and will be shown in link lines and rectangle. |
sig.col | colors for significant, valid when you specify "sig" argument, the first color indicates FALSE , non-significant, the second color indicates TRUE . |
stat.coord.trans | transformation used for top plot. |
annotation | A list of ggplot object. |
width.ratio | Control the segment length of statistic layer. |
theme.stat | top plot theme. |
theme.align | alignment themes. |
linetype | linetype |
heights | Heights of each track. |
Inspired by some graphics produced in some other packages, for example
in package DEXseq, the author provides graphics with gene
models and linked to an even spaced statistics summary. This is useful
because we always plot everything along the genomic coordinates, but
genomic features like exons are not evenly distributed, so we could
actually treat the statistics associated with exons like categorical
data, and show them as "Paralell Coordinates Plots". This is one
special layout which represent the data in a nice manner and also keep
the genomic structure information. With abliity of tracks
it's possible to generate such type of a graphic along with other
The data we want is a normal GRanges
object, and make sure
the intervals are not overlaped with each other(currently), and you
may have multiple columns which store the statistics for multiple
samples, then we produce the graphic we introduced above and users
could pass other annotation track in the function which will be shown
below the main linked track.
The reason you need to pass annotation into the function instead of
binding them by tracks
later is because binding manually
with annotation tracks is tricky and this function doesn't return a
ggplot object.
return a frame grob; side-effect (plotting) if plot=T.
Tengfei Yin
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
model <- exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx")
model17 <- subsetByOverlaps(model, genesymbol["RBM17"])
exons <- exons(txdb)
exon17 <- subsetByOverlaps(exons, genesymbol["RBM17"])
## reduce to make sure there is no overlap
## just for example <- reduce(exon17)
## suppose
values($sample1 <- rnorm(length(, 10, 3)
values($sample2 <- rnorm(length(, 10, 10)
values($score <- rnorm(length(
values($significant <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), size = length(,replace = TRUE)
plotRangesLinkedToData(, stat.y = c("sample1", "sample2"))
plotRangesLinkedToData(, stat.y = 1:2)
plotRangesLinkedToData(, stat.y = 1:2, size = 3, linetype = 4)
plotRangesLinkedToData(, stat.y = 1:2, size = 3, linetype = 4,
sig = "significant")
plotRangesLinkedToData(, stat.y = 1:2, size = 3, linetype = 4,
sig = "significant", sig.col = c("gray90","red"))
Plot single chromosome with cytobands
Plot single chromosome with cytobands.
plotIdeogram(obj, subchr = NULL, zoom.region = NULL, which = NULL, xlab, ylab, main, xlabel =
FALSE, color = "red", fill = "red", alpha = 0.7,
zoom.offset = 0.2, size = 1,
cytobands = TRUE, aspect.ratio = 1/20, genome)
## constructor
Ideogram(obj, subchr = NULL, which = NULL, xlabel = FALSE,
cytobands = TRUE, color = "red", fill = "red", alpha =
0.7, zoom.region = NULL, zoom.offset = 0.2, size = 1,
aspect.ratio = 1/20, ..., genome)
Argument | Description |
obj | A GenomicRanges object, which include extra information about cytobands, check biovizBase::isIdeogram. |
subchr | A single character of chromosome names to show. |
which | GRanges object to subset and highlight the ideogram. |
zoom.region | A numeric vector of length 2 indicating zoomed region. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
xlabel | A logical value. Show the x label or not. |
color | color for highlight region. |
fill | fill color for highlight region. |
alpha | alpha for highlight regio. |
zoom.offset | zoomed highlights region offset around chromosome plotting region. |
size | size for zoomed region rectangle boundary. |
cytobands | If FALSE, plot just blank chromosome without cytobands. default is TRUE. es |
aspect.ratio | aspect ratio for the chromosome ideogram plot, default is NULL. |
genome | genome character passed to getIdeogram |
... | passed to ggbio constructor. |
User could provide the whole ideogram and use subchr to point to particular chromosome.
A ggplot
Tengfei Yin
p.ideo <- Ideogram(genome = "hg19")
p.ideo + xlim(GRanges("chr2", IRanges(1e8, 1e8+10000)))
Ideogram(genome = "hg19", xlabel = TRUE)
Plot Splice Summary from RNA-seq data
Plot splice summary by simply counting overlaped junction read in weighted way or not.
