bioconductor v3.9.0 MzR

mzR provides a unified API to the common file formats and

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Write MS spectrum data to a MS file copying metadata from the originating file

Returns the ion selection isolation window

Access the metadata from an mzR object.

Class mzR and sub-classes

Create and check mzR objects from netCDF, mzXML, mzData or mzML files.

Access the raw data from an mzR object.

Get the version number of pwiz backend.

Write MS spectrum data to an MS file

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Write MS spectrum data to a MS file copying metadata from the originating file


Copy general information from the originating MS file and write this, along with the provided spectra data, to a new file. The expected workflow is the following: data is first loaded from an MS file, e.g. using peaks and header methods, processed in R and then saved again to an MS file providing the (eventually) manipulated spectra and header data with arguments header and data .


copyWriteMSData(object, file, original_file, header, backend =
    "pwiz", outformat = "mzml", rtime_seconds = TRUE, software_processing)


objectlist containing for each spectrum one matrix with columns mz (first column) and intensity (second column). See also peaks for the method that reads such data from an MS file.
filecharacter(1) defining the name of the file.
original_filecharacter(1) with the name of the original file from which the spectrum data was first read.
headerdata.frame with the header data for the spectra. Has to be in the format as the data.frame returned by the header method.
backendcharacter(1) defining the backend that should be used for writing. Currently only "pwiz" backend is supported.
outformatcharacter(1) the format of the output file. One of "mzml" or "mzxml" .
rtime_secondslogical(1) whether the retention time is provided in seconds or minutes (defaults to TRUE ).
software_processinglist of character vectors (or single character vector). Each character vector providing information about the software that was used to process the data with optional additional description of processing steps. The length of each character vector has to be >= 3: the first element being the name of the software, the second string its version and the third element the MS CV ID of the software (or "MS:-1" if not known). All additional elements are optional and represent the MS CV ID of each processing step performed with the software.


writeMSData for a function to save MS data to a new mzML or mzXML file.


copyWriteMSData supports at present copying data from mzXML and mzML and exporting to mzML . Copying and exporting to mzXML can fail for some input files.

The intention of this function is to copy data from an existing file and save it along with eventually modified data to a new file. To write new MS data files use the writeMSData function instead.


Johannes Rainer


## Open a MS file and read the spectrum and header information
fl <- system.file("threonine", "threonine_i2_e35_pH_tree.mzXML",
package = "msdata")
ms_fl <- openMSfile(fl, backend = "pwiz")

## Get the spectra
pks <- spectra(ms_fl)
## Get the header
hdr <- header(ms_fl)

## Modify the spectrum data adding 100 to each intensity.
pks <- lapply(pks, function(z) {
z[, 2] <- z[, 2] + 100

## Copy metadata and additional information from the originating file
## and save it, along with the modified data, to a new mzML file.
out_file <- tempfile()
copyWriteMSData(pks, file = out_file, original_file = fl,
header = hdr)
Link to this function


Returns the ion selection isolation window


The methods return matrices of lower (column low ) and upper (column high ) isolation window offsets. Matrices are returned as a list of length equal to the number of input files (provided as file names of raw mass spectrometry data objects, see below). By default (i.e when unique. = TRUE ), only unique offsets are returned, as they are expected to identical for all spectra per acquisition. If this is not the case, a message is displayed.


Laurent Gatto based on the functionality from the msPurity:::get_isolation_offsets function.


f <- msdata::proteomics(full.names = TRUE,
pattern = "TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzML.gz")

rw <- openMSfile(f)
str(isolationWindow(rw, unique = FALSE))

Access the metadata from an mzR object.


