bioconductor v3.9.0 DNAcopy

Implements the circular binary segmentation (CBS)

Link to this section Summary


Create Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Creates acopy number array' data object used for DNA copy number analyses by programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS).

Results of segmenting a CNA data object

Internal DNAcopy functions

Array CGH data set of Coriell cell lines

Cytogenic band data

Binary segmentation of exon data.

Sequential stopping boundary

Additional summary measured for the segments

Plot the data and results from segment of a CNA object

Plot the data and results from segmentation for a single sample

Genome Segmentation Program

p-values for the change-points

Additional summary measured for the segments

Smooth a Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Detect outliers and smooth the data prior to analysis by programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS). ## Usage ```r smooth.CNA(x, smooth.region=10, outlier.SD.scale=4, smooth.SD.scale=2, trim=0.025) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |x| Copy number array data object| |smooth.region| number of points to consider on the left and the right of a point to detect it as an outlier. (default=10)| |outlier.SD.scale| the number of SDs away from the nearest point in the smoothing region to call a point an outlier.| |smooth.SD.scale| the number of SDs from the median in the smoothing region where a smoothed point is positioned.| |trim| proportion of data to be trimmed for variance calculation for smoothing outliers and undoing splits based on SD.| ## Value An object of classCNA` with outliers smoothed i.e the logratio values of singleton outliers is shrunk towards the values of its neighbors. The output is of the same dimension as the input. ## Examples r data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis #Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

Subset a Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Function to return a subset of a copy number array data object by a list of chromosomes and sample. ## Usage ```r list(list("subset"), list("CNA"))(x, chromlist=NULL, samplelist=NULL, ...) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |x| Copy number array data object| |chromlist| chromosomes of interest. Should be a subset of the valid chromosome names in the original data.| |samplelist| samples of interest. Can be integers denoting the samples of interest or a vector of valid sample names.| |...| other arguments which may be passed tosubset.| ## Value An object of classCNA` with the data for the list of chromosomes and samples of interest. ## Examples r data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #Take the first ten chromosomes of the first sample #subset.CNA.object <- subset.CNA(CNA.object,chromlist=1:10,samplelist="c05296") subset.CNA.object <- subset(CNA.object,chromlist=1:10,samplelist="c05296")

Subset a DNAcopy data object

Zoomed in view of genomic region

Link to this section Functions

Create Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Creates acopy number array' data object used for DNA copy number analyses by programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS).


CNA(genomdat, chrom, maploc, data.type=c("logratio","binary"),
                 sampleid=NULL, presorted = FALSE)
  list(list("print"), list("CNA"))(x, list())


genomdata vector or matrix of data from array-CGH, ROMA, or other copy number experiments. If it is a matrix the rows correspond to the markers and the columns to the samples.
chromthe chromosomes (or other group identifier) from which the markers came. Vector of length same as the number of rows of genomdat. If one wants the chromosomes to be ordered in the natural order, this variable should be numeric or ordered category.
maplocthe locations of marker on the genome. Vector of length same as the number of rows of genomdat. This has to be numeric.
data.typelogratio (aCGH, ROMA, etc.) or binary (LOH).
sampleidsample identifier. If missing the samples are named by prefixing "Sample" to consecutive integers.
presortedlogical indicator telling if the data have already been sorted by chrom and maploc. Default is FALSE.
xobject returned by CNA
...arguments to be passed onto print command called within.


Data that are NA, Inf, NaN will be removed on a per sample basis for "genomdat" and all samples for "chrom" and "maploc".

If the chrom variable has non-numeric values make it into an ordered variable to get them ordered correctly. E.g. for human genome use: chrom <- ordered(chrom, levels=c(1:22,"X","Y")) to prepare the variable if chromosomes X and Y are present in your data.


An object of class CNA . There is a print method that gives the number of samples and probes and the type of data.



#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

Results of segmenting a CNA data object


The results of segmenting data from copy number array experiments from programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS).


list(list("print"), list("DNAcopy"))(x, showSegRows=FALSE, list())


xan object of class DNAcopy -- output of segment.
showSegRowsoption to show row numbers for the segment start and end. default is FALSE.
...arguments to be passed onto print command called within.