## For character,GRangesList
list(list("plotSpliceSum"), list("character,GRangesList"))(data, model, ..., weighted = TRUE)
## For character,TxDb
list(list("plotSpliceSum"), list("character,TxDb"))(data, model, which,
..., weighted = TRUE)
## For character,EnsDb
list(list("plotSpliceSum"), list("character,EnsDb"))(data, model, which,
..., weighted = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A character specifying the bam file path of RNA-seq data. |
model | A GRangesList which represting different isoforms, a TxDb or an EnsDb object. For the latter cases, users need to pass "which" argument which, for TxDb, is a GRanges object to specify the region and for EnsDb can be a GRanges object, an object extending AnnotationFilter , an AnnotationFilterList combining such filter objects or a filter expression in form of a formula . |
which | A GRanges object specifying the region you want to get model from the TxDb object. For EnsDb : can be a GRanges object, an object extending AnnotationFilter , an AnnotationFilterList combining such filter objects or a filter expression in form of a formula . |
weighted | If TRUE , weighted by simply add 1/cases matched to each model and if FALSE , simply add 1 to every case. |
... | Extra arugments passed to qplot function. such as, offset which control the height of chevron. |
Internally we use biovizBase:::spliceSummary for simple counting, but
we encourage users to use their own robust way to make slicing summary
and store it as GRangesList, then plot the summary by qplot
A ggplot object.
Tengfei Yin
bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "SRR027894subRBM17.bam", package="biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
exons <- exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx")
exons.rbm17 <- subsetByOverlaps(exons, genesymbol["RBM17"])
plotSpliceSum(bamfile, exons.rbm17)
plotSpliceSum(bamfile, exons.rbm17, weighted = FALSE, offset = 0.01)
plotSpliceSum(bamfile, txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
plotSpliceSum(bamfile, txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"], offset = 0.01)
plotSpliceSum(bamfile, txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"],
show.label = TRUE,
label.type = "count")
Plot stacked overview
Plot stacked overview for genome with or without cytobands. It's a
wrapper around layout_karyogram
plotStackedOverview(obj, ..., xlab, ylab, main, geom = "rect",
cytobands = FALSE, rescale = TRUE,
rescale.range = c(0, 10))
plotKaryogram(obj, ..., xlab, ylab, main, geom = "rect",
cytobands = FALSE, rescale = TRUE,
rescale.range = c(0, 10))
Argument | Description |
obj | a GRanges object, which could contain extra information about cytobands. If it's missing, will ask user to provide species information and download proper data set from UCSC. If you want an accurate genome mapping, please provide seqlengths with this GRanges object,otherwise it will emit a warning and use data space to estimate the chromosome space which is very rough. |
... | arguments passed to graphic functions to control aesthetics. For example, if you use geom "point", you need to provide "y" in aes() , and if can also pass color, fill, size etc. to control graphics. |
xlab | label for x |
ylab | label for y |
main | title for plot. |
geom | geom plotted on the stacked layout. Default is "rect", which showing interval data as rectangles. It automatically figures out boundary so you don't have to provide information in aes , users could specify other supported geom works for data.frame . |
cytobands | logical value. Default is FALSE . If TRUE , plotting cytobands, this require your data have arbitrary column as name and gieStain . the easiest way is to use getIdeogram to get your data. Notice for this function, when cytobands is TRUE , it will only plot cytobands without overlaying your data. If you really need to overlay extra data on cytobands, please plus layout_karyogram for that purpose. |
rescale | logical value. Default is TRUE , which rescale your data into the rescale.range , this make sure your data will not be plotted outside the stacked overview box. |
rescale.range | Numeric range of length 2. Default is (0, 10), because stacked layout draws a white background as chromosome space and this space is of height 10. We hide the y-axis since we don't need it for stacked overview. Sometime users may want to leave some margin for their data, they can use this arguments to control the rescale. |
Stacked overview is just a arbitrary layout for karyogram
layout, it use facets seqnaems ~ . as default to stack the genome. For
accurate mapping, you need to provide seqlengths
information in
your GRanges
object. Otherwise, data space will be computed for
stacked overview chromosome background, this is NOT the actual
chromosome space!.