Accessors to the analytical setup metadata of a run. runInfo will show a summary of the experiment as a named list, including scanCount , lowMZ , highMZ , dStartTime , dEndTime and startTimeStamp . Note that startTimeStamp can only be extracted from mzML files using the pwiz backend or from CDF files. A NA is reported if its value is not available. The instrumentInfo method returns a named list including instrument manufacturer, model, ionisation technique, analyzer and detector. mzRpwiz will give more additional information including information on sample, software using and original source file. These individual pieces of information can also be directly accessed by the specific methods. mzidInfo is used for the mzR object created from a mzid file. It returns basic information on this mzid file including file provider, creation date, software, database, enzymes and spectra data format. The mzidInfo will return the scoring results in identification. It will return different results for different searching software used.


modifications(object, ...)
psms(object, ...)
database(object, ...)
score(x, ...)


objectAn instantiated mzR object.
xAn instantiated mzR object.
...Additional arguments, currently ignored.


See for example peaks to access the data for the spectra in a " class.


Steffen Neumann, Laurent Gatto and Qiang Kou



file <- system.file("microtofq/MM8.mzML", package = "msdata")
mz <- openMSfile(file)

file <- system.file("cdf/ko15.CDF", package = "msdata")
mz <- openMSfile(file, backend = "netCDF")

file <- system.file("mzid", "Tandem.mzid.gz", package="msdata")
mzid <- openIDfile(file)

Class mzR and sub-classes


The class mzR is the main class for the common mass spectrometry formats. It is a virtual class and thus not supposed to be instanciated directly.

The sub-classes implement specific APIs to access the underlying data and metadata in the files. Currently, mzRramp and mzRpwiz are available implementations. mzRramp uses the ISB 'RAMP' random access C/C++ API, and mzRpwiz uses Proteowizard to access the relevant information in mzData , mzXML and mzML files. mzRident is used as an interface to mzIdentML files.

IMPORTANT: New developers that need to access and manipulate raw mass spectrometry data are advised against using this infrastucture directly. They are invited to use the corresponding MSnExp (with on disk mode) from the MSnbase package instead. The latter supports reading multiple files at once and offers access to the spectra data (m/z and intensity) as well as all the spectra metadata using a coherent interface. The MSnbase infrastructure itself used the low level classes in mzR, thus offering fast and efficient access.


Steffen Neumann, Laurent Gatto, Qiang Kou


RAMP: Proteowizard:


filepath <- system.file("microtofq", package = "msdata")
file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="MM14.mzML",
full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
mzml <- openMSfile(file)

## using the pwiz backend
mzml <- openMSfile(file, backend = "pwiz")

Create and check mzR objects from netCDF, mzXML, mzData or mzML files.


The openMSfile constructor will create a new format-specifc mzR object, open 'filename' file and all header information is loaded as a Rcpp module and made accessible through the ramp or pwiz slot of the resulting object.

The openIDfile constructor will create a new format-specifc mzR object, open 'filename' file and all information is loaded as a Rcpp module. The mzid format is supported throught pwiz backend. Only mzIdentML 1.1 is supported.

% If the object was created manually with e.g. new("mzR"), then % initializeRamp() will open the given file. An mzR object can be % queried, whether it is assigned to a raw file with isInitialized(), % and finally fileName(object) will return the path to the file "behind" % the mzR object.


openMSfile(filename, backend = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
 fileName(object, ...)
 openIDfile(filename, verbose = FALSE)


filenamePath name of the netCDF, mzData, mzXML or mzML file to read/write.
backendA character(1) specifiying which backend API to use. Currently 'Ramp', 'netCDF' and 'pwiz' are supported. If backend = NULL (the default), the function tries to determine the backend to be used based on either the file extension of the file content.
objectAn instantiated mzR object.
verboseEnable verbose output.
...Additional arguments, currently ignored.


Steffen Neumann, Laurent Gatto, Qiang Kou


filepath <- system.file("microtofq", package = "msdata")
file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="MM14.mzML",
full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
mz <- openMSfile(file)

## to use another backend
mz <- openMSfile(file, backend = "pwiz")

file <- system.file("mzid", "Tandem.mzid.gz", package="msdata")
mzid <- openIDfile(file)

Access the raw data from an mzR object.


