bioconductor v3.9.0 Rsamtools

This package provides an interface to the 'samtools',

Link to this section Summary


Parameters for creating pileups from BAM files

Maintain and use BAM files

Views into a set of BAM files

Manipulate BCF files.

Manipulate indexed fasta files.

Represent BAM files for pileup summaries.

A base class for managing lists of Rsamtools file references

A base class for managing file references in Rsamtools

'samtools' aligned sequence utilities interface

Parameters for scanning BAM files

Parameters for scanning BCF files

Manipulate tabix indexed tab-delimited files.

Apply a user-provided function to calculate pile-up statistics across multiple BAM files.

Rsamtools Deprecated and Defunct

Deprecated functions

Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.

Compress and index tabix-compatible files.

Use filters and output formats to calculate pile-up statistics for a BAM file.

Group the records of a BAM file based on their flag bits and count the number of records in each group

Import samtools 'pileup' files.

Import, count, index, filter, sort, and merge BAM' (binary alignment) files. ## Description Import binaryBAM' files into a list structure, with facilities for selecting what fields and which records are imported, and other operations to manipulate BAM files.

Operations on BCF' files. ## Description Import, coerce, or index variant call files in text or binary format. ## Usage ```r scanBcfHeader(file, ...) list(list("scanBcfHeader"), list("character"))(file, ...) scanBcf(file, ...) list(list("scanBcf"), list("character"))(file, index = file, ..., param=ScanBcfParam()) asBcf(file, dictionary, destination, ..., overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=TRUE) list(list("asBcf"), list("character"))(file, dictionary, destination, ..., overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=TRUE) indexBcf(file, ...) list(list("indexBcf"), list("character"))(file, ...) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |file| ForscanBcfandscanBcfHeader, the character() file name of the BCF file to be processed, or an instance of class [BcfFile](#bcffile) .| |index| The character() file name(s) of theBCF' index to be processed.| |dictionary | a character vector of the unique CHROM names in the VCF file.| |destination | The character(1) file name of the location where the BCF output file will be created. For asBcf this is without the .bcf file suffix.| |param | A instance of ScanBcfParam influencing which records are parsed and the INFO and GENO information returned.| |... | Additional arguments, e.g., for scanBcfHeader,character-method , mode of BcfFile .| |overwrite | A logical(1) indicating whether the destination can be over-written if it already exists.| |indexDestination | A logical(1) indicating whether the created destination file should also be indexed.|

Operations on indexed 'fasta' files.

Operations on tabix' (indexed, tab-delimited) files. ## Description Scan compressed, sorted, tabix-indexed, tab-delimited files. ## Usage ```r scanTabix(file, ..., param) list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,IntegerRangesList"))(file, ..., param) list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,GRanges"))(file, ..., param) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |file| The character() file name(s) of the tabix file be processed, or more flexibly an instance of class [TabixFile](#tabixfile) .| |param| A instance ofGRangesorIntegerRangesListproviding the sequence names and regions to be parsed.| |...| Additional arguments, currently ignored.| ## ValuescanTabix` returns a list, with one element per region. Each element of the list is a character vector representing records in the region. ## Author Martin Morgan ## References ## Examples r example(TabixFile)

Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.

Quickly test if a BAM file has paired end reads

File compression for tabix (bgzip) and fasta (razip) files.

Link to this section Functions

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Parameters for creating pileups from BAM files


Use ApplyPileupsParam() to create a parameter object influencing what fields and which records are used to calculate pile-ups, and to influence the values returned.


# Constructor
ApplyPileupsParam(flag = scanBamFlag(),
    minBaseQuality = 13L, minMapQuality = 0L,
    minDepth = 0L, maxDepth = 250L,
    yieldSize = 1L, yieldBy = c("range", "position"), yieldAll = FALSE,
    which = GRanges(), what = c("seq", "qual"))
# Accessors
plpFlag(object) <- value
plpMaxDepth(object) <- value
plpMinBaseQuality(object) <- value
plpMinDepth(object) <- value
plpMinMapQuality(object) <- value
plpWhat(object) <- value
plpWhich(object) <- value
plpYieldAll(object) <- value
plpYieldBy(object) <- value
plpYieldSize(object) <- value
list(list("show"), list("ApplyPileupsParam"))(object)


flagAn instance of the object returned by scanBamFlag , restricting various aspects of reads to be included or excluded.
minBaseQualityThe minimum read base quality below which the base is ignored when summarizing pileup information.
minMapQualityThe minimum mapping quality below which the entire read is ignored.
minDepthThe minimum depth of the pile-up below which the position is ignored.
maxDepthThe maximum depth of reads considered at any position; this can be used to limit memory consumption.
yieldSizeThe number of records to include in each call to FUN .
yieldByHow records are to be counted. By range (in which case yieldSize must equal 1) means that FUN is invoked once for each range in which . By position means that FUN is invoked whenever pile-ups have been accumulated for yieldSize positions, regardless of ranges in which .
yieldAllWhether to report all positions ( yieldAll=TRUE ), or just those passing the filtering criteria of flag , minBaseQuality , etc. When yieldAll=TRUE , positions not passing filter criteria have 0 entries in seq or qual .
whichA GRanges or IntegerRangesList instance restricting pileup calculations to the corresponding genomic locations.
whatA character() instance indicating what values are to be returned. One or more of c("seq", "qual") .
objectAn instace of class ApplyPileupsParam .
valueAn instance to be assigned to the corresponding slot of the ApplyPileupsParam instance.


applyPileups .


Martin Morgan


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Maintain and use BAM files


Use BamFile() to create a reference to a BAM file (and optionally its index). The reference remains open across calls to methods, avoiding costly index re-loading.

BamFileList() provides a convenient way of managing a list of BamFile instances.


## Constructors
BamFile(file, index=file, ..., yieldSize=NA_integer_, obeyQname=FALSE,
        asMates=FALSE, qnamePrefixEnd=NA, qnameSuffixStart=NA)
BamFileList(..., yieldSize=NA_integer_, obeyQname=FALSE, asMates=FALSE,
            qnamePrefixEnd=NA, qnameSuffixStart=NA)
## Opening / closing
list(list("open"), list("BamFile"))(con, ...)
list(list("close"), list("BamFile"))(con, ...)
## accessors; also path(), index(), yieldSize()
list(list("isOpen"), list("BamFile"))(con, rw="")
list(list("isIncomplete"), list("BamFile"))(con)
list(list("obeyQname"), list("BamFile"))(object, ...)
obeyQname(object, ...) <- value
list(list("asMates"), list("BamFile"))(object, ...)
asMates(object, ...) <- value
list(list("qnamePrefixEnd"), list("BamFile"))(object, ...)
qnamePrefixEnd(object, ...) <- value
list(list("qnameSuffixStart"), list("BamFile"))(object, ...)
qnameSuffixStart(object, ...) <- value
## actions
list(list("scanBamHeader"), list("BamFile"))(files, ..., what=c("targets", "text"))
list(list("seqinfo"), list("BamFile"))(x)
list(list("seqinfo"), list("BamFileList"))(x)
list(list("filterBam"), list("BamFile"))(file, destination, index=file, ...,
    filter=FilterRules(), indexDestination=TRUE,
list(list("indexBam"), list("BamFile"))(files, ...)
list(list("sortBam"), list("BamFile"))(file, destination, ..., byQname=FALSE, maxMemory=512)
list(list("mergeBam"), list("BamFileList"))(files, destination, ...)
## reading
list(list("scanBam"), list("BamFile"))(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat()))
## counting
list(list("idxstatsBam"), list("BamFile"))(file, index=file, ...)
list(list("countBam"), list("BamFile"))(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam())
list(list("countBam"), list("BamFileList"))(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam())
list(list("quickBamFlagSummary"), list("BamFile"))(file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(), main.groups.only=FALSE)


...Additional arguments. For BamFileList , this can either be a single character vector of paths to BAM files, or several instances of BamFile objects. When a character vector of paths, a second named argument index can be a character() vector of length equal to the first argument specifying the paths to the index files, or character() to indicate that no index file is available. See BamFile .
conAn instance of BamFile .
x, object, file, filesA character vector of BAM file paths (for BamFile ) or a BamFile instance (for other methods).
indexcharacter(1); the BAM index file path (for BamFile ); ignored for all other methods on this page.
yieldSizeNumber of records to yield each time the file is read from with scanBam . See Fields section for details.
asMatesLogical indicating if records should be paired as mates. See Fields section for details.
qnamePrefixEndSingle character (or NA) marking the end of the qname prefix. When specified, all characters prior to and including the qnamePrefixEnd are removed from the qname. If the prefix is not found in the qname the qname is not trimmed. Currently only implemented for mate-pairing (i.e., when asMates=TRUE in a BamFile.
qnameSuffixStartSingle character (or NA) marking the start of the qname suffix. When specified, all characters following and including the qnameSuffixStart are removed from the qname. If the suffix is not found in the qname the qname is not trimmmed. Currently only implemented for mate-pairing (i.e., when asMates=TRUE in a BamFile.
obeyQnameLogical indicating if the BAM file is sorted by qname . In Bioconductor > 2.12 paired-end files do not need to be sorted by qname . Instead use asMates=TRUE for reading paired-end data. See Fields section for details.
valueLogical value for setting asMates and obeyQname in a BamFile instance.
whatFor scanBamHeader , a character vector specifying that either or both of c("targets", "text") are to be extracted from the header; see scanBam for additional detail.
filterA FilterRules instance. Functions in the FilterRules instance should expect a single DataFrame argument representing all information specified by param . Each function must return a logical vector, usually of length equal to the number of rows of the DataFrame . Return values are used to include (when TRUE ) corresponding records in the filtered BAM file.
destinationcharacter(1) file path to write filtered reads to.
indexDestinationlogical(1) indicating whether the destination file should also be indexed.
byQname, maxMemorySee sortBam .
paramAn optional ScanBamParam instance to further influence scanning, counting, or filtering.
rwMode of file; ignored.
main.groups.onlySee quickBamFlagSummary .



