bioconductor v3.9.0 Bumphunter

Tools for finding bumps in genomic data

Link to this section Summary


Example data

Annotate the results of nearest

Annotate transcripts


Make clusters of genomic locations based on distance

Generate dummy data for use with bumphunter functions

Segment a vector into positive, zero, and negative regions

Apply local regression smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster.

Apply loess smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster.

Find and annotate closest genes to genomic regions

Find non-zero regions in vector

Apply running median smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster

Smooth genomic profiles

Link to this section Functions

Example data


Example data


A list with three components. list(" ", list(list("txdb "), list(" Has a TxDb example.")), " ", list(list("org "), list(" has an Org DB example.")), " ", list(list("transcripts "), list(" has example transcripts output.")), " ")

Link to this function


Annotate the results of nearest


Annotate the results of nearest with more information about the type of match.


annotateNearest(x, subject, annotate = TRUE, ...)


xThe query. An IRanges or GenomicRanges object, or a data.frame with columns for start , end , and, optionally, chr or seqnames .
subjectThe subject. An IRanges or GenomicRanges object, or a data.frame with columns for start , end , and, optionally, chr or seqnames .
annotateWhether to annotate the result.
list()Arguments passed along to nearest .


This function runs nearest and then annotates the nearest hit. Note that the nearest subject range to a given query may not be unique and we arbitrarily chose one as done by default by nearest .


A data frame with columns c("distance", "subjectHits", "type", unless annotate is FALSE , in which case only the first two columns are returned as an integer matrix.



nearest , matchGenes


Harris Jaffee, Peter Murakami and Rafael A. Irizarry


query <- GRanges(seqnames = 'chr1', IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10)))
subject <- GRanges('chr1', IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12)))
nearest(query, subject)
distanceToNearest(query, subject)

## showing 'cover' and 'disjoint', and 'amountOverlap'
annotateNearest(query, subject)

## showing 'inside' and 'insideDist', and 'amountOverlap'
annotateNearest(subject, query)
annotateNearest(GRanges('chr1', IRanges(3,3)), GRanges('chr1', IRanges(2,5)))
annotateNearest(GRanges('chr1', IRanges(3,4)), GRanges('chr1', IRanges(2,5)))
annotateNearest(GRanges('chr1', IRanges(4,4)), GRanges('chr1', IRanges(2,5)))
Link to this function


Annotate transcripts


Annotate transcripts


annotateTranscripts(txdb, annotationPackage = NULL, by = c("tx","gene"), codingOnly=FALSE, verbose = TRUE, requireAnnotation = FALSE, mappingInfo = NULL, simplifyGeneID = FALSE)


txdbA TxDb database object such as TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
annotationPackageAn annotation data package from which to obtain gene/transcript annotation. For example . If none is provided the function tries to infer it from organism(txdb) and if it can't it proceeds without annotation unless requireAnnotation = TRUE .
byShould we create a GRanges of transcripts ( tx ) or genes ( gene ).
codingOnlyShould we exclude all the non-coding transcripts.
verboselogical value. If 'TRUE', it writes out some messages indicating progress. If 'FALSE' nothing should be printed.
requireAnnotationlogical value. If 'TRUE' function will stop if no annotation package is successfully loaded.
mappingInfoa named list with elements 'column', 'keytype' and 'multiVals'. If specified this information will be used with mapIds when mapping the gene ids using annotationPackage . This is useful when working with a txdb object from ENSEMBL or GENCODE among other databases.
simplifyGeneIDlogical value. If 'TRUE', gene ids will be shortened to before a dot is present in the id. This is useful for changing GENCODE gene ids to ENSEMBL ids.


This function prepares a GRanges for the matchGenes function. It adds information and in particular adds exons information to each gene/transcript.


A GRanges object with an attribute description set to annotatedTranscripts . The following columns are added. seqinfo is the information returned by seqinfo , CSS is the coding region start, CSE is the coding region end, Tx is the transcript ID used in TxDb, Entrez is the Entrez ID, Gene is the gene symbol, Refseq is the RefSeq annotation, Nexons is the number of exons, Exons is an IRanges with the exon information.




