bioconductor v3.9.0 BiomaRt
In recent years a wealth of biological data has become available
Link to this section Summary
Class Mart
Display the analysis code from the 2009 Nature protocols paper
Gives a summary of the attribute pages
Exports getSequence results to FASTA format
Displays the filter options
Displays the filter type
Retrieves information from the BioMart database
Retrieves information from the BioMart database
Retrieves gene annotation information given a vector of identifiers
Retrieves information from two linked datasets
Retrieves sequences
Retrieves information from the BioMart database using an XML query
lists the attributes available in the selected dataset
List or search the datasets available in the selected BioMart database
lists the available BioMart databases hosted by Ensembl
Lists the available archived versions of Ensembl
List or search the options available for a specified filter.
List or search the filters available in the selected dataset
lists the available BioMart databases
Retrieve information from the BioMart databases
Select a dataset to use and updates Mart object
Connects to the selected BioMart database and dataset hosted by Ensembl
Connects to the selected BioMart database and dataset
Link to this section Functions
Class Mart
Represents a Mart class, containing connections to different BioMarts
Steffen Durinck
Display the analysis code from the 2009 Nature protocols paper
This function opens an editor displaying the analysis code of the Nature Protocols 2009 paper
The edit
function uses getOption("editor")
to select the editor.
Use, for instance, options(editor="emacs")
to set another editor.
Steffen Durinck, Wolfgang Huber
Gives a summary of the attribute pages
Attributes in BioMart databases are grouped together in attribute pages. The attributePages function gives a summary of the attribute categories and groups present in the BioMart. These page names can be used to display only a subset of the available attributes in the listAttributes function.
Argument | Description |
mart | object of class Mart, created with the useMart function. |
Steffen Durinck
mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
Exports getSequence results to FASTA format
Exports getSequence results to FASTA format
exportFASTA(sequences, file)
Argument | Description |
sequences | A data.frame that was the output of the getSequence function |
file | File to which you want to write the data |
Steffen Durinck
mart <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
martDisconnect(mart = mart)
Displays the filter options
Displays a set of predetermed values for the specified filter (if available).
Argument | Description |
filter | A valid filter name. |
mart | object of class Mar created using the useMart functiont |
Steffen Durinck
mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
filterOptions("chromosome_name", mart)
Displays the filter type
Displays the type of the filer given a filter name.
Argument | Description |
filter | A valid filter name. Valid filters are given by the listFilters function |
mart | object of class Mart, created using the useMart function |
Steffen Durinck
mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
filterType("chromosome_name", mart)
Retrieves information from the BioMart database
This function is the main biomaRt query function. Given a set of filters and corresponding values, it retrieves the user specified attributes from the BioMart database one is connected to.
getBM(attributes, filters = "", values = "", mart, curl = NULL,
checkFilters = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, uniqueRows = TRUE, bmHeader = FALSE,
quote = """)
Argument | Description |
attributes | Attributes you want to retrieve. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function listAttributes. |
filters | Filters (one or more) that should be used in the query. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using the function listFilters. |
values | Values of the filter, e.g. vector of affy IDs. If multiple filters are specified then the argument should be a list of vectors of which the position of each vector corresponds to the position of the filters in the filters argument. |
mart | object of class Mart, created with the useMart function. |
curl | An optional 'CURLHandle' object, that can be used to speed up getBM when used in a loop. |
checkFilters | Sometimes attributes where a value needs to be specified, for example upstream_flank with value 20 for obtaining upstream sequence flank regions of length 20bp, are treated as filters in BioMarts. To enable such a query to work, one must specify the attribute as a filter and set checkFilters = FALSE for the query to work. |
verbose | When using biomaRt in webservice mode and setting verbose to TRUE, the XML query to the webservice will be printed. |
uniqueRows | If the result of a query contains multiple identical rows, setting this argument to TRUE (default) will result in deleting the duplicated rows in the query result at the server side. |
bmHeader | Boolean to indicate if the result retrieved from the BioMart server should include the data headers or not, defaults to FALSE. This should only be switched on if the default behavior results in errors, setting to on might still be able to retrieve your data in that case |
quote | Sometimes parsing of the results fails due to errors in the Ensembl data fields such as containing a quote, in such cases you can try to change the value of quote to try to still parse the results. |
A data.frame
. There is no implicit mapping between its rows and the function arguments (e.g. filters
, values
), therefore make sure to have the relevant identifier(s) returned by specifying them in attributes
. See Examples.
