bioconductor v3.9.0 GenomicRanges

The ability to efficiently represent and manipulate genomic

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DelegatingGenomicRanges objects

GNCList objects

Memory-efficient representation of genomic positions

GRangesList objects

GRanges objects

GenomicRangesList objects

Comparing and ordering genomic ranges

Transform genomic ranges into "absolute" ranges

Enforcing constraints thru Constraint objects

Coverage of a GRanges or GRangesList object

Finding overlapping genomic ranges

Squeeze the genomic ranges out of a range-based object

Manipulating genomic variables

Inter range transformations of a GRanges or GRangesList object

Intra range transformations of a GRanges or GRangesList object

Make a GRanges object from a data.frame or DataFrame

Make a GRangesList object from a data.frame or DataFrame

Finding the nearest genomic range neighbor

Calculate the "phi coefficient" between two binary variables

Set operations on genomic ranges

Strand utilities

Put (virtual) tiles on a given genome

Generate windows for a GenomicRanges

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DelegatingGenomicRanges objects


The DelegatingGenomicRanges class implements the virtual GenomicRanges class using a delegate GenomicRanges . This enables developers to create GenomicRanges subclasses that add specialized columns or other structure, while remaining agnostic to how the data are actually stored. See the Extending GenomicRanges vignette.


M. Lawrence

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GNCList objects


The GNCList class is a container for storing the Nested Containment List representation of a vector of genomic ranges (typically represented as a GRanges object). To preprocess a GRanges object, simply call the GNCList constructor function on it. The resulting GNCList object can then be used for efficient overlap-based operations on the genomic ranges.




xThe GRanges (or more generally GenomicRanges ) object to preprocess.


The IRanges package also defines the NCList and NCLists constructors and classes for preprocessing and representing a IntegerRanges or IntegerRangesList object as a data structure based on Nested Containment Lists.

Note that GNCList objects (introduced in BioC 3.1) are replacements for GIntervalTree objects (BioC < 3.1).

See ? in the IRanges package for some important differences between the new algorithm based on Nested Containment Lists and the old algorithm based on interval trees. In particular, the new algorithm supports preprocessing of a GenomicRanges object with ranges defined on circular sequences (e.g. on the mitochnodrial chromosome). See below for some examples.


A GNCList object.


  • The NCList and NCLists constructors and classs defined in the IRanges package.

  • findOverlaps for finding/counting interval overlaps between two range-based objects.

  • GRanges objects.


H. Pagès


Alexander V. Alekseyenko and Christopher J. Lee -- Nested Containment List (NCList): a new algorithm for accelerating interval query of genome alignment and interval databases. Bioinformatics (2007) 23 (11): 1386-1393. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl647


## The examples below are for illustration purpose only and do NOT
## reflect typical usage. This is because, for a one time use, it is
## NOT advised to explicitely preprocess the input for findOverlaps()
## or countOverlaps(). These functions will take care of it and do a
## better job at it (by preprocessing only what's needed when it's
## needed, and release memory as they go).

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

query <- GRanges(Rle(c("chrM", "chr1", "chrM", "chr1"), 4:1),
IRanges(1:10, width=5), strand=rep(c("+", "-"), 5))
subject <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chrM"), 3:1),
IRanges(6:1, width=5), strand="+")

## Either the query or the subject of findOverlaps() can be preprocessed:

ppsubject <- GNCList(subject)
hits1a <- findOverlaps(query, ppsubject)
hits1b <- findOverlaps(query, ppsubject, ignore.strand=TRUE)

ppquery <- GNCList(query)
hits2a <- findOverlaps(ppquery, subject)
hits2b <- findOverlaps(ppquery, subject, ignore.strand=TRUE)

## Note that 'hits1a' and 'hits2a' contain the same hits but not
## necessarily in the same order.
stopifnot(identical(sort(hits1a), sort(hits2a)))
## Same for 'hits1b' and 'hits2b'.
stopifnot(identical(sort(hits1b), sort(hits2b)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

seqinfo <- Seqinfo(c("chr1", "chr2", "chrM"),
seqlengths=c(100, 50, 10),
isCircular=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
seqinfo(query) <- seqinfo[seqlevels(query)]
seqinfo(subject) <- seqinfo[seqlevels(subject)]

ppsubject <- GNCList(subject)
hits3 <- findOverlaps(query, ppsubject)

## Circularity introduces more hits:

stopifnot(all(hits1a %in% hits3))
new_hits <- setdiff(hits3, hits1a)
new_hits  # 1 new hit
subject[subjectHits(new_hits)]  # positions 11:13 on chrM are the same
# as positions 1:3

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(new_hits, Hits(9, 6, 10, 6,
ppquery <- GNCList(query)
hits4 <- findOverlaps(ppquery, subject)
stopifnot(identical(sort(hits3), sort(hits4)))

Memory-efficient representation of genomic positions


The GPos class is a container for storing a set of genomic positions where most of the positions are typically (but not necessarily) adjacent. Because genomic positions can be seen as genomic ranges of width 1, the GPos class extends the GenomicRanges virtual class. Note that even though a GRanges instance can be used for storing genomic positions, using a GPos object will be much more memory-efficient, especially when the object contains long runs of adjacent positions in ascending order .


GPos(pos_runs)  # constructor function


pos_runsA GRanges object (or any other GenomicRanges derivative) where each range is interpreted as a run of adjacent ascending genomic positions on the same strand. If pos_runs is not a GenomicRanges derivative, GPos() first tries to coerce it to one with as(pos_runs, "GenomicRanges", strict=FALSE) .


A GPos object.


  • The IPos class in the list("IRanges") package for a memory-efficient representation of list("integer ", " positions") (i.e. integer ranges of width 1).

  • GenomicRanges and GRanges objects.

  • The seqinfo accessor and family in the list("GenomeInfoDb") package for accessing/modifying the seqinfo component of an object.

  • GenomicRanges-comparison for comparing and ordering genomic positions.

  • findOverlaps-methods for finding overlapping genomic ranges and/or positions.

  • nearest-methods for finding the nearest genomic range/position neighbor.

  • The snpsBySeqname , snpsByOverlaps , and snpsById methods for SNPlocs objects defined in the list("BSgenome") package for extractors that return a GPos object.

  • SummarizedExperiment objects in the list("SummarizedExperiment") package.


Like for any Vector derivative, the length of a GPos object cannot exceed .Machine$integer.max (i.e. 2^31 on most platforms). GPos() will return an error if pos_runs contains too many genomic positions.

Internal representation of GPos objects has changed in GenomicRanges 1.29.10 (Bioc 3.6). Update any old object x with: x <- updateObject(x, verbose=TRUE) .


Hervé Pagès; based on ideas borrowed from Georg Stricker and Julien Gagneur


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Example 1:
gpos1 <- GPos(c("chr1:44-53", "chr1:5-10", "chr2:2-5"))

pos(gpos1)  # same as 'start(gpos1)' and 'end(gpos1)'
as(gpos1, "GRanges"), "GRanges"))

## Example 2:
pos_runs <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(c(1, 6, 12, 17), c(5, 10, 16, 20)),
strand=c("+", "-", "-", "+"))
gpos2 <- GPos(pos_runs)


## Example 3:
gpos3A <- gpos3B <- GPos(c("chrI:1-1000", "chrI:1005-2000"))
npos <- length(gpos3A)

mcols(gpos3A)$sample <- Rle("sA")
sA_counts <- sample(10, npos, replace=TRUE)
mcols(gpos3A)$counts <- sA_counts

mcols(gpos3B)$sample <- Rle("sB")
sB_counts <- sample(10, npos, replace=TRUE)
mcols(gpos3B)$counts <- sB_counts

gpos3 <- c(gpos3A, gpos3B)

## Example 4:
genome <- BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer2
gpos4 <- GPos(seqinfo(genome))
gpos4  # all the positions along the genome are represented
mcols(gpos4)$dna <-"c", unname(as.list(genome)))

## Note however that, like for any Vector derivative, the length of a
## GPos object cannot exceed '.Machine$integer.max' (i.e. 2^31 on most
## platforms) so the above only works with a "small" genome.
## For example it doesn't work with the Human genome:
GPos(seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene))  # error!

## You can use isSmallGenome() to check upfront whether the genome is
## "small" or not.

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Coercion to GRanges works...
gr4 <- as(gpos4, "GRanges")
## ... but is generally not a good idea:
object.size(gr4)  # 8 times bigger than the GPos object!

## Shuffling the order of the positions impacts memory usage:
gpos4r <- rev(gpos4)
object.size(gpos4r)  # significantly
gpos4s <- sample(gpos4)
object.size(gpos4s)  # even worse!

## AN IMPORTANT NOTE: In the worst situations, GPos still performs as
## good as a GRanges object.
object.size(as(gpos4r, "GRanges"))  # same size as 'gpos4r'
object.size(as(gpos4s, "GRanges"))  # same size as 'gpos4s'

## Best case scenario is when the object is strictly sorted (i.e.
## positions are in strict ascending order).
## This can be checked with:
is.unsorted(gpos4, strict=TRUE)  # 'gpos4' is strictly sorted

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## In order to keep memory usage as low as possible, it is recommended
## to use a memory-efficient representation of the metadata columns that
## we want to set on the object. Rle's are particularly well suited for
## this, especially if the metadata columns contain long runs of
## identical values. This is the case for example if we want to use a
## GPos object to represent the coverage of sequencing reads along a
## genome.

## Example 5:
library(Rsamtools)  # for the BamFile() constructor function
bamfile1 <- BamFile(untreated1_chr4())
bamfile2 <- BamFile(untreated3_chr4())
gpos5 <- GPos(seqinfo(bamfile1))
library(GenomicAlignments)  # for "coverage" method for BamFile objects
cvg1 <- unlist(coverage(bamfile1), use.names=FALSE)
cvg2 <- unlist(coverage(bamfile2), use.names=FALSE)
mcols(gpos5) <- DataFrame(cvg1, cvg2)

object.size(gpos5)  # lightweight

## Keep only the positions where coverage is at least 10 in one of the
## 2 samples:
|gpos5[mcols(gpos5)$cvg1 >= 10 | mcols(gpos5)$cvg2 >= 10]|

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## USING A GPos OBJECT IN A SummarizedExperiment OBJECT
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Because the GPos class extends the GenomicRanges virtual class, a GPos
## object can be used as the rowRanges component of a SummarizedExperiment
## object.

## As a 1st example, we show how the counts for samples sA and sB in
## 'gpos3' can be stored in a SummarizedExperiment object where the rows
## correspond to unique genomic positions and the columns to samples:
counts <- cbind(sA=sA_counts, sB=sB_counts)
mcols(gpos3A) <- NULL
rse3 <- SummarizedExperiment(list(counts=counts), rowRanges=gpos3A)

## Finally we show how the coverage data from Example 5 can be easily
## stored in a lightweight SummarizedExperiment object:
cvg <- mcols(gpos5)
mcols(gpos5) <- NULL
rse5 <- SummarizedExperiment(list(cvg=cvg), rowRanges=gpos5)

## Keep only the positions where coverage is at least 10 in one of the
## 2 samples:
|rse5[assay(rse5)$cvg1 >= 10 | assay(rse5)$cvg2 >= 10]|
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GRangesList objects


The GRangesList class is a container for storing a collection of GRanges objects. It is a subclass of GenomicRangesList . It exists in 2 flavors: SimpleGRangesList and CompressedGRangesList. Each flavor uses a particular internal representation. The CompressedGRangesList flavor is the default. It is particularly efficient for storing a large number of list elements and operating on them.



