bioconductor v3.9.0 DelayedMatrixStats

A port of the 'matrixStats' API for use with DelayedMatrix objects

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DelayedMatrixStats: Functions that apply to rows and columns of DelayedMatrix objects.

Checks if a value exists / does not exist in each row (column) of a matrix

Checks if there are any missing values in an object or not

Applies a row-by-row (column-by-column) averaging function to equally-sized subsets of matrix columns (rows)

Extracts one cell per row (column) from a matrix

Counts the number of occurrences of a specific value

Cumulative sums, products, minima and maxima for each row (column) in a matrix

Calculates difference for each row (column) in a matrix

Estimation of scale based on sequential-order differences

Estimates of the interquartile range for each row (column) in a matrix

Accurately computes the logarithm of the sum of exponentials across rows or columns

Standard deviation estimates for each row (column) in a matrix

Calculates the mean for each row (column) in a matrix

Calculates the median for each row (column) in a matrix

Gets an order statistic for each row (column) in a matrix

Calculates the product for each row (column) in a matrix

Estimates quantiles for each row (column) in a matrix

Gets the rank of each row (column) of a matrix

Calculates the sum for each row (column) in a matrix

Tabulates the values in a matrix by row (column)

Variance estimates for each row (column) in a matrix

Weighted Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)

Calculates the weighted means for each row (column) in a matrix

Calculates the weighted medians for each row (column) in a matrix

Weighted variance and weighted standard deviation

Coerce DelayedArray to its 'simple seed' form

Adapted from DelayedArray:::colblock_APPLY()

Get the class of the seed of a DelayedArray


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DelayedMatrixStats: Functions that apply to rows and columns of DelayedMatrix objects.


DelayedMatrixStats is a port of the matrixStats API to work with DelayedMatrix objects from the DelayedArray package. High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of DelayedMatrix objects, e.g. colMedians() / rowMedians() , colRanks() / rowRanks() , and colSds() / rowSds() . Functions optimized per data type and for subsetted calculations such that both memory usage and processing time is minimized.

Checks if a value exists / does not exist in each row (column) of a matrix


Checks if a value exists / does not exist in each row (column) of a matrix.


colAlls(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
colAnys(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowAlls(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowAnys(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colAlls"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colAnys"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowAlls"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowAnys"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
valueA value to search for.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


These functions takes either a matrix or a vector as input. If a vector, then argument dim. must be specified and fulfill prod(dim.) == . The result will be identical to the results obtained when passing matrix(x, nrow = dim.[1L], ncol = dim.[2L]) , but avoids having to temporarily create/allocate a matrix, if only such is needed only for these calculations.


rowAlls() ( colAlls() ) returns an logical vector of length N (K). Analogously for rowAnys() ( rowAlls() ).




# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
dm_Rle <- RleArray(Rle(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L))),
dim = c(5, 3))

colAlls(dm_matrix, value = 1)
colAnys(dm_matrix, value = 2)
rowAlls(dm_Rle, value = 1)
rowAnys(dm_Rle, value = 2)

Checks if there are any missing values in an object or not


Checks if there are any missing values in an object or not. list("Please use ", list("base::anyNA()"), " instead of ", list("anyMissing()"), ", ", list("colAnyNAs()"), " instead of ", list("colAnyMissings()"), ", and ", list("rowAnyNAs()"), " instead of ", list("rowAnyMissings()"), ".")


colAnyMissings(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ...)
colAnyNAs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ...)
rowAnyMissings(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ...)
rowAnyNAs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ...)
list(list("colAnyMissings"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colAnyNAs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowAnyMissings"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowAnyNAs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementation of this method is optimized for both speed and memory. The method will return TRUE as soon as a missing value is detected.


Returns TRUE if a missing value was detected, otherwise FALSE .