A ggplot
Tengfei Yin
data(hg19IdeogramCyto, package = "biovizBase")
## you can also get ideogram by biovizBase::getIdeogram
## make shorter and clean labels
old.chrs <- seqnames(seqinfo(hg19IdeogramCyto))
new.chrs <- gsub("chr", "", old.chrs)
## lst <- as.list(new.chrs)
names(new.chrs) <- old.chrs
new.ideo <- renameSeqlevels(hg19IdeogramCyto, new.chrs)
new.ideo <- keepSeqlevels(new.ideo, c(as.character(1:22) , "X", "Y"))
## sample data
data(darned_hg19_subset500, package = "biovizBase")
idx <-$exReg)
values(darned_hg19_subset500)$exReg[idx] <- "unknown"
## you need to add seqlengths for accruate mapping
chrnames <- unique(as.character(seqnames(darned_hg19_subset500)))
data(hg19Ideogram, package = "biovizBase")
seqlengths(darned_hg19_subset500) <- seqlengths(hg19Ideogram)[sort(chrnames)]
dn <- darned_hg19_subset500
values(dn)$score <- rnorm(length(dn))
## plotStackedOverview is a simple wrapper around this functions to
create a stacked layout
plotStackedOverview(new.ideo, cytobands = TRUE)
plotStackedOverview(dn, aes(color = exReg, fill = exReg))
## this will did the trick for you to rescale the space
plotStackedOverview(dn, aes(x = midpoint, y = score), geom = "line")
plotStackedOverview(dn, aes(x = midpoint, y = score), geom = "line", rescale.range = c(4, 6))
## no rescale
plotStackedOverview(dn, aes(x = midpoint, y = score), geom = "line", rescale = FALSE,
xlab = "xlab", ylab = "ylab", main = "main") + ylab("ylab")
## no object? will ask you for species and query the data on the fly
plotStackedOverview(cytobands = TRUE)
rescale ggplot object
Rescale a numeric vector or ggplot object, could be used for static zoom-in in ggbio.
list(list("rescale"), list("numeric"))(x, to = c(0, 1),
from = range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
list(list("rescale"), list("ggplot"))(x, xlim, ylim, sx = 1, sy = 1)
list(list("rescale"), list("gg"))(x, xlim, ylim, sx = 1, sy = 1)
Argument | Description |
x | A numeric object or ggplot object to be rescaled. |
to | For numeric object. it's a vector of two numeric values, specifying the range to be rescale. |
from | Range of x. |
xlim | For ggplot object. This specify the new limits on x-scale. |
ylim | For ggplot object. This specify the new limits on y-scale. |
sx | Scale fold for x-scale. Default is 1, no change. |
sy | Scale fold for y-scale. Default is 1, no change. |
When x
is numeric value, it's just call scales::rescale, please
refer to the manual page to check more details. If x
is ggplot
object, it first try to estimate current x limits and y limits of the ggplot
object, then rescale based on those information.
Return the object of the same class as x
after rescaling.
Tengfei Yin
p <- qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = disp, geom = "point") <- rescale(p, xlim = c(20, 25))
scale color for fold change values
In biology, lots of data are scaled to value around 0, and people like to show them as blue-white-red scale color, where negative value are blue, 0 is white and positive value is red, and they are scaled for continuous variables.
a list.
Tengfei Yin
p1 <- autoplot(volcano - 150)
p1 + scale_fill_fold_change()
scale filled color to customized giemsa color.
scale filled color to customized giemsa color.
scale_fill_giemsa(fill = getOption("biovizBase")$cytobandColor)
Argument | Description |
fill | a character vector to indicate colors, and names of vector mapped to gieStain name. |
a list.
Tengfei Yin
p1 <- autoplot(hg19IdeogramCyto, layout = "karyogram", aes(fill =
p1 + scale_fill_giemsa()
scale x by unit
scale x by unit 'Mb','kb', 'bp'.