An object of class DNAcopy . There is a print method that prints the results in a tabular format. Each row gives the sample, the chromosome, the start and end map locations, the number of markers and the mean of each segment.



Link to this function


Internal DNAcopy functions


Internal functions of package DNAcopy.


changepoints(genomdat, data.type = "logratio", alpha = 0.01, weights = NULL,
                 sbdry, sbn, nperm = 10000, p.method="hybrid", min.width=2,
                 kmax=25, nmin = 200, trimmed.SD = NULL, undo.splits = "none",
                 undo.prune = 0.05, undo.SD = 3, verbose = 1, ngrid=100,
changepoints.prune(genomdat, lseg, change.cutoff=0.05)
changepoints.sdundo(genomdat, lseg, trimmed.SD, change.SD=3)
trimmed.variance(genomdat, trim=0.025)
exon.changepoint(exondat, ngrid=100, tol=1e-6)


These are not to be called directly by the user

Array CGH data set of Coriell cell lines


These are two data array CGH studies sets of Corriel cell lines taken from the reference below.


A data frame containing five variables: first is clone name, second is clone chromosome, third is clone position, fourth and fifth are log2ratio for two cell lines.




Snijders et al., Assembly of microarrays for genome-wide measurement of DNA copy number, Nature Genetics , 2001

Cytogenic band data


Cytogenic band data from the goldenPath repository


A data frame containing five variables: chromosome, start and end positions, band name and giesma stain.



Binary segmentation of exon data.


Compute the binary segmentation statistic, location and approximate p-value.


exon.segment(gene, eloc, edat, ngrid=100, tol=1e-6)


genegene names in the exon data
elocexon locations within gene
edatexon expressions within gene
ngridnumber grid points for the integral
toltolerance level for calculating nu


The p-values are obtained by applying Siegmund's approximation for the maximal statistic from binary segmenting consecutive segments within a chromosome. These are one-sided test for an increase in expression.


a matrix with three columns. The maximal statistic from binary segmentation, its location and the p-values for each gene.


Venkatraman E. Seshan


# test code on an easy data set
gene <- rep(c("A", "B"), c(30,20))
eloc <- c(1:30, 1:20)
edat <- matrix(rnorm(500), 50, 10)
# changes for gene1 in samples 3 & 7
edat[1:30, 3] <- edat[1:30, 3] + rep(0.9*0:1, c(17, 13))
edat[1:30, 7] <- edat[1:30, 7] + rep(1.1*0:1, c(21, 9))
# changes for gene2 in samples 4 & 7
edat[31:50, 4] <- edat[31:50, 4] + rep(1.1*0:1, c(8, 12))
edat[31:50, 7] <- edat[31:50, 7] + rep(1.2*0:1, c(13, 7))
exon.segment(gene, eloc, edat)

Sequential stopping boundary


Function to compute the sequential boundary for early stopping.


getbdry(eta, nperm, max.ones, tol= 1e-2)


etaType I error rate of the boundary.
npermNumber of permutations for the reference distribution.
max.onesmaximum number of ones given by "floor(nperm*alpha)+1".
toltolerance level for the iterations.


A vector integer values of length max.ones*(max.ones+1)/2 corresponding to the boundary for the number of ones from 1 to max.ones. The default boundary for nperm=10000, eta=0.05, alpha=0.01 is stored in the data object "default.DNAcopy.bdry". Use this function to get the boundary for your favorite values for the parameters "nperm, eta, alpha" and use it for the argument "sbdry" in the function "segment."

Additional summary measured for the segments


This program computes the frequency of gains and losses for each probe as a function of level of mad.


glFrequency(xout, threshold=1)


xoutan object of class DNAcopy
thresholdthreshold value to call gain or loss


A segment is called a gain or loss if the segment mean is at least the threshold* mad distance away from the median copy number level. The output is a data frame with five columns which give the chromosome (chrom), genomic position (maploc), the number of samples with available data (pfreq), and the gain (gain) and loss (loss).