P. Aboyoun & H. Pagès


## Construction with GRangesList():
gr1 <-
GRanges(seqnames = "chr2", ranges = IRanges(3, 6),
strand = "+", score = 5L, GC = 0.45)
gr2 <-
GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr1"),
ranges = IRanges(c(7,13), width = 3),
strand = c("+", "-"), score = 3:4, GC = c(0.3, 0.5))
gr3 <-
GRanges(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr2"),
ranges = IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
strand = c("-", "-"), score = c(6L, 2L), GC = c(0.4, 0.1))
grl <- GRangesList("gr1" = gr1, "gr2" = gr2, "gr3" = gr3)

## Summarizing elements:

## Extracting subsets:
grl[seqnames(grl) == "chr1", ]
grl[seqnames(grl) == "chr1" & strand(grl) == "+", ]

## Renaming the underlying sequences:
seqlevels(grl) <- sub("chr", "Chrom", seqlevels(grl))

## Coerce to IRangesList (seqnames and strand information is lost):
as(grl, "IRangesList")

## isDisjoint():

## disjoin():
disjoin(grl)  # metadata columns and order NOT preserved

## Construction with makeGRangesListFromFeatureFragments():
filepath <- system.file("extdata", "feature_frags.txt",
featfrags <- read.table(filepath, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
grl2 <- with(featfrags,
names(grl2) <- featfrags$RefSeqID
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GRanges objects


The GRanges class is a container for the genomic locations and their associated annotations.


GRanges is a vector of genomic locations and associated annotations. Each element in the vector is comprised of a sequence name, an interval, a strand , and optional metadata columns (e.g. score, GC content, etc.). This information is stored in four components: list(" ", " ", list(list(list("seqnames")), list("a 'factor' ", list("Rle"), " object ", " containing the sequence names.")), " ", " ", list(list(list("ranges")), list("an ", list("IRanges"), " object containing ", " the ranges.")), " ", " ", list(list(list("strand")), list("a 'factor' ", list("Rle"), " object containing ", " the ", list("strand"), " information.")), " ", " ", list(list(list("mcols")), list("a ", list("DataFrame"), " object ", " containing the metadata columns. Columns cannot be named ",

"      ", list(""seqnames""), ", ", list(""ranges""), ", ", list(""strand""), ",

", " ", list(""seqlevels""), ", ", list(""seqlengths""), ", ", list(""isCircular""), ", ", " ", list(""start""), ", ", list(""end""), ", ", list(""width""), ", or ", list(""element""), ".")), " ", " ", list(list(list("seqinfo")), list("a ", list("Seqinfo"), " object containing information ", " about the set of genomic sequences present in the GRanges object.")), " ", " ")



P. Aboyoun and H. Pagès


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Specifying the bare minimum i.e. seqnames and ranges only. The
## GRanges object will have no names, no strand information, and no
## metadata columns:
gr0 <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr2", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
IRanges(1:10, width=10:1))

## Specifying names, strand, metadata columns. They can be set on an
## existing object:
names(gr0) <- head(letters, 10)
strand(gr0) <- Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2))
mcols(gr0)$score <- 1:10
mcols(gr0)$GC <- seq(1, 0, length=10)

## ... or specified at construction time:
gr <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr2", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
IRanges(1:10, width=10:1, names=head(letters, 10)),
Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
score=1:10, GC=seq(1, 0, length=10))
stopifnot(identical(gr0, gr))

## Specifying the seqinfo. It can be set on an existing object:
seqinfo <- Seqinfo(paste0("chr", 1:3), c(1000, 2000, 1500), NA, "mock1")
seqinfo(gr0) <- merge(seqinfo(gr0), seqinfo)
seqlevels(gr0) <- seqlevels(seqinfo)

## ... or specified at construction time:
gr <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr2", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
IRanges(1:10, width=10:1, names=head(letters, 10)),
Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
score=1:10, GC=seq(1, 0, length=10),
stopifnot(identical(gr0, gr))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## From GRanges:

## From character to GRanges:
x1 <- "chr2:56-125"
as(x1, "GRanges")
as(rep(x1, 4), "GRanges")
x2 <- c(A=x1, B="chr1:25-30:-")
as(x2, "GRanges")

## From data.frame to GRanges:
df <- data.frame(chrom="chr2", start=11:15, end=20:24)
gr3 <- as(df, "GRanges")

## Alternatively, coercion to GRanges can be done by just calling the
## GRanges() constructor on the object to coerce:
gr1 <- GRanges(x1)  # same as as(x1, "GRanges")
gr2 <- GRanges(x2)  # same as as(x2, "GRanges")
gr3 <- GRanges(df)  # same as as(df, "GRanges")

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(as(x1, "GRanges"), gr1))
stopifnot(identical(as(x2, "GRanges"), gr2))
stopifnot(identical(as(df, "GRanges"), gr3))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## The number of lines displayed in the 'show' method are controlled
## with two global options:
longGR  <- sample(gr, 25, replace=TRUE)

## Revert to default values

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
seqlevels(gr) <- sub("chr", "Chrom", seqlevels(gr))
seqlevels(gr) <- sub("Chrom", "chr", seqlevels(gr)) # revert

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(c('chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'), c(3, 3, 4)),
IRanges(1:10, width=5),
score=101:110, GC=runif(10),
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(c('chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'), c(3, 4, 3)),
IRanges(101:110, width=10),
seqinfo=seqinfo) <- c(gr, gr2)

c(gr, gr2, gr3)
c(gr, gr2, gr3, ignore.mcols=TRUE)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Subsetting *by* a GRanges subscript is supported only if the object
## to subset is a named list-like object:
x <- RleList(chr1=101:120, chr2=2:-8, chr3=31:40)
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GenomicRangesList objects


The GenomicRangesList virtual class is a general container for storing a list of GenomicRanges objects.

Most users are probably more interested in the GRangesList container, a GenomicRangesList derivative for storing a list of GRanges objects.


The place of GenomicRangesList in the list("Vector class hierarchy") : | list(" ", " Vector ", " ^ ", " | ", " List ", " ^ ", " | ", " RangesList ", " ^ ^ ", " /
", " /
", " /
", " /
", | | " /
", " /
", " IntegerRangesList GenomicRangesList ", " ^ ^ ", " | | ", " IRangesList GRangesList ", " ^ ^ ^ ^ ", " / \ /
", " / \ /
", |

"          /           \                     /           \

", " SimpleIRangesList \ SimpleGRangesList
", " CompressedIRangesList CompressedGRangesList ", " ") Note that the list("Vector class hierarchy") has many more classes. In particular Vector , List , RangesList , and IntegerRangesList have other subclasses not shown here.



H. Pagès and M. Lawrence

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Comparing and ordering genomic ranges


Methods for comparing and/or ordering GenomicRanges objects.


## duplicated()
## ------------
list(list("duplicated"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, incomparables=FALSE, fromLast=FALSE,
           nmax=NA, method=c("auto", "quick", "hash"))
## match() & selfmatch()
## ---------------------
list(list("match"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, incomparables=NULL,
      method=c("auto", "quick", "hash"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("selfmatch"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, method=c("auto", "quick", "hash"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
## order() and related methods
## ----------------------------
list(list("is.unsorted"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, na.rm=FALSE, strictly=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("order"), list("GenomicRanges"))(..., na.last=TRUE, decreasing=FALSE,
           method=c("auto", "shell", "radix"))
list(list("sort"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, decreasing=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE, by)
list(list("rank"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, na.last=TRUE,
     ties.method=c("average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min"),
## Generalized parallel comparison of 2 GenomicRanges objects
## ----------------------------------------------------------
list(list("pcompare"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, y)


x, table, yGenomicRanges objects.
incomparablesNot supported.
fromLast, method, nomatch, nmax, na.rm, strictly, na.last, decreasingSee `?`` in the IRanges package for a description of these arguments.
ignore.strandWhether or not the strand should be ignored when comparing 2 genomic ranges.
...One or more GenomicRanges objects. The GenomicRanges objects after the first one are used to break ties.
ties.methodA character string specifying how ties are treated. Only "first" is supported for now.
byAn optional formula that is resolved against as.env(x) ; the resulting variables are passed to order to generate the ordering permutation.


Two elements of a GenomicRanges derivative (i.e. two genomic ranges) are considered equal iff they are on the same underlying sequence and strand, and share the same start and width. duplicated() and unique() on a GenomicRanges derivative are conforming to this.

The "natural order" for the elements of a GenomicRanges derivative is to order them (a) first by sequence level, (b) then by strand, (c) then by start, (d) and finally by width. This way, the space of genomic ranges is totally ordered. Note that, because we already do (c) and (d) for regular ranges (see ?`` ), genomic ranges that belong to the same underlying sequence and strand are ordered like regular ranges.pcompare(),==,!=,<=,>=,<and>on [GenomicRanges](#genomicranges) derivatives behave accordingly to this "natural order".is.unsorted(),order(),sort(),rank()on [GenomicRanges](#genomicranges) derivatives also behave accordingly to this "natural order". Finally, note that some inter range transformations like [reduce](#reduce) or [disjoin](#disjoin) also use this "natural order" implicitly when operating on [GenomicRanges](#genomicranges) derivatives. ## Seealso * The [GenomicRanges](#genomicranges) class. * [IPosRanges-comparison](#iposranges-comparison) in the IRanges package for comparing and ordering genomic ranges. * [findOverlaps-methods](#findoverlaps-methods) for finding overlapping genomic ranges. * [intra-range-methods](#intra-range-methods) and [inter-range-methods](#inter-range-methods) for intra range and inter range transformations of a [GRanges](#granges) object. * [setops-methods](#setops-methods) for set operations on [GenomicRanges](#genomicranges) objects. ## Author H. Pagès,is.unsorted` contributed by Pete Hickey ## Examples r gr0 <- GRanges( Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)), IRanges(c(1:9,7L), end=10), strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)), seqlengths=c(chr1=11, chr2=12, chr3=13) ) gr <- c(gr0, gr0[7:3]) names(gr) <- LETTERS[seq_along(gr)] ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A. ELEMENT-WISE (AKA "PARALLEL") COMPARISON OF 2 GenomicRanges OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr[2] == gr[2] # TRUE gr[2] == gr[5] # FALSE gr == gr[4] gr >= gr[3] ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## B. match(), selfmatch(), %in%, duplicated(), unique() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- table <- gr[1:7] match(gr, table) match(gr, table, ignore.strand=TRUE) gr %in% table duplicated(gr) unique(gr) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## C. findMatches(), countMatches() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- findMatches(gr, table) countMatches(gr, table) findMatches(gr, table, ignore.strand=TRUE) countMatches(gr, table, ignore.strand=TRUE) gr_levels <- unique(gr) countMatches(gr_levels, gr) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## D. order() AND RELATED METHODS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- is.unsorted(gr) order(gr) sort(gr) is.unsorted(sort(gr)) is.unsorted(gr, ignore.strand=TRUE) gr2 <- sort(gr, ignore.strand=TRUE) is.unsorted(gr2) # TRUE is.unsorted(gr2, ignore.strand=TRUE) # FALSE ## TODO: Broken. Please fix! #sort(gr, by = ~ seqnames + start + end) # equivalent to (but slower than) above score(gr) <- rev(seq_len(length(gr))) ## TODO: Broken. Please fix! #sort(gr, by = ~ score) rank(gr, ties.method="first") rank(gr, ties.method="first", ignore.strand=TRUE) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## E. GENERALIZED ELEMENT-WISE COMPARISON OF 2 GenomicRanges OBJECTS ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr3 <- GRanges(c(rep("chr1", 12), "chr2"), IRanges(c(1:11, 6:7), width=3)) strand(gr3)[12] <- "+" gr4 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(5, 9)) pcompare(gr3, gr4) rangeComparisonCodeToLetter(pcompare(gr3, gr4))

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Transform genomic ranges into "absolute" ranges


absoluteRanges transforms the genomic ranges in x into absolute ranges i.e. into ranges counted from the beginning of the virtual sequence obtained by concatenating all the sequences in the underlying genome (in the order reported by seqlevels(x) ).

relativeRanges performs the reverse transformation.