Steffen Durinck
mart <- useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
getBM(attributes = c("affy_hg_u95av2", "hgnc_symbol", "chromosome_name", "band"),
filters = "affy_hg_u95av2",
values = c("1939_at","1503_at","1454_at"),
mart = mart)
Retrieves information from the BioMart database
This function is the main biomaRt query function. Given a set of filters and corresponding values, it retrieves the user specified attributes from the BioMart database one is connected to
getBMlist(attributes, filters = "", values = "", mart,
list.names = NULL, na.value = NA, verbose = FALSE, giveWarning = TRUE)
Argument | Description |
attributes | Attributes you want to retrieve. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function listAttributes. |
filters | Filters (one or more) that should be used in the query. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using the function listFilters. |
values | Values of the filter, e.g. vector of affy IDs. If multiple filters are specified then the argument should be a list of vectors of which the position of each vector corresponds to the position of the filters in the filters argument. |
mart | object of class Mart, created with the useMart function. |
list.names | names for objects in list |
na.value | value to give when result is empty |
verbose | When using biomaRt in webservice mode and setting verbose to TRUE, the XML query to the webservice will be printed. |
giveWarning | Gives a warning about best practices of biomaRt and recommends using getBM instead of getBMlist |
Steffen Durinck
mart <- useMart("ensembl")
datasets <- listDatasets(mart)
Retrieves gene annotation information given a vector of identifiers
This function retrieves gene annotations from Ensembl given a vector of identifiers. Annotation includes chromsome name, band, start position, end position, gene description and gene symbol. A wide variety of identifiers is available in Ensembl, these can be found with the listFilters function.
getGene( id, type, mart)
Argument | Description |
id | vector of gene identifiers one wants to annotate |
type | type of identifier, possible values can be obtained by the listFilters function. Examples are entrezgene, hgnc_symbol (for hugo gene symbol), ensembl_gene_id, unigene, agilentprobe, affy_hg_u133_plus_2, refseq_dna, etc. |
mart | object of class Mart, containing connections to the BioMart databases. You can create such an object using the function useMart. |
Steffen Durinck
mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
#example using affy id
g = getGene( id = "1939_at", type = "affy_hg_u95av2", mart = mart)
#example using Entrez Gene id
g = getGene( id = "100", type = "entrezgene", mart = mart)
Retrieves information from two linked datasets
This function is the main biomaRt query function that links 2 datasets and retrieves information from these linked BioMart datasets. In Ensembl this translates to homology mapping.
getLDS(attributes, filters = "", values = "", mart, attributesL,
filtersL = "", valuesL = "", martL, verbose = FALSE, uniqueRows = TRUE,
Argument | Description |
attributes | Attributes you want to retrieve of primary dataset. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function listAttributes. |
filters | Filters that should be used in the query. These filters will be applied to primary dataset. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using the function listFilters. |
values | Values of the filter, e.g. list of affy IDs |
mart | object of class Mart created with the useMart function. |
attributesL | Attributes of linked dataset that needs to be retrieved |
filtersL | Filters to be applied to the linked dataset |
valuesL | Values for the linked dataset filters |
martL | Mart object representing linked dataset |
verbose | When using biomaRt in webservice mode and setting verbose to TRUE, the XML query to the webservice will be printed. Alternatively in MySQL mode the MySQL query will be printed. |
uniqueRows | Logical to indicate if the BioMart web service should return unique rows only or not. Has the value of either TRUE or FALSE |
bmHeader | Boolean to indicate if the result retrieved from the BioMart server should include the data headers or not, defaults to TRUE. This should only be switched off if the default behavior results in errors, setting to off might still be able to retrieve your data in that case |
Steffen Durinck
human = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
mouse = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
getLDS(attributes = c("hgnc_symbol","chromosome_name", "start_position"),
filters = "hgnc_symbol", values = "TP53", mart = human,
attributesL = c("chromosome_name","start_position"), martL = mouse)
Retrieves sequences
This function retrieves sequences given the chomosome, start and end position or a list of identifiers. Using getSequence in web service mode (default) generates 5' to 3' sequences of the requested type on the correct strand.