Venkatraman E. Seshan

Plot the data and results from segment of a CNA object


Plots the data from a copy number array experiment (aCGH, ROMA etc.) along with the results of segmenting it into regions of equal copy numbers.


list(list("plot"), list("DNAcopy"))(x, plot.type=c("whole", "plateau", "samplebychrom",
               "chrombysample"), xmaploc=FALSE, altcol=TRUE, sbyc.layout=
                NULL, cbys.nchrom=1, cbys.layout=NULL, include.means=TRUE,
                zeroline=TRUE, pt.pch=NULL, pt.cex=NULL, pt.cols=NULL,
                segcol= NULL, zlcol=NULL, ylim=NULL, lwd=NULL, ...)


xan object of class DNAcopy resulting from analyzing data from copy number array experiments.
plot.typethe type of plot.
xmaploclogical flag to indicate that the X axis is the maploc position rather than the index. Since the segments are rearranged the plateau plot does not use maploc position.
altcollogical flag to indicate if chromosomes should be plotted in alternating colors in the whole genome plot.
sbyc.layoutlayout settings for the multifigure grid layout for the `samplebychrom' type. It should be specified as a vector of two integers which are the number of rows and columns. The default values are chosen based on the number of chromosomes to produce a near square graph. For normal genome it is 4x6 (24 chromosomes) plotted by rows.
cbys.layoutlayout settings for the multifigure grid layout for the `chrombysample' type. As above it should be specified as number of rows and columns and the default chosen based on the number of samples.
cbys.nchromthe number of chromosomes per page in the layout. The default is 1.
include.meanslogical flag to indicate whether segment means are to be drawn.
zerolinelogical flag to indicate whether a horizontal line at y=0 is to be drawn.
pt.pchthe plotting character used for plotting the log-ratio values (default is ".").
pt.cexthe size of plotting character used for the log-ratio values (default is 3).
pt.colsthe color list for the points. The colors alternate between chromosomes. If missing the point colors are black and green.
segcolthe color of the lines indicating the segment means. If missing the line color is set to be red.
zlcolthe color of the zeroline. If missing it is set to be grey.
ylimthis argument is present to override the default limits which is the range of symmetrized log-ratios.
lwdline weight of lines for segment mean and zeroline. If missing it is set to 3.
...other arguments which will be passed to plot commands.


There are four possible plot types. For the type whole' the data are plotted for the entire genome. For thesamplebychrom' type a graph with each chromosome (of a given sample) is drawn in a separate figure on a multi-figure grid. For the plateau' type the graph is drawn with the chromosome segments re-ordered by the segment means. For thechrombysample' type the samples for a given chromosome are drawn in a 4x6 multi-figure grid in multiples of 24. By default the segments means are drawn. For multisample data each sample or chromosome is drawn on a separate sheet. When invoked interactively the user is prompted before advancing to the next sample.


#Read in two examples from Snijders et al.


#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

#We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis
#Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper

smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

#Segmentation at default parameters

segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

#Plot whole studies

plot(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, plot.type="w")

#Plot each study by chromosome

plot(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, plot.type="s")

#Plot each chromosome across studies (6 per page)

plot(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, plot.type="c", cbys.layout=c(2,1), cbys.nchrom=6)

#Plot by plateaus

plot(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, plot.type="p")

Plot the data and results from segmentation for a single sample


Plots the data for a single sample from a copy number array experiment (aCGH, ROMA etc.) along with the results of segmenting it into regions of equal copy numbers.


plotSample(x, sampleid=NULL, chromlist=NULL, xmaploc=FALSE,
             col=c("black","green"), pch=".", cex=NULL, altcol=TRUE,
             segcol="red", lwd=3, zeroline=TRUE, zlcol="grey",
             xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL, ...)