Starting with R v3.1.0, there is anyNA() in the base , which provides the same functionality as anyMissing() .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'HDF5ArraySeed' seed
# NOTE: Requires that the HDF5Array package is installed
dm_HDF5 <- writeHDF5Array(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))

dm_matrix[dm_matrix > 3] <- NA
dm_HDF5[dm_HDF5 > 3] <- NA
Link to this function


Applies a row-by-row (column-by-column) averaging function to equally-sized subsets of matrix columns (rows)


Applies a row-by-row (column-by-column) averaging function to equally-sized subsets of matrix columns (rows). Each subset is averaged independently of the others.


colAvgsPerRowSet(X, W = NULL, cols = NULL, S, FUN = colMeans, ...,
rowAvgsPerColSet(X, W = NULL, rows = NULL, S, FUN = rowMeans, ...,
list(list("colAvgsPerRowSet"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(X, W = NULL, cols = NULL, S,
  FUN = colMeans, ..., force_block_processing = FALSE, tFUN = FALSE)
list(list("rowAvgsPerColSet"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(X, W = NULL, rows = NULL, S,
  FUN = rowMeans, ..., force_block_processing = FALSE, tFUN = FALSE)


XA NxM DelayedMatrix .
WAn optional numeric NxM matrix of weights.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
SAn integer KxJ matrix specifying the J subsets. Each column holds K column (row) indices for the corresponding subset.
FUNThe row-by-row (column-by-column) function used to average over each subset of X . This function must accept a numeric NxK (KxM) matrix and the logical argument na.rm (which is automatically set), and return a numeric vector of length N (M).
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
tFUNIf TRUE , the NxK (KxM) matrix passed to FUN() is transposed first.
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


If argument S is a single column vector with indices 1:N , then rowAvgsPerColSet(X, S = S, FUN = rowMeans) gives the same result as rowMeans(X) . Analogously, for colAvgsPerRowSet() .


Returns a numeric JxN (MxJ) matrix , where row names equal rownames(X) ( colnames(S) ) and column names colnames(S) ( colnames(X) ).


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'DataFrame' seed
dm_DF <- DelayedArray(S4Vectors::DataFrame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))
colAvgsPerRowSet(dm_DF, S = matrix(1:2, ncol = 2))

rowAvgsPerColSet(dm_DF, S = matrix(1:2, ncol = 1))

Extracts one cell per row (column) from a matrix


Extracts one cell per row (column) from a matrix. The implementation is optimized for memory and speed.


colCollapse(x, idxs, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCollapse(x, idxs, rows = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colCollapse"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, idxs, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCollapse"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, idxs, rows = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
idxsAn index vector of (maximum) length N (K) specifying the columns (rows) to be extracted.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a vector of length N (K).


Matrix indexing to index elements in matrices and arrays, cf. [[](#[) ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'HDF5ArraySeed' seed
# NOTE: Requires that the HDF5Array package is installed
dm_HDF5 <- writeHDF5Array(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))

# Extract the 4th row as a vector
# NOTE: An ordinary vector is returned regardless of the backend of
#       the DelayedMatrix object
colCollapse(dm_matrix, 4)
colCollapse(dm_HDF5, 4)

# Extract the 2nd column as a vector
# NOTE: An ordinary vector is returned regardless of the backend of
#       the DelayedMatrix object
rowCollapse(dm_matrix, 2)
rowCollapse(dm_HDF5, 2)

Counts the number of occurrences of a specific value


The row- and column-wise functions take either a matrix or a vector as input. If a vector, then argument dim. must be specified and fulfill prod(dim.) == length(x) . The result will be identical to the results obtained when passing matrix(x, nrow = dim.[1L], ncol = dim.[2L]) , but avoids having to temporarily create/allocate a matrix, if only such is needed only for these calculations.


colCounts(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCounts(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colCounts"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCounts"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  value = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
valueA value to search for.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


rowCounts() ( colCounts() ) returns an integer vector of length N (K). count() returns a scalar of type integer if the count is less than 2^31-1 (= .Machine$integer.max ) otherwise a scalar of type double .




# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'DataFrame' seed
dm_DF <- DelayedArray(S4Vectors::DataFrame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))

colCounts(dm_matrix, value = 1)
# Only count those in the first 4 rows
colCounts(dm_matrix, rows = 1:4, value = 1)

rowCounts(dm_DF, value = 5)
# Only count those in the odd-numbered rows of the 2nd column
rowCounts(dm_DF, rows = seq(1, nrow(dm_DF), 2), cols = 2, value = 5)

Cumulative sums, products, minima and maxima for each row (column) in a matrix


Cumulative sums, products, minima and maxima for each row (column) in a matrix.


colCummaxs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
colCummins(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
colCumprods(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
colCumsums(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCummaxs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCummins(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCumprods(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowCumsums(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colCummaxs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colCummins"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colCumprods"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colCumsums"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCummaxs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCummins"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCumprods"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowCumsums"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric NxK matrix of the same mode as x .


See cumsum (), cumprod (), cummin (), and cummax ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))





# Only use rows 2-4
rowCummaxs(dm_Matrix, rows = 2:4)

# Only use rows 2-4
rowCummins(dm_Matrix, rows = 2:4)

# Only use rows 2-4
rowCumprods(dm_Matrix, rows = 2:4)

# Only use rows 2-4
rowCumsums(dm_Matrix, rows = 2:4)

Calculates difference for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates difference for each row (column) in a matrix.


colDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, lag = 1L, differences = 1L,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, lag = 1L, differences = 1L,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  lag = 1L, differences = 1L, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  lag = 1L, differences = 1L, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
lagAn integer specifying the lag.
differencesAn integer specifying the order of difference.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric Nx(K-1) or (N-1)xK matrix .


See also diff2 ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'HDF5ArraySeed' seed
# NOTE: Requires that the HDF5Array package is installed
dm_HDF5 <- writeHDF5Array(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))


# In reverse column order
rowDiffs(dm_HDF5, cols = seq(ncol(dm_HDF5), 1, -1))

Estimation of scale based on sequential-order differences


Estimation of scale based on sequential-order differences, corresponding to the scale estimates provided by var , sd , mad and IQR .


colIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
colMadDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
colSdDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
colVarDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
rowIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
rowMadDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
rowSdDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
rowVarDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ...)
list(list("colIQRDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colMadDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colSdDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colVarDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowIQRDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowMadDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowSdDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowVarDiffs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded, otherwise not.
diffThe positional distance of elements for which the difference should be calculated.
trimA double in [0,1/2] specifying the fraction of observations to be trimmed from each end of (sorted) x before estimation.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Note that n-order difference MAD estimates, just like the ordinary MAD estimate by mad , apply a correction factor such that the estimates are consistent with the standard deviation under Gaussian distributions.

The interquartile range (IQR) estimates does not apply such a correction factor. If asymptotically normal consistency is wanted, the correction factor for IQR estimate is 1 / (2 * qnorm(3/4)) , which is half of that used for MAD estimates, which is 1 / qnorm(3/4) . This correction factor needs to be applied manually, i.e. there is no constant argument for the IQR functions.


Returns a numeric vector of length 1, length N, or length K.


For the corresponding non-differentiated estimates, see var , sd , mad and IQR . Internally, diff2 () is used which is a faster version of diff ().


[1] J. von Neumann et al., list("The mean square successive ", "difference") . Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1941, 12, 153-162. list()


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
dm_Rle <- RleArray(Rle(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L))),
dim = c(5, 3))





# Only using rows 2-4
rowIQRDiffs(dm_Rle, rows = 2:4)

# Only using rows 2-4
rowMadDiffs(dm_Rle, rows = 2:4)

# Only using rows 2-4
rowSdDiffs(dm_Rle, rows = 2:4)

# Only using rows 2-4
rowVarDiffs(dm_Rle, rows = 2:4)

Estimates of the interquartile range for each row (column) in a matrix


Estimates of the interquartile range for each row (column) in a matrix.


colIQRs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
rowIQRs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colIQRs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowIQRs"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , missing values are dropped first, otherwise not.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


See IQR . See rowSds ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))


# Only using rows 2-4
rowIQRs(dm_matrix, rows = 2:4)
Link to this function


Accurately computes the logarithm of the sum of exponentials across rows or columns


Accurately computes the logarithm of the sum of exponentials across rows or columns.


colLogSumExps(lx, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(lx), ...)
rowLogSumExps(lx, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(lx), ...)
list(list("colLogSumExps"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(lx, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(lx), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowLogSumExps"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(lx, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(lx), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


lxA NxK DelayedMatrix . Typically, lx are $log(x)$ values.
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , any missing values are ignored, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


A numeric vector of length N (K).