getSequence(chromosome, start, end, id, type, seqType,
upstream, downstream, mart, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
chromosome | Chromosome name |
start | start position of sequence on chromosome |
end | end position of sequence on chromosome |
id | An identifier or vector of identifiers. |
type | The type of identifier used. Supported types are hugo, ensembl, embl, entrezgene, refseq, ensemblTrans and unigene. Alternatively one can also use a filter to specify the type. Possible filters are given by the listFilters function |
seqType | Type of sequence that you want to retrieve. Allowed seqTypes are given in the details section. |
upstream | To add the upstream sequence of a specified number of basepairs to the output. |
downstream | To add the downstream sequence of a specified number of basepairs to the output. |
mart | object of class Mart created using the useMart function |
verbose | If verbose = TRUE then the XML query that was send to the webservice will be displayed. |
The type of sequence returned can be specified by the seqType argument which takes the following values:
'cdna': for nucleotide sequences
'peptide': for protein sequences
'3utr': for 3' UTR sequences
'5utr': for 5' UTR sequences
'gene_exon': for exon sequences only
'transcript_exon_intron': gives the full unspliced transcript, that is exons + introns
'gene_exon_intron' gives the exons + introns of a gene;'coding' gives the coding sequence only
'coding_transcript_flank': gives the flanking region of the transcript including the UTRs, this must be accompanied with a given value for the upstream or downstream attribute
'coding_gene_flank': gives the flanking region of the gene including the UTRs, this must be accompanied with a given value for the upstream or downstream attribute
'transcript_flank': gives the flanking region of the transcript exculding the UTRs, this must be accompanied with a given value for the upstream or downstream attribute
'gene_flank': gives the flanking region of the gene excluding the UTRs, this must be accompanied with a given value for the upstream or downstream attribute
In MySQL mode the getSequence function is more limited and the sequence that is returned is the 5' to 3'+ strand of the genomic sequence, given a chromosome, as start and an end position. So if the sequence of interest is the minus strand, one has to compute the reverse complement of the retrieved sequence, which can be done using functions provided in the matchprobes package. The biomaRt vignette contains more examples on how to use this function.
Steffen Durinck
mart <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
seq = getSequence(id = "BRCA1",
type = "hgnc_symbol",
seqType = "peptide",
mart = mart)
seq = getSequence(id="1939_at",
upstream = 20,
mart = mart)
Retrieves information from the BioMart database using an XML query
DEPRECATED! - This function is a low level query function bypassing lots of biomaRts internal controls. It allows for a direct XML query to a known BioMart webservice host.