Access the MS raw data. The peaks , spectra (can be used interchangeably) and peaksCount functions return the (m/z, intensity) pairs and the number peaks in the spectrum/spectra. peaks and spectra return a single matrix if scans is a numeric of length 1 and a list of matrices if several scans are asked for or no scans argument is provided (i.e all spectra in the oject are retured). peaksCount will return a numeric of length n .

The header function returns a list containing seqNum , acquisitionNum , msLevel , peaksCount , totIonCurrent , retentionTime (in seconds), basePeakMZ , basePeakIntensity , collisionEnergy , ionisationEnergy , lowM , highMZ , precursorScanNum , precursorMZ , precursorCharge , precursorIntensity , mergedScan , mergedResultScanNum , mergedResultStartScanNum , mergedResultEndScanNum , filterString , spectrumId , centroided ( logical whether the data of the spectrum is in centroid mode or profile mode; only for pwiz backend), injectionTime (ion injection time, in milliseconds), ionMobilityDriftTime (in milliseconds), isolationWindowTargetMZ , isolationWindowLowerOffset and isolationWindowUpperOffset . If multiple scans are queried, a data.frame is returned with the scans reported along the rows.

The get3Dmap function performs a simple resampling between lowMz and highMz with reMz resolution. A matrix of dimensions length(scans) times seq(lowMz,highMz,resMz) is returned.

The chromatogram ( chromatograms ) accessors return chromatograms for the MS file handle. If a single index is provided, as data.frame containing the retention time (1st columns) and intensities (2nd column) is returned. The name of the former is always time , while the latter will depend on the run parameters.

If more than 1 or no chromatogram indices are provided, then a list of chromatograms is returned; either those passed as argument or all of them. By default, the first (and possibly only) chromatogram is the total ion count, which can also be accessed with the tic method.

The nChrom function returns the number of chromatograms, including the total ion chromatogram.

The chromatogramHeader returns (similar to the header function for spectra) a data.frame with metadata information for the individual chromatograms. The data.frame has the columns: "chromatogramId" (the ID of the chromatogram as specified in the file), "chromatogramIndex" (the index of the chromatogram within the file), "polarity" (the polarity for the chromatogram, 0 for negative, +1 for positive and -1 for not set), "precursorIsolationWindowTargetMZ" (the isolation window m/z of the precursor), "precursorIsolationWindowLowerOffset" , "precursorIsolationWindowUpperOffset" (lower and upper offset for the isolation window m/z), "precursorCollisionEnergy" (collision energy), "productIsolationWindowTargetMZ" , "productIsolationWindowLowerOffset" and "productIsolationWindowUpperOffset" (definition of the m/z isolation window for the product).

Note that access to chromatograms is only supported in the pwiz backend.


header(object, scans, ...)
 peaksCount(object, scans, ...)
 list(list("peaks"), list("mzRpwiz"))(object, scans)
 list(list("peaks"), list("mzRramp"))(object, scans)
 list(list("peaks"), list("mzRnetCDF"))(object, scans)
 list(list("spectra"), list("mzRpwiz"))(object, scans)   ## same as peaks
 list(list("spectra"), list("mzRramp"))(object, scans)
 list(list("spectra"), list("mzRnetCDF"))(object, scans)
 get3Dmap(object, scans, lowMz, highMz, resMz, ...)
 list(list("chromatogram"), list("mzRpwiz"))(object, chrom)
 list(list("chromatograms"), list("mzRpwiz"))(object, chrom)  ## same as chromatogram
 list(list("chromatogramHeader"), list("mzRpwiz"))(object, chrom)
 tic(object, ...)


objectAn instantiated mzR object.
scansA numeric specifying which scans to return. Optional for the header , peaks , spectra and peaksCount methods. If ommited, the requested data for all peaks is returned.
lowMz, highMzNumeric s defining the m/z range to be returned.
resMza numeric defining the m/z resolution.
chromFor chromatogram , chromatograms and chromatogramHeader : numeric specifying the index of the chromatograms to be extracted from the file. If omitted, data for all chromatograms is returned.
...Other arguments. A scan parameter can be passed to peaks .