Harris Jaffee and Rafael A. Irizarry. 'mappingInfo' and 'simplifyGeneID' contributed by Leonardo Collado-Torres.


genes <- annotateTranscripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)

##and to avoid guessing the annotation package:
genes <- annotateTranscripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,annotation="")



Estimate regions for which a genomic profile deviates from its baseline value. Originally implemented to detect differentially methylated genomic regions between two populations.


list(list("bumphunter"), list("matrix"))(object, design, chr=NULL, pos, cluster=NULL,coef=2, cutoff=NULL, pickCutoff = FALSE, pickCutoffQ = 0.99, maxGap=500, nullMethod=c("permutation","bootstrap"),smooth=FALSE,smoothFunction=locfitByCluster, useWeights=FALSE, B=ncol(permutations), permutations=NULL,verbose=TRUE, ...)
bumphunterEngine(mat, design, chr = NULL, pos, cluster = NULL, coef = 2, cutoff = NULL, pickCutoff = FALSE, pickCutoffQ = 0.99, maxGap = 500, nullMethod=c("permutation","bootstrap"), smooth = FALSE, smoothFunction = locfitByCluster, useWeights = FALSE, B=ncol(permutations), permutations=NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)
list(list("print"), list("bumps"))(x, list())


objectAn object of class matrix.
xAn object of class bumps .
matA matrix with rows representing genomic locations and columns representing samples.
designDesign matrix with rows representing samples and columns representing covariates. Regression is applied to each row of mat.
chrA character vector with the chromosomes of each location.
posA numeric vector representing the chromosomal position.
clusterThe clusters of locations that are to be analyzed together. In the case of microarrays, the clusters are many times supplied by the manufacturer. If not available the function clusterMaker can be used to cluster nearby locations.
coefAn integer denoting the column of the design matrix containing the covariate of interest. The hunt for bumps will be only be done for the estimate of this coefficient.
cutoffA numeric value. Values of the estimate of the genomic profile above the cutoff or below the negative of the cutoff will be used as candidate regions. It is possible to give two separate values (upper and lower bounds). If one value is given, the lower bound is minus the value.
pickCutoffShould bumphunter attempt to pick a cutoff using the permutation distribution?
pickCutoffQThe quantile used for picking the cutoff using the permutation distribution.
maxGapIf cluster is not provided this maximum location gap will be used to define cluster via the clusterMaker function.
nullMethodMethod used to generate null candidate regions, must be one of bootstrap or permutation (defaults to permutation ). However, if covariates in addition to the outcome of interest are included in the design matrix (ncol(design)>2), the permutation approach is not recommended. See vignette and original paper for more information.
smoothA logical value. If TRUE the estimated profile will be smoothed with the smoother defined by smoothFunction
smoothFunctionA function to be used for smoothing the estimate of the genomic profile. Two functions are provided by the package: loessByCluster and runmedByCluster .
useWeightsA logical value. If TRUE then the standard errors of the point-wise estimates of the profile function will be used as weights in the loess smoother loessByCluster . If the runmedByCluster smoother is used this argument is ignored.
BAn integer denoting the number of resamples to use when computing null distributions. This defaults to 0. If permutations is supplied that defines the number of permutations/bootstraps and B is ignored.
permutationsis a matrix with columns providing indexes to be used to scramble the data and create a null distribution when nullMethod is set to permutations. If the bootstrap approach is used this argument is ignored. If this matrix is not supplied and B >0 then these indexes are created using the function sample .
verboselogical value. If TRUE , it writes out some messages indicating progress. If FALSE nothing should be printed.
list()further arguments to be passed to the smoother functions.


This function performs the bumphunting approach described by Jaffe et al. International Journal of Epidemiology (2012). The main output is a table of candidate regions with permutation or bootstrap-based family-wide error rates (FWER) and p-values assigned.