scale_x_sequnit(unit = c("Mb", "kb", "bp"), append = NULL)
Argument | Description |
unit | unit to scale x. Default is Mb. |
append | default NULL . If pass a character, it disalbe unit and arbitrarily append a text behind the original x scale numbers. |
Tengfei Yin
p <- qplot(x = seq(1, to = 10000, length.out = 40), y = rnorm(40), geom
= "point")
## default mb
p + scale_x_sequnit()
p + scale_x_sequnit("kb")
p + scale_x_sequnit("bp")
Generates summaries on the specified windows
Generates summaries on the specified windows
% for GRangeslist(list("stat_aggregate"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main, by, FUN,
maxgap=-1L, minoverlap=0L,
type=c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
select=c("all", "first", "last", "arbitrary"),
y = NULL, window = NULL, facets = NULL,
method = c("mean", "median","max",
"min", "sum", "count", "identity"),
geom = NULL)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Arguments passed to plot function. such as aes() and color. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
by | An object with 'start', 'end', and 'width' methods. Passed to aggreagate . |
FUN | The function, found via '', to be applied to each window of 'x'. Passed to aggreagate . |
maxgap, minoverlap, type | Used in the internal call to findOverlaps() to detect overlaps. See ? in the IRanges package for a description of these arguments. |
select | It passed to findOverlaps . When select is "all" (the default), the results are returned as a Hits object. When select is "first" , "last" , or "arbitrary" the results are returned as an integer vector of length query containing the first, last, or arbitrary overlapping interval in subject , with NA indicating intervals that did not overlap any intervals in subject . If select is "all" , a Hits object is returned. For all other select the return value depends on the drop argument. When select != "all" && !drop , an IntegerList is returned, where each element of the result corresponds to a space in query . When select != "all" && drop , an integer vector is returned containing indices that are offset to align with the unlisted query . |
y | A character indicate the varialbe column for which aggregation is taken on, same as aes(y = ). |
window | Integer value indicate window size. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
method | customized method for aggregating, if FUN is not provided. |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 1000
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value))
## or
## ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(y = "value")
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), window = 36)
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), select = "first")
## no hits
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), select = "first", type = "within")
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(window = 30, aes(y = value),fill = "gray40", geom = "bar")
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(window = 100, fill = "gray40", aes(y = value),
method = "max", geom = "bar")
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), geom = "boxplot")
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), geom = "boxplot", window = 60)
## now facets need to take place inside stat_* geom_* for an accurate computation
ggplot(gr) + stat_aggregate(aes(y = value), geom = "boxplot", window = 30,
facets = sample ~ seqnames)
## autoplot(gr, stat = "aggregate", aes(y = value), window = 36)
## autoplot(gr, stat = "aggregate", geom = "boxplot", aes(y = value), window = 36)
Binning method
Binning method especially for Rle
and RleList
, for
it's just calling ggplot2::stat_bin
list(list("stat_bin"), list("ANY"))(data, ...)
list(list("stat_bin"), list("Rle"))(data, ..., binwidth, nbin = 30,
xlab, ylab, main, geom = c("bar", "heatmap"),
type = c("viewSums","viewMins",
"viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
list(list("stat_bin"), list("RleList"))(data, ..., binwidth, nbin = 30,
xlab, ylab, main,
indName = "sample",
geom = c("bar", "heatmap"),
type = c("viewSums","viewMins",
"viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
Argument | Description |
data | Typically a data.frame or Rle or RleList object. |
... | arguments passed to aesthetics mapping. |
binwidth | width of the bins. |
nbin | number of bins. |
xlab | x label. |
ylab | y label. |
main | title. |
indName | when faceted by a RleList , name used for labeling faceted factor. Default is 'sample'. |
geom | geometric types. |
type | statistical summary method used within bins, shown as bar height or heatmap colors. |
a ggplot object.
Tengfei Yin
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
ggplot() + stat_bin(xRle)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin()
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(nbin = 100)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(binwidth = 200)
p1 <- ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(type = "viewMeans")
p2 <- ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(type = "viewSums")
## y scale are different.
tracks(viewMeans = p1, viewSums = p2)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(geom = "heatmap")
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(nbin = 100, geom = "heatmap")
ggplot(xRle) + stat_bin(binwidth = 200, geom = "heatmap")
## for RleList
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin()
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(nbin = 100)
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(binwidth = 200)
p1 <- ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(type = "viewMeans")
p2 <- ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(type = "viewSums")
## y scale are different.
tracks(viewMeans = p1, viewSums = p2)
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(geom = "heatmap")
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(nbin = 100, geom = "heatmap")
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_bin(binwidth = 200, geom = "heatmap")
Calculate coverage
Calculate coverage.