xan object of class DNAcopy resulting from analyzing data from copy number array experiments.
sampleidthe sample for which the plot is requested. Should be a valid sample name or number. If missing the first sample is plotted.
chromlista vector of chromosome numers or names to be plotted. If missing the whole genome is plotted.
xmaploca logical indicating if data are plotted against genomic position or Index. Defaults to FALSE .
cola vector of two colors that can be used for alternating colors for successive chromosomes.
pchthe plotting character. Defaults to . .
cexthe size of plotting character. If missing it is set to 3 if pch is `.' and 1 otherwise.
altcola logical indicating if colors of successive chromosomes should be alternated. Defaults to TRUE .
segcolcolor for segment means.
zerolinea logical indicating if the zeroline is drawn. Defaults to TRUE .
zlcolcolor for zero line.
lwdthickness of the lines.
xlabthe x-axis lavel. If missing Index or Genomic Position will be used depending on xmaploc.
ylabthe y-axis label. If missing log(CN) or LOH will be used depending on data type.
mainthe main title. If missing sample name will be used.
...other arguments to the plot function can be passed here.


This function plots the whole genome and segmentation results for a single sample. This function overcomes the deficiency in the plot.DNAcopy function which cycles through all the samples. If sampleid is not specified the first sample is plotted.


#Read in two examples from Snijders et al.


#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

#We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis
#Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper

smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

#Segmentation at default parameters

segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

# Plot whole sample c13330

plotSample(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, sampleid="c13330")

# Plot only chromosomes 1,3,5,7,9 from first sample
plotSample(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, sampleid=1, chromlist=c(1,3,5,7,9))

Genome Segmentation Program


This program segments DNA copy number data into regions of estimated equal copy number using circular binary segmentation (CBS).


segment(x, weights = NULL, alpha = 0.01, nperm = 10000, p.method = 
                    c("hybrid", "perm"), min.width=2, kmax=25, nmin=200, 
                    eta=0.05, sbdry=NULL, trim = 0.025, undo.splits = 
                    c("none", "prune", "sdundo"), undo.prune=0.05, 
                    undo.SD=3, verbose=1)


xan object of class CNA
weightsa vector of weights for the probes. The weights should be inversely proportional to their variances. Currently all weights should be positive i.e. remove probes with zero weight prior to segmentation.
alphasignificance levels for the test to accept change-points.
npermnumber of permutations used for p-value computation.
p.methodmethod used for p-value computation. For the "perm" method the p-value is based on full permutation. For the "hybrid" method the maximum over the entire region is split into maximum of max over small segments and max over the rest. Approximation is used for the larger segment max. Default is hybrid.
min.widththe minimum number of markers for a changed segment. The default is 2 but can be made larger. Maximum possible value is set at 5 since arbitrary widths can have the undesirable effect of incorrect change-points when a true signal of narrow widths exists.
kmaxthe maximum width of smaller segment for permutation in the hybrid method.
nminthe minimum length of data for which the approximation of maximum statistic is used under the hybrid method. should be larger than 4*kmax
etathe probability to declare a change conditioned on the permuted statistic exceeding the observed statistic exactly j (= 1,...,nperm*alpha) times.
sbdrythe sequential boundary used to stop and declare a change. This boundary is a function of nperm, alpha and eta. It can be obtained using the function "getbdry" and used instead of having the "segment" function compute it every time it is called.
trimproportion of data to be trimmed for variance calculation for smoothing outliers and undoing splits based on SD.
undo.splitsA character string specifying how change-points are to be undone, if at all. Default is "none". Other choices are "prune", which uses a sum of squares criterion, and "sdundo", which undoes splits that are not at least this many SDs apart.
undo.prunethe proportional increase in sum of squares allowed when eliminating splits if undo.splits="prune".
undo.SDthe number of SDs between means to keep a split if undo.splits="sdundo".
verboselevel of verbosity for monitoring the program's progress where 0 produces no printout, 1 prints the current sample, 2 the current chromosome and 3 the current segment. The default level is 1.


This function implements the cicular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm of Olshen and Venkatraman (2004). Given a set of genomic data, either continuous or binary, the algorithm recursively splits chromosomes into either two or three subsegments based on a maximum t-statistic. A reference distribution, used to decided whether or not to split, is estimated by permutation. Options are given to eliminate splits when the means of adjacent segments are not sufficiently far apart. Note that after the first split the $lpha$ -levels of the tests for splitting are not unconditional.