Martin Morgan and Marc Carlson


## BamFile options.

fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")
bf <- BamFile(fl)

## When 'asMates=TRUE' scanBam() reads the data in as
## pairs. See 'asMates' above for details of the pairing
## algorithm.
asMates(bf) <- TRUE

## When 'yieldSize' is set, scanBam() will iterate
## through the file in chunks.
yieldSize(bf) <- 500

## Some applications append a filename (e.g., NCBI Sequence Read
## Archive (SRA) toolkit) or allele identifier to the sequence qname.
## This may result in a unique qname for each record which presents a
## problem when mating paired-end reads (identical qnames is one
## criteria for paired-end mating). 'qnamePrefixEnd' and
## 'qnameSuffixStart' can be used to trim an unwanted prefix or suffix.
qnamePrefixEnd(bf) <- "/"
qnameSuffixStart(bf) <- "."

## Reading Bam files.

fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools",
(bf <- BamFile(fl))
head(seqlengths(bf))                    # sequences and lengths in BAM file

if (require(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14)) {
bfl <- BamFileList(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES)
bfl[1:2]                            # subset
bfl[[1]]                            # select first element -- BamFile
## merged across BAM files

length(scanBam(fl)[[1]][[1]])  # all records

bf <- open(BamFile(fl))        # implicit index
identical(scanBam(bf), scanBam(fl))

## Use 'yieldSize' to iterate through a file in chunks.
bf <- open(BamFile(fl, yieldSize=1000))
while (nrec <- length(scanBam(bf)[[1]][[1]]))
cat("records:", nrec, "

## Repeatedly visit multiple ranges in the BamFile.
rng <- GRanges(c("seq1", "seq2"), IRanges(1, c(1575, 1584)))
bf <- open(BamFile(fl))
sapply(seq_len(length(rng)), function(i, bamFile, rng) {
param <- ScanBamParam(which=rng[i], what="seq")
bam <- scanBam(bamFile, param=param)[[1]]
alphabetFrequency(bam[["seq"]], baseOnly=TRUE, collapse=TRUE)
}, bf, rng)
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Views into a set of BAM files


Use BamViews() to reference a set of disk-based BAM files to be processed (e.g., queried using scanBam ) as a single experiment .


## Constructor
     bamRanges, bamExperiment = list(), ...)
list(list("BamViews"), list("missing"))(bamPaths=character(0),
     bamRanges, bamExperiment = list(), ..., auto.range=FALSE)
## Accessors
bamSamples(x) <- value
bamRanges(x) <- value
list(list("names"), list("BamViews"))(x)
list(list("names"), list("BamViews"))(x) <- value
list(list("dimnames"), list("BamViews"))(x)
list(list("dimnames"), list("BamViews,ANY"))(x) <- value
bamDirname(x, ...) <- value
## Subset
list(list("["), list("BamViews,ANY,ANY"))(x, i, j, list(), drop=TRUE)
list(list("["), list("BamViews,ANY,missing"))(x, i, j, list(), drop=TRUE)
list(list("["), list("BamViews,missing,ANY"))(x, i, j, list(), drop=TRUE)
## Input
list(list("scanBam"), list("BamViews"))(file, index = file, ..., param = ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat()))
list(list("countBam"), list("BamViews"))(file, index = file, ..., param = ScanBamParam())
## Show
list(list("show"), list("BamViews"))(object)


bamPathsA character() vector of BAM path names.
bamIndiciesA character() vector of BAM index file path names, without the .bai extension.
bamSamplesA DataFrame instance with as many rows as length(bamPaths) , containing sample information associated with each path.
bamRangesMissing or a GRanges instance with ranges defined on the reference chromosomes of the BAM files. Ranges are not validated against the BAM files.
bamExperimentA list() containing additional information about the experiment.
auto.rangeIf TRUE and all bamPaths exist, populate the ranges with the union of ranges returned in the target element of scanBamHeader .
...Additional arguments.
xAn instance of BamViews .
objectAn instance of BamViews .
valueAn object of appropriate type to replace content.
iDuring subsetting, a logical or numeric index into bamRanges .
jDuring subsetting, a logical or numeric index into bamSamples and bamPaths .
dropA logical(1), ignored by all BamViews subsetting methods.
fileAn instance of BamViews .
indexA character vector of indices, corresponding to the bamPaths(file) .
paramAn optional ScanBamParam instance to further influence scanning or counting.


Martin Morgan


fls <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools",
rngs <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(9, 9)),
ranges = c(IRanges(seq(10000, 90000, 10000), width=500),
IRanges(seq(100000, 900000, 100000), width=5000)),
Count = seq_len(18L))
v <- BamViews(fls, bamRanges=rngs)
bamRanges(v[c(1:5, 11:15),])
bamDirname(v) <- getwd()
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Manipulate BCF files.


Use BcfFile() to create a reference to a BCF (and optionally its index). The reference remains open across calls to methods, avoiding costly index re-loading.

BcfFileList() provides a convenient way of managing a list of BcfFile instances.


## Constructors
BcfFile(file, index = file,
        mode=ifelse(grepl("\.bcf$", file), "rb", "r"))
## Opening / closing
list(list("open"), list("BcfFile"))(con, ...)
list(list("close"), list("BcfFile"))(con, ...)
## accessors; also path(), index()
list(list("isOpen"), list("BcfFile"))(con, rw="")
## actions
list(list("scanBcfHeader"), list("BcfFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("scanBcf"), list("BcfFile"))(file, ..., param=ScanBcfParam())
list(list("indexBcf"), list("BcfFile"))(file, ...)


con, objectAn instance of BcfFile .
fileA character(1) vector of the BCF file path or, (for indexBcf) an instance of BcfFile point to a BCF file.
indexA character(1) vector of the BCF index.
modeA character(1) vector; mode="rb" indicates a binary (BCF) file, mode="r" a text (VCF) file.
paramAn optional ScanBcfParam instance to further influence scanning.
...Additional arguments. For BcfFileList , this can either be a single character vector of paths to BCF files, or several instances of BcfFile objects.
rwMode of file; ignored.


Martin Morgan


fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bcf.gz", package="Rsamtools",
bf <- BcfFile(fl)        # implicit index
identical(scanBcf(bf), scanBcf(fl))

rng <- GRanges(c("seq1", "seq2"), IRanges(1, c(1575, 1584)))
param <- ScanBcfParam(which=rng)
bcf <- scanBcf(bf, param=param)  ## all ranges

## ranges one at a time 'bf'
sapply(seq_len(length(rng)), function(i, bcfFile, rng) {
param <- ScanBcfParam(which=rng)
bcf <- scanBcf(bcfFile, param=param)[[1]]
## do extensive work with bcf
isOpen(bf)  ## file remains open
}, bf, rng)

Manipulate indexed fasta files.


Use FaFile() to create a reference to an indexed fasta file. The reference remains open across calls to methods, avoiding costly index re-loading.

FaFileList() provides a convenient way of managing a list of FaFile instances.


## Constructors
FaFile(file, index=sprintf("%s.fai", file),
             gzindex=sprintf("%s.gzi", file))
## Opening / closing
list(list("open"), list("FaFile"))(con, ...)
list(list("close"), list("FaFile"))(con, ...)
## accessors; also path(), index()
list(list("gzindex"), list("FaFile"))(object, asNA=TRUE)
list(list("gzindex"), list("FaFileList"))(object, asNA=TRUE)
list(list("isOpen"), list("FaFile"))(con, rw="")
## actions
list(list("indexFa"), list("FaFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("scanFaIndex"), list("FaFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("scanFaIndex"), list("FaFileList"))(file, ..., as=c("GRangesList", "GRanges"))
list(list("seqinfo"), list("FaFile"))(x)
list(list("countFa"), list("FaFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("scanFa"), list("FaFile,GRanges"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("scanFa"), list("FaFile,IntegerRangesList"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("scanFa"), list("FaFile,missing"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("getSeq"), list("FaFile"))(x, param, ...)
list(list("getSeq"), list("FaFileList"))(x, param, ...)


con, object, xAn instance of FaFile or (for gzindex and getSeq ) FaFileList .
file, index, gzindexA character(1) vector of the fasta or fasta index or bgzip index file path (for FaFile ), or an instance of class FaFile or FaFileList (for scanFaIndex , getSeq ).
asNAlogical indicating if missing output should be NA or character()
paramAn optional GRanges or IntegerRangesList instance to select reads (and sub-sequences) for input. See Methods, below.
...Additional arguments.
  • For FaFileList , this can either be a single character vector of paths to BAM files, or several instances of FaFile objects.

  • For scanFa,FaFile,missing-method this can include arguemnts to readDNAStringSet / readRNAStringSet / readAAStringSet when param is missing .
    |rw | Mode of file; ignored.| |as | A character(1) vector indicating the type of object to return. |

  • For scanFaIndex , default GRangesList , with index information from each file is returned as an element of the list.

  • For scanFa , default DNAStringSet . GRangesList , index information is collapsed across files into the unique index elements.


Martin Morgan


fl <- system.file("extdata", "ce2dict1.fa", package="Rsamtools",
fa <- open(FaFile(fl))                   # open
(idx <- scanFaIndex(fa))
(dna <- scanFa(fa, param=idx[1:2]))
ranges(idx) <- narrow(ranges(idx), -10)  # last 10 nucleotides
(dna <- scanFa(fa, param=idx[1:2]))
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Represent BAM files for pileup summaries.


Use PileupFiles() to create a reference to BAM files (and their indicies), to be used for calculating pile-up summaries.


## Constructors
PileupFiles(files, ..., param=ApplyPileupsParam())
list(list("PileupFiles"), list("character"))(files, ..., param=ApplyPileupsParam())
list(list("PileupFiles"), list("list"))(files, ..., param=ApplyPileupsParam())
## opening / closing
## open(con, ...)
## close(con, ...)
## accessors; also path()
list(list("isOpen"), list("PileupFiles"))(con, rw="")
## actions
list(list("applyPileups"), list("PileupFiles,missing"))(files, FUN, ..., param)
list(list("applyPileups"), list("PileupFiles,ApplyPileupsParam"))(files, FUN, ..., param)
## display
list(list("show"), list("PileupFiles"))(object)


filesFor PileupFiles , a character() or list of BamFile instances representing files to be included in the pileup. Using a list of BamFile allows indicies to be specified when these are in non-standard format. All elements of list() must be the same type. For applyPileups,PileupFiles-method , a PileupFiles instance.
list()Additional arguments, currently ignored.
con, objectAn instance of PileupFiles .
FUNA function of one argument; see applyPileups .
paramAn instance of ApplyPileupsParam , to select which records to include in the pileup, and which summary information to return.
rwcharacter() indicating mode of file; not used for TabixFile .