# for GRanges
list(list("stat_coverage"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlim, xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, geom = NULL)
# for GRangesList
list(list("stat_coverage"), list("GRangesList"))(data, ..., xlim, xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, geom = NULL)
# for Bamfile
list(list("stat_coverage"), list("BamFile"))(data, ..., maxBinSize = 2^14,
xlim, which, xlab, ylab,
main, facets = NULL, geom = NULL,
method = c("estimate", "raw"),
space.skip = 0.1, coord = c("linear", "genome"))
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_rect , geom_alignment , or geom_segment . |
xlim | Limits for x. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
maxBinSize | maxBinSize. |
method | 'estimate' for parsing estimated coverage(fast), 'raw' is slow and parse the accurate coverage. |
which | GRanges which defines region to subset the results. |
space.skip | used for coordinate genome, skip between chromosomes. |
coord | coordinate system. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
N <- 1000
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
ggplot(gr) + stat_coverage()
ggplot() + stat_coverage(gr)
ggplot(gr) + stat_coverage(geom = "point")
ggplot(gr) + stat_coverage(geom = "area")
ggplot(gr) + stat_coverage(aes(y = ..coverage..), geom = "bar")
ggplot(gr) + stat_coverage(aes(y = ..coverage..)) + geom_point()
## for bam file
## TBD
Calculate gene structure
Calculate gene structure.
list(list("stat_gene"), list("TxDb"))(data, ...)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_alignment . |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
## loading package
## Deprecated
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
## made a track comparing full/reduce stat.
p1 <- ggplot() + geom_alignment(txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
p1 <- ggplot() + stat_gene(txdb, which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
## or
p1 <- ggplot(txdb) + stat_gene(which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
p1 <- ggplot(txdb) + stat_gene(which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
p2 <- ggplot(txdb) + stat_gene(which = genesymbol["RBM17"], stat =
p2 <- ggplot(txdb) + stat_gene(which = genesymbol["RBM17"], stat = "reduce")
## ggplot(txdb) + geom_alignment(which = genesymbol["RBM17"]) + stat_reduce()
## ggplot(txdb) + geom_alignment(which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
tracks(full = p1, reduce = p2, heights = c(3, 1))
## change y labels
ggplot(txdb) + stat_gene(which = genesymbol["RBM17"], names.expr =
Transform the data to a data.frame and for multiple geoms.
Transform the data to a suitable data.frame and then one could use multiple geom or even stat to re-plot the data.
list(list("stat_identity"), list("ANY"))(data, ...)
list(list("stat_identity"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., geom = NULL)
list(list("stat_identity"), list("Rle"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main, geom = NULL)
list(list("stat_identity"), list("RleList"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
geom = NULL, indName = "sample")
Argument | Description |
data | Typically a GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_rect , geom_alignment , or geom_segment . |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
xlab | x label. |
ylab | y label. |
main | title of graphic.. |
indName | sample name. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
## load
N <- 50
## simul
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## geom_point_start
ggplot() + stat_identity(gr, aes(x = start, y = value), geom = "point")
## or more formal
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(x = start, y = value), geom = "point")
## geom_point_midpoint
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(x = midpoint, y = value), geom = "point")
## geom_rect_all
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(xmin = start, xmax = end,
ymin = value - 0.5, ymax = value + 0.5),
geom = "rect")
## geom_rect_y
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(y = value), geom = "rect")
## geom_line
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(x = start, y = value), geom = "line")
## geom_segment
ggplot(gr) + stat_identity(aes(y = value), geom = "segment")
## Rle/RleList
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_identity(geom = "point")
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_identity(geom = "point")
Calculate mismatch summary
Calculate mismatch summary
## for GRanges
list(list("stat_mismatch"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., bsgenome,
xlab, ylab, main,
geom = c("segment", "bar"),
show.coverage = TRUE)
## for BamFile
list(list("stat_mismatch"), list("BamFile"))(data, ..., bsgenome, which,
xlab, ylab, main,
geom = c("segment", "bar"),
show.coverage = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or BamFile object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_rect , geom_alignment , or geom_segment . |
bsgenome | BSgenome object. |
which | GRanges object to subset the data. |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
show.coverage | whether to show coverage as background or not. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
Reduce an object.
Reduce GRanges
, IRanges
or TxDb
list(list("stat_reduce"), list("GRanges"))(data, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,
drop.empty.ranges = FALSE,
min.gapwidth = 1L,
facets = NULL, geom = NULL)
list(list("stat_reduce"), list("IRanges"))(data, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,
drop.empty.ranges = FALSE,
min.gapwidth = 1L,
facets = NULL, geom = NULL)
list(list("stat_reduce"), list("TxDbOREnsDb"))(data, ...)