We recommend using one of the undoing options to remove change-points detected due to local trends (see the manuscript below for examples of local trends).

Since the segmentation procedure uses a permutation reference distribution, R commands for setting and saving seeds should be used if the user wishes to reproduce the results.

Data that are NA, Inf, NaN will be removed on a per sample basis for "genomdat" and all samples for "chrom" and "maploc".


An object of class DNAcopy . It has three elements:



Venkatraman E. Seshan and Adam Olshen


Olshen, A. B., Venkatraman, E. S., Lucito, R., Wigler, M. (2004). Circular binary segmentation for the analysis of array-based DNA copy number data. Biostatistics 5: 557-572.

Venkatraman, E. S., Olshen, A. B. (2007) A faster circular binary segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array CGH data. Bioinformatics 23: 657-63.


# test code on an easy data set
genomdat <- rnorm(500, sd=0.1) +
chrom <- rep(1:2,c(290,210))
maploc <- c(1:290,1:210)
test1 <- segment(CNA(genomdat, chrom, maploc))

# test code on a noisier and hence more difficult data set
genomdat <- rnorm(500, sd=0.2) +
chrom <- rep(1:2,c(290,210))
maploc <- c(1:290,1:210)
test2 <- segment(CNA(genomdat, chrom, maploc))

# test code for weighted CBS
wts <- sample(1:3, 500, replace=TRUE)
genomdat <- rnorm(500, sd=0.3)/sqrt(wts) +
chrom <- rep(1:2,c(290,210))
maploc <- c(1:290,1:210)
test3 <- segment(CNA(genomdat, chrom, maploc), weights=wts)

#A real analyis


#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

#We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis
#Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper

smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

#Segmentation at default parameters

segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

#We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis
#Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper

smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

#Segmentation at default parameters

segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

p-values for the change-points


This program computes pseudo p-values and confidence intervals for the change-points found by the circular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm.


segments.p(x, ngrid=100, tol=1e-6, alpha=0.05, search.range=100, nperm=1000)


xan object of class DNAcopy
ngridnumber grid points for the integral
toltolerance level for calculating nu
alphaConfidence level is 1-alpha
search.rangestatistic is maximized over nu +/- search.range
npermnumber of permutations for confidence interval


The p-values are obtained by applying Siegmund's approximation for the maximal statistic from binary segmenting consecutive segments within a chromosome. This p-value is only to give the relative importance of the change-points as the CBS is different from the algorithm used here.

The confidence intervals are obtained by a permutation algorithm. The data are permuted to the left and right of the identified change-point and the location of the maximal binary segmentation statistic computed. The confidence interval is given by the quantiles of the permutation distribution of the locations.

The statistical properties of this confidence interval is unknown. It is used to give an idea of the uncertainity on the location of the change-points as the CBS is different from the algorithm used here.


a data frame with ten columns. The maximal statistic from binary segmentation, the p-values and lower and upper alpha/2 confidence limits (as genomic positions) are added to the six columns from the segment command.



Venkatraman E. Seshan


# test code on an easy data set
genomdat <- rnorm(500, sd=0.1) +
chrom <- rep(1:2,c(290,210))
maploc <- c(1:290,1:210)
test1 <- segment(CNA(genomdat, chrom, maploc))
Link to this function


Additional summary measured for the segments


This program computes the standard deviation, median and the mad of the data for each segment found by the CBS algorithm.




xan object of class DNAcopy


a data frame with nine columns. The sd, median and mad of each segment is added to the six columns from the segment command.