NOTE: These functions only work on small genomes. See Details section below.


relativeRanges(x, seqlengths)
## Related utility:


xFor absoluteRanges : a GenomicRanges object with ranges defined on a small genome (see Details section below). For relativeRanges : an IntegerRanges object.
seqlengthsAn object holding sequence lengths. This can be a named integer (or numeric) vector with no duplicated names as returned by seqlengths , or any object from which sequence lengths can be extracted with seqlengths . For relativeRanges , seqlengths must describe a small genome (see Details section below).


Because absoluteRanges returns the absolute ranges in an IRanges object, and because an IRanges object cannot hold ranges with an end > .Machine$integer.max (i.e. >= 2^31 on most platforms), absoluteRanges cannot be used if the size of the underlying genome (i.e. the total length of the sequences in it) is > .Machine$integer.max . Utility function isSmallGenome is provided as a mean for the user to check upfront whether the genome is small (i.e. its size is <= .Machine$integer.max ) or not, and thus compatible with absoluteRanges or not.

relativeRanges applies the same restriction by looking at the seqlengths argument.


An IRanges object for absoluteRanges .

A GRanges object for relativeRanges .

absoluteRanges and relativeRanges both return an object that is parallel to the input object (i.e. same length and names).

isSmallGenome returns TRUE if the total length of the underlying sequences is <= .Machine$integer.max (e.g. Fly genome), FALSE if not (e.g. Human genome), or NA if it cannot be computed (because some sequence lengths are NA).



H. Pagès


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

gr <- GRanges(Rle(c("chr2", "chr1", "chr3", "chr1"), 4:1),
IRanges(1:10, width=5),
seqinfo=Seqinfo(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"), c(100, 50, 20)))

ar <- absoluteRanges(gr)

gr2 <- relativeRanges(ar, seqlengths(gr))

## Sanity check:
stopifnot(all(gr == gr2))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## With a "small" genome

txdb <- TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene
ex <- exons(txdb)


## Note that because isSmallGenome() can return NA (see Value section
## above), its result should always be wrapped inside isTRUE() when
## used in an if statement:
if (isTRUE(isSmallGenome(ex))) {
ar <- absoluteRanges(ex)

ex2 <- relativeRanges(ar, seqlengths(ex))
ex2  # original strand is not restored

## Sanity check:
strand(ex2) <- strand(ex)  # restore the strand
stopifnot(all(ex == ex2))

## With a "big" genome (but we can reduce it)

txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
ex <- exons(txdb)
absoluteRanges(ex)  # error!

## However, if we are only interested in some chromosomes, we might
## still be able to use absoluteRanges():
seqlevels(ex, pruning.mode="coarse") <- paste0("chr", 1:10)
isSmallGenome(ex)  # TRUE!
ar <- absoluteRanges(ex)
ex2 <- relativeRanges(ar, seqlengths(ex))

## Sanity check:
strand(ex2) <- strand(ex)
stopifnot(all(ex == ex2))

Enforcing constraints thru Constraint objects


Attaching a Constraint object to an object of class A (the "constrained" object) is meant to be a convenient/reusable/extensible way to enforce a particular set of constraints on particular instances of A.



For the developer, using constraints is an alternative to the more traditional approach that consists in creating subclasses of A and implementing specific validity methods for each of them. However, using constraints offers the following advantages over the traditional approach:

  • The traditional approach often tends to lead to a proliferation of subclasses of A.

  • Constraints can easily be re-used across different classes without the need to create any new class.

  • Constraints can easily be combined.

All constraints are implemented as concrete subclasses of the Constraint class, which is a virtual class with no slots. Like the Constraint virtual class itself, concrete Constraint subclasses cannot have slots.

Here are the 7 steps typically involved in the process of putting constraints on objects of class A:

  • Add a slot named constraint to the definition of class A. The type of this slot must be Constraint_OR_NULL. Note that any subclass of A will inherit this slot.

  • Implements the constraint() accessors (getter and setter) for objects of class A. This is done by implementing the "constraint" method (getter) and replacement method (setter) for objects of class A (see the examples below). As a convenience to the user, the setter should also accept the name of a constraint (i.e. the name of its class) in addition to an instance of that class. Note that those accessors will work on instances of any subclass of A.

  • Modify the validity method for class A so it also returns the result of checkConstraint(x, constraint(x)) (append this result to the result returned by the validity method).

  • Testing: Create x , an instance of class A (or subclass of A). By default there is no constraint on it ( constraint(x) is NULL ). validObject(x) should return TRUE .

  • Create a new constraint (MyConstraint) by extending the Constraint class, typically with setClass("MyConstraint", contains="Constraint") . This constraint is not enforcing anything yet so you could put it on x (with constraint(x) <- "MyConstraint" ), but not much would happen. In order to actually enforce something, a "checkConstraint" method for signature c(x="A", constraint="MyConstraint") needs to be implemented.

  • Implement a "checkConstraint" method for signature c(x="A", constraint="MyConstraint") . Like validity methods, "checkConstraint" methods must return NULL or a character vector describing the problems found. Like validity methods, they should never fail (i.e. they should never raise an error). Note that, alternatively, an existing constraint (e.g. SomeConstraint) can be adapted to work on objects of class A by just defining a new "checkConstraint" method for signature c(x="A", constraint="SomeConstraint") . Also, stricter constraints can be built on top of existing constraints by extending one or more existing constraints (see the examples below).

  • Testing: Try constraint(x) <- "MyConstraint" . It will or will not work depending on whether x satisfies the constraint or not. In the former case, trying to modify x in a way that breaks the constraint on it will also raise an error.


setClass , is , setMethod , showMethods , validObject , GenomicRanges-class


WARNING: This note is not true anymore as the constraint slot has been temporarily removed from GenomicRanges objects (starting with package GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9).

Currently, only GenomicRanges objects can be constrained, that is:

  • they have a constraint slot;

  • they have constraint() accessors (getter and setter) for this slot;

  • their validity method has been modified so it also returns the result of checkConstraint(x, constraint(x)) .
    More classes in the GenomicRanges and IRanges packages will support constraints in the near future.


H. Pagès


## The examples below show how to define and set constraints on
## GenomicRanges objects. Note that this is how the constraint()
## setter is defined for GenomicRanges objects:
#setReplaceMethod("constraint", "GenomicRanges",
#    function(x, value)
#    {
#        if (isSingleString(value))
#            value <- new(value)
#        if (!is(value, "Constraint_OR_NULL"))
#            stop("the supplied 'constraint' must be a ",
#                 "Constraint object, a single string, or NULL")
#        x@constraint <- value
#        validObject(x)
#        x
#    }

#selectMethod("constraint", "GenomicRanges")  # the getter
#selectMethod("constraint<-", "GenomicRanges")  # the setter

## We'll use the GRanges instance 'gr' created in the GRanges examples
## to test our constraints:
example(GRanges, echo=FALSE)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## EXAMPLE 1: The HasRangeTypeCol constraint.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The HasRangeTypeCol constraint checks that the constrained object
## has a unique "rangeType" metadata column and that this column
## is a 'factor' Rle with no NAs and with the following levels
## (in this order): gene, transcript, exon, cds, 5utr, 3utr.

setClass("HasRangeTypeCol", contains="Constraint")

## Like validity methods, "checkConstraint" methods must return NULL or
## a character vector describing the problems found. They should never
## fail i.e. they should never raise an error.
setMethod("checkConstraint", c("GenomicRanges", "HasRangeTypeCol"),
function(x, constraint, verbose=FALSE)
x_mcols <- mcols(x)
idx <- match("rangeType", colnames(x_mcols))
|if (length(idx) != 1L || {|
msg <- c("'mcols(x)' must have exactly 1 column ",
"named "rangeType"")
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))
rangeType <- x_mcols[[idx]]
.LEVELS <- c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "cds", "5utr", "3utr")
|if (!is(rangeType, "Rle") |||
|S4Vectors:::anyMissing(runValue(rangeType)) |||
!identical(levels(rangeType), .LEVELS))
msg <- c("'mcols(x)$rangeType' must be a ",
"'factor' Rle with no NAs and with levels: ",
paste(.LEVELS, collapse=", "))
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))

#constraint(gr) <- "HasRangeTypeCol"  # will fail
checkConstraint(gr, new("HasRangeTypeCol"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

levels <- c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "cds", "5utr", "3utr")
rangeType <- Rle(factor(c("cds", "gene"), levels=levels), c(8, 2))
mcols(gr)$rangeType <- rangeType
#constraint(gr) <- "HasRangeTypeCol"  # OK
checkConstraint(gr, new("HasRangeTypeCol"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

## Use is() to check whether the object has a given constraint or not:
#is(constraint(gr), "HasRangeTypeCol")  # TRUE
#mcols(gr)$rangeType[3] <- NA  # will fail
mcols(gr)$rangeType[3] <- NA
checkConstraint(gr, new("HasRangeTypeCol"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## EXAMPLE 2: The GeneRanges constraint.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The GeneRanges constraint is defined on top of the HasRangeTypeCol
## constraint. It checks that all the ranges in the object are of type
## "gene".

setClass("GeneRanges", contains="HasRangeTypeCol")

## The checkConstraint() generic will check the HasRangeTypeCol constraint
## first, and, only if it's statisfied, it will then check the GeneRanges
## constraint.
setMethod("checkConstraint", c("GenomicRanges", "GeneRanges"),
function(x, constraint, verbose=FALSE)
rangeType <- mcols(x)$rangeType
if (!all(rangeType == "gene")) {
msg <- c("all elements in 'mcols(x)$rangeType' ",
"must be equal to "gene"")
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))

#constraint(gr) <- "GeneRanges"  # will fail
checkConstraint(gr, new("GeneRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

mcols(gr)$rangeType[] <- "gene"
## This replace the previous constraint (HasRangeTypeCol):
#constraint(gr) <- "GeneRanges"  # OK
checkConstraint(gr, new("GeneRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

#is(constraint(gr), "GeneRanges")  # TRUE
## However, 'gr' still indirectly has the HasRangeTypeCol constraint
## (because the GeneRanges constraint extends the HasRangeTypeCol
## constraint):
#is(constraint(gr), "HasRangeTypeCol")  # TRUE
#mcols(gr)$rangeType[] <- "exon"  # will fail
mcols(gr)$rangeType[] <- "exon"
checkConstraint(gr, new("GeneRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## EXAMPLE 3: The HasGCCol constraint.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The HasGCCol constraint checks that the constrained object has a
## unique "GC" metadata column, that this column is of type numeric,
## with no NAs, and that all the values in that column are >= 0 and <= 1.

setClass("HasGCCol", contains="Constraint")

setMethod("checkConstraint", c("GenomicRanges", "HasGCCol"),
function(x, constraint, verbose=FALSE)
x_mcols <- mcols(x)
idx <- match("GC", colnames(x_mcols))
|if (length(idx) != 1L || {|
msg <- c("'mcols(x)' must have exactly ",
"one column named "GC"")
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))
GC <- x_mcols[[idx]]
|if (!is.numeric(GC) |||
|S4Vectors:::anyMissing(GC) |||
|any(GC < 0) || any(GC > 1))|
msg <- c("'mcols(x)$GC' must be a numeric vector ",
"with no NAs and with values between 0 and 1")
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))