Martin Morgan


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A base class for managing lists of Rsamtools file references


RsamtoolsFileList is a base class for managing lists of file references in Rsamtools ; it is not intended for direct use -- see, e.g., BamFileList .


list(list("path"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(object, ...)
list(list("index"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(object, ..., asNA = TRUE)
list(list("isOpen"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(con, rw="")
list(list("open"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(con, ...)
list(list("close"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(con, ...)
list(list("names"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(x)
list(list("yieldSize"), list("RsamtoolsFileList"))(object, ...)


con, object, xAn instance of a class derived from RsamtoolsFileList .
asNAlogical indicating if missing output should be NA or character()
rwMode of file; ignored.
list()Additional arguments.


Martin Morgan

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A base class for managing file references in Rsamtools


RsamtoolsFile is a base class for managing file references in Rsamtools ; it is not intended for direct use by users -- see, e.g., BamFile .


## accessors
list(list("path"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(object, ...)
list(list("index"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(object, ..., asNA = TRUE)
list(list("isOpen"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(con, rw="")
list(list("yieldSize"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(object, ...)
yieldSize(object, ...) <- value
list(list("show"), list("RsamtoolsFile"))(object)


con, objectAn instance of a class derived from RsamtoolsFile .
asNAlogical indicating if missing output should be NA or character()
rwMode of file; ignored.
list()Additional arguments, unused.
valueReplacement value.


Martin Morgan

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'samtools' aligned sequence utilities interface


This package provides facilities for parsing samtools BAM (binary) files representing aligned sequences.


See packageDescription('Rsamtools') for package details. A useful starting point is the scanBam manual page.


This package documents the following classes for purely internal reasons, see help pages in other packages: bzfile , fifo , gzfile , pipe , unz , url .


Author: Martin Morgan

Maintainer: Biocore Team c/o BioC user list


The current source code for samtools and bcftools is from . Additional material is at .


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Parameters for scanning BAM files


Use ScanBamParam() to create a parameter object influencing what fields and which records are imported from a (binary) BAM file. Use of which requires that a BAM index file ( <filename>.bai ) exists.


# Constructor
ScanBamParam(flag = scanBamFlag(), simpleCigar = FALSE,
    reverseComplement = FALSE, tag = character(0), tagFilter = list(),
    what = character(0), which, mapqFilter=NA_integer_)
# Constructor helpers
scanBamFlag(isPaired = NA, isProperPair = NA, isUnmappedQuery = NA, 
    hasUnmappedMate = NA, isMinusStrand = NA, isMateMinusStrand = NA,
    isFirstMateRead = NA, isSecondMateRead = NA, isNotPrimaryRead = NA,
    isSecondaryAlignment = NA, isNotPassingQualityControls = NA,
    isDuplicate = NA, isSupplementaryAlignment = NA)
# Accessors
bamFlag(object, asInteger=FALSE)
bamFlag(object) <- value
bamReverseComplement(object) <- value
bamSimpleCigar(object) <- value
bamTag(object) <- value
bamTagFilter(object) <- value
bamWhat(object) <- value
bamWhich(object) <- value
bamMapqFilter(object) <- value
list(list("show"), list("ScanBamParam"))(object)
# Flag utils
bamFlagAsBitMatrix(flag, bitnames=FLAG_BITNAMES)
bamFlagAND(flag1, flag2)
bamFlagTest(flag, value)


flagFor ScanBamParam , an integer(2) vector used to filter reads based on their 'flag' entry. This is most easily created with the scanBamFlag() helper function. For bamFlagAsBitMatrix , bamFlagTest an integer vector where each element represents a 'flag' entry.
simpleCigarA logical(1) vector which, when TRUE, returns only those reads for which the cigar (run-length encoded representation of the alignment) is missing or contains only matches / mismatches ( 'M' ).
reverseComplementA logical(1) vectors. BAM files store reads mapping to the minus strand as though they are on the plus strand. Rsamtools obeys this convention by default ( reverseComplement=FALSE ), but when this value is set to TRUE returns the sequence and quality scores of reads mapped to the minus strand in the reverse complement (sequence) and reverse (quality) of the read as stored in the BAM file. This might be useful if wishing to recover read and quality scores as represented in fastq files, but is NOT appropriate for variant calling or other alignment-based operations.
tagA character vector naming tags to be extracted. A tag is an optional field, with arbitrary information, stored with each record. Tags are identified by two-letter codes, so all elements of tag must have exactly 2 characters.
tagFilterA named list of atomic vectors. The name of each list element is the tag name (two-letter code), and the corresponding atomic vector is the set of acceptable values for the tag. Only reads with specified tags are included. NULL s, NA s, and empty strings are not allowed in the atomic vectors.
whatA character vector naming the fields to return scanBamWhat() returns a vector of available fields. Fields are described on the scanBam help page.
mapqFilterA non-negative integer(1) specifying the minimum mapping quality to include. BAM records with mapping qualities less than mapqFilter are discarded.
whichA GRanges , IntegerRangesList , or any object that can be coerced to a IntegerRangesList , or missing object, from which a IRangesList instance will be constructed. Names of the IRangesList correspond to reference sequences, and ranges to the regions on that reference sequence for which matches are desired. Because data types are coerced to IRangesList , which does not include strand information (use the flag argument instead). Only records with a read overlapping the specified ranges are returned. All ranges must have ends less than or equal to 536870912. When one record overlaps two ranges in which , the record is returned twice .
isPairedA logical(1) indicating whether unpaired (FALSE), paired (TRUE), or any (NA) read should be returned.
isProperPairA logical(1) indicating whether improperly paired (FALSE), properly paired (TRUE), or any (NA) read should be returned. A properly paired read is defined by the alignment algorithm and might, e.g., represent reads aligning to identical reference sequences and with a specified distance.
isUnmappedQueryA logical(1) indicating whether unmapped (TRUE), mapped (FALSE), or any (NA) read should be returned.
hasUnmappedMateA logical(1) indicating whether reads with mapped (FALSE), unmapped (TRUE), or any (NA) mate should be returned.
isMinusStrandA logical(1) indicating whether reads aligned to the plus (FALSE), minus (TRUE), or any (NA) strand should be returned.
isMateMinusStrandA logical(1) indicating whether mate reads aligned to the plus (FALSE), minus (TRUE), or any (NA) strand should be returned.
isFirstMateReadA logical(1) indicating whether the first mate read should be returned (TRUE) or not (FALSE), or whether mate read number should be ignored (NA).
isSecondMateReadA logical(1) indicating whether the second mate read should be returned (TRUE) or not (FALSE), or whether mate read number should be ignored (NA).
isNotPrimaryReadDeprecated; use isSecondaryAlignment .
isSecondaryAlignmentA logical(1) indicating whether alignments that are secondary (TRUE), are not (FALSE) or whose secondary status does not matter (NA) should be returned. A non-primary alignment ( secondary alignment in the SAM specification) might result when a read aligns to multiple locations. One alignment is designated as primary and has this flag set to FALSE; the remainder, for which this flag is TRUE, are designated by the aligner as secondary.
isNotPassingQualityControlsA logical(1) indicating whether reads passing quality controls (FALSE), reads not passing quality controls (TRUE), or any (NA) read should be returned.
isDuplicateA logical(1) indicating that un-duplicated (FALSE), duplicated (TRUE), or any (NA) reads should be returned. 'Duplicated' reads may represent PCR or optical duplicates.
isSupplementaryAlignmentA logical(1) indicating that non-supplementary (FALSE), supplementary (TRUE), or any (NA) reads should be returned. The SAM specification indicates that 'supplementary' reads are part of a chimeric alignment.
objectAn instance of class ScanBamParam .
valueAn instance of the corresponding slot, to be assigned to object or, for bamFlagTest , a character(1) name of the flag to test, e.g., isUnmappedQuery , from the arguments to scanBamFlag .
asIntegerlogical(1) indicating whether flag should be returned as an encoded integer vector ( TRUE ) or human-readable form ( FALSE ).
bitnamesNames of the flag bits to extract. Will be the colnames of the returned matrix.
flag1, flag2Integer vectors containing flag entries.




Martin Morgan


## defaults
p0 <- ScanBamParam()

## subset of reads based on genomic coordinates
which <- IRangesList(seq1=IRanges(1000, 2000),
seq2=IRanges(c(100, 1000), c(1000, 2000)))
p1 <- ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat(), which=which)

## subset of reads based on 'flag' value
p2 <- ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat(),

## subset of fields
p3 <- ScanBamParam(what=c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth"))

## use
fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools",
res <- scanBam(fl, param=p2)[[1]]
lapply(res, head)

## tags; NM: edit distance; H1: 1-difference hits
p4 <- ScanBamParam(tag=c("NM", "H1"), what="flag")
bam4 <- scanBam(fl, param=p4)

## tagFilter
p5 <- ScanBamParam(tag=c("NM", "H1"), tagFilter=list(NM=c(2, 3, 4)))
bam5 <- scanBam(fl, param=p5)

## flag utils
flag <- scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isMinusStrand=TRUE)

p6 <- ScanBamParam(what="flag")
bam6 <- scanBam(fl, param=p6)
flag6 <- bam6[[1]][["flag"]]
Link to this function


Parameters for scanning BCF files


Use ScanBcfParam() to create a parameter object influencing the INFO and GENO fields parsed, and which sample records are imported from a BCF file. Use of which requires that a BCF index file ( <filename>.bci ) exists.