To calculate the same on vectors, logSumExp ().


x <- DelayedArray(matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2))

Standard deviation estimates for each row (column) in a matrix


Standard deviation estimates for each row (column) in a matrix.


colMads(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, center = NULL,
  constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
colSds(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowMads(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, center = NULL,
  constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowSds(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colMads"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  center = NULL, constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colSds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowMads"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  center = NULL, constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowSds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
center(optional) The center, defaults to the row means for the SD estimators and row medians for the MAD estimators.
constantA scale factor. See mad for details.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


sd , mad and var . rowIQRs ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'data.frame' seed
dm_df <- DelayedArray(data.frame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'DataFrame' seed
dm_DF <- DelayedArray(S4Vectors::DataFrame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))





Calculates the mean for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the mean for each row (column) in a matrix.


colMeans2(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowMeans2(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colMeans2"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colMeans2"), list("Matrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colMeans2"), list("SolidRleArraySeed"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("rowMeans2"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowMeans2"), list("Matrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementation of rowMeans2() and colMeans2() is optimized for both speed and memory.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
dm_Rle <- RleArray(Rle(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L))),
dim = c(5, 3))


# NOTE: Temporarily use verbose output to demonstrate which method is
#       which method is being used
options(DelayedMatrixStats.verbose = TRUE)
# By default, this uses a seed-aware method for a DelayedMatrix with a
# 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
# Alternatively, can use the block-processing strategy
rowMeans2(dm_Rle, force_block_processing = TRUE)
options(DelayedMatrixStats.verbose = FALSE)

Calculates the median for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the median for each row (column) in a matrix.


colMedians(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowMedians(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colMedians"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowMedians"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementation of rowMedians() and colMedians() is optimized for both speed and memory. To avoid coercing to double s (and hence memory allocation), there is a special implementation for integer matrices. That is, if x is an integer matrix , then rowMedians(as.double(x)) ( rowMedians(as.double(x)) ) would require three times the memory of rowMedians(x) ( colMedians(x) ), but all this is avoided.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


See rowWeightedMedians and colWeightedMedians() for weighted medians. For mean estimates, see rowMeans2 and rowMeans .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))


Link to this function


Gets an order statistic for each row (column) in a matrix


Gets an order statistic for each row (column) in a matrix.


colOrderStats(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, which, dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowOrderStats(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, which, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colOrderStats"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  which, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowOrderStats"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  which, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
whichAn integer index in [1,K] ([1,N]) indicating which order statistic to be returned.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementation of rowOrderStats() is optimized for both speed and memory. To avoid coercing to double s (and hence memory allocation), there is a unique implementation for integer matrices.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


See rowMeans() in colSums ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# Only using columns 2-3
colOrderStats(dm_Matrix, cols = 2:3, which = 1)

# Different algorithms, specified by `which`, may give different results
rowOrderStats(dm_Matrix, which = 1)
rowOrderStats(dm_Matrix, which = 2)

Calculates the product for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the product for each row (column) in a matrix.


colProds(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  method = c("direct", "expSumLog"), ...)
rowProds(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  method = c("direct", "expSumLog"), ...)
list(list("colProds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, method = c("direct", "expSumLog"),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colProds"), list("SolidRleArraySeed"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, method = c("direct", "expSumLog"), ...)
list(list("rowProds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, method = c("direct", "expSumLog"),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , missing values are ignored, otherwise not.
methodA character string specifying how each product is calculated.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