## This replace the previous constraint (GeneRanges):
#constraint(gr) <- "HasGCCol"  # OK
checkConstraint(gr, new("HasGCCol"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

#is(constraint(gr), "HasGCCol")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "GeneRanges")  # FALSE
#is(constraint(gr), "HasRangeTypeCol")  # FALSE

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## EXAMPLE 4: The HighGCRanges constraint.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The HighGCRanges constraint is defined on top of the HasGCCol
## constraint. It checks that all the ranges in the object have a GC
## content >= 0.5.

setClass("HighGCRanges", contains="HasGCCol")

## The checkConstraint() generic will check the HasGCCol constraint
## first, and, if it's statisfied, it will then check the HighGCRanges
## constraint.
setMethod("checkConstraint", c("GenomicRanges", "HighGCRanges"),
function(x, constraint, verbose=FALSE)
GC <- mcols(x)$GC
if (!all(GC >= 0.5)) {
msg <- c("all elements in 'mcols(x)$GC' ",
"must be >= 0.5")
return(paste(msg, collapse=""))

#constraint(gr) <- "HighGCRanges"  # will fail
checkConstraint(gr, new("HighGCRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9
mcols(gr)$GC[6:10] <- 0.5
#constraint(gr) <- "HighGCRanges"  # OK
checkConstraint(gr, new("HighGCRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

#is(constraint(gr), "HighGCRanges")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "HasGCCol")  # TRUE

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## EXAMPLE 5: The HighGCGeneRanges constraint.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The HighGCGeneRanges constraint is the combination (AND) of the
## GeneRanges and HighGCRanges constraints.

setClass("HighGCGeneRanges", contains=c("GeneRanges", "HighGCRanges"))

## No need to define a method for this constraint: the checkConstraint()
## generic will automatically check the GeneRanges and HighGCRanges
## constraints.

#constraint(gr) <- "HighGCGeneRanges"  # OK
checkConstraint(gr, new("HighGCGeneRanges"))  # with GenomicRanges >= 1.7.9

#is(constraint(gr), "HighGCGeneRanges")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "HighGCRanges")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "HasGCCol")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "GeneRanges")  # TRUE
#is(constraint(gr), "HasRangeTypeCol")  # TRUE

## See how all the individual constraints are checked (from less
## specific to more specific constraints):
#checkConstraint(gr, constraint(gr), verbose=TRUE)
checkConstraint(gr, new("HighGCGeneRanges"), verbose=TRUE)  # with
# GenomicRanges
# >= 1.7.9

## See all the "checkConstraint" methods:
Link to this function


Coverage of a GRanges or GRangesList object


coverage methods for GRanges and GRangesList objects.

NOTE: The coverage generic function and methods for IntegerRanges and IntegerRangesList objects are defined and documented in the IRanges package. Methods for GAlignments and GAlignmentPairs objects are defined and documented in the GenomicAlignments package.


list(list("coverage"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L,
            method=c("auto", "sort", "hash"))
list(list("coverage"), list("GRangesList"))(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L,
            method=c("auto", "sort", "hash"))


xA GenomicRanges or GRangesList object.
shift, weightA numeric vector or a list-like object. If numeric, it must be parallel to x (recycled if necessary). If a list-like object, it must have 1 list element per seqlevel in x , and its names must be exactly seqlevels(x) . Alternatively, each of these arguments can also be specified as a single string naming a metadata column in x (i.e. a column in mcols(x) ) to be used as the shift (or weight ) vector. See ? in the IRanges package for more information about these arguments. Note that when x is a GPos object, each of these arguments can only be a single number or a named list-like object.
widthEither NULL (the default), or an integer vector. If NULL , it is replaced with seqlengths(x) . Otherwise, the vector must have the length and names of seqlengths(x) and contain NAs or non-negative integers. See ? in the IRanges package for more information about this argument.
methodSee ? in the IRanges package for a description of this argument.


When x is a GRangesList object, coverage(x, ...) is equivalent to coverage(unlist(x), ...) .


A named RleList object with one coverage vector per seqlevel in x .



H. Pagès and P. Aboyoun


## Coverage of a GRanges object:
gr <- GRanges(
seqnames=Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
ranges=IRanges(1:10, end=10),
strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
seqlengths=c(chr1=11, chr2=12, chr3=13))
cvg <- coverage(gr)
pcvg <- coverage(gr[strand(gr) == "+"])
mcvg <- coverage(gr[strand(gr) == "-"])
scvg <- coverage(gr[strand(gr) == "*"])
stopifnot(identical(pcvg + mcvg + scvg, cvg))

## Coverage of a GPos object:
pos_runs <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr1", "chr2"),
IRanges(c(1, 5, 9), c(10, 8, 15)))
gpos <- GPos(pos_runs)

## Coverage of a GRangesList object:
gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr2",
ranges=IRanges(3, 6),
strand = "+")
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr1"),
ranges=IRanges(c(7,13), width=3),
strand=c("+", "-"))
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr2"),
ranges=IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
strand=c("-", "-"))
grl <- GRangesList(gr1=gr1, gr2=gr2, gr3=gr3)
stopifnot(identical(coverage(grl), coverage(unlist(grl))))
Link to this function


Finding overlapping genomic ranges


Various methods for finding/counting overlaps between objects containing genomic ranges. This man page describes the methods that operate on GenomicRanges and GRangesList objects.

NOTE: The findOverlaps generic function and methods for IntegerRanges and IntegerRangesList objects are defined and documented in the IRanges package. The methods for GAlignments , GAlignmentPairs , and GAlignmentsList objects are defined and documented in the GenomicAlignments package.

GenomicRanges and GRangesList objects also support countOverlaps , overlapsAny , and subsetByOverlaps thanks to the default methods defined in the IRanges package and to the findOverlaps and countOverlaps methods defined in this package and documented below.


list(list("findOverlaps"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(query, subject,
    maxgap=-1L, minoverlap=0L,
    type=c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
    select=c("all", "first", "last", "arbitrary"),
list(list("countOverlaps"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(query, subject,
    maxgap=-1L, minoverlap=0L,
    type=c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),


query, subjectA GRanges or GRangesList object.
maxgap, minoverlap, typeSee ? in the IRanges package for a description of these arguments.
selectWhen select is "all" (the default), the results are returned as a Hits object. Otherwise the returned value is an integer vector parallel to query (i.e. same length) containing the first, last, or arbitrary overlapping interval in subject , with NA indicating intervals that did not overlap any intervals in subject .
ignore.strandWhen set to TRUE , the strand information is ignored in the overlap calculations.


When the query and the subject are GRanges or GRangesList objects, findOverlaps uses the triplet (sequence name, range, strand) to determine which features (see paragraph below for the definition of feature) from the query overlap which features in the subject , where a strand value of "*" is treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand. An overlap is recorded when a feature in the query and a feature in the subject have the same sequence name, have a compatible pairing of strands (e.g. "+" / "+" , "-" / "-" , "*" / "+" , "*" / "-" , etc.), and satisfy the interval overlap requirements.

In the context of findOverlaps , a feature is a collection of ranges that are treated as a single entity. For GRanges objects, a feature is a single range; while for GRangesList objects, a feature is a list element containing a set of ranges. In the results, the features are referred to by number, which run from 1 to length(query) / length(subject) .

For type="equal" with GRangesList objects, query[[i]] matches subject[[j]] iff for each range in query[[i]] there is an identical range in subject[[j]] , and vice versa.


For findOverlaps either a Hits object when select="all" or an integer vector otherwise.

For countOverlaps an integer vector containing the tabulated query overlap hits.


  • The Hits class for representing a set of hits between 2 vector-like objects.

  • The findOverlaps generic function defined in the IRanges package.

  • The GNCList constructor and class for preprocessing and representing a GenomicRanges or object as a data structure based on Nested Containment Lists.

  • The GRanges and GRangesList classes.


P. Aboyoun, S. Falcon, M. Lawrence, and H. Pagès


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## GRanges object:
gr <- GRanges(
seqnames=Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
ranges=IRanges(1:10, width=10:1, names=head(letters,10)),
strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
GC=seq(1, 0, length=10)

## GRangesList object:
gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr2", ranges=IRanges(4:3, 6),
strand="+", score=5:4, GC=0.45)
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr1"),
ranges=IRanges(c(7,13), width=3),
strand=c("+", "-"), score=3:4, GC=c(0.3, 0.5))
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr2"),
ranges=IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
strand=c("-", "-"), score=c(6L, 2L), GC=c(0.4, 0.1))
grl <- GRangesList("gr1"=gr1, "gr2"=gr2, "gr3"=gr3)

## Overlapping two GRanges objects:
table(!, gr1, select="arbitrary")))
countOverlaps(gr, gr1)
findOverlaps(gr, gr1)
subsetByOverlaps(gr, gr1)

countOverlaps(gr, gr1, type="start")
findOverlaps(gr, gr1, type="start")
subsetByOverlaps(gr, gr1, type="start")

findOverlaps(gr, gr1, select="first")
findOverlaps(gr, gr1, select="last")

findOverlaps(gr1, gr)
findOverlaps(gr1, gr, type="start")
findOverlaps(gr1, gr, type="within")
findOverlaps(gr1, gr, type="equal")

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

table(!, gr1, select="arbitrary")))
countOverlaps(gr, gr1)
findOverlaps(gr, gr1)
subsetByOverlaps(gr, gr1)

## Overlaps between a GRanges and a GRangesList object:

table(!, gr, select="first")))
countOverlaps(grl, gr)
findOverlaps(grl, gr)
subsetByOverlaps(grl, gr)
countOverlaps(grl, gr, type="start")
findOverlaps(grl, gr, type="start")
subsetByOverlaps(grl, gr, type="start")
findOverlaps(grl, gr, select="first")

table(!, gr1, select="first")))
countOverlaps(grl, gr1)
findOverlaps(grl, gr1)
subsetByOverlaps(grl, gr1)
countOverlaps(grl, gr1, type="start")
findOverlaps(grl, gr1, type="start")
subsetByOverlaps(grl, gr1, type="start")
findOverlaps(grl, gr1, select="first")

## Overlaps between two GRangesList objects:
countOverlaps(grl, rev(grl))
findOverlaps(grl, rev(grl))
subsetByOverlaps(grl, rev(grl))
Link to this function


Squeeze the genomic ranges out of a range-based object


S4 generic functions for squeezing the genomic ranges out of a range-based object.

These are analog to range squeezers ranges and rglist defined in the IRanges package, except that granges returns the ranges in a GRanges object (instead of an IRanges object for ranges ), and grglist returns them in a GRangesList object (instead of an IRangesList object for rglist ).


granges(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=FALSE, ...)
grglist(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=FALSE, ...)


xAn object containing genomic ranges e.g. a GenomicRanges , RangedSummarizedExperiment , GAlignments , GAlignmentPairs , or GAlignmentsList object, or a Pairs object containing genomic ranges.
use.names, use.mcols, ...See ranges in the IRanges package for a description of these arguments.


See ranges in the IRanges package for some details.

For some objects (e.g. GAlignments and GAlignmentPairs objects defined in the GenomicAlignments package), as(x, "GRanges") and as(x, "GRangesList") , are equivalent to granges(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=TRUE) and grglist(x, use.names=TRUE, use.mcols=TRUE) , respectively.


A GRanges object for granges .

A GRangesList object for grglist .

If x is a vector-like object (e.g. GAlignments ), the returned object is expected to be parallel to x , that is, the i-th element in the output corresponds to the i-th element in the input.

If use.names is TRUE, then the names on x (if any) are propagated to the returned object. If use.mcols is TRUE, then the metadata columns on x (if any) are propagated to the returned object.