ScanBcfParam(fixed=character(), info=character(), geno=character(),
             samples=character(), trimEmpty=TRUE, which, ...)
list(list("ScanBcfParam"), list("missing"))(fixed=character(), info=character(), geno=character(), 
             samples=character(), trimEmpty=TRUE, which, ...)
list(list("ScanBcfParam"), list("IntegerRangesList"))(fixed=character(), info=character(), geno=character(), 
             samples=character(), trimEmpty=TRUE, which, ...)
list(list("ScanBcfParam"), list("GRanges"))(fixed=character(), info=character(), geno=character(), 
             samples=character(), trimEmpty=TRUE, which, ...)
list(list("ScanBcfParam"), list("GRangesList"))(fixed=character(), info=character(), geno=character(), 
             samples=character(), trimEmpty=TRUE, which, ...)
## Accessors


fixedA logical(1) for use with ScanVcfParam only.
infoA character() vector of INFO fields (see scanVcfHeader ) to be returned.
genoA character() vector of GENO fields (see scanVcfHeader ) to be returned. character(0) returns all fields, NA_character_ returns none.
samplesA character() vector of sample names (see scanVcfHeader ) to be returned. character(0) returns all fields, NA_character_ returns none.
trimEmptyA logical(1) indicating whether GENO fields with no values should be returned.
whichAn object, for which a method is defined (see usage, above), describing the sequences and ranges to be queried. Variants whose POS lies in the interval(s) [start, end) are returned.
objectAn instance of class ScanBcfParam .
list()Arguments used internally.


scanVcf ScanVcfParam


Martin Morgan


## see ?ScanVcfParam examples
Link to this function


Manipulate tabix indexed tab-delimited files.


Use TabixFile() to create a reference to a Tabix file (and its index). Once opened, the reference remains open across calls to methods, avoiding costly index re-loading.

TabixFileList() provides a convenient way of managing a list of TabixFile instances.


## Constructors
TabixFile(file, index = paste(file, "tbi", sep="."), ...,
## Opening / closing
list(list("open"), list("TabixFile"))(con, ...)
list(list("close"), list("TabixFile"))(con, ...)
## accessors; also path(), index(), yieldSize()
list(list("isOpen"), list("TabixFile"))(con, rw="")
## actions
list(list("seqnamesTabix"), list("TabixFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("headerTabix"), list("TabixFile"))(file, ...)
list(list("scanTabix"), list("TabixFile,GRanges"))(file, ..., param)
list(list("scanTabix"), list("TabixFile,IntegerRangesList"))(file, ..., param)
list(list("scanTabix"), list("TabixFile,missing"))(file, ..., param)
list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,ANY"))(file, ..., param)
list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,missing"))(file, ..., param)
countTabix(file, ...)


conAn instance of TabixFile .
fileFor TabixFile(), A character(1) vector to the tabix file path; can be remote (http://, ftp://). For countTabix , a character(1) or TabixFile instance. For others, a TabixFile instance.
indexA character(1) vector of the tabix file index.
yieldSizeNumber of records to yield each time the file is read from using scanTabix . Only valid when param is unspecified. yieldSize does not alter existing yield sizes, include NA , when creating a TabixFileList from TabixFile instances.
paramAn instance of GRanges or IntegerRangesList, used to select which records to scan.
...Additional arguments. For TabixFileList , this can include file , index , and yieldSize arguments. The file can be a single character vector of paths to tabix files (and optionally a similarly lengthed vector of index ), or several instances of TabixFile objects. The arguments can also include yieldSize , applied to all elements of the list.
rwcharacter() indicating mode of file; not used for TabixFile .


Martin Morgan


fl <- system.file("extdata", "example.gtf.gz", package="Rsamtools",
tbx <- TabixFile(fl)

param <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr2"), IRanges(c(1, 1), width=100000))
countTabix(tbx, param=param)
res <- scanTabix(tbx, param=param)
sapply(res, length)

## parse to list of data.frame's
dff <- Map(function(elt) {
read.csv(textConnection(elt), sep=" ", header=FALSE)
}, res)

## parse 100 records at a time
length(scanTabix(tbx)[[1]]) # total number of records
tbx <- open(TabixFile(fl, yieldSize=100))
while(length(res <- scanTabix(tbx)[[1]]))
cat("records read:", length(res), "

Apply a user-provided function to calculate pile-up statistics across multiple BAM files.


applyPileups scans one or more BAM files, returning position-specific sequence and quality summaries.


applyPileups(files, FUN, ..., param)


filesA PileupFiles instances.

|FUN | A function of 1 argument, x , to be evaluated for each yield (see yieldSize , yieldBy , yieldAll ). The argument x is a list , with elements describing the current pile-up. The elements of the list are determined by the argument what , and include: list(" ", " ", " ", list(list("seqnames:"), list("(Always returned) A named ", list("integer()"), " ", " representing the seqnames corresponding to each position ", " reported in the pile-up. This is a run-length encoding, where ", " the names of the elements represent the seqnames, and the values ", " the number of successive positions corresponding to that ", " seqname.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("pos:"), list("Always returned) A ", list("integer()"), " representing the ", |

"   genomic coordinate of each pile-up position.")), "

", " ", " ", list(list("seq:"), list("An ", list("array"), " of dimensions nucleotide x file x ", " position. ", " ", " The ", list("nucleotide"), " dimension is length 5, corresponding to ", " ", list("A"), ", ", list("C"), ", ", list("G"), ", ", list("T"), ", and ", list("N"), " ", " respectively. ", " ", " Entries in the array represent the number of times the ", " nucleotide occurred in reads in the file overlapping the ",

"   position.

", " ", " ")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("qual:"), list("Like ", list("seq"), ", but summarizing quality; the first ", " dimension is the Phred-encoded quality score, ranging from ", " ", list("!"), " (0) to ", list("~"), " (93).")), " ", " ", " ")
|list() | Additional arguments, passed to methods.| |param | An instance of the object returned by ApplyPileupsParam .|


Regardless of param values, the algorithm follows samtools by excluding reads flagged as unmapped, secondary, duplicate, or failing quality control.


applyPileups returns a list equal in length to the number of times FUN has been called, with each element containing the result of FUN .

ApplyPileupsParam returns an object describing the parameters.


ApplyPileupsParam .


Martin Morgan



## The examples below are currently broken and have been disabled for now
fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools",

fls <- PileupFiles(c(fl, fl))

calcInfo <-
## information at each pile-up position
info <- apply(x[["seq"]], 2, function(y) {
y <- y[c("A", "C", "G", "T"),,drop=FALSE]
y <- y + 1L                     # continuity
cvg <- colSums(y)
p <- y / cvg[col(y)]
h <- -colSums(p * log(p))
ifelse(cvg == 4L, NA, h)
list(seqnames=x[["seqnames"]], pos=x[["pos"]], info=info)
which <- GRanges(c("seq1", "seq2"), IRanges(c(1000, 1000), 2000))
param <- ApplyPileupsParam(which=which, what="seq")
res <- applyPileups(fls, calcInfo, param=param)
head(res[[1]][["pos"]])# positions matching param
head(res[[1]][["info"]])# inforamtion in each file

## 'param' as part of 'files'
fls1 <- PileupFiles(c(fl, fl), param=param)
res1 <- applyPileups(fls1, calcInfo)
identical(res, res1)

## yield by position, across ranges
param <- ApplyPileupsParam(which=which, yieldSize=500L,
yieldBy="position", what="seq")
res <- applyPileups(fls, calcInfo, param=param)
sapply(res, "[[", "seqnames")

Rsamtools Deprecated and Defunct


The function, class, or data object you have asked for has been deprecated or made defunct.

Deprecated functions


Functions listed on this page are no longer supported.


For yieldTabix , use the yieldSize argument of TabixFiles .

For BamSampler , use REDUCEsampler with reduceByYield in the GenomicFiles package.


Martin Morgan

Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.


This function queries a tabix file, returning the names of the sequences used as a key when creating the file.


headerTabix(file, ...)
list(list("headerTabix"), list("character"))(file, ...)


fileA character(1) file path or TabixFile instance pointing to a tabix file.
...Additional arguments, currently ignored.


A list(4) of the sequence names, column indicies used to sort the file, the number of lines skipped while indexing, and the comment character used while indexing.


Martin Morgan


fl <- system.file("extdata", "example.gtf.gz", package="Rsamtools",

Compress and index tabix-compatible files.


Index (with indexTabix ) files that have been sorted into ascending sequence, start and end position ordering.


           format=c("gff", "bed", "sam", "vcf", "vcf4", "psltbl"),
           seq=integer(), start=integer(), end=integer(),
           skip=0L, comment="#", zeroBased=FALSE, ...)


fileA characater(1) path to a sorted, bgzip-compressed file.
formatThe format of the data in the compressed file. A characater(1) matching one of the types named in the function signature.
seqIf format is missing, then seq indicates the column in which the sequence identifier (e.g., chrq) is to be found.
startIf format is missing, start indicates the column containing the start coordinate of the feature to be indexed.
endIf format is missing, end indicates the column containing the ending coordinate of the feature to be indexed.
skipThe number of lines to be skipped at the beginning of the file.
commentA single character which, when present as the first character in a line, indicates that the line is to be omitted. from indexing.
zeroBasedA logical(1) indicating whether coordinats in the file are zero-based.
...Additional arguments.


The return value of indexTabix is an updated instance of file reflecting the newly-created index file.