If method = "expSumLog" , then then product () function is used, which calculates the produce via the logarithmic transform (treating negative values specially). This improves the precision and lowers the risk for numeric overflow. If method = "direct" , the direct product is calculated via the prod () function.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'HDF5ArraySeed' seed
# NOTE: Requires that the HDF5Array package is installed
dm_HDF5 <- writeHDF5Array(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))



Estimates quantiles for each row (column) in a matrix


Estimates quantiles for each row (column) in a matrix.


colQuantiles(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, probs = seq(from = 0, to =
  1, by = 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, type = 7L, ..., drop = TRUE)
rowQuantiles(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, probs = seq(from = 0, to =
  1, by = 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, type = 7L, ..., drop = TRUE)
list(list("colQuantiles"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, type = 7L,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ..., drop = TRUE)
list(list("rowQuantiles"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, type = 7L,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ..., drop = TRUE)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
probsA numeric vector of J probabilities in [0, 1].
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
typeAn integer specify the type of estimator. See quantile for more details.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
dropIf TRUE, singleton dimensions in the result are dropped, otherwise not.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric NxJ (KxJ) matrix , where N (K) is the number of rows (columns) for which the J quantiles are calculated.


quantile .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'data.frame' seed
dm_df <- DelayedArray(data.frame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))

# colnames, if present, are preserved as rownames on output

# Input has no rownames so output has no rownames

Gets the rank of each row (column) of a matrix


Gets the rank of each row (column) of a matrix.


colRanks(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ties.method = c("max",
  "average", "min"), dim. = dim(x), preserveShape = FALSE, ...)
rowRanks(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ties.method = c("max",
  "average", "min"), dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colRanks"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  ties.method = c("max", "average", "min"), dim. = dim(x),
  preserveShape = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowRanks"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  ties.method = c("max", "average", "min"), dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
ties.methodA character string specifying how ties are treated. For details, see below.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
preserveShapeA logical specifying whether the matrix returned should preserve the input shape of x , or not.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The row ranks of x are collected as rows of the result matrix.

The column ranks of x are collected as rows if preserveShape = FALSE , otherwise as columns .

The implementation is optimized for both speed and memory. To avoid coercing to double s (and hence memory allocation), there is a unique implementation for integer matrices. It is more memory efficient to do colRanks(x, preserveShape = TRUE) than t(colRanks(x, preserveShape = FALSE)) .

Any names of x are ignored and absent in the result.


An integer matrix is returned. The rowRanks() function always returns an NxK matrix , where N (K) is the number of rows (columns) whose ranks are calculated.

The colRanks() function returns an NxK matrix , if preserveShape = TRUE , otherwise a KxN matrix .

%% The mode of the returned matrix is code{link[base]{integer}}, except for %% code{ties.method == "average"} when it is double .


rank (). For developers, see also Section 'Utility functions' in 'Writing R Extensions manual', particularly the native functions R_qsort_I() and R_qsort_int_I() .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))



Calculates the sum for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the sum for each row (column) in a matrix.


colSums2(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
rowSums2(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x),
list(list("colSums2"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colSums2"), list("Matrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colSums2"), list("SolidRleArraySeed"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("rowSums2"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowSums2"), list("Matrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , NA s are excluded first, otherwise not.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementation of rowSums2() and colSums2() is optimized for both speed and memory.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))


# NOTE: Temporarily use verbose output to demonstrate which method is
#       which method is being used
options(DelayedMatrixStats.verbose = TRUE)
# By default, this uses a seed-aware method for a DelayedMatrix with a
# 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
# Alternatively, can use the block-processing strategy
rowSums2(dm_Matrix, force_block_processing = TRUE)
options(DelayedMatrixStats.verbose = FALSE)

Tabulates the values in a matrix by row (column)


Tabulates the values in a matrix by row (column).


colTabulates(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, values = NULL, ...)
rowTabulates(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, values = NULL, ...)
list(list("colTabulates"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  values = NULL, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowTabulates"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  values = NULL, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
valuesAn vector of J values of count. If NULL , all (unique) values are counted.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a NxJ (KxJ) matrix where N (K) is the number of row (column) vector s tabulated and J is the number of values counted.