getXML(host="", xmlquery)
Argument | Description |
host | URL to BioMart webservice, is set to by default |
xmlquery | XML query that needs to be send to the webservice |
This function has now been deprecated. Similar functionality can be
achieved using the unexported function biomaRt:::.submitQueryXML` . If
you are still using this function and this affects your work, please contact
the package maintainer at
## Author
Steffen Durinck, Mike Smith
## Examples
r if(interactive()){ xmlquery="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE Query> <Query virtualSchemaName = 'default' uniqueRows = '1' count = '0' datasetConfigVersion = '0.6'> <Dataset name = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl'> <Attribute name = 'ensembl_gene_id'/> <Filter name = 'chromosome_name' value = 'Y' /> </Dataset> </Query>" getXML(host = "", xmlquery = xmlquery) }
lists the attributes available in the selected dataset
Attributes are the outputs of a biomaRt query, they are the information we want to retrieve. For example if we want to retrieve all entrez gene identifiers of genes located on chromosome X, entrezgene will be the attribute we use in the query. The listAttributes function lists the available attributes in the selected dataset
listAttributes(mart, page,what = c("name","description","page"))
searchAttributes(mart, pattern)
Argument | Description |
mart | object of class Mart created using the useMart function |
page | Show only the attributes that belong to the specified attribute page. |
what | vector of types of information about the attributes that need to be displayed. Can have values like name, description, fullDescription, page |
pattern | Character vector defining the regular expression ( regex to be used for the search. If left blank the default is to use ".*" which will match everything. |
Steffen Durinck, Mike Smith
## list the available Ensembl marts and use Ensembl Genes
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl')
## list the available datasets in this Mart
listAttributes(mart = ensembl)
## the list of attributes is very long and gets truncated by R
## we can search for a term of interest to filter this e.g. 'start'
searchAttributes(mart = ensembl, pattern = "start")
## filter the attributes to give only entries containing 'entrez' or 'hgnc'
|searchAttributes(mart = ensembl, 'entrez|hgnc')|
List or search the datasets available in the selected BioMart database
Lists or search the datasets available in the selected BioMart database
listDatasets(mart, verbose = FALSE)
searchDatasets(mart, pattern)
Argument | Description |
mart | object of class Mart created with the useMart function |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing, for debugging purposes |
pattern | Character vector defining the regular expression ( regex to be used for the search. If left blank the default is to use ".*" which will match everything and return the same as listDatasets . |
Steffen Durinck, Mike Smith
## list the available Ensembl marts and use Ensembl Genes
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl")
## list the available datasets in this Mart
listDatasets(mart = ensembl)
## the list of Ensembl datasets grows ever larger (101 as of Ensembl 93)
## we can search for a term of interest to reduce the length e.g. 'sapiens'
searchDatasets(mart = ensembl, pattern = "sapiens")
## search for any dataset containing the word Rat or rat
|searchDatasets(mart = ensembl, pattern = "(R|r)at")|
lists the available BioMart databases hosted by Ensembl
This function returns a list of BioMart databases hosted by Ensembl. To establish a connection use the useMart function.
listEnsembl(mart = NULL,host = "", version = NULL,
GRCh = NULL, mirror = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
mart | mart object created with the useEnsembl function. This is optional, as you usually use listMarts to see which marts there are to connect to. |
host | Host to connect to if different then |
version | Ensembl version to connect to when wanting to connect to an archived Ensembl version |
GRCh | GRCh version to connect to if not the current GRCh38, currently this can only be 37 |
mirror | Specify an Ensembl mirror to connect to. The valid options here are 'www', 'uswest', 'useast', 'asia'. If no mirror is specified the primary site at will be used. |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing, for debugging purposes |
Steffen Durinck
Lists the available archived versions of Ensembl
Returns a table containing the available archived versions of Ensembl, along with the dates they were created and the URL used to access them.
Mike Smith
List or search the options available for a specified filter.
Some filters have a predefined list of values that can be used to search them. These functions give access to this list of options for a named filter, so you can check in the case where your biomaRt query is not finding anything.
listFilterValues(mart, filter)
searchFilterValues(mart, filter, pattern)
Argument | Description |
mart | object of class Mart created using the useMart , or useEnsembl functions |
filter | The name of the filter whose options should be listed or searched. You can list available filters via listFilters |
pattern | Character vector defining the regular expression ( regex to be used for the search. If left blank the default is to use ".*" which will match everything. |
Mike Smith
## Use the Ensembl human genes dataset
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
## we can search for the name of a filter we're interested in e.g. 'phenotype'
## we need to use the name of the filter in the next function
searchFilters(ensembl, pattern = "phenotype")
## list all the options available to the 'phenotype_source' filter
listFilterValues(mart = ensembl, filter = "phenotype_source")
## search the 'phenotype_description' filter for the term 'crohn'
searchFilterValues(mart = ensembl,
filter = "phenotype_description",
pattern = "crohn")
List or search the filters available in the selected dataset
Filters are what we use as inputs for a biomaRt query.