Martin Morgan



from <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.sam", package="Rsamtools",
to <- tempfile()
zipped <- bgzip(from, to)
idx <- indexTabix(zipped, "sam")

tab <- TabixFile(zipped, idx)

Use filters and output formats to calculate pile-up statistics for a BAM file.


pileup uses PileupParam and ScanBamParam objects to calculate pileup statistics for a BAM file. The result is a data.frame with columns summarizing counts of reads overlapping each genomic position, optionally differentiated on nucleotide, strand, and position within read.


pileup(file, index=file, ..., scanBamParam=ScanBamParam(),
## PileupParam constructor
PileupParam(max_depth=250, min_base_quality=13, min_mapq=0,
    min_nucleotide_depth=1, min_minor_allele_depth=0,
    distinguish_strands=TRUE, distinguish_nucleotides=TRUE,
    ignore_query_Ns=TRUE, include_deletions=TRUE, include_insertions=FALSE,
    left_bins=NULL, query_bins=NULL, cycle_bins=NULL)
    scheme= c("Illumina 1.8+", "Sanger", "Solexa", "Illumina 1.3+",
              "Illumina 1.5+"))


filecharacter(1) or BamFile ; BAM file path.
indexWhen file is character(1), an optional character(1) of BAM index file path; see scanBam .
list()Additional arguments, perhaps used by methods.
scanBamParamAn instance of ScanBamParam .
pileupParamAn instance of PileupParam .
max_depthinteger(1); maximum number of overlapping alignments considered for each position in the pileup.
min_base_qualityinteger(1); minimum QUAL value for each nucleotide in an alignment. Use phred2ASCIIOffset to help translate numeric or character values to these offsets.
min_mapqinteger(1); minimum MAPQ value for an alignment to be included in pileup.
min_nucleotide_depthinteger(1); minimum count of each nucleotide ( independent of other nucleotides) at a given position required for said nucleotide to appear in the result.
min_minor_allele_depthinteger(1); minimum count of all nucleotides other than the major allele at a given position required for a particular nucleotide to appear in the result.
distinguish_strandslogical(1); TRUE if result should differentiate between strands.
distinguish_nucleotideslogical(1); TRUE if result should differentiate between nucleotides.
ignore_query_Nslogical(1); TRUE if non-determinate nucleotides in alignments should be excluded from the pileup.
include_deletionslogical(1); TRUE to include deletions in pileup.
include_insertionslogical(1); TRUE to include insertions in pileup.
left_binsnumeric; all same sign; unique positions within a read to delimit bins. Position within read is based on counting from the 5' end regardless of strand . Minimum of two values are required so at least one range can be formed. NULL (default) indicates no binning. Use negative values to count from the opposite end. Sorted order not required. Floating-point values are coerced to integer . If you want to delimit bins based on sequencing cycles to, e.g., discard later cycles, query_bins probably gives the desired behavior.
query_binsnumeric; all same sign; unique positions within a read to delimit bins. Position within a read is based on counting from the 5' end when the read aligns to plus strand , counting from the 3' end when read aligns to minus strand. Minimum of two values are required so at least one range can be formed. NULL (default) indicates no binning. Use negative values to count from the opposite end. Sorted order not required. Floating-point values are coerced to integer .
phredEither a numeric() (coerced to integer()) PHRED score (e.g., in the range (0, 41) for the Illumina 1.8+ scheme) or character() of printable ASCII characters. When phred is character(), it can be of length 1 with 1 or more characters, or of any length where all elements have exactly 1 character.
schemeEncoding scheme, used to translate numeric() PHRED scores to their ASCII code. Ignored when phred is already character().
cycle_binsDEPRECATED. See left_bins for identical behavior.


NB : Use of pileup assumes familiarity with ScanBamParam , and use of left_bins and query_bins assumes familiarity with cut .

pileup visits each position in the BAM file, subject to constraints implied by which and flag of scanBamParam . For a given position, all reads overlapping the position that are consistent with constraints dictated by flag of scanBamParam and pileupParam are used for counting. pileup also automatically excludes reads with flags that indicate any of:

  • list("unmapped alignment (", list(list("isUnmappedQuery")), ")")

  • list("secondary alignment (", list(list("isSecondaryAlignment")), ")")

  • list("not passing quality controls (", list(list("isNotPassingQualityControls")), ")")

  • list("PCR or optical duplicate (", list(list("isDuplicate")), ")")

If no which argument is supplied to the ScanBamParam , behavior reflects that of scanBam : the entire file is visited and counted.

Use a yieldSize value when creating a BamFile instance to manage memory consumption when using pileup with large BAM files. There are some differences in how pileup behavior is affected when the yieldSize value is set on the BAM file. See more details below.

Many of the parameters of the pileupParam interact. A simple illustration is ignore_query_Ns and distinguish_nucleotides , as mentioned in the ignore_query_Ns section.

Parameters for pileupParam belong to two categories: parameters that affect only the filtering criteria (so-called behavior-only policies), and parameters that affect filtering behavior and the schema of the results ( behavior+structure policies).

%% behavior-only

%% (other behavior-only arguments are self-evident or sam %% spcification-evident)

%% behavior+structure

distinguish_nucleotides and distinguish_strands when set to TRUE each add a column ( nucleotide and strand , respectively) to the resulting data.frame . If both are TRUE, each combination of nucleotide and strand at a given position is counted separately. Setting only one to TRUE behaves as expected; for example, if only nucleotide is set to TRUE , each nucleotide at a given position is counted separately, but the distinction of on which strand the nucleotide appears is ignored.

ignore_query_Ns determines how ambiguous nucloetides are treated. By default, ambiguous nucleotides (typically N in BAM files) in alignments are ignored. If ignore_query_Ns is FALSE , ambiguous nucleotides are included in counts; further, if ignore_query_Ns is FALSE and distinguish_nucleotides is TRUE the N nucleotide value appears in the nucleotide column when a base at a given position is ambiguous.

By default, deletions with respect to the reference genome to which the reads were aligned are included in the counts in a pileup. If include_deletions is TRUE and distinguish_nucleotides is TRUE , the nucleotide column uses a - character to indicate a deletion at a position.

The = nucleotide code in the SEQ field (to mean identical to reference genome ) is supported by pileup, such that a match with the reference genome is counted separately in the results if distinguish_nucleotides is TRUE .

CIGAR support: pileup handles the extended CIGAR format by only heeding operations that contribute to counts ( M , D , I ). If you are confused about how the different CIGAR operations interact, see the SAM versions of the BAM files used for pileup unit testing for a fairly comprehensive human-readable treatment.

  • list("Deletions and clipping: ", " ", " The extended CIGAR allows a number of operations conceptually ", " similar to a ", list("deletion"), " with respect to the reference ", " genome, but offer more specialized meanings than a simple ", " deletion. CIGAR ", list("N"), " operations (not to be confused with ", " ", list("N"), " used for non-determinate bases in the ", list("SEQ"), " field) ", " indicate a large skipped region, ", list("S"), " a soft clip, and ", " ", list("H"), " a hard clip. ", list("N"), ", ", list("S"), ", and ", list("H"), " ", " CIGAR operations are never counted: only counts of true deletions ", " (", list("D"), " in the CIGAR) can be included by setting ", " ", list("include_deletions"), " to ", list("TRUE"), ". ", " ", " Soft clip operations contribute to the relative position of ", " nucleotides within a read, whereas hard clip and refskip ", " operations do not. For example, consider a sequence in a bam file ", " that starts at 11, with a CIGAR ", list("2S1M"), " and ", list("SEQ"), " field ", " ", list("ttA"), ". The cycle position of the ", list("A"), " nucleotide will be ", " ", list("3"), ", but the reported position will be ", list("11"), ". If using ", " ", list("left_bins"), " or ", list("query_bins"), " it might make sense to first ", " preprocess your files to remove soft clipping. ", " ", " ")

  • list("Insertions and padding: ", " ", " ", list("pileup"), " can include counts of insertion operations by ", " setting ", list("include_insertions"), " to ", list("TRUE"), ". Details about ", " insertions are effectively truncated such that each insertion is ", " reduced to a single ", list("+"), " nucleotide. Information about ", " e.g. the nucleotide code and base quality within the insertion is ", " not included. ", " ", " Because ", list("+"), " is used as a nucleotide code to represent ", " insertions in ", list("pileup"), ", counts of the ", list("+"), " nucleotide ", " participate in voting for ", list("min_nucleotide_depth"), " and ", " ", list("min_minor_allele_depth"), " functionality. ", "
    ", " The position of an insertion is the position that precedes it on ", " the reference sequence. ", list("Note:"), " this means if ", " ", list("include_insertions"), " is ", list("TRUE"), " a single read will ", " contribute two nucleotide codes (", list("+"), ", plus that of the ", " non-insertion base) at a given position if the non-insertion base ", " passes filter criteria. ", " ", " ", list("P"), " CIGAR (padding) operations never affect counts. ", " ", " ")

The bin arguments query_bins and left_bins allow users to differentiate pileup counts based on arbitrary non-overlapping regions within a read. pileup relies on cut to derive bins, but limits input to numeric values of the same sign (coerced to integer s), including +/-Inf . If a bin argument is set pileup automatically excludes bases outside the implicit outer range. Here are some important points regarding bin arguments:

  • list(list("query_bins"), " vs. ", list("left_bins"), ":") list(" ", " ", " BAM files store sequence data from the 5' end to the 3' end ", " (regardless of to which strand the read aligns). That means for ", " reads aligned to the minus strand, cycle position within a read is ", " effectively reversed. Take care to use the appropriate bin ", " argument for your use case. ", " ", " The most common use of a bin argument is to bin later cycles ", " separately from earlier cycles; this is because accuracy typically ", " degrades in later cycles. For this application, ", list("query_bins"), " ", " yields the correct behavior because bin positions are relative to ", " cycle order (i.e., sensitive to strand). ", " ", " ", list("left_bins"), " (in contrast with ", list("query_bins"), ") determines ", " bin positions from the 5' end, regardless of strand. ", " ", " ")

  • list("Positive or negative bin values can be used to delmit bins ", " based on the effective ", list("start"), " or ", list("end"), " of a ", " read. For ", list("left_bin"), " the effective start is always the 5' end ", " (left-to-right as appear in the BAM file). ", " ", " For ", list("query_bin"), " the effective start is the first cycle of the ", " read as it came off the sequencer; that means the 5' end for reads ", " aligned to the plus strand and 3' for reads aligned to the minus ", " strand. ", " ", " ", list(" ", " ", " ", list(), list(list("From effective start of reads"), ": use positive values, ", " ", list("0"), ", and ", list("(+)Inf"), ". Because ", list(list("cut")), " ", " produces ranges in the form (first,last], ", list("0"), " should be ", " used to create a bin that includes the first position. To ", " account for variable-length reads in BAM files, use ", " ", list("(+)Inf"), " as the upper bound on a bin that extends to the ",

    "          end of all reads."), "

    ", " ", " ", list(), list(list("From effective end of reads"), ": use negative values ", " and ", list("-Inf"), ". ", list("-1"), " denotes the last position in a ", " read. Because ", list(list("cut")), " produces ranges in the form ", " (first,last], specify the lower bound of a bin by using one ", " less than the desired value, e.g., a bin that captures only ", " the second nucleotide from the last position: ",

    "          ", list("query_bins=c(-3, -2)"), ". To account for variable-length

    ", " reads in BAM files, use ", list("-Inf"), " as the lower bound on a ", " bin that extends to the beginning of all reads."), " ", " "), " ", " ") %% end subsection bin argument gotchas

    pileup obeys yieldSize on BamFile objects with some differences from how scanBam responds to yieldSize . Here are some points to keep in mind when using pileup in conjunction with yieldSize :

  • list(list("BamFile"), "s with a ", list("yieldSize"), " value set, once ", " opened and used with ", list("pileup"), ", ", list("should not be used"), " with ", " other functions that accept a ", list("BamFile"), " instance as ", " input. Create a new ", list("BamFile"), " instance instead of trying to ", " reuse.")