The general idea is that for each genomic location we have a value for several individuals. We also have covariates for each individual and perform regression. This gives us one estimate of the coefficient of interest (a common example is case versus control). These estimates are then (optionally) smoothed. The smoothing occurs in clusters of locations that are close enough . This gives us an estimate of a genomic profile that is 0 when uninteresting. We then take values above (in absolute value) cutoff as candidate regions. Permutations can then performed to create null distributions for the candidate regions.

The simplest way to use permutations or bootstraps to create a null distribution is to set B . If the number of samples is large this can be set to a large number, such as 1000. Note that this will be slow and we have therefore provided parallelization capabilities. In cases were the user wants to define the permutations or bootstraps, for example cases in which all possible permutations/boostraps can be enumerated, these can be supplied via the permutations argument.

Uncertainty is assessed via permutations or bootstraps. Each of the B permutations/bootstraps will produce an estimated null profile from which we can define null candidate regions . For each observed candidate region we determine how many null regions are more extreme (longer and higher average value). The p.value is the percent of candidate regions obtained from the permutations/boostraps that are as extreme as the observed region. These p-values should be interpreted with care as the theoretical proporties are not well understood. The fwer is the proportion of permutations/bootstraps that had at least one region as extreme as the observed region. We compute p.values and FWER for the area of the regions (as opposed to length and value as a pair) as well. Note that for cases with more than one covariate the permutation approach is not generally recommended; the nullMethod argument will coerce to bootstrap in this scenario. See vignette and original paper for more information.

Parallelization is implemented through the foreach package.


An object of class bumps with the following components:



Rafael A. Irizarry, Martin J. Aryee, Kasper D. Hansen, and Shan Andrews.


Jaffe AE, Murakami P, Lee H, Leek JT, Fallin MD, Feinberg AP, Irizarry RA (2012) Bump hunting to identify differentially methylated regions in epigenetic epidemiology studies. International Journal of Epidemiology 41(1):200-9.


dat <- dummyData()
# Enable parallelization
registerDoParallel(cores = 2)
# Find bumps
bumps <- bumphunter(dat$mat, design=dat$design, chr=dat$chr, pos=dat$pos,
cluster=dat$cluster, coef=2, cutoff= 0.28, nullMethod="bootstrap",
smooth=TRUE, B=250, verbose=TRUE,
# cleanup, for Windows

Make clusters of genomic locations based on distance


Genomic locations are grouped into clusters based on distance: locations that are close to each other are assigned to the same cluster. The operation is performed on each chromosome independently.


clusterMaker(chr, pos, assumeSorted = FALSE, maxGap = 300)
boundedClusterMaker(chr, pos, assumeSorted = FALSE,
                    maxClusterWidth = 1500, maxGap = 500)


chrA vector representing chromosomes. This is usually a character vector, but may be a factor or an integer.
posA numeric vector with genomic locations.
assumeSortedThis is a statement that the function may assume that the vector pos is sorted (within each chr ). Allowing the function to make this assumption may increase the speed of the function slightly.
maxGapAn integer. Genomic locations within maxGap from each other are placed into the same cluster.
maxClusterWidthAn integer. A cluster large than this width is broken into subclusters.


The main purpose of the function is to genomic location into clusters that are close enough to perform operations such as smoothing. A genomic location is a combination of a chromosome ( chr ) and an integer position ( pos ). Specifically, genomic intervals are not handled by this function.

Each chromosome is clustered independently from each other. Within each chromosome, clusters are formed in such a way that two positions belong to the same cluster if they are within maxGap of each other.


A vector of integers to be interpreted as IDs for the clusters, such that two genomic positions with the same cluster ID is in the same cluster. Each genomic position receives one integer ID.