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'DataFrame' seed
dm_DF <- DelayedArray(S4Vectors::DataFrame(C1 = rep(1L, 5),
C2 = as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
C3 = seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)))



Variance estimates for each row (column) in a matrix


Variance estimates for each row (column) in a matrix.


colVars(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
rowVars(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL,
  dim. = dim(x), ...)
list(list("colVars"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowVars"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, center = NULL, dim. = dim(x),
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , missing values are excluded first, otherwise not.
center(optional) The center, defaults to the row means.
dim.An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x , also when not a matrix .
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


See rowMeans() and rowSums() in colSums ().


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))
# A DelayedMatrix with a 'HDF5ArraySeed' seed
# NOTE: Requires that the HDF5Array package is installed
dm_HDF5 <- writeHDF5Array(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))


Link to this function


Weighted Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)


Computes a weighted MAD of a numeric vector.


colWeightedMads(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, constant = 1.4826, center = NULL, ...)
rowWeightedMads(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, constant = 1.4826, center = NULL, ...)
list(list("colWeightedMads"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, constant = 1.4826, center = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowWeightedMads"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, constant = 1.4826, center = NULL,
  force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
wa vector of weights the same length as x giving the weights to use for each element of x . Negative weights are treated as zero weights. Default value is equal weight to all values.
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rma logical value indicating whether NA values in x should be stripped before the computation proceeds, or not. If NA , no check at all for NA s is done. Default value is NA (for efficiency).
constantA numeric scale factor, cf. mad .
centerOptional numeric scalar specifying the center location of the data. If NULL , it is estimated from data.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


Returns a numeric scalar.


For the non-weighted MAD, see mad . Internally weightedMedian () is used to calculate the weighted median.


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'matrix' seed
dm_matrix <- DelayedArray(matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))

colWeightedMads(dm_matrix, w = 1:5)

rowWeightedMads(dm_matrix, w = 3:1)
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Calculates the weighted means for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the weighted means for each row (column) in a matrix.


colWeightedMeans(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
rowWeightedMeans(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colWeightedMeans"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowWeightedMeans"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
wA numeric vector of length K (N).
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , missing values are excluded from the calculation, otherwise not.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementations of these methods are optimized for both speed and memory. If no weights are given, the corresponding rowMeans() / colMeans() is used.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


See rowMeans() and colMeans() in colSums () for non-weighted means. See also weighted.mean .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
ncol = 3))

# Specifying weights inversely proportional to rowwise variances
colWeightedMeans(dm_Matrix, w = 1 / rowVars(dm_Matrix))
rowWeightedMeans(dm_Matrix, w = 1:3)
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Calculates the weighted medians for each row (column) in a matrix


Calculates the weighted medians for each row (column) in a matrix.


colWeightedMedians(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
rowWeightedMedians(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colWeightedMedians"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowWeightedMedians"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
wA numeric vector of length K (N).
rowsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rmIf TRUE , missing values are excluded from the calculation, otherwise not.
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The implementations of these methods are optimized for both speed and memory. If no weights are given, the corresponding rowMedians ()/ colMedians() is used.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).


Internally, weightedMedian () is used. See rowMedians () and colMedians() for non-weighted medians.


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
dm_Rle <- RleArray(Rle(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L))),
dim = c(5, 3))

# Specifying weights inversely proportional to rowwise MADs
colWeightedMedians(dm_Rle, w = 1 / rowMads(dm_Rle))
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Weighted variance and weighted standard deviation


Computes a weighted variance / standard deviation of a numeric vector or across rows or columns of a matrix.


colWeightedSds(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
colWeightedVars(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
rowWeightedSds(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
rowWeightedVars(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL, cols = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colWeightedSds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("colWeightedVars"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowWeightedSds"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)
list(list("rowWeightedVars"), list("DelayedMatrix"))(x, w = NULL, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, force_block_processing = FALSE, ...)


xA NxK DelayedMatrix .
wa vector of weights the same length as x giving the weights to use for each element of x . Negative weights are treated as zero weights. Default value is equal weight to all values.
rowsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
colsA vector indicating subset of elements (or rows and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL , no subsetting is done.
na.rma logical value indicating whether NA values in x should be stripped before the computation proceeds, or not. If NA , no check at all for NA s is done. Default value is NA (for efficiency).
...Additional arguments passed to specific methods.
force_block_processingFALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on getAutoBlockSize ) columns ( colFoo() ) or rows ( rowFoo() ) into memory as an ordinary base::array .