H. Pagès


## See ?GAlignments in the GenomicAlignments package for examples of
## "ranges" and "rglist" methods.

Manipulating genomic variables


A genomic variable is a variable defined along a genome. Here are 2 ways a genomic variable is generally represented in Bioconductor:

  • as a named RleList object with one list element per chromosome;

  • as a metadata column on a disjoint GRanges object.
    This man page documents tools for switching from one form to the other.


mcolAsRleList(x, varname)
binnedAverage(bins, numvar, varname, na.rm=FALSE)


...One or more genomic variables in the form of named RleList objects.
xA disjoint GRanges object with metadata columns on it. A GRanges object is said to be disjoint if it contains ranges that do not overlap with each other. This can be tested with isDisjoint . See ?`` for more information about theisDisjoint` method for GRanges objects.
varnameThe name of the genomic variable. For mcolAsRleList this must be the name of the metadata column on x to be turned into an RleList object. For binnedAverage this will be the name of the metadata column that contains the binned average in the returned object.
binsA GRanges object representing the genomic bins. Typically obtained by calling tileGenome with .
numvarA named RleList object representing a numerical variable defined along the genome covered by bins (which is the genome described by seqinfo(bins) ).
na.rmA logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the average is computed.


bindAsGRanges allows to switch the representation of one or more genomic variables from the named RleList form to the metadata column on a disjoint GRanges object form by binding the supplied named RleList objects together and putting them on the same GRanges object. This transformation is lossless.

mcolAsRleList performs the opposite transformation and is also lossless (however the circularity flags and genome information in seqinfo(x) won't propagate). It works for any metadata column on x that can be put in Rle form i.e. that is an atomic vector or a factor.

binnedAverage computes the binned average of a numerical variable defined along a genome.


For bindAsGRanges : a GRanges object with 1 metadata column per supplied genomic variable.

For mcolAsRleList : a named RleList object with 1 list element per seqlevel in x .

For binnedAverage : input GRanges object bins with an additional metadata column named varname containing the binned average.



H. Pagès


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------

## 1) As a named RleList object
## ----------------------------
## Let's create a genomic variable in the "named RleList" form:
my_var <- RleList(
function(seqlen) {
tmp <- sample(50L, seqlen, replace=TRUE)%/% 50L
Rle(cumsum(tmp - rev(tmp)))

## 2) As a metadata column on a disjoint GRanges object
## ----------------------------------------------------
gr1 <- bindAsGRanges(my_var=my_var)

gr2 <- GRanges(c("chrI:1-150",
score=c(0.4, 8, -10, 2.2),

## Going back to the "named RleList" form:
mcolAsRleList(gr1, "my_var")
score <- mcolAsRleList(gr2, "score")
id <- mcolAsRleList(gr2, "id")
bindAsGRanges(score=score, id=id)

## Bind 'my_var', 'score', and 'id' together:
gr3 <- bindAsGRanges(my_var=my_var, score=score, id=id)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(my_var, mcolAsRleList(gr3, "my_var")))
stopifnot(identical(score, mcolAsRleList(gr3, "score")))
stopifnot(identical(id, mcolAsRleList(gr3, "id")))
gr2b <- bindAsGRanges(score=score, id=id)
seqinfo(gr2b) <- seqinfo(gr2)
stopifnot(identical(gr2, gr2b))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

untreated1_cvg <- coverage(BamFile(untreated1_chr4()))
untreated3_cvg <- coverage(BamFile(untreated3_chr4()))
all_cvg <- bindAsGRanges(untreated1=untreated1_cvg,

## Keep regions with coverage:
all_cvg[with(mcols(all_cvg), untreated1 + untreated3 >= 1)]

## Plot the coverage profiles with the Gviz package:
plotNumvars <- function(numvars, region, name="numvars", ...)
stopifnot(is(numvars, "GRanges"))
stopifnot(is(region, "GRanges"), length(region) == 1L)
gtrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()
dtrack <- DataTrack(numvars,
groups=colnames(mcols(numvars)), type="l", ...)
plotTracks(list(gtrack, dtrack), from=start(region), to=end(region))
plotNumvars(all_cvg, GRanges("chr4:1-25000"),
"coverage", col=c("red", "blue"))
plotNumvars(all_cvg, GRanges("chr4:1.03e6-1.08e6"),
"coverage", col=c("red", "blue"))

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(untreated1_cvg, mcolAsRleList(all_cvg, "untreated1")))
stopifnot(identical(untreated3_cvg, mcolAsRleList(all_cvg, "untreated3")))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
##    GENOME
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## In some applications (e.g. visualization), there is the need to compute
## the average of a genomic variable for a set of predefined fixed-width
## regions (sometimes called "bins").
## Let's use tileGenome() to create such a set of bins:
bins1 <- tileGenome(seqinfo(Scerevisiae), tilewidth=100,

## Compute the binned average for 'my_var' and 'score':
bins1 <- binnedAverage(bins1, my_var, "binned_var")
bins1 <- binnedAverage(bins1, score, "binned_score")

## Binned average in "named RleList" form:
binned_var1 <- mcolAsRleList(bins1, "binned_var")
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(my_var), mean(binned_var1)))  # sanity check

mcolAsRleList(bins1, "binned_score")

## With bigger bins:
bins2 <- tileGenome(seqinfo(Scerevisiae), tilewidth=50000,
bins2 <- binnedAverage(bins2, my_var, "binned_var")
bins2 <- binnedAverage(bins2, score, "binned_score")

binned_var2 <- mcolAsRleList(bins2, "binned_var")
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(my_var), mean(binned_var2)))  # sanity check

mcolAsRleList(bins2, "binned_score")

## Not surprisingly, the "binned" variables are much more compact in
## memory than the original variables (they contain much less runs):

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

bins3 <- tileGenome(c(chr1=10, chr2=8), tilewidth=5,
my_var3 <- RleList(chr1=Rle(c(1:3, NA, 5:7)), chr2=Rle(c(-3, NA, -3, NaN)))
bins3 <- binnedAverage(bins3, my_var3, "binned_var3", na.rm=TRUE)
binned_var3 <- mcols(bins3)$binned_var3
identical(mean(my_var3$chr1[1:5], na.rm=TRUE),
identical(mean(c(my_var3$chr1, 0, 0, 0)[6:10], na.rm=TRUE),
#identical(mean(c(my_var3$chr2, 0), na.rm=TRUE),
#          binned_var3[3]),
identical(0, binned_var3[4])
Link to this function


Inter range transformations of a GRanges or GRangesList object


This man page documents list("inter range transformations") of a GenomicRanges object (i.e. of an object that belongs to the GenomicRanges class or one of its subclasses, this includes for example GRanges objects), or a GRangesList object.

See ?`` and?in the list("IRanges") package for a quick introduction to list("intra range") and list("inter ", " range transformations") . See `? for list("intra range transformations") of a GenomicRanges object or GRangesList object.


list(list("range"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, ..., with.revmap=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
list(list("range"), list("GRangesList"))(x, ..., with.revmap=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
list(list("reduce"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, drop.empty.ranges=FALSE, min.gapwidth=1L, with.revmap=FALSE,
          with.inframe.attrib=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("reduce"), list("GRangesList"))(x, drop.empty.ranges=FALSE, min.gapwidth=1L, with.revmap=FALSE,
          with.inframe.attrib=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("gaps"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, start=1L, end=seqlengths(x))
list(list("disjoin"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, with.revmap=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("disjoin"), list("GRangesList"))(x, with.revmap=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("isDisjoint"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("isDisjoint"), list("GRangesList"))(x, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("disjointBins"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, ignore.strand=FALSE)


xA GenomicRanges or GenomicRangesList object.
drop.empty.ranges, min.gapwidth, with.revmap, with.inframe.attrib, start, endSee `?`` in the IRanges package.
ignore.strandTRUE or FALSE . Whether the strand of the input ranges should be ignored or not. See details below.
...For range , additional GenomicRanges objects to consider. Ignored otherwise.


list(list("On a GRanges object"), list(" ", " ", list("range"), " returns an object of the same type as ", list("x"), " ", " containing range bounds for each distinct (seqname, strand) pairing. ", " The names (", list("names(x)"), ") and the metadata columns in ", list("x"), " are ", " dropped. ", " ", " ", list("reduce"), " returns an object of the same type as ", list("x"), " ", " containing reduced ranges for each distinct (seqname, strand) pairing. ", " The names (",

list("names(x)"), ") and the metadata columns in ", list("x"), " are

", " dropped. ", " See ", list("?", list("reduce")), " for more information about range ", " reduction and for a description of the optional arguments. ", " ", " ", list("gaps"), " returns an object of the same type as ", list("x"), " ", " containing complemented ranges for each distinct (seqname, strand) pairing. ", " The names (", list("names(x)"), ") and the columns in ", list("x"), " are dropped. ",

"    For the start and end arguments of this gaps method, it is expected that

", " the user will supply a named integer vector (where the names correspond to ", " the appropriate seqlevels). See ", list("?", list("gaps")), " for more ", " information about range complements and for a description of the optional ", " arguments. ", " ", " ", list("disjoin"), " returns an object of the same type as ", list("x"), " ", " containing disjoint ranges for each distinct (seqname, strand) pairing. ",

"    The names (", list("names(x)"), ") and the metadata columns in ", list("x"), " are

", " dropped. If ", list("with.revmap=TRUE"), ", a metadata column that maps the ", " ouput ranges to the input ranges is added to the returned object. ", " See ", list("?", list("disjoin")), " for more information. ", " ", " ", list("isDisjoint"), " returns a logical value indicating whether the ranges ", " in ", list("x"), " are disjoint (i.e. non-overlapping). ", " ", " ", list(

    "disjointBins"), " returns bin indexes for the ranges in ", list("x"), ", such

", " that ranges in the same bin do not overlap. If ", list("ignore.strand=FALSE"), ", ", " the two features cannot overlap if they are on different strands. ", " ")) list(list("On a GRangesList/GenomicRangesList object"), list(" ", " When they are supported on GRangesList object ", list("x"), ", the above inter ", " range transformations will apply the transformation to each of the list ", " elements in ", list("x"), " and return a list-like object ", list("parallel"), " to ", " ", list("x"), " (i.e. with 1 list element per list element in ", list("x"), "). ", " If ", list("x"), " has names on it, they're propagated to the returned object. ",

"  "))



H. Pagès and P. Aboyoun


gr <- GRanges(
seqnames=Rle(paste("chr", c(1, 2, 1, 3), sep=""), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
ranges=IRanges(1:10, width=10:1, names=letters[1:10]),
strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
GC=seq(1, 0, length=10)

gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr2", ranges=IRanges(3, 6),
strand="+", score=5L, GC=0.45)
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr1",
ranges=IRanges(c(10, 7, 19), width=5),
strand=c("+", "-", "+"), score=3:5, GC=c(0.3, 0.5, 0.66))
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr2"),
ranges=IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
strand=c("-", "-"), score=c(6L, 2L), GC=c(0.4, 0.1))
grl <- GRangesList(gr1=gr1, gr2=gr2, gr3=gr3)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## range()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## On a GRanges object:
range(gr, with.revmap=TRUE)

## On a GRangesList object:
range(grl, ignore.strand=TRUE)
range(grl, with.revmap=TRUE, ignore.strand=TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## reduce()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

gr2 <- reduce(gr, with.revmap=TRUE)
revmap <- mcols(gr2)$revmap  # an IntegerList

## Use the mapping from reduced to original ranges to group the original
## ranges by reduced range:
relist(gr[unlist(revmap)], revmap)