The column acquisitionNum in the data.frame returned by the header method contains the index during the scan in which the signal from the spectrum was measured. The pwiz backend extracts this number from the spectrum's ID provided in the mzML file. In contrast, column seqNum contains the index of each spectrum within the file and is thus consecutively numbered. Spectra from files with multiple MS levels are linked to each other via their acquisitionNum : column precursorScanNum of an e.g. MS level 2 spectrum contains the acquisitionNum of the related MS level 1 spectrum.


instrumentInfo for metadata access and the " class.

writeMSData and copyWriteMSData for functions to write MS data in mzML or mzXML format.


Spectrum identifiers are only specified in mzML files, thus, for all other file types the column "spectrumId" of the result data.frame returned by header contains "scan=" followed by the acquisition number of the spectrum. Also, only the pwiz backend supports extraction of the spectras' IDs from mzML files. Thus, only mzML files read with backend = "pwiz" provide the spectrum IDs defined in the file. The content of the spectrum identifier depends on the vendor and the instrument acquisition settings and is reported here as a character, in its raw form, without further parsing.


Steffen Neumann and Laurent Gatto


filepath <- system.file("microtofq", package = "msdata")
file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="MM14.mzML",
full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
mz <- openMSfile(file)

## A shotgun LCMSMS experiment
f <- proteomics(full.names = TRUE,
pattern = "TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzML.gz")
x <- openMSfile(f, backend = "pwiz")
head(chromatogram(x, 1L)) ## same as tic(x)
str(chromatogram(x)) ## as a list

p <- peaks(x) ## extract all peak information
head(peaks(x, scan=4)) ## extract just peaks from the 4th scan

## An MRM experiment
f <- proteomics(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "MRM")
x <- openMSfile(f, backend = "pwiz")
head(chromatogram(x, 1L)) ## same as tic(x)
str(chromatogram(x, 10:12))

## get the header information for the chromatograms
ch <- chromatogramHeader(x)

Get the version number of pwiz backend.


Get the version number of pwiz backend.



Write MS spectrum data to an MS file


writeMSData exports the MS spectrum data provided with parameters header and data to an MS file in mzML or mzXML format.


list(list("writeMSData"), list("list,character"))(object, file, header,
    backend = "pwiz", outformat = "mzml", rtime_seconds = TRUE,


objectlist containing for each spectrum one matrix with columns mz (first column) and intensity (second column). See also peaks for the method that reads such data from an MS file.
filecharacter(1) defining the name of the file.
headerdata.frame with the header data for the spectra. Has to be in the format as the data.frame returned by the header method.
backendcharacter(1) defining the backend that should be used for writing. Currently only "pwiz" backend is supported.
outformatcharacter(1) the format of the output file. One of "mzml" or "mzxml" .
rtime_secondslogical(1) whether the retention time is provided in seconds or minutes (defaults to TRUE ).
software_processinglist of character vectors (or single character vector). Each character vector providing information about the software that was used to process the data with optional additional description of processing steps. The length of each character vector has to be >= 3: the first element being the name of the software, the second string its version and the third element the MS CV ID of the software (or "MS:-1" if not known). All additional elements are optional and represent the MS CV ID of each processing step performed with the software.


copyWriteMSData for a function to copy general information from a MS data file and writing eventually modified MS data from that originating file.


Johannes Rainer


## Open a MS file and read the spectrum and header information
fl <- system.file("threonine", "threonine_i2_e35_pH_tree.mzXML",
package = "msdata")
ms_fl <- openMSfile(fl, backend = "pwiz")

## Get the spectra
pks <- spectra(ms_fl)
## Get the header
hdr <- header(ms_fl)

## Modify the spectrum data adding 100 to each intensity.
pks <- lapply(pks, function(z) {
z[, 2] <- z[, 2] + 100

## Write the data to a mzML file.
out_file <- tempfile()
writeMSData(object = pks, file = out_file, header = hdr)