  • list(list("pileup"), " only returns genomic positions for which all ", " input has been processed. ", list("pileup"), " will hold in reserve ", " positions for which only partial data has been ", " processed. Positions held in reserve will be returned upon ", " subsequent calls to ", list("pileup"), " when all the input for a given ", " position has been processed.")

  • list("The correspondence between yieldSize and the number of rows ", " in the ", list("data.frame"), " returned from ", list("pileup"), " is not ", " 1-to-1. ", list("yieldSize"), " only limits the number of ", " ", list("alignments processed"), " from the BAM file each time the file ", " is read. Only a handful of alignments can lead to many distinct ", " records in the result.")

  • list("Like ", list("scanBam"), ", ", list("pileup"), " uses an empty return ", " object (a zero-row ", list("data.frame"), ") to indicate end-of-input.")

  • list("Sometimes reading ", list("yieldSize"), " records from the BAM file ", " does not result in any completed positions. In order to avoid ", " returning a zero-row ", list("data.frame"), " ", list("pileup"), " will ", " repeatedly process ", list("yieldSize"), " additional records until at ", " least one position can be returned to the user.")


For pileup a data.frame with 1 row per unique combination of differentiating column values that satisfied filter criteria, with frequency ( count ) of unique combination. Columns seqnames , pos , and count always appear; optional strand , nulceotide , and left_bin / query_bin columns appear as dictated by arguments to PileupParam .

Column details:

  • list(list("seqnames"), ": factor. SAM ", list("RNAME"), " field of ", " alignment.")

  • list(list("pos"), ": integer(1). Genomic position of base. Derived by ", " offset from SAM ", list("POS"), " field of alignment.")

  • list(list("strand"), ": factor. ", list("strand"), " to which read aligns.")

  • list(list("nucleotide"), ": factor. ", list("nucleotide"), " of base, ", " extracted from SAM ", list("SEQ"), " field of alignment.")

  • list(list("left_bin"), " / ", list("query_bin"), ": factor. Bin in which base ", " appears.")

  • list(list("count"), ": integer(1). Frequency of combination of ", " differentiating fields, as indicated by values of other columns.")

See scanBam for more detailed explanation of SAM fields.

If a which argument is specified for the scanBamParam , a which_label column ( factor in the form rname:start-end ) is automatically included. The which_label column is used to maintain grouping of results, such that two queries of the same genomic region can be differentiated.

Order of rows in data.frame is first by order of seqnames column based on the BAM index file, then non-decreasing order on columns pos , then nucleotide , then strand , then left_bin / query_bin .

PileupParam returns an instance of PileupParam class.

phred2ASCIIOffset returns a named integer vector of the same length or number of characters in phred . The names are the ASCII encoding, and the values are the offsets to be used with min_base_quality .


  • list("Rsamtools")

  • list("BamFile")

  • list("ScanBamParam")

  • list("scanBam")

  • list("cut")

For the relationship between PHRED scores and ASCII encoding, see .


Nathaniel Hayden


## The examples below apply equally to pileup queries for specific
## genomic ranges (specified by the 'which' parameter of 'ScanBamParam')
## and queries across entire files; the entire-file examples are
## included first to make them easy to find. The more detailed examples
## of pileup use queries with a 'which' argument.


fl <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[1]
## Minimum base quality to be tallied
p_param <- PileupParam(min_base_quality = 10L)

", "## no 'which' argument to ScanBamParam: process entire file at once
", "res <- pileup(fl, pileupParam = p_param)
", "head(res)
", "table(res$strand, res$nucleotide)

", "## no 'which' argument to ScanBamParam with 'yieldSize' set on BamFile
", "bf <- open(BamFile(fl, yieldSize=5e4))
", "repeat {
", "    res <- pileup(bf, pileupParam = p_param)
", "    message(nrow(res), " rows in result data.frame")
", "    if(nrow(res) == 0L)
", "        break
", "}
", "close(bf)

## pileup for the first half of chr14 with default Pileup parameters
## 'which' argument: process only specified genomic range(s)
sbp <- ScanBamParam(which=GRanges("chr14", IRanges(1, 53674770)))
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam = p_param)
table(res$strand, res$nucleotide)

## specify pileup parameters: include ambiguious nucleotides
## (the 'N' level in the nucleotide column of the data.frame)
p_param <- PileupParam(ignore_query_Ns=FALSE, min_base_quality = 10L)
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
table(res$strand, res$nucleotide)

## Don't distinguish strand, require a minimum frequency of 7 for a
## nucleotide at a genomic position to be included in results.

p_param <- PileupParam(distinguish_strands=TRUE,
min_base_quality = 10L,
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
table(res$nucleotide, res$strand)

## Any combination of the filtering criteria is possible: let's say we
## want a "coverage pileup" that only counts reads with mapping
## quality >= 13, and bases with quality >= 10 that appear at least 4
## times at each genomic position
p_param <- PileupParam(distinguish_nucleotides=FALSE,
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
res <- res[, c("pos", "count")] ## drop seqnames and which_label cols
plot(count ~ pos, res, pch=".")

## ASCII offsets to help specify min_base_quality, e.g., quality of at
## least 10 on the Illumina 1.3+ scale
phred2ASCIIOffset(10, "Illumina 1.3+")

## Well-supported polymorphic positions (minor allele present in at
## least 5 alignments) with high map quality
p_param <- PileupParam(min_minor_allele_depth=5,
min_base_quality = 10,
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
dim(res) ## reduced to our biologically interesting positions
head(xtabs(count ~ pos + nucleotide, res))

## query_bins

", "
", "## basic use of positive bins: single pivot; count bases that appear in
", "## first 10 cycles of a read separately from the rest
", "p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(0, 10, Inf), min_base_quality = 10)
", "res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
", "
", "## basic use of positive bins: simple range; only include bases in
", "## cycle positions 6-10 within read
", "p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(5, 10), min_base_quality = 10)
", "res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
", "## basic use of negative bins: single pivot; count bases that appear in
", "## last 3 cycle positions of a read separately from the rest.
", "p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(-Inf, -4, -1), min_base_quality = 10)
", "res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
", "
", "## basic use of negative bins: drop nucleotides in last two cycle
", "## positions of each read
", "p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(-Inf, -3), min_base_quality = 10)
", "res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)

## typical use: beginning, middle, and end segments; because of the
## nature of sequencing technology, it is common for bases in the
## beginning and end segments of each read to be less reliable. pileup
## makes it easy to count each segment separately.

## Assume determined ahead of time that for the data 1-7 makes sense for
## beginning, 8-12 middle, >=13 end (actual cycle positions should be
## tailored to data in actual BAM files).
p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(0, 7, 12, Inf), ## note non-symmetric
min_base_quality = 10)
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
xt <- xtabs(count ~ nucleotide + query_bin, res)
t(t(xt) / colSums(xt)) ## cheap normalization for illustrative purposes

## 'implicit outer range': in contrast to c(0, 7, 12, Inf), suppose we
##  still want to have beginning, middle, and end segements, but know
##  that the first three cycles and any bases beyond the 16th cycle are
##  irrelevant. Hence, the implicit outer range is (3,16]; all bases
##  outside of that are dropped.
p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=c(3, 7, 12, 16), min_base_quality = 10)
res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
xt <- xtabs(count ~ nucleotide + query_bin, res)
t(t(xt) / colSums(xt))

", "## single-width bins: count each cycle within a read separately.
", "p_param <- PileupParam(query_bins=seq(1,20), min_base_quality = 10)
", "res <- pileup(fl, scanBamParam=sbp, pileupParam=p_param)
", "xt <- xtabs(count ~ nucleotide + query_bin, res)
", "print(xt[ , c(1:3, 18:19)]) ## fit on one screen
", "print(t(t(xt) / colSums(xt))[ , c(1:3, 18:19)])
Link to this function


Group the records of a BAM file based on their flag bits and count the number of records in each group


quickBamFlagSummary groups the records of a BAM file based on their flag bits and counts the number of records in each group.


quickBamFlagSummary(file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(), main.groups.only=FALSE)
list(list("quickBamFlagSummary"), list("character"))(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(),
list(list("quickBamFlagSummary"), list("list"))(file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(), main.groups.only=FALSE)


file, indexFor the character method, the path to the BAM file to read, and to the index file of the BAM file to read, respectively. For the list() method, file is a named list with elements qname and flag with content as from scanBam .
...Additional arguments, perhaps used by methods.
paramAn instance of ScanBamParam . This determines which records are considered in the counting.
main.groups.onlyIf TRUE , then the counting is performed for the main groups only.


Nothing is returned. A summary of the counts is printed to the console unless redirected by sink .


scanBam , ScanBamParam .

BamFile for a method for that class.


H. Pages



bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools",

Import samtools 'pileup' files.