Argument | Description |
data | GRanges , IRanges or TxDb object. |
... | passed to aesthetics mapping. |
xlab | x label. |
ylab | y label. |
main | title. |
drop.empty.ranges | pass to reduce function. |
min.gapwidth | pass to reduce function. |
with.inframe.attrib | pass to reduce function. |
facets | pass to reduce function. |
geom | geometric type. |
a ggplot object.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 1000
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
ggplot(gr) + stat_reduce()
autoplot(gr, stat = "reduce")
strand(gr) <- "*"
ggplot(gr) + stat_reduce()
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
## made a track comparing full/reduce stat.
ggplot(txdb) + stat_reduce(which = genesymbol["RBM17"])
Slice Rle/RleList to view them as bar or heatmap.
Slice Rle/RleList to different view by set lower or other parameters, then view summary for all those viewed region.
list(list("stat_slice"), list("Rle"))(data, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,
na.rm = FALSE,
geom = NULL,
lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
includeLower=TRUE, includeUpper=TRUE,
rangesOnly = FALSE,
type = c("viewSums","viewMins",
"viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
list(list("stat_slice"), list("RleList"))(data, ...,
xlab, ylab, main,
indName = "sample",
na.rm = FALSE,
geom = NULL,
lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
includeLower=TRUE, includeUpper=TRUE,
rangesOnly = FALSE,
type = c("viewSums","viewMins",
"viewMaxs", "viewMeans"))
Argument | Description |
data | a data.frame or Rle or RleList object. |
... | arguments passed to aesthetics mapping. |
xlab | x label. |
ylab | y label. |
main | title. |
indName | when faceted by a RleList , name used for labeling faceted factor. Default is 'sample'. |
geom | geometric types. |
type | statistical summary method used within bins, shown as bar height or heatmap colors. |
na.rm | logical value, default FALSE , passed to function like viewMaxs for statistical summary computation. |
lower | passed to slice . |
upper | passed to slice . |
includeLower | passed to slice . |
includeUpper | passed to slice . |
rangesOnly | passed to slice . |
a ggplot object.
Tengfei Yin
lambda <- c(rep(0.001, 4500), seq(0.001, 10, length = 500),
seq(10, 0.001, length = 500))
xVector <- rpois(1e4, lambda)
xRle <- Rle(xVector)
xRleList <- RleList(xRle, 2L * xRle)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_slice(lower = 5)
ggplot(xRle) + stat_slice(lower = 5, geom = "bar")
ggplot(xRle) + stat_slice(lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
p1 <- ggplot(xRle) + stat_slice(type = "viewMeans", lower = 5,
geom = "bar")
p2 <- ggplot(xRle) + stat_slice(type = "viewSums", lower = 5,
geom = "bar")
## y scale are different.
tracks(viewMeans = p1, viewSums = p2)
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_slice(lower = 5)
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_slice(lower = 5, geom = "bar")
ggplot(xRleList) + stat_slice(lower = 5, geom = "heatmap")
p1 <- ggplot(xRleList) + stat_slice(type = "viewMeans", lower = 5,
geom = "bar")
p2 <- ggplot(xRleList) + stat_slice(type = "viewSums", lower = 5,
geom = "bar")
## y scale are different.
tracks(viewMeans = p1, viewSums = p2)
Calculate stepping levels
Calculate stepping levels.
list(list("stat_stepping"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL,
geom = c("rect", "alignment", "segment"))
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_rect , geom_alignment , or geom_segment . |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
geom | The geometric object used to display the data. For 'stepping', could be one of 'rect', 'alignment', 'segment'. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
N <- 50
## simul
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
## default
ggplot(gr) + stat_stepping()
## or
ggplot() + stat_stepping(gr)
## facet_aes
ggplot(gr) + stat_stepping(aes(color = strand, fill = strand),
facets = sample ~ seqnames)
## geom_segment
ggplot(gr) + stat_stepping(aes(color = strand),
geom = "segment", xlab = "Genomic coord", ylab = "y", main = "hello")
## geom_alignment
## ggplot(gr) + stat_stepping(geom = "alignment")
## geom_alignment_group
## ggplot(gr) + stat_stepping(aes(group = pair),geom = "alignment")
Tabulate a GRanges object
Tabulate a GRanges object
list(list("stat_table"), list("GRanges"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
geom = NULL,stat = NULL)
list(list("stat_table"), list("GRangesList"))(data, ..., xlab, ylab, main,
facets = NULL, geom = NULL)
Argument | Description |
data | A GRanges or data.frame object. |
... | Extra parameters such as aes() passed to geom_rect , geom_alignment , or geom_segment . |
xlab | Label for x |
ylab | Label for y |
main | Title for plot. |
facets | Faceting formula to use. |
geom | The geometric object to use display the data. |
stat | The geometric object to use display the data. |
A 'Layer'.