## Or use it to split the DataFrame of original metadata columns by
## reduced range:
relist(mcols(gr)[unlist(revmap), ], revmap)  # a SplitDataFrameList

## [For advanced users] Use this reverse mapping to compare the reduced
## ranges with the ranges they originate from:
expanded_gr2 <- rep(gr2, elementNROWS(revmap))
reordered_gr <- gr[unlist(revmap)]
codes <- pcompare(expanded_gr2, reordered_gr)
## All the codes should translate to "d", "e", "g", or "h" (the 4 letters
## indicating that the range on the left contains the range on the right):
alphacodes <- rangeComparisonCodeToLetter(pcompare(expanded_gr2, reordered_gr))
stopifnot(all(alphacodes %in% c("d", "e", "g", "h")))

## On a big GRanges object with a lot of seqlevels:
mcols(gr) <- NULL
biggr <- c(gr, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(4, 1), c(5, 2)), strand="+"))
seqlevels(biggr) <- paste0("chr", 1:2000)
biggr <- rep(biggr, 25000)
seqnames(biggr) <- sample(factor(seqlevels(biggr), levels=seqlevels(biggr)),
length(biggr), replace=TRUE)

biggr2 <- reduce(biggr, with.revmap=TRUE)
revmap <- mcols(biggr2)$revmap
expanded_biggr2 <- rep(biggr2, elementNROWS(revmap))
reordered_biggr <- biggr[unlist(revmap)]
codes <- pcompare(expanded_biggr2, reordered_biggr)
alphacodes <- rangeComparisonCodeToLetter(pcompare(expanded_biggr2,
stopifnot(all(alphacodes %in% c("d", "e", "g", "h")))

## On a GRangesList object:
reduce(grl)  # Doesn't really reduce anything but note the reordering
# of the inner elements in the 2nd and 3rd list elements:
# the ranges are reordered by sequence name first (which
# should appear in the same order as in 'seqlevels(grl)'),
# and then by strand.
reduce(grl, ignore.strand=TRUE)  # 2nd list element got reduced

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## gaps()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
gaps(gr, start=1, end=10)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## disjoin(), isDisjoint(), disjointBins()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
disjoin(gr, with.revmap=TRUE)
disjoin(gr, with.revmap=TRUE, ignore.strand=TRUE)
stopifnot(all(sapply(split(gr, disjointBins(gr)), isDisjoint)))

## On a GRangesList object:
disjoin(grl)  # doesn't really disjoin anything but note the reordering
disjoin(grl, with.revmap=TRUE)
Link to this function


Intra range transformations of a GRanges or GRangesList object


This man page documents list("intra range transformations") of a GenomicRanges object (i.e. of an object that belongs to the GenomicRanges class or one of its subclasses, this includes for example GRanges objects), or a GRangesList object.

See ?`` and?in the list("IRanges") package for a quick introduction to list("intra range") and list("inter ", " range transformations") . list("Intra range") methods for [GAlignments](#galignments) and [GAlignmentsList](#galignmentslist) objects are defined and documented in the list("GenomicAlignments") package. See `? for list("inter range transformations") of a GenomicRanges or GRangesList object.


list(list("shift"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, shift=0L, use.names=TRUE)
list(list("narrow"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
list(list("resize"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, width, fix="start", use.names=TRUE, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("flank"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, width, start=TRUE, both=FALSE, use.names=TRUE,
list(list("promoters"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, upstream=2000, downstream=200, use.names=TRUE)
list(list("restrict"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, start=NA, end=NA, keep.all.ranges=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
list(list("trim"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, use.names=TRUE)


xA GenomicRanges object.

shift, use.names, start, end, width, both, fix, keep.all.ranges, | | See ?`` . | |ignore.strand|TRUEorFALSE. Whether the strand of the input ranges should be ignored or not. See details below. | |list()| Additional arguments to methods. | ## Details * list() list(list("shift"), " behaves like the ", list("shift"), " method for ", " ", list("IntegerRanges"), " objects. See ", " ", list("?", list("intra-range-methods"), ""), " for the details. ", " ") * list() list(list("narrow"), " on a ", list("GenomicRanges"), " object behaves ", " like on an ", list("IntegerRanges"), " object. See ", " ", list("?", list("intra-range-methods"), ""), " for the details. ", " ", " A major difference though is that it returns a ", list("GenomicRanges"), " ", " object instead of an ", list("IntegerRanges"), " object. ", " The returned object is ", list("parallel"), " (i.e. same length and names) ", " to the original object ", list("x"), ". ", " ") * list() list(list("resize"), " returns an object of the same type and length as ", " ", list("x"), " containing intervals that have been resized to width ", " ", list("width"), " based on the ", list("strand(x)"), " values. Elements where ", " ", list("strand(x) == "+""), " or ", list("strand(x) == "*""), " are anchored at ", " ", list("start(x)"), " and elements where ", list("strand(x) == "-""), " are anchored ", " at the ", list("end(x)"), ". The ", list("use.names"), " argument determines whether ", " or not to keep the names on the ranges. ", " ") * list() list(list("flank"), " returns an object of the same type and length ", " as ", list("x"), " containing intervals of width ", list("width"), " that flank ", " the intervals in ", list("x"), ". The ", list("start"), " argument takes a ", " logical indicating whether ", list("x"), " should be flanked at the ", " "start" (", list("TRUE"), ") or the "end" (", list("FALSE"), "), which for ", " ", list("strand(x) != "-""), " is ", list("start(x)"), " and ", list("end(x)"), " ", " respectively and for ", list("strand(x) == "-""), " is ", list("end(x)"), " and ", " ", list("start(x)"), " respectively. The ", list("both"), " argument takes a ", " single logical value indicating whether the flanking region ", " ", list("width"), " positions extends ", list("into"), " the range. If ", " ", list("both=TRUE"), ", the resulting range thus straddles the end ", " point, with ", list("width"), " positions on either side. ", " ") * list() list(" ", " ", list("promoters"), " returns an object of the same type and length ", " as ", list("x"), " containing promoter ranges. Promoter ranges extend ", " around the transcription start site (TSS) which is defined as ", " ", list("start(x)"), " for ranges on the ", list("+"), " or ", list("*"), " strand ", " and as ", list("end(x)"), " for ranges on the ", list("-"), " strand. ", " The ", list("upstream"), " and ", list("downstream"), " arguments define the ", " number of nucleotides in the 5' and 3' direction, respectively. ", " More precisely, the output range is defined as ", " ", list(" (start(x) - upstream) to (start(x) + downstream - 1) ", " "), " ", " for ranges on the ", list("+"), " or ", list("*"), " strand, and as ", " ", list(" (end(x) - downstream + 1) to (end(x) + upstream) ", " "), " ", " for ranges on the ", list("-"), " strand. ", " ", " Note that the returned object might contain ", list("out-of-bound"), " ranges ", " i.e. ranges that start before the first nucleotide position and/or end ", " after the last nucleotide position of the underlying sequence. ", " ") * list() list(list("restrict"), " returns an object of the same type and length as ", " ", list("x"), " containing restricted ranges for distinct seqnames. The ", " ", list("start"), " and ", list("end"), " arguments can be a named numeric vector of ", " seqnames for the ranges to be resticted or a numeric vector or length 1 ", " if the restriction operation is to be applied to all the sequences in ", " ", list("x"), ". See ", list("?", list("intra-range-methods"), "`"), " for more ", " information about range restriction and for a description of the optional ", " arguments. ", " ")
list() list(list("trim"), " trims out-of-bound ranges located on non-circular ", " sequences whose length is not NA. ", " ") ## Seealso GenomicRanges , GRanges , and GRangesList objects.
The intra-range-methods man page in the IRanges package.
The IntegerRanges class in the IRanges package. ## Author P. Aboyoun and V. Obenchain ## Examples r ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A. ON A GRanges OBJECT ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr <- GRanges( seqnames=Rle(paste("chr", c(1, 2, 1, 3), sep=""), c(1, 3, 2, 4)), ranges=IRanges(1:10, width=10:1, names=letters[1:10]), strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)), score=1:10, GC=seq(1, 0, length=10) ) gr shift(gr, 1) narrow(gr[-10], start=2, end=-2) resize(gr, width=10) flank(gr, width=10) restrict(gr, start=3, end=7) gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(rep(10, 3), width=6), c("+", "-", "*")) promoters(gr, 2, 2) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## B. ON A GRangesList OBJECT ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr1 <- GRanges("chr2", IRanges(3, 6)) gr2 <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr1"), IRanges(c(7,13), width=3), strand=c("+", "-")) gr3 <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr2"), IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)), strand="-") grl <- GRangesList(gr1= gr1, gr2=gr2, gr3=gr3) grl resize(grl, width=20) flank(grl, width=20) restrict(grl, start=3)

Link to this function


Make a GRanges object from a data.frame or DataFrame


makeGRangesFromDataFrame takes a data-frame-like object as input and tries to automatically find the columns that describe genomic ranges. It returns them as a GRanges object.

makeGRangesFromDataFrame is also the workhorse behind the coercion method from data.frame (or DataFrame ) to GRanges .


                         seqnames.field=c("seqnames", "seqname",
                                          "chromosome", "chrom",
                                          "chr", "chromosome_name",
                         end.field=c("end", "stop"),


dfA data.frame or DataFrame object. If not, then the function first tries to turn df into a data frame with .
keep.extra.columnsTRUE or FALSE (the default). If TRUE , the columns in df that are not used to form the genomic ranges of the returned GRanges object are then returned as metadata columns on the object. Otherwise, they are ignored. If df has a width column, then it's always ignored.
ignore.strandTRUE or FALSE (the default). If TRUE , then the strand of the returned GRanges object is set to "*" .
seqinfoEither NULL , or a Seqinfo object, or a character vector of seqlevels, or a named numeric vector of sequence lengths. When not NULL , it must be compatible with the genomic ranges in df i.e. it must include at least the sequence levels represented in df .
seqnames.fieldA character vector of recognized names for the column in df that contains the chromosome name (a.k.a. sequence name) associated with each genomic range. Only the first name in seqnames.field that is found in colnames(df) is used. If no one is found, then an error is raised.
start.fieldA character vector of recognized names for the column in df that contains the start positions of the genomic ranges. Only the first name in start.field that is found in colnames(df) is used. If no one is found, then an error is raised.
end.fieldA character vector of recognized names for the column in df that contains the end positions of the genomic ranges. Only the first name in start.field that is found in colnames(df) is used. If no one is found, then an error is raised.
strand.fieldA character vector of recognized names for the column in df that contains the strand associated with each genomic range. Only the first name in strand.field that is found in colnames(df) is used. If no one is found or if ignore.strand is TRUE , then the strand of the returned GRanges object is set to "*" . or FALSE (the default). If TRUE , then the start positions of the genomic ranges in df are considered to be 0-based and are converted to 1-based in the returned GRanges object. This feature is intended to make it more convenient to handle input that contains data obtained from resources using the "0-based start" convention. A notorious example of such resource is the UCSC Table Browser ( ).


A GRanges object with one element per row in the input.

If the seqinfo argument was supplied, the returned object will have exactly the seqlevels specified in seqinfo and in the same order. Otherwise, the seqlevels are ordered according to the output of the rankSeqlevels function (except if df contains the seqnames in the form of a factor-Rle, in which case the levels of the factor-Rle become the seqlevels of the returned object and with no re-ordering).

If df has non-automatic row names (i.e. rownames(df) is not NULL and is not seq_len(nrow(df)) ), then they will be used to set names on the returned GRanges object.



Coercing data.frame or DataFrame df into a GRanges object (with as(df, "GRanges") ), or calling GRanges(df) , are both equivalent to calling makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE) .