Venkatraman E. Seshan


# test code on an easy data set
genomdat1 <- rnorm(500, sd=0.1) +
genomdat2 <- rnorm(500, sd=0.1) +
genomdat1[sample(1:500,5)] <- NA
chrom <- rep(1:2,c(290,210))
maploc <- c(1:290,1:210)
test1 <- segment(CNA(cbind(genomdat1,genomdat2), chrom, maploc))

Smooth a Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Detect outliers and smooth the data prior to analysis by programs such as circular binary segmentation (CBS). ## Usage ```r smooth.CNA(x, smooth.region=10, outlier.SD.scale=4, smooth.SD.scale=2, trim=0.025) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |x| Copy number array data object| |smooth.region| number of points to consider on the left and the right of a point to detect it as an outlier. (default=10)| |outlier.SD.scale| the number of SDs away from the nearest point in the smoothing region to call a point an outlier.| |smooth.SD.scale| the number of SDs from the median in the smoothing region where a smoothed point is positioned.| |trim| proportion of data to be trimmed for variance calculation for smoothing outliers and undoing splits based on SD.| ## Value An object of classCNA` with outliers smoothed i.e the logratio values of singleton outliers is shrunk towards the values of its neighbors. The output is of the same dimension as the input. ## Examples r data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis #Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

Subset a Copy Number Array' data object ## Description Function to return a subset of a copy number array data object by a list of chromosomes and sample. ## Usage ```r list(list("subset"), list("CNA"))(x, chromlist=NULL, samplelist=NULL, ...) ``` ## Arguments |Argument |Description| |------------- |----------------| |x| Copy number array data object| |chromlist| chromosomes of interest. Should be a subset of the valid chromosome names in the original data.| |samplelist| samples of interest. Can be integers denoting the samples of interest or a vector of valid sample names.| |...| other arguments which may be passed tosubset.| ## Value An object of classCNA` with the data for the list of chromosomes and samples of interest. ## Examples r data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #Take the first ten chromosomes of the first sample #subset.CNA.object <- subset.CNA(CNA.object,chromlist=1:10,samplelist="c05296") subset.CNA.object <- subset(CNA.object,chromlist=1:10,samplelist="c05296")

Link to this function


Subset a DNAcopy data object


Function to return a subset of a copy number array data object by a list of chromosomes and sample.


list(list("subset"), list("DNAcopy"))(x, chromlist=NULL, samplelist=NULL, ...)


xDNAcopy object
chromlistchromosomes of interest. Should be a subset of the valid chromosome names in the original data.
samplelistsamples of interest. Can be integers denoting the samples of interest or a vector of valid sample names.
...other arguments which may be passed to subset .


An object of class DNAcopy with the input data and the results of segmenting them only for the chromosomes and samples of interest.

Link to this function


Zoomed in view of genomic region


This program computes the frequency of gains and losses for each probe as a function of level of mad.


zoomIntoRegion(x, chrom, sampleid, maploc.start=NULL, maploc.end=NULL,
      pt.pch=NULL, pt.cex=NULL, pt.col=NULL, segcol=NULL, seglwd=NULL,
      main=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ...)


xan object of class DNAcopy.
chromthe chromosome in which the region lies.
sampleidthe sample of interest.
maploc.startgenomic start position of the region of interest. Default is the beginning of the chromosome.
maploc.endgenomic end position of the region of interest. Default is the end of the chromosome.
pt.pchthe plotting character used for plotting the log-ratio values (default is ".").
pt.cexthe size of plotting character used for the log-ratio values (default is 3 if "." and 1 otherwise).
pt.colthe color used for the points. Default is green3.
segcolthe color of the lines indicating the segment means. If missing the line color is set to be red.
seglwdline weight of lines for segment mean and zeroline. If missing it is set to 3.
mainfigure title. If missing will be generated by pasting the chromosome, range and sample name together.
xlabx-axis label. If missing "Genomic position" will be used
ylaby-axis label. If missing "log-ratio" will be used
...additional plotting options.


This command plots the region of interest with the log-ratio and segments. It works for a region from a single chromosome in a single sample. So if more than one chromosome and/or one sample are given only the first chromosome from the first sample will be used.


Venkatraman E. Seshan



#Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23

CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330),

#We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis
#Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper

smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

#Segmentation at default parameters

segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

zoomIntoRegion(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, chrom=10, sampleid="c05296")