The estimator used here is the same as the one used by the "unbiased" estimator of the Hmisc package. More specifically, weightedVar(x, w = w) == Hmisc::wtd.var(x, weights = w) ,


Returns a numeric scalar.


For the non-weighted variance, see var .


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'SolidRleArraySeed' seed
dm_Rle <- RleArray(Rle(c(rep(1L, 5),
as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
seq(-5L, -1L, 1L))),
dim = c(5, 3))

colWeightedSds(dm_Rle, w = 1 / rowMeans2(dm_Rle))

# Specifying weights inversely proportional to rowwise means
colWeightedVars(dm_Rle, w = 1 / rowMeans2(dm_Rle))

# Specifying weights inversely proportional to columnwise means
rowWeightedSds(dm_Rle, w = 1 / colMeans2(dm_Rle))

# Specifying weights inversely proportional to columnwise means
rowWeightedVars(dm_Rle, w = 1 / colMeans2(dm_Rle))
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Coerce DelayedArray to its 'simple seed' form


Coerce DelayedArray to its 'simple seed' form


from_DelayedArray_to_simple_seed_class(x, drop = FALSE,
  do_transpose = TRUE)


xA DelayedArray
dropIf TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension
do_transposeShould transposed input be physically transposed?


Like DelayedArray:::.from_DelayedArray_to_array but returning an object of the same class as seedClass(x) instead of an array . In doing so, all delayed operations are realised (including subsetting).


An object of the same class as seedClass(x) .


Can be more efficient to leave the transpose implicit ( do_transpose = FALSE ) and switch from a row*() method to a col*() method (or vice versa).

Only works on DelayedArray objects with 'simple seeds'

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Adapted from DelayedArray:::colblock_APPLY()


Adapted from DelayedArray:::colblock_APPLY()


rowblock_APPLY(x, APPLY, ..., sink = NULL)


A list of length equal to ncol(x) , each list element storing the result for the corresponding column.

Get the class of the seed of a DelayedArray


Get the class of the seed of a DelayedArray




xA DelayedArray::DelayedArray .


The class of the seed of the DelayedArray::DelayedArray object.


Can't use class(seed(x)) because seed(x) will return an error if the seed is a DelayedArray::DelayedOp .

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subset_by_Nindex() is an internal generic function not aimed to be used directly by the user. It is basically an S4 generic for DelayedArray:::subset_by_Nindex .


subset_by_Nindex(x, Nindex)


xAn array-like object.
NindexAn unnamed list of subscripts as positive integer vectors, one vector per dimension in x . Empty and missing subscripts (represented by integer(0) and NULL list elements, respectively) are allowed. The subscripts can contain duplicated indices. They cannot contain NA s or non-positive values.


subset_by_Nindex(x, Nindex) conceptually performs the operation x[Nindex[1], ..., Nindex[length(Nindex)]) . subset_by_Nindex() methods need to support empty and missing subscripts, e.g., subset_by_Nindex(x, list(NULL, integer(0))) must return an M x 0 object of class class(x) and subset_by_Nindex(x, list(integer(0), integer(0))) a 0 x 0 object of class class(x) .

Also, subscripts are allowed to contain duplicate indices so things like subset_by_Nindex(x, list(c(1:3, 3:1), 2L)) need to be supported.


A object of class class(x) of the appropriate type (e.g., integer, double, etc.). For example, if x is a data.frame representing an M x N matrix of integers, subset_by_Nindex(x, list(NULL, 2L) must return its 2nd column as a data.frame with M rows and 1 column of type integer.