H. Pagès, based on a proposal by Kasper Daniel Hansen


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

df <- data.frame(chr="chr1", start=11:15, end=12:16,
strand=c("+","-","+","*","."), score=1:5)
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df)  # strand value "." is replaced with "*"

## The strand column is optional:
df <- data.frame(chr="chr1", start=11:15, end=12:16, score=1:5)

gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
gr2 <- as(df, "GRanges")  # equivalent to the above
stopifnot(identical(gr, gr2))
gr2 <- GRanges(df)        # equivalent to the above
stopifnot(identical(gr, gr2))

makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, ignore.strand=TRUE)
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE,

makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, seqinfo=paste0("chr", 4:1))
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, seqinfo=c(chrM=NA, chr1=500, chrX=100))
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, seqinfo=Seqinfo(paste0("chr", 4:1)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Automatic detection of the seqnames/start/end/strand columns is
## case insensitive:
df <- data.frame(ChRoM="chr1", StarT=11:15, stoP=12:16,
STRAND=c("+","-","+","*","."), score=1:5)

## It also ignores a common prefix between the start and end columns:
df <- data.frame(seqnames="chr1", tx_start=11:15, tx_end=12:16,
strand=c("+","-","+","*","."), score=1:5)

## The common prefix between the start and end columns is used to
## disambiguate between more than one seqnames column:
df <- data.frame(chrom="chr1", tx_start=11:15, tx_end=12:16,
tx_chr="chr2", score=1:5)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

if (require(rtracklayer)) {
session <- browserSession()
genome(session) <- "sacCer2"
query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "Assembly")
df <- getTable(query)

## A common pitfall is to forget that the UCSC Table Browser uses the
## "0-based start" convention:
gr0 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE,

## The start positions need to be converted into 1-based positions,
## to adhere to the convention used in Bioconductor:
gr1 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE,
Link to this function


Make a GRangesList object from a data.frame or DataFrame


makeGRangesListFromDataFrame extends the makeGRangesFromDataFrame functionality from GenomicRanges . It can take a data-frame-like object as input and tries to automatically find the columns that describe the genomic ranges. It returns a GRangesList object. This is different from the makeGRangesFromDataFrame function by requiring a split.field . The split.field acts like the "f" argument in the split function. This factor must be of the same length as the number of rows in the DataFrame argument. The split.field may also be a character vector.


                             split.field = NULL,
                             names.field = NULL,


dfA DataFrame or data.frame class object
split.fieldA character string of a recognized column name in df that contains the grouping. This column defines how the rows of df are split and is typically a factor or character vector. When split.field is not provided the df will be split by the number of rows.
names.fieldAn optional single character string indicating the name of the column in df that designates the names for the ranges in the elements of the GRangesList .
...Additional arguments passed on to makeGRangesFromDataFrame


A GRangesList of the same length as the number of levels or unique character strings in the df column indicated by split.field . When split.field is not provided the df is split by row and the resulting GRangesList has the same length as nrow(df).

Names on the individual ranges are taken from the names.field argument. Names on the outer list elements of the GRangesList are propagated from split.field .



M. Ramos


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

df <- data.frame(chr="chr1", start=11:15, end=12:16,
strand=c("+","-","+","*","."), score=1:5,
specimen = c("a", "a", "b", "b", "c"),
gene_symbols = paste0("GENE", letters[1:5]))

grl <- makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(df, split.field = "specimen",
names.field = "gene_symbols")

## Keep metadata columns
makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(df, split.field = "specimen",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
Link to this function


Finding the nearest genomic range neighbor


The nearest , precede , follow , distance and distanceToNearest methods for GenomicRanges objects and subclasses.


list(list("precede"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("first", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("precede"), list("GenomicRanges,missing"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("first", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("follow"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("last", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("follow"), list("GenomicRanges,missing"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("last", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("nearest"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("arbitrary", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("nearest"), list("GenomicRanges,missing"))(x, subject, 
    select=c("arbitrary", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("distanceToNearest"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, subject, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
list(list("distanceToNearest"), list("GenomicRanges,missing"))(x, subject, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
list(list("distance"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, y, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)


xThe query GenomicRanges instance.
subjectThe subject GenomicRanges instance within which the nearest neighbors are found. Can be missing, in which case x is also the subject.
yFor the distance method, a GRanges instance. Cannot be missing. If x and y are not the same length, the shortest will be recycled to match the length of the longest.
selectLogic for handling ties. By default, all methods select a single interval (arbitrary for nearest , the first by order in subject for precede , and the last for follow ). When select="all" a Hits object is returned with all matches for x .
ignore.strandA logical indicating if the strand of the input ranges should be ignored. When TRUE , strand is set to '+' .
...Additional arguments for methods.


  • list("nearest: ") list(" ", " Performs conventional nearest neighbor finding. ", " Returns an integer vector containing the index of the nearest neighbor ", " range in ", list("subject"), " for each range in ", list("x"), ". If there is no ", " nearest neighbor ", list("NA"), " is returned. For details of the algorithm ", " see the man page in the ", list("IRanges"), " package (", list("?nearest"), "). ", " ")

  • list("precede: ") list(" ", " For each range in ", list("x"), ", ", list("precede"), " returns ", " the index of the range in ", list("subject"), " that is directly ", " preceded by the range in ", list("x"), ". Overlapping ranges are excluded. ", " ", list("NA"), " is returned when there are no qualifying ranges in ", " ", list("subject"), ". ", " ")

  • list("follow: ") list(" ", " The opposite of ", list("precede"), ", ", list("follow"), " returns ", " the index of the range in ", list("subject"), " that is directly followed by the ", " range in ", list("x"), ". Overlapping ranges are excluded. ", list("NA"), " is returned ", " when there are no qualifying ranges in ", list("subject"), ". ", " ")

  • list("Orientation and strand for ", list("precede"), " and ", list("follow"), ": ") list(" ", " Orientation is 5' to 3', consistent with the direction of translation. ", " Because positional numbering along a chromosome is from left to ", " right and transcription takes place from 5' to 3', ", list("precede"), " and ", " ", list("follow"), " can appear to have opposite' behavior on the ", list("+"), " ", " and ", list("-"), " strand. Using positions 5 and 6 as an example, 5 precedes ", " 6 on the ", list("+"), " strand but follows 6 on the ", | list("-"), " strand. ", " ", " The table below outlines the orientation when ranges on different ", " strands are compared. In general, a feature on ", list("*"), " is considered ", " to belong to both strands. The single exception is when both ", list("x"), " ", " and ", list("subject"), " are ", list("*"), " in which case both are treated as ", list("+"), ". ", list(" ", " x | subject | orientation ", " -----+-----------+---------------- ", "a) + | + | ---> ", | | "b) + | - | NA ", "c) + | * | ---> ", "d) - | + | NA ", "e) - | - | <--- ", "f) - | * | <--- ", "g) * | + | ---> ", "h) * | - | <--- ", "i) * | * | ---> (the only situation where * arbitrarily means +) "), " ", " ", " ") | * list("distanceToNearest: ") list("Returns the distance for each range in ", list("x"), " ", " to its nearest neighbor in the ", list("subject"), ". ", " ") * list("distance: ") list(" ", " Returns the distance for each range in ", list("x"), " to the range in ", list("y"), ". ", " The behavior of ", list("distance"), " has changed in Bioconductor 2.12. ", " See the man page ", list("?distance"), " in the ", list("IRanges"), " package for ", " details. ", " ") ## Value Fornearest,precedeandfollow, an integer vector of indices insubject, or a [Hits](#hits) ifselect="all". FordistanceToNearest, a [Hits](#hits) object with a column for thequeryindex (queryHits),subjectindex (subjectHits) and thedistancebetween the pair. Fordistance, an integer vector of distances between the ranges inxandy` . ## Seealso The GenomicRanges and GRanges classes.
    The IntegerRanges class in the IRanges package.
    The Hits class in the S4Vectors package.
    The nearest-methods man page in the IRanges package.
    findOverlaps-methods for finding just the overlapping ranges.
    The nearest-methods man page in the GenomicFeatures package. ## Author P. Aboyoun and V. Obenchain ## Examples r ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## precede() and follow() ## ----------------------------------------------------------- query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(5, 20), width=1), strand="+") subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(rep(c(10, 15), 2), width=1), strand=c("+", "+", "-", "-")) precede(query, subject) follow(query, subject) strand(query) <- "-" precede(query, subject) follow(query, subject) ## ties choose first in order query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(10, width=1), c("+", "-", "*")) subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(5, 5, 5, 15, 15, 15), width=1), rep(c("+", "-", "*"), 2)) precede(query, subject) precede(query, rev(subject)) ## ignore.strand=TRUE treats all ranges as '+' precede(query[1], subject[4:6], select="all", ignore.strand=FALSE) precede(query[1], subject[4:6], select="all", ignore.strand=TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## nearest() ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## When multiple ranges overlap an "arbitrary" range is chosen query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(5, 15)) subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 15), c(5, 19))) nearest(query, subject) ## select="all" returns all hits nearest(query, subject, select="all") ## Ranges in 'x' will self-select when 'subject' is present query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 10), width=5)) nearest(query, query) ## Ranges in 'x' will not self-select when 'subject' is missing nearest(query) ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## distance(), distanceToNearest() ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ## Adjacent, overlap, separated by 1 query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 2, 10), c(5, 8, 11))) subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(6, 5, 13), c(10, 10, 15))) distance(query, subject) ## recycling distance(query[1], subject) ## zero-width ranges zw <- GRanges("A", IRanges(4,3)) stopifnot(distance(zw, GRanges("A", IRanges(3,4))) == 0L) sapply(-3:3, function(i) distance(shift(zw, i), GRanges("A", IRanges(4,3)))) query <- GRanges(c("A", "B"), IRanges(c(1, 5), width=1)) distanceToNearest(query, subject) ## distance() with GRanges and TxDb see the ## ?'distance,GenomicRanges,TxDb-method' man ## page in the GenomicFeatures package.

Calculate the "phi coefficient" between two binary variables


The phicoef function calculates the "phi coefficient" between two binary variables.


phicoef(x, y=NULL)


x, yTwo logical vectors of the same length. If y is not supplied, x must be a 2x2 integer matrix (or an integer vector of length 4) representing the contingency table of two binary variables.


The "phi coefficient" between the two binary variables. This is a single numeric value ranging from -1 to +1.


H. Pagès



x <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, replace=TRUE)
y <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, replace=TRUE)
phicoef(x, y)
phicoef(rep(x, 10), c(rep(x, 9), y))

stopifnot(phicoef(table(x, y)) == phicoef(x, y))
stopifnot(phicoef(y, x) == phicoef(x, y))
stopifnot(phicoef(x, !y) == - phicoef(x, y))
stopifnot(phicoef(x, x) == 1)
Link to this function


Set operations on genomic ranges


Performs set operations on GRanges and GRangesList objects.

NOTE: The punion , pintersect , psetdiff , and pgap generic functions and methods for IntegerRanges objects are defined and documented in the IRanges package.