Import files created by evaluation of samtools' pileup -cv command.


readPileup(file, ...)
list(list("readPileup"), list("connection"))(file, ..., variant=c("SNP", "indel", "all"))


fileThe file name, or connection , of the pileup output file to be parsed.
list()Additional arguments, passed to methods. For instance, specify variant for the readPileup,character-method.
variantType of variant to parse; select one.


readPileup returns a GRanges object.

The value returned by variant="SNP" or variant="all" contains: list(" ", " ", " ", list(list("space:"), list("The chromosome names (fastq ids) of the reference ", " sequence")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("position:"), list("The nucleotide position (base 1) of the variant.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("referenceBase:"), list("The nucleotide in the reference sequence.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("consensusBase;"), list("The consensus nucleotide, as determined by ", " samtools pileup.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("consensusQuality:"), list(

"The phred-scaled consensus quality.")), "

", " ", " ", list(list("snpQuality:"), list("The phred-scaled SNP quality (probability of the ", " consensus being identical to the reference).")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("maxMappingQuality:"), list("The root mean square mapping quality of reads ", " overlapping the site.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("coverage:"), list("The number of reads covering the site.")), " ", " ", " ")

The value returned by variant="indel" contains space, position, reference, consensus, consensusQuality, snpQuality, maxMappingQuality, and coverage fields, and:

list(" ", " ", " ", list(list("alleleOne, alleleTwo"), list("The first (typically, in the reference ", " sequence) and second allelic variants.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("alleleOneSupport, alleleTwoSupport"), list("The number of reads ", " supporting each allele.")), " ", " ", " ", list(list("additionalIndels"), list("The number of additional indels present.")), " ", " ", " ")


Sean Davis



fl <- system.file("extdata", "pileup.txt", package="Rsamtools",
(res <- readPileup(fl))
xtabs(~referenceBase + consensusBase, mcols(res))[DNA_BASES,]

## uses a pipe, and arguments passed to read.table
## three successive piles of 100 records each
cmd <- "samtools pileup -cvf human_b36_female.fa.gz na19240_3M.bam"
p <- pipe(cmd, "r")
snp <- readPileup(p, nrow=100)  # variant="SNP"
indel <- readPileup(p, nrow=100, variant="indel")
all <- readPileup(p, nrow=100, variant="all")

Import, count, index, filter, sort, and merge BAM' (binary alignment) files. ## Description Import binaryBAM' files into a list structure, with facilities for selecting what fields and which records are imported, and other operations to manipulate BAM files.


scanBam(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam(what=scanBamWhat()))
countBam(file, index=file, ..., param=ScanBamParam())
idxstatsBam(file, index=file, ...)
scanBamHeader(files, ...)
list(list("scanBamHeader"), list("character"))(files, ...)
asBam(file, destination=sub("\.sam(\.gz)?", "", file), ...)
list(list("asBam"), list("character"))(file, destination=sub("\.sam(\.gz)?", "", file),
    ..., overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=TRUE)
asSam(file, destination=sub("\.bam", "", file), ...)
list(list("asSam"), list("character"))(file, destination=sub("\.bam", "", file),
    ..., overwrite=FALSE)
filterBam(file, destination, index=file, ...)
list(list("filterBam"), list("character"))(file, destination, index=file, ...,
    filter=FilterRules(), indexDestination=TRUE,
sortBam(file, destination, ...)
list(list("sortBam"), list("character"))(file, destination, ..., byQname=FALSE, maxMemory=512)
indexBam(files, ...)
list(list("indexBam"), list("character"))(files, ...)
mergeBam(files, destination, ...)
list(list("mergeBam"), list("character"))(files, destination, ..., region = GRanges(),
    overwrite = FALSE, header = character(), byQname = FALSE,
    addRG = FALSE, compressLevel1 = FALSE, indexDestination = FALSE)


fileThe character(1) file name of the BAM' ('SAM' forasBam` ) file to be processed.
filesThe character() file names of the BAM' file to be processed. FormergeBam, must satisfylength(files) >=` .
indexThe character(1) name of the index file of the 'BAM' file being processed; this is given without the '.bai' extension.
destinationThe character(1) file name of the location where the sorted, filtered, or merged output file will be created. For asBam asSam , and sortBam this is without the .bam file suffix.
regionA GRanges() instance with <= 1 elements, specifying the region of the BAM files to merged.
list()Additional arguments, passed to methods.
overwriteA logical(1) indicating whether the destination can be over-written if it already exists.
filterA FilterRules instance allowing users to filter BAM files based on arbitrary criteria, as described below.
indexDestinationA logical(1) indicating whether the created destination file should also be indexed.
byQnameA logical(1) indicating whether the sorted destination file should be sorted by Query-name (TRUE) or by mapping position (FALSE).
headerA character(1) file path for the header information to be used in the merged BAM file.
addRGA logical(1) indicating whether the file name should be used as RG (read group) tag in the merged BAM file.
compressLevel1A logical(1) indicating whether the merged BAM file should be compressed to zip level 1.
maxMemoryA numerical(1) indicating the maximal amount of memory (in MB) that the function is allowed to use.
paramAn instance of ScanBamParam . This influences what fields and which records are imported.


The scanBam function parses binary BAM files; text SAM files can be parsed using R's scan function, especially with arguments what to control the fields that are parsed.

countBam returns a count of records consistent with param .

idxstatsBam visit the index in index(file) , and quickly returns the number of mapped and unmapped reads on each seqname.

scanBamHeader visits the header information in a BAM file, returning for each file a list containing elements targets and text , as described below. The SAM / BAM specification does not require that the content of the header be consistent with the content of the file, e.g., more targets may be present that are represented by reads in the file. An optional character vector argument containing one or two elements of what=c("targets", "text") can be used to specify which elements of the header are returned.

asBam converts 'SAM' files to 'BAM' files, equivalent to samtools view -Sb file > destination . The 'BAM' file is sorted and an index created on the destination (with extension '.bai') when indexDestination=TRUE .

asSam converts 'BAM' files to 'SAM' files, equivalent to samtools view file > destination .

filterBam parses records in file . Records satisfying the bamWhich bamFlag and bamSimpleCigar criteria of param are accumulated to a default of yieldSize = records (change this by specifying yieldSize when creating a BamFile instance; see BamFile ). These records are then parsed to a DataFrame and made available for further filtering by user-supplied FilterRules . Functions in the FilterRules instance should expect a single DataFrame argument representing all information specified by param . Each function must return a logical vector equal to the number of rows of the DataFrame . Return values are used to include (when TRUE ) corresponding records in the filtered BAM file. The BAM file is created at destination . An index file is created on the destination when indexDestination=TRUE . It is more space- and time-efficient to filter using bamWhich , bamFlag , and bamSimpleCigar , if appropriate, than to supply FilterRules . filter may be a list of FilterRules instances, in which case destination must be a character vector of equal length. The original file is then separately filtered into destination[[i]] , using filter[[i]] as the filter criterion.

sortBam sorts the BAM file given as its first argument, analogous to the samtools sort function.

indexBam creates an index for each BAM file specified, analogous to the samtools index function.

mergeBam merges 2 or more sorted BAM files. As with samtools, the RG (read group) dictionary in the header of the BAM files is not reconstructed.

Details of the ScanBamParam class are provide on its help page; several salient points are reiterated here. ScanBamParam can contain a field what , specifying the components of the BAM records to be returned. Valid values of what are available with scanBamWhat . ScanBamParam can contain an argument which that specifies a subset of reads to return. This requires that the BAM file be indexed, and that the file be named following samtools convention as <bam_filename>.bai . ScanBamParam can contain an argument tag to specify which tags will be extracted.


The scanBam,character-method returns a list of lists. The outer list groups results from each IntegerRanges list of bamWhich(param) ; the outer list is of length one when bamWhich(param) has length 0. Each inner list contains elements named after scanBamWhat() ; elements omitted from bamWhat(param) are removed. The content of non-null elements are as follows, taken from the description in the samtools API documentation:

  • qname: This is the QNAME field in SAM Spec v1.4. The query name, i.e., identifier, associated with the read.

  • flag: This is the FLAG field in SAM Spec v1.4. A numeric value summarizing details of the read. See ScanBamParam and the flag argument, and scanBamFlag() .

  • rname: This is the RNAME field in SAM Spec v1.4. The name of the reference to which the read is aligned.

  • strand: The strand to which the read is aligned.