Tengfei Yin
## load
N <- 100
## simul
## ======================================================================
## simmulated GRanges
## ======================================================================
gr <- GRanges(seqnames =
sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE),
width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)),
strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N,
replace = TRUE),
value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30),
sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"),
size = N, replace = TRUE),
pair = sample(letters, size = N,
replace = TRUE))
gr <- c(gr[seqnames(gr) == "chr1"][sample(1:10, size = 1e4, replace = TRUE)],gr)
## default
ggplot(gr) + stat_table()
ggplot(gr) + stat_table(geom = "segment", aes(y = ..score.., color = ..score..))
ggplot(gr) + stat_table(aes(color = score))
theme in ggbio
Theme defined in ggbio for plot or tracks.
theme_alignment(ylabel = FALSE, base_size = 12, base_family = "",
axis = TRUE, border = TRUE, grid = TRUE)
theme_pack_panels( = FALSE, strip.text.y = TRUE)
theme_clear(grid.y = FALSE, grid.x.minor = FALSE, grid.x.major = FALSE,
panel.background.fill = "white", panel.border.color = NA,
axis.ticks.x = FALSE, axis.ticks.y = TRUE, grid.color = "gray95",
axis.line.color = "gray80")
theme_tracks_sunset(bg = "#fffedb", alpha = 1, ...)
Argument | Description |
alpha | alpha blending from 0(transparent) to 1(solid). |
axis | logical value, show axis or not. |
axis.line.color | color for axis line . |
axis.ticks.x | show x ticks or not. |
axis.ticks.y | show y ticks or not. |
base_family | family for font. |
base_size | size for font. |
bg | background color for tracks. |
border | logical value, show border or not. |
grid | logical value, show background grid or not. |
grid.color | grid line color. |
grid.x.major | show x major grid line or not. |
grid.x.minor | show x minor grid line or not. |
grid.y | show y grid or not. |
panel.background.fill | panel background fill color. |
panel.border.color | panel border color. | | if strip background is removed. |
strip.text.y | if strip text is removed. |
ylabel | logical value. Show labels or not. |
... | passed to theme_clear . |
Themes speciall designed for tracks, are named following naming schema themetracks*
Return a theme.
Tengfei Yin
## load
p <- qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = wt, facets = cyl ~ .)
p + theme_null()
p + theme_clear()
p + theme_pack_panels()
p + theme_alignment()
p1 <- qplot(data = mtcars, x = mpg, y = wt)
tracks(p1 = p, p2 = p1)
tracks(p1 = p, p2 = p1) + theme_tracks_sunset()
Tracks for genomic graphics
is a conventient constructor for bindind graphics as trakcs. You dont' have
to worry about adjusting different graphics, tracks
did that for you. It's NOT
just limited to bind genomic tracks, you can use this function to bind any
tracks with the same defination of x axis, for example, sets of time series
plots you made.
Tracks view is most common way to viewing genome features and annotation data and widely used by most genome browsers. Our assumption is that, most graphics you made with ggbio or by yourself using ggplot2, are almost always sitting on the genomic coordinates or the same x axis. And to compare annotation information along with genome features, we need to align those plots on exactly the same x axis in order to form your hypothesis. This function leaves you the flexibility to construct each tracks separately with worrying your alignments later.
tracks(..., heights, xlim, xlab = NULL, main = NULL,
title = NULL, theme = NULL,
track.plot.color = NULL, = NULL,
main.height = unit(1.5, "lines"),
scale.height = unit(1, "lines"),
xlab.height = unit(1.5, "lines"),
padding = unit(-1, "lines"), = "white", = "gray80",
label.text.color = "black",
label.text.cex = 1,
label.text.angle = 90,
label.width = unit(2.5, "lines"))
Argument | Description |
... | plots of class ggplot, generated from ggplot2 or ggbio. |
heights | numeric vector of the same length of passed graphic object to indicate the ratio of each track. |
xlim | limits on x. could be IRanges , GRanges , numeric value |
xlab | label for x axis. |
main | title for the tracks. |
title | title for the tracks, alias like main. |
theme | theme object used for building tracks, this will set to default, which could be reseted later. |
track.plot.color | Vector of characters of length 1 or the same length of passed plots, background color for each track, default is white. | | background color for the whole tracks. |
main.height | unit. Height to control the title track height. |
scale.height | unit. Height to control the scale track height. |
xlab.height | unit. Height to control the xlab track height. |
padding | single numeric value or unit, if numeric value, the unit would be "lines" by default. | | track labeling background rectangle border color. | | track labeling background fill color. |
label.text.color | track labeling text color. |
label.text.cex | track labeling text size. |
label.text.angle | angle to rotate the track labels. |
label.width | track labeling size. |
did following modification for passed plots.