## Vector-wise set operations
## --------------------------
list(list("union"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("intersect"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("setdiff"), list("GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"))(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)
## Element-wise (aka "parallel") set operations
## --------------------------------------------
list(list("punion"), list("GRanges,GRanges"))(x, y,, ignore.strand=FALSE)
list(list("pintersect"), list("GRanges,GRanges"))(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE,
           ignore.strand=FALSE, strict.strand=FALSE)
list(list("psetdiff"), list("GRanges,GRanges"))(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE)


x, yFor union , intersect , and setdiff : 2 GenomicRanges objects or 2 GRangesList objects. For punion and pintersect : 2 GRanges objects, or 1 GRanges object and 1 GRangesList object. For psetdiff : x must be a GRanges object and y can be a GRanges or GRangesList object. For pgap : 2 GRanges objects. In addition, for the parallel operations, x and y must be of equal length (i.e. length(x) == length(y) ).
fill.gapLogical indicating whether or not to force a union by using the rule start = min(start(x), start(y)), end = max(end(x), end(y)) .
ignore.strandFor set operations: If set to TRUE, then the strand of x and y is set to "*" prior to any computation. For parallel set operations: If set to TRUE, the strand information is ignored in the computation and the result has the strand information of x .
drop.nohit.rangesIf TRUE then elements in x that don't intersect with their corresponding element in y are removed from the result (so the returned object is no more parallel to the input). If FALSE (the default) then nothing is removed and a hit metadata column is added to the returned object to indicate elements in x that intersect with the corresponding element in y . For those that don't, the reported intersection is a zero-width range that has the same start as x .
strict.strandIf set to FALSE (the default), features on the "*" strand are treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand. If set to TRUE, the strand of intersecting elements must be strictly the same.


The pintersect methods involving GRanges and/or GRangesList objects use the triplet (sequence name, range, strand) to determine the element by element intersection of features, where a strand value of "*" is treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand (unless strict.strand is set to TRUE, in which case the strand of intersecting elements must be strictly the same).

The psetdiff methods involving GRanges and/or GRangesList objects use the triplet (sequence name, range, strand) to determine the element by element set difference of features, where a strand value of "*" is treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand.


For union , intersect , and setdiff : a GRanges object if x and y are GenomicRanges objects, and a GRangesList object if they are GRangesList objects.

For punion and pintersect : when x or y is not a GRanges object, an object of the same class as this non- GRanges object. Otherwise, a GRanges object.

For psetdiff : either a GRanges object when both x and y are GRanges objects, or a GRangesList object when y is a GRangesList object.

For pgap : a GRanges object.



P. Aboyoun and H. Pagès


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(2, 9) , c(7, 19)), strand=c("+", "-"))
y <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(5, 10), strand="-")

union(x, y)
union(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

intersect(x, y)
intersect(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

setdiff(x, y)
setdiff(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

## With 2 GRangesList objects:
gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr2",
ranges=IRanges(3, 6))
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr1"),
ranges=IRanges(c(7,13), width = 3),
strand=c("+", "-"))
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr2"),
ranges=IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
strand=c("-", "-"))
grlist <- GRangesList(gr1=gr1, gr2=gr2, gr3=gr3)

union(grlist, shift(grlist, 3))
intersect(grlist, shift(grlist, 3))
setdiff(grlist, shift(grlist, 3))

## Sanity checks:
grlist2 <- shift(grlist, 3)
union(grlist, grlist2),
mendoapply(union, grlist, grlist2)
intersect(grlist, grlist2),
mendoapply(intersect, grlist, grlist2)
setdiff(grlist, grlist2),
mendoapply(setdiff, grlist, grlist2)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

punion(x, shift(x, 6))
punion(x, shift(x, 7))  # will fail
punion(x, shift(x, 7),

pintersect(x, shift(x, 6))
pintersect(x, shift(x, 7))

psetdiff(x, shift(x, 7))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## GRanges object:
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr2", "chr1", "chr1"),
ranges=IRanges(1:3, width = 12),
strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "*", "-"))))

## Parallel intersection of a GRanges and a GRangesList object
pintersect(gr, grlist)
pintersect(grlist, gr)

## For a fast 'mendoapply(intersect, grlist, as(gr, "GRangesList"))'
## call pintersect() with 'strict.strand=TRUE' and call reduce() on
## the result with 'drop.empty.ranges=TRUE':
reduce(pintersect(grlist, gr, strict.strand=TRUE),

## Parallel set difference of a GRanges and a GRangesList object
psetdiff(gr, grlist)

Strand utilities


A bunch of useful strand and invertStrand methods.


list(list("strand"), list("missing"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("character"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("factor"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("integer"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("logical"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("Rle"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("RleList"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("DataTable"))(x)
list(list("strand"), list("DataTable,ANY"))(x) <- value
list(list("invertStrand"), list("character"))(x)
list(list("invertStrand"), list("factor"))(x)
list(list("invertStrand"), list("integer"))(x)
list(list("invertStrand"), list("logical"))(x)
list(list("invertStrand"), list("Rle"))(x)
list(list("invertStrand"), list("RleList"))(x)



|x | The object from which to obtain a list("strand factor") , list("strand ", " factor ", list("Rle")) , or list("strand factor ", list("RleList")) object. Can be missing. See Details and Value sections below for more information. | |value | Replacement value for the strand. |


All the strand and invertStrand methods documented here return either a list("strand factor") , list("strand factor ", " ", list("Rle")) , or list("strand factor ", list("RleList")) object. These are factor, factor- Rle , or factor- RleList objects containing the "standard strand levels" (i.e. + , - , and * ) and no NAs.


All the strand and invertStrand methods documented here return an object that is parallel to input object x when x is a character, factor, integer, logical, Rle , or RleList object.

For the strand methods:

  • If x is missing, returns an empty factor with the "standard strand levels" i.e. + , - , and * .

  • If x is a character vector or factor, it is coerced to a factor with the levels listed above. NA values in x are not accepted.

  • If x is an integer vector, it is coerced to a factor with the levels listed above. 1 , -1 , and NA values in x are mapped to the + , - , and * levels respectively.

  • If x is a logical vector, it is coerced to a factor with the levels listed above. FALSE , TRUE , and NA values in x are mapped to the + , - , and * levels respectively.

  • If x is a character-, factor-, integer-, or logical- Rle , it is transformed with runValue(x) <- strand(runValue(x)) and returned.

  • If x is an RleList object, each list element in x is transformed by calling strand() on it and the resulting RleList object is returned. More precisely the returned object is endoapply(x, strand) . Note that in addition to being parallel to x , this object also has the same shape as x (i.e. its list elements have the same lengths as in x ).

  • If x inherits from DataTable , the "strand" column is passed thru strand() and returned. If x has no "strand" column, this return value is populated with * s.

Each invertStrand method returns the same object as its corresponding strand method but with "+" and "-" switched.




M. Lawrence and H. Pagès



x1 <- c("-", "*", "*", "+", "-", "*")
x2 <- factor(c("-", "-", "+", "-"))
x3 <- c(-1L, NA, NA, 1L, -1L, NA)
x4 <- c(TRUE, NA, NA, FALSE, TRUE, NA)



x5 <- RleList(x1, character(0), as.character(x2))

strand(DataFrame(score=2:-3, strand=x3))
strand(DataFrame(score=2:-3, strand=Rle(x3)))

## Sanity checks:
target <- strand(x1)
stopifnot(identical(target, strand(x3)))
stopifnot(identical(target, strand(x4)))

stopifnot(identical(Rle(strand(x1)), strand(Rle(x1))))
stopifnot(identical(Rle(strand(x2)), strand(Rle(x2))))
stopifnot(identical(Rle(strand(x3)), strand(Rle(x3))))
stopifnot(identical(Rle(strand(x4)), strand(Rle(x4))))

Put (virtual) tiles on a given genome


tileGenome returns a set of genomic regions that form a partitioning of the specified genome. Each region is called a "tile".


tileGenome(seqlengths, ntile, tilewidth,


seqlengthsEither a named numeric vector of chromosome lengths or a Seqinfo object. More precisely, if a named numeric vector, it must have a length >= 1, cannot contain NAs or negative values, and cannot have duplicated names. If a Seqinfo object, then it's first replaced with the vector of sequence lengths stored in the object (extracted from the object with the seqlengths getter), then the restrictions described previously apply to this vector.
ntileThe number of tiles to generate.
tilewidthThe desired tile width. The effective tile width might be slightly different but is guaranteed to never be more than the desired width. or not to cut the last tile in each chromosome. This is set to FALSE by default. Can be set to TRUE only when tilewidth is specified. In that case, a tile will never overlap with more than 1 chromosome and a GRanges object is returned with one element (i.e. one genomic range) per tile.


If is FALSE (the default), a GRangesList object with one list element per tile, each of them containing a number of genomic ranges equal to the number of chromosomes it overlaps with. Note that when the tiles are small (i.e. much smaller than the chromosomes), most of them only overlap with a single chromosome.

If is TRUE , a GRanges object with one element (i.e. one genomic range) per tile.



H. Pagès, based on a proposal by M. Morgan


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

seqlengths <- c(chr1=60, chr2=20, chr3=25)

## Create 5 tiles:
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths, ntile=5)
elementNROWS(tiles)  # tiles 3 and 4 contain 2 ranges

## Use sum() on this IntegerList object to get the effective tile
## widths:
sum(width(tiles))  # each tile covers exactly 21 genomic positions

## Create 9 tiles:
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths, ntile=9)
elementNROWS(tiles)  # tiles 6 and 7 contain 2 ranges

table(sum(width(tiles)))  # some tiles cover 12 genomic positions,
# others 11

## Specify the tile width:
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths, tilewidth=20)
length(tiles)  # 6 tiles
table(sum(width(tiles)))  # effective tile width is <= specified

## Specify the tile width and cut the last tile in each chromosome:
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths, tilewidth=24,
width(tiles)  # each tile covers exactly 24 genomic positions, except
# the last tile in each chromosome

## Partition a genome by chromosome ("natural partitioning"):
tiles <- tileGenome(seqlengths, tilewidth=max(seqlengths),
tiles  # one tile per chromosome

## sanity check
stopifnot(all.equal(setNames(end(tiles), seqnames(tiles)), seqlengths))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

tiles <- tileGenome(seqinfo(Scerevisiae), ntile=20)

tiles <- tileGenome(seqinfo(Scerevisiae), tilewidth=50000,

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## See '?genomicvars' for an example of how to compute the binned
## average of a numerical variable defined along a genome.

Generate windows for a GenomicRanges


tile and slidingWindows methods for GenomicRanges . tile partitions each range into a set of tiles, which are defined in terms of their number or width. slidingWindows generates sliding windows of a specified width and frequency.


list(list("tile"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, n, width)
list(list("slidingWindows"), list("GenomicRanges"))(x, width, step=1L)


xA GenomicRanges object, like a GRanges .
nThe number of tiles to generate. See ? in the IRanges package for more information about this argument.
widthThe (maximum) width of each tile. See ? in the IRanges package for more information about this argument.
stepThe distance between the start positions of the sliding windows.


The tile function splits x into a GRangesList , each element of which corresponds to a tile, or partition, of x . Specify the tile geometry with either n or width (not both). Passing n creates n tiles of approximately equal width, truncated by sequence end, while passing width tiles the region with ranges of the given width, again truncated by sequence end.

The slidingWindows function generates sliding windows within each range of x , according to width and step , returning a GRangesList . If the sliding windows do not exactly cover a range in x , the last window is partial.


A GRangesList object, each element of which corresponds to a window.


tile in the IRanges package.


M. Lawrence


gr <- GRanges(
seqnames=Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
ranges=IRanges(1:10, end=11),
strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
seqlengths=c(chr1=11, chr2=12, chr3=13))

# split every range in half
tiles <- tile(gr, n = 2L)
stopifnot(all(elementNROWS(tiles) == 2L))

# split ranges into subranges of width 2
# odd width ranges must contain one subrange of width 1
tiles <- tile(gr, width = 2L)
stopifnot(all(all(width(tiles) %in% c(1L, 2L))))

windows <- slidingWindows(gr, width=3L, step=2L)
width(windows[[1L]]) # last range is truncated