Rafael A. Irizarry, Hector Corrada Bravo


N <- 1000
chr <- sample(1:5, N, replace=TRUE)
pos <- round(runif(N, 1, 10^5))
o <- order(chr, pos)
chr <- chr[o]
pos <- pos[o]
regionID <- clusterMaker(chr, pos)
regionID2 <- boundedClusterMaker(chr, pos)

Generate dummy data for use with bumphunter functions


This function generates a small dummy dataset representing samples from two different groups (cases and controls) that is used in bumphunter examples.


dummyData(n1 = 5, n2 = 5, sd = 0.2, l = 100, spacing = 100,
          clusterSpacing=1e5, numClusters=5)


n1Number of samples in group 1 (controls)
n2Number of samples in group 2 (cases)
sdWithin group standard deviation to be used when simulating data
lThe number of genomic locations for which to simulate data
spacingThe average spacing between locations. The actual locations have a random component so the actual spacing will be non-uniform
clusterSpacingThe spacing between clusters. (Specifically, the spacing between the first location in each cluster.)
numClustersDivide the genomic locations into this number of clusters, each of which will contain locations spaced spacing bp apart.


A list containing data that can be used with various bumphunter functions.



Martin J. Aryee


dat <- dummyData()

Segment a vector into positive, zero, and negative regions


Given two cutoffs, L and U, this function divides a numerical vector into contiguous parts that are above U, between L and U, and below L.


getSegments(x, f = NULL, cutoff = quantile(abs(x), 0.99),
            assumeSorted = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)


xA numeric vector.
fA factor used to pre-divide x into pieces. Each piece is then segmented based on the cutoff. Setting this to NULL says that there is no pre-division. Often, clusterMaker is used to define this factor.
cutoffa numeric vector of length either 1 or 2. If length is 1, U (see details) will be cutoff and L will be -cutoff. Otherwise it specifies L and U. The function will furthermore always use the minimum of cutoff for L and the maximum for U.
assumeSortedThis is a statement that the function may assume that the vector f is sorted. Allowing the function to make this assumption may increase the speed of the function slightly.
verboseShould the function be verbose?


This function is used to find the indexes of the bumps in functions such as bumphunter .

x is a numeric vector, which is converted into three levels depending on whether x>=U ( up ), L<x<U ( zero ) or x<=L ( down ), with L and U coming from cutoff . We assume that adjacent entries in x are next to each other in some sense. Segments, consisting of consecutive indices into x (ie. values between 1 and length(x) ), are formed such that all indices in the same segment belong to the same level of f and have the same discretized value of x .

In other words, we can use getSegments to find runs of x belonging to the same level of f and with all of the values of x either above U, between L and U, or below L.


A list with three components, each a list of indices. Each component of these lists represents a segment and this segment is represented by a vector of indices into the original vectors x and f .





Rafael A Irizarry and Kasper Daniel Hansen


x <- 1:100
y <- sin(8*pi*x/100)
chr <- rep(1, length(x))
indexes <- getSegments(y, chr, cutoff=0.8)
plot(x, y, type="n")
for(i in 1:3){
ind <- indexes[[i]]
for(j in seq(along=ind)) {
k <- ind[[j]]
text(x[k], y[k], j, col=i)
Link to this function


Apply local regression smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster.


Local regression smoothing with a gaussian kernal, is applied independently to each cluster of genomic locations. Locations within the same cluster are close together to warrant smoothing across neighbouring locations.


locfitByCluster(y, x = NULL, cluster, weights = NULL, minNum = 7,
               bpSpan = 1000, minInSpan = 0, verbose = TRUE)


yA vector or matrix of values to be smoothed. If a matrix, each column represents a sample.
xThe genomic location of the values in y
clusterA vector indicating clusters of locations. A cluster is typically defined as a region that is small enough that it makes sense to smooth across neighbouring locations. Smoothing will only be applied within a cluster, not across locations from different clusters.
weightsweights used by the locfit smoother
minNumClusters with fewer than minNum locations will not be smoothed
bpSpanThe span used when locfit smoothing. (Expressed in base pairs.)
minInSpanOnly smooth the region if there are at least this many locations in the span.
verboseBoolean. Should progress be reported?