For example, if we want to retrieve all entrezgene identifiers on
chromosome X, chromosome
will be the filter,
with corresponding value X.
listFilters(mart, what = c("name", "description"))
searchFilters(mart, pattern)
Argument | Description |
mart | object of class Mart created using the useMart function |
what | character vector indicating what information to display about the available filters. Valid values are name , description , options , fullDescription , filters , type , operation , filters8 , filters9 . |
pattern | Character vector defining the regular expression ( regex to be used for the search. If left blank the default is to use ".*" which will match everything. |
Steffen Durinck, Mike Smith
## list the available Ensembl marts and use Ensembl Genes
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl')
## list the available datasets in this Mart
listFilters(mart = ensembl)
## the list of filters is long and not easy to read
## we can search for a term of interest to reduce this e.g. 'gene'
searchFilters(mart = ensembl, pattern = "gene")
## search the available filters to find entries containing 'entrez' or 'hgnc'
|searchFilters(mart = ensembl, 'entrez|hgnc')|
lists the available BioMart databases
This function returns a list of BioMart databases to which biomaRt can connect to. By default all public BioMart databases are displayed. To establish a connection use the useMart function.
listMarts(mart = NULL, host="", path="/biomart/martservice",
port=80, includeHosts = FALSE, archive = FALSE, ssl.verifypeer = TRUE,
ensemblRedirect = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
mart | mart object created with the useMart function. This is optional, as you usually use listMarts to see which marts there are to connect to. |
host | Host to connect to. Defaults to |
path | path to martservice that should be pasted behind the host to get to web service URL |
port | port to use in HTTP communication |
includeHosts | boolean to indicate if function should return host of the BioMart databases |
archive | Boolean to indicate if you want to access archived versions of BioMart database. Note that this argument is now defunct and setting this value to TRUE will produce an error. A better alternative is to specify the url of the archived BioMart you want to access. For Ensembl you can view the list of archives using listEnsemblArchives |
ssl.verifypeer | Set SSL peer verification on or off. By default ssl.verifypeer is set to TRUE |
ensemblRedirect | This argument has now been deprecated. |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing, for debugging purposes |
If you receive an error message saying 'Unexpected format to the list of
available marts', this is often because there is a problem with the BioMart
server you are trying to connect to, and something other than the list of
available marts is being returned - often some like a 'down for maintainance'
page. If you browse to the provided URL and find a page that starts with
' <MartRegistry>
' this is the correct listing and you should report
the issue on the Bioconductor support site:
Steffen Durinck, Mike Smith
Retrieve information from the BioMart databases
, columns
and keys
are used together to
extract data from a Mart
object. These functions work much the
same as the classic biomaRt functions such as getBM
etc. and
are provide here to make this easier for people who are comfortable
using these methods from other Annotation packages. Examples of other
objects in other packages where you can use these methods include (but
are not limited to): ChipDb
, OrgDb
and ReactomeDb
shows which kinds of data can be returned from the
allows the user to discover which keytypes can be
passed in to select
or keys
as the keytype
returns keys from the Mart
of the type specified by
it's keytype
is meant to be used with these other methods and has
arguments that take the kinds of values that these other methods
return. select
will retrieve the results as a data.frame based
on parameters for selected keys
and columns
keys(x, keytype, ...)
select(x, keys, columns, keytype, ...)
Argument | Description |
x | the Mart object. The dataset of the Mart object must already be specified for all of these methods. |
keys | the keys to select records for from the database. Keys for some keytypes can be extracted by using the keys method. |
columns | the columns or kinds of things that can be retrieved from the database. As with keys , all possible columns are returned by using the columns method. |
keytype | the keytype that matches the keys used. For the select methods, this is used to indicate the kind of ID being used with the keys argument. For the keys method this is used to indicate which kind of keys are desired from keys |
| other arguments. These include: list("
", " ", list(list("pattern:"), list("the pattern to match (used by keys)")), "
", " ", list(list("column:"), list("the column to search on. This is used by keys and is
", " for when the thing you want to pattern match is different from
", " the keytype, or when you want to simply want to get keys that
", " have a value for the thing specified by the column argument.")), "
", " ", list(list("fuzzy:"), list("TRUE or FALSE value. Use fuzzy matching? (this is
", |
" used with pattern by the keys method)")), "
", " ")
, columns
and keytypes
each return a character
vector or possible values. select
returns a data.frame.