  • pos: This is the POS field in SAM Spec v1.4. The genomic coordinate at the start of the alignment. Coordinates are left-most', i.e., at the 3' end of a read on the '-' strand, and 1-based. The position excludes clipped nucleotides, even though soft-clipped nucleotides are included inseq. * qwidth: The width of the query, as calculated from thecigarencoding; normally equal to the width of the query returned inseq. * mapq: This is the MAPQ field in SAM Spec v1.4. The MAPping Quality. * cigar: This is the CIGAR field in SAM Spec v1.4. The CIGAR string. * mrnm: This is the RNEXT field in SAM Spec v1.4. The reference to which the mate (of a paired end or mate pair read) aligns. * mpos: This is the PNEXT field in SAM Spec v1.4. The position to which the mate aligns. * isize: This is the TLEN field in SAM Spec v1.4. Inferred insert size for paired end alignments. * seq: This is the SEQ field in SAM Spec v1.4. The query sequence, in the 5' to 3' orientation. If aligned to the minus strand, it is the reverse complement of the original sequence. * qual: This is the QUAL field in SAM Spec v1.4. Phred-encoded, phred-scaled base quality score, oriented asseq. * groupid: This is an integer vector of unique group ids returned whenasMates=TRUEin a BamFile object.groupidvalues are used to create the partitioning for aGAlignmentsListobject. * mate_status: Returned (always) whenasMates=TRUEin a BamFile object. This is a factor indicating status (mated,ambiguous,unmated) of each record.idxstatsBamreturns adata.framewith columnsseqnames,seqlength,mapped(number of mapped reads onseqnames) andunmapped(number of unmapped reads).scanBamHeaderreturns a list, with one element for each file named infiles. The list contains two element. Thetargetselement contains target (reference) sequence lengths. Thetextelement is itself a list with each element a list corresponding to tags (e.g., @SQ ) found in the header, and the associated tag values.asBam,asSamreturn the file name of the destination file.sortBamreturns the file name of the sorted file.indexBamreturns the file name of the index file created.filterBamreturns the file name of the destination file created. ## Seealso ScanBamParam , [scanBamWhat](#scanbamwhat) , [scanBamFlag](#scanbamflag) ## Author Martin Morgan <>. Thomas Unterhiner <> (sortBam` ). ## References ## Examples r fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools", mustWork=TRUE) ## ## scanBam ## res0 <- scanBam(fl)[[1]] # always list-of-lists names(res0) length(res0[["qname"]]) lapply(res0, head, 3) table(width(res0[["seq"]])) # query widths table(res0[["qwidth"]], useNA="always") # query widths derived from cigar table(res0[["cigar"]], useNA="always") table(res0[["strand"]], useNA="always") table(res0[["flag"]], useNA="always") which <- IRangesList(seq1=IRanges(1000, 2000), seq2=IRanges(c(100, 1000), c(1000, 2000))) p1 <- ScanBamParam(which=which, what=scanBamWhat()) res1 <- scanBam(fl, param=p1) names(res1) names(res1[[2]]) p2 <- ScanBamParam(what=c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth")) res2 <- scanBam(fl, param=p2) p3 <- ScanBamParam( what="flag", # information to query from BAM file flag=scanBamFlag(isMinusStrand=FALSE)) length(scanBam(fl, param=p3)[[1]]$flag) ## ## idxstatsBam ## idxstatsBam(fl) ## ## filterBam ## param <- ScanBamParam( flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE), what="seq") dest <- filterBam(fl, tempfile(), param=param) countBam(dest) ## 3271 records ## filter to a single file filter <- FilterRules(list(MinWidth = function(x) width(x$seq) > 35)) dest <- filterBam(fl, tempfile(), param=param, filter=filter) countBam(dest) ## 398 records res3 <- scanBam(dest, param=ScanBamParam(what="seq"))[[1]] table(width(res3$seq)) ## filter 1 file to 2 destinations filters <- list( FilterRules(list(long=function(x) width(x$seq) > 35)), FilterRules(list(short=function(x) width(x$seq) <= 35)) ) destinations <- replicate(2, tempfile()) dest <- filterBam(fl, destinations, param=param, filter=filters) lapply(dest, countBam) ## ## sortBam ## sorted <- sortBam(fl, tempfile()) ## ## scanBamParam re-orders 'which'; recover original order ## gwhich <- as(which, "GRanges")[c(2, 1, 3)] # example data cnt <- countBam(fl, param=ScanBamParam(which=gwhich)) reorderIdx <- unlist(split(seq_along(gwhich), seqnames(gwhich))) cnt cnt[reorderIdx,]

Operations on BCF' files. ## Description Import, coerce, or index variant call files in text or binary format. ## Usage ```r scanBcfHeader(file, ...) list(list("scanBcfHeader"), list("character"))(file, ...) scanBcf(file, ...) list(list("scanBcf"), list("character"))(file, index = file, ..., param=ScanBcfParam()) asBcf(file, dictionary, destination, ..., overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=TRUE) list(list("asBcf"), list("character"))(file, dictionary, destination, ..., overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=TRUE) indexBcf(file, ...) list(list("indexBcf"), list("character"))(file, ...) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |file| ForscanBcfandscanBcfHeader, the character() file name of the BCF file to be processed, or an instance of class [BcfFile](#bcffile) .| |index| The character() file name(s) of theBCF' index to be processed.| |dictionary | a character vector of the unique CHROM names in the VCF file.| |destination | The character(1) file name of the location where the BCF output file will be created. For asBcf this is without the .bcf file suffix.| |param | A instance of ScanBcfParam influencing which records are parsed and the INFO and GENO information returned.| |... | Additional arguments, e.g., for scanBcfHeader,character-method , mode of BcfFile .| |overwrite | A logical(1) indicating whether the destination can be over-written if it already exists.| |indexDestination | A logical(1) indicating whether the created destination file should also be indexed.|


bcf* functions are restricted to the GENO fields supported by bcftools (see documentation at the url below). The argument param allows portions of the file to be input, but requires that the file be BCF or bgzip'd and indexed as a TabixFile . For similar functions operating on VCF files see ? scanVcf in the VariantAnnotation package.


scanBcfHeader returns a list, with one element for each file named in file . Each element of the list is itself a list containing three elements. The Reference element is a character() vector with names of reference sequences. The Sample element is a character() vector of names of samples. The Header element is a DataFrameList with one DataFrame per unique key value in the header (preceded by ## ).

NOTE: In Rsamtools >=1.33.6, the Header DataFrameList no longer contains a DataFrame named "META". The META DataFrame contained all "simple" key-value headers lines from a bcf / vcf file. These "simple" header lines are now parsed into individual DataFrames named for the unique key.

scanBcf returns a list, with one element per file. Each list has 9 elements, corresponding to the columns of the VCF specification: CHROM , POS , ID , REF , ALT QUAL , FILTER , INFO , FORMAT , GENO .

The GENO element is itself a list, with elements corresponding to fields supported by bcftools (see documentation at the url below).

asBcf creates a binary BCF file from a text VCF file.

indexBcf creates an index into the BCF file.


BcfFile , TabixFile


Martin Morgan

References outlines the VCF specification. contains information on the portion of the specification implemented by bcftools . provides information on samtools .


fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bcf.gz", package="Rsamtools",
bcf <- scanBcf(fl)
## value: list-of-lists

Operations on indexed 'fasta' files.


Scan indexed fasta (or compressed fasta) files and their indicies.


indexFa(file, ...)
list(list("indexFa"), list("character"))(file, ...)
scanFaIndex(file, ...)
list(list("scanFaIndex"), list("character"))(file, ...)
countFa(file, ...)
list(list("countFa"), list("character"))(file, ...)
scanFa(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("scanFa"), list("character,GRanges"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("scanFa"), list("character,IntegerRangesList"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))
list(list("scanFa"), list("character,missing"))(file, param, ...,
    as=c("DNAStringSet", "RNAStringSet", "AAStringSet"))


fileA character(1) vector containing the fasta file path.
paramAn optional GRanges or IntegerRangesList instance to select reads (and sub-sequences) for input.
asA character(1) vector indicating the type of object to return; default DNAStringSet .
...Additional arguments, passed to readDNAStringSet / readRNAStringSet / readAAStringSet when param is missing .


indexFa visits the path in file and create an index file at the same location but with extension .fai ).

scanFaIndex reads the sequence names and and widths of recorded in an indexed fasta file, returning the information as a GRanges object.

countFa returns the number of records in the fasta file.

scanFa return the sequences indicated by param as a DNAStringSet , RNAStringSet , AAStringSet instance. seqnames(param) selects the sequences to return; start(param) and end{param} define the (1-based) region of the sequence to return. Values of end(param) greater than the width of the sequence are set to the width of the sequence. When param is missing, all records are selected. When param is GRanges() , no records are selected.


Martin Morgan

References provides information on samtools .


fa <- system.file("extdata", "ce2dict1.fa", package="Rsamtools",
(idx <- scanFaIndex(fa))
(dna <- scanFa(fa, idx[1:2]))
ranges(idx) <- narrow(ranges(idx), -10)  # last 10 nucleotides
(dna <- scanFa(fa, idx[1:2]))

Operations on tabix' (indexed, tab-delimited) files. ## Description Scan compressed, sorted, tabix-indexed, tab-delimited files. ## Usage ```r scanTabix(file, ..., param) list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,IntegerRangesList"))(file, ..., param) list(list("scanTabix"), list("character,GRanges"))(file, ..., param) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |file| The character() file name(s) of the tabix file be processed, or more flexibly an instance of class [TabixFile](#tabixfile) .| |param| A instance ofGRangesorIntegerRangesListproviding the sequence names and regions to be parsed.| |...| Additional arguments, currently ignored.| ## ValuescanTabix` returns a list, with one element per region. Each element of the list is a character vector representing records in the region. ## Author Martin Morgan ## References ## Examples r example(TabixFile)

Link to this function


Retrieve sequence names defined in a tabix file.


This function queries a tabix file, returning the names of the sequences used as a key when creating the file.


seqnamesTabix(file, ...)
list(list("seqnamesTabix"), list("character"))(file, ...)


fileA character(1) file path or TabixFile instance pointing to a tabix file.
...Additional arguments, currently ignored.


A character() vector of sequence names present in the file.


Martin Morgan


fl <- system.file("extdata", "example.gtf.gz", package="Rsamtools",
Link to this function


Quickly test if a BAM file has paired end reads


Iterate through a BAM file until a paired-end read is encountered or the end of file is reached; report the occurrence of paired-end reads to the user.


testPairedEndBam(file, index=file, ...)


filecharacter(1) BAM file name, or a BamFile instance. Open BamFile s are closed; their yield size is respected when iterating through the file.
index(optional) character(1) name of the index file of the 'BAM' file being processed; this is given without the '.bai' extension.
list()Additional arguments, currently unused.


A logical vector of length 1 containing TRUE is returned if BAM file contained paired end reads, FALSE otherwise.


Martin Morgan , Sonali Arora


fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")

File compression for tabix (bgzip) and fasta (razip) files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with Rsamtools 1.99.0 (Bioconductor 3.9), razip() is defunct. Please use bgzip() instead.


bgzip compresses tabix (e.g. SAM or VCF) or FASTA files to a format that allows indexing for later fast random-access.


bgzip(file, dest=sprintf("%s.bgz", sub("\.gz$", "", file)),
      overwrite = FALSE)
## Defunct!
razip(file, dest=sprintf("%s.rz", sub("\.gz$", "", file)),
      overwrite = FALSE)


fileA character(1) path to an existing uncompressed or gz-compressed file. This file will be compressed.
destA character(1) path to a file. This will be the compressed file. If dest exists, then it is only over-written when overwrite=TRUE .
overwriteA logical(1) indicating whether dest should be over-written, if it already exists.


The full path to dest .


TabixFile , FaFile .


Martin Morgan



from <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.sam", package="Rsamtools",
to <- tempfile()
zipped <- bgzip(from, to)