This function is typically called by smoother , which is in turn called by bumphunter .




smoother , runmedByCluster , loessByCluster


Rafael A. Irizarry and Kasper D. Hansen


dat <- dummyData()
smoothed <- locfitByCluster(y=dat$mat[,1], cluster=dat$cluster, bpSpan = 1000,
minNum=7, minInSpan=5)
Link to this function


Apply loess smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster.


Loess smoothing is applied independently to each cluster of genomic locations. Locations within the same cluster are close together to warrant smoothing across neighbouring locations.


loessByCluster(y, x = NULL, cluster, weights = NULL, bpSpan = 1000,
               minNum = 7, minInSpan = 5, maxSpan = 1, verbose = TRUE)


yA vector or matrix of values to be smoothed. If a matrix, each column represents a sample.
xThe genomic location of the values in y
clusterA vector indicating clusters of locations. A cluster is typically defined as a region that is small enough that it makes sense to smooth across neighbouring locations. Smoothing will only be applied within a cluster, not across locations from different clusters.
weightsweights used by the loess smoother
bpSpanThe span used when loess smoothing. (Expressed in base pairs.)
minNumClusters with fewer than minNum locations will not be smoothed
minInSpanOnly smooth the region if there are at least this many locations in the span.
maxSpanThe maximum span. Spans greater than this value will be capped.
verboseBoolean. Should progress be reported?


This function is typically called by smoother , which is in turn called by bumphunter .




smoother , runmedByCluster , locfitByCluster


Rafael A. Irizarry


dat <- dummyData()
smoothed <- loessByCluster(y=dat$mat[,1], cluster=dat$cluster, bpSpan = 1000,
minNum=7, minInSpan=5, maxSpan=1)

Find and annotate closest genes to genomic regions


Find and annotate closest genes to genomic regions


matchGenes(x, subject, type = c("any", "fiveprime"), promoterDist = 2500, skipExons = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)


xAn IRanges or GenomicRanges object, or a data.frame with columns for start , end , and, optionally, chr or seqnames .
subjectAn GenomicRanges object containing transcripts or genes that have been annotated by the function annotateTranscripts .
promoterDistAnything within this distance to the transcription start site (TSE) will be considered a promoter.
typeShould the distance be computed to any part of the transcript or the five prime end.
skipExonsShould the annotation of exons be skipped. Skipping this part makes the code slightly faster.
verboselogical value. If 'TRUE', it writes out some messages indicating progress. If 'FALSE' nothing should be printed.


This function runs nearest and then annotates the the relationship between the region and the transcript/gene that is closest. Many details are provided on this relationship as described in the next section.


A data frame with one row for each query and with columns c("name", . The first column is the gene nearest the query, by virtue of it owning the transcript determined (or chosen by nearest ) to be nearest the query. Note that the nearest gene to a given query, in column 3, may not be unique and we arbitrarily chose one as done by default by nearest .

The "distance" column is the distance from the query to the 5' end of the nearest transcript, so may be different from the distance computed by nearest to that transcript, as a range.



annotateNearest , annotateTranscripts


Harris Jaffee, Peter Murakami and Rafael A. Irizarry


genes <- annotateTranscripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
tab<- matchGenes(islands,genes)

Find non-zero regions in vector


Find regions for which a numeric vector is above (or below) predefined thresholds.


regionFinder(x, chr, pos, cluster = NULL, y = x, summary = mean,
             ind = seq(along = x), order = TRUE, oneTable = TRUE,
             maxGap = 300, cutoff=quantile(abs(x), 0.99),
             assumeSorted = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)


xA numeric vector.
chrA character vector with the chromosomes of each location.
posA numeric vector representing the genomic location.
clusterThe clusters of locations that are to be analyzed together. In the case of microarrays, the cluster is many times supplied by the manufacturer. If not available the function clusterMaker can be used.
yA numeric vector with same length as x containing values to be averaged for the region summary. See details for more.
summaryThe function to be used to construct a summary of the y values for each region.
indan optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used when finding regions.
orderif TRUE then the resulting tables are ordered based on area of each region. Area is defined as the absolute value of the summarized y times the number of features in the regions.
oneTableif TRUE only one results table is returned. Otherwise, two tables are returned: one for the regions with positive values and one for the negative values.
maxGapIf cluster is not provided this number will be used to define clusters via the clusterMaker function.
cutoffThis argument is passed to getSegments . It represents the upper (and optionally the lower) cutoff for x .
assumeSortedThis argument is passed to getSegments and clusterMaker .
verboseShould the function be verbose?