Marc Carlson
## 1st create a Mart object and specify the dataset
## you can list the keytypes
## you can list the columns
## And you can extract keys when this is supported for your keytype of interest
k = keys(mart, keytype="chromosome_name")
## You can even do some pattern matching on the keys
k = keys(mart, keytype="chromosome_name", pattern="LRG")
## Finally you can use select to extract records for things that you are
## interested in.
select(mart, keys=affy, columns=c('affy_hg_u133_plus_2','entrezgene'),
Select a dataset to use and updates Mart object
This function selects a dataset and updates the Mart object
useDataset(dataset,mart, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
dataset | Dataset you want to use. List of possible datasets can be retrieved using the function listDatasets |
mart | Mart object created with the useMart function |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing, for debugging |
Steffen Durinck
mart=useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart = mart)
Connects to the selected BioMart database and dataset hosted by Ensembl
A first step in using the biomaRt package is to select a BioMart
database and dataset to use. The useEnsembl
function enables one to
connect to a specified BioMart database and dataset hosted by Ensembl without
having to specify the Ensembl URL. To know which BioMart databases are
available see the listEnsembl
function. To know which datasets
are available within a BioMart database, first select the BioMart database
using useEnsembl
and then use the listDatasets
on the selected Mart object.
useEnsembl(biomart, dataset, host, version = NULL,
GRCh = NULL, mirror = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
biomart | BioMart database name you want to connect to. Possible database names can be retrieved with the function listEnsembl |
dataset | Dataset you want to use. To see the different datasets available within a biomaRt you can e.g. do: mart = useEnsembl('ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL'), followed by listDatasets(mart). |
host | Host to connect to. Only needs to be specified if different from |
version | Ensembl version to connect to when wanting to connect to an archived Ensembl version |
GRCh | GRCh version to connect to if not the current GRCh38, currently this can only be 37 |
mirror | Specify an Ensembl mirror to connect to. The valid options here are 'www', 'uswest', 'useast', 'asia'. If no mirror is specified the primary site at will be used. |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing while in use, for debugging |
Steffen Durinck & Mike Smith
mart <- useEnsembl("ensembl")
## using the US West mirror
us_mart <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl", mirror = "uswest")
Connects to the selected BioMart database and dataset
A first step in using the biomaRt package is to select a BioMart database and dataset to use. The useMart function enables one to connect to a specified BioMart database and dataset within this database. To know which BioMart databases are available see the listMarts function. To know which datasets are available within a BioMart database, first select the BioMart database using useMart and then use the listDatasets function on the selected BioMart, see listDatasets function.
useMart(biomart, dataset, host="",
path="/biomart/martservice", port=80, archive=FALSE, ssl.verifypeer =
TRUE, ensemblRedirect = NULL, version, verbose = FALSE)
Argument | Description |
biomart | BioMart database name you want to connect to. Possible database names can be retrieved with the functio listMarts |
dataset | Dataset you want to use. To see the different datasets available within a biomaRt you can e.g. do: mart = useMart('ensembl'), followed by listDatasets(mart). |
host | Host to connect to. Defaults to |
path | Path that should be pasted after to host to get access to the web service URL |
port | port to connect to, will be pasted between host and path |
archive | Boolean to indicate if you want to access archived versions of BioMart databases. Note that this argument is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. A better alternative is to leave archive = FALSE and to specify the url of the archived BioMart you want to access. For Ensembl you can view the list of archives using listEnsemblArchives |
ssl.verifypeer | Set SSL peer verification on or off. By default ssl.verifypeer is set to TRUE |
ensemblRedirect | This argument has now been deprecated. |
version | Use version name instead of biomart name to specify which BioMart you want to use |
verbose | Give detailed output of what the method is doing while in use, for debugging |
Steffen Durinck
mart = useMart("ensembl")
mart=useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")