list() list(" ", " ", " remove x-axis, ticks, xlab and tile for each track and add scales ", " at bottom. We suppose a new xlab and title would be provided by the ", " ", list("tracks"), " function for the whole tracks, but we still keep ", " individual's y axis. ", "
", " ")list() list(" ", " align x-scale limits to make sure every plots sitting on exactly ", " the same x scale. ", " ")
list() list(" ", " squeezing plots together to some extent. ", " ")
list(" ", " labeling tracks if names are provided, please check utilities section ", " about ", list("labeled"), " method. ", " ")
list(" ", " return a track object. This would allow many features introduced ", " in this manual. ", " ")
A Tracks
Tengfei Yin
## make a simulated time series data set
df1 <- data.frame(time = 1:100, score = sin((1:100)/20)*10)
p1 <- qplot(data = df1, x = time, y = score, geom = "line")
df2 <- data.frame(time = 30:120, score = sin((30:120)/20)*10, value = rnorm(120-30 + 1))
p2 <- ggplot(data = df2, aes(x = time, y = score)) +
geom_line() + geom_point(size = 4, aes(color = value))
## check p2
## check p2
## binding
tracks(p1, p2)
## or
tks <- tracks(p1, p2)
## combine
c(tks, tks)
tks + tks
cbind(tks, tks)
rbind(tks, tks) ## different wth c()!
x <- as(tks, "grob")
grid.draw(cbind(x, x))
## labeling: default labeling a named graphic
## simply pass a name with it
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
## or pass a named list with it
lst <- list(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
## more complicated case please use quotes
tracks(time1 = p1, "second time" = p2)
## set heights
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, heights = c(1, 3))
## if you want to disable label arbitrarily
## default label is always TRUE
labeled(p2) <- FALSE
## set labeled to FALSE, remove label even the plot has a name
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
labeled(p2) <- TRUE
## fix a plot, not synchronize with other plots
p3 <- p1
## default is always FALSE
## set to TRUE
fixed(p3) <- TRUE
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, "time3(fixed)" = p3)
fixed(p3) <- FALSE
## otherwise you could run
%% tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, "time3(fixed)" = p3, fixed = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
## control axis
hasAxis(p1) <- TRUE
# ready for weird looking
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
# set it back
hasAxis(p1) <- FALSE
## mutable
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + theme_bw()
mutable(p1) <- FALSE
# mutable for "+" method
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + theme_bw()
mutable(p1) <- TRUE
## bgColor
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
bgColor(p1) <- "brown"
# mutable for "+" method
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
# set it back
bgColor(p1) <- "white"
## apply a theme to each track
tks <- tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + theme_bw()
## store it with tracks
tks <- tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, theme = theme_bw())
tks <- tks + theme_gray()
## reset will be introduced later
## apply a pre-defiend theme for tracks!
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + theme_tracks_sunset()
tracks(p1, p2) + theme_tracks_sunset()
## change limits
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + xlim(c(1, 40))
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + xlim(1, 40)
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, 40))
# change y
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + xlim(1, 40) + ylim(0, 10)
gr <- GRanges("chr", IRanges(1, 40))
# GRanges
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + xlim(gr)
# IRanges
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2) + xlim(ranges(gr))
tks <- tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
xlim(tks) <- c(1, 35)
xlim(tks) <- gr
xlim(tks) <- ranges(gr)
## xlab, title
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, xlab = "time")
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, main = "title")
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, title = "title")
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, xlab = "time", title = "title") + theme_tracks_sunset()
## backup and restore
tks <- tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2)
tks <- tks + xlim(1, 40)
tks <- tks + xlim(1, 40)
tks <- backup(tks)
tks <- tks + theme_bw()
## padding(need to be fixed for more delicate control)
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, padding = 2)
## track color
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, = "yellow")
tracks(time1 = p1, time2 = p2, track.plot.color = c("yellow", "brown"))