This function is used in the final steps of bumphunter . While bumphunter does many things, such as regression and permutation, regionFinder simply finds regions that are above a certain threshold (using getSegments ) and summarizes them. The regions are found based on x and the summarized values are based on y (which by default equals x ). The summary is used for the ranking so one might, for example, use t-tests to find regions but summarize using effect sizes.


If oneTable is FALSE it returns two tables otherwise it returns one table. The rows of the table are regions. Information on the regions is included in the columns.


bumphunter for the main usage of this function, clusterMaker for the typical input to the cluster argument and getSegments for a function used within regionFinder .


Rafael A Irizarry


x <- seq(1:1000)
y <- sin(8*pi*x/1000) + rnorm(1000, 0, 0.2)
chr <- rep(c(1,2), each=length(x)/2)
tab <- regionFinder(y, chr, x, cutoff=0.8)
Link to this function


Apply running median smoothing to values within each spatially-defined cluster


Running median smoothing is applied independently to each cluster of genomic locations. Locations within the same cluster are close together to warrant smoothing across neighbouring locations.


runmedByCluster(y, x = NULL, cluster, weights = NULL, k = 5,
                endrule = "constant", verbose = TRUE)


yA vector or matrix of values to be smoothed. If a matrix, each column represents a sample.
xThe genomic location of the values in y.
clusterA vector indicating clusters of locations. A cluster is typically defined as a region that is small enough that it makes sense to smooth across neighbouring locations. Smoothing will only be applied within a cluster, not across locations from different clusters.
weightsweights used by the smoother.
kinteger width of median window; must be odd. See runmed
endrulecharacter string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated. See runmed .
verboseBoolean. Should progress be reported?


This function is typically called by smoother , which is in turn called by bumphunter .




smoother , loessByCluster . Also see runmed .


Rafael A. Irizarry


dat <- dummyData()
smoothed <- runmedByCluster(y=dat$mat[,1], cluster=dat$cluster,
k=5, endrule="constant")

Smooth genomic profiles


Apply smoothing to values typically representing the difference between two populations across genomic regions.


smoother(y, x = NULL, cluster, weights = NULL, smoothFunction,
         verbose = TRUE, ...)


yA vector or matrix of values to be smoothed. If a matrix, each column represents a sample.
xThe genomic location of the values in y
clusterA vector indicating clusters of locations. A cluster is typically defined as a region that is small enough that it makes sense to smooth across neighbouring locations. Smoothing will only be applied within a cluster, not across locations from different clusters
weightsweights used by the smoother.
smoothFunctionA function to be used for smoothing the estimate of the genomic profile. Two functions are provided by the package: loessByCluster and runmedByCluster .
verboseBoolean. Should progress be reported?
list()Further arguments to be passed to smoothFunction


This function is typically called by bumphunter prior to identifying candidate bump regions. Smoothing is carried out within regions defined by the cluster argument.




loessByCluster , runmedByCluster


Rafael A. Irizarry and Martin J. Aryee


dat <- dummyData()

# Enable parallelization
registerDoParallel(cores = 2)

## loessByCluster
smoothed <- smoother(y=dat$mat[,1], cluster=dat$cluster, smoothFunction=loessByCluster,
bpSpan = 1000, minNum=7, minInSpan=5, maxSpan=1)
## runmedByCluster
smoothed <- smoother(y=dat$mat[,1], cluster=dat$cluster, smoothFunction=runmedByCluster,
k=5, endrule="constant")
# cleanup, for Windows