biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Blast.NCBIXML.BlastParser

Parse XML BLAST data into a Record.Blast object.

Parses XML output from BLAST (direct use discouraged). This (now) returns a list of Blast records. Historically it returned a single Blast record. You are expected to use this via the parse or read functions.

All XML ‘action’ methods are private methods and may be:

  • _start_TAG called when the start tag is found
  • _end_TAG called when the end tag is found

Link to this section Summary



The database(s) searched (PRIVATE)

Hits to the database sequences, one for every sequence (PRIVATE)

BLAST program, e.g., blastp, blastn, etc

The identifier of the query (PRIVATE)

The definition line of the query (PRIVATE)

The length of the query (PRIVATE)

A reference to the article describing the algorithm (PRIVATE)

Version number and date of the BLAST engine

Accession of the database sequence (PRIVATE)

Definition line of the database sequence (PRIVATE)

Identifier of the database sequence (PRIVATE)

Length of the alignment (PRIVATE)

Bit score of HSP (PRIVATE)

Expect value of the HSP (PRIVATE)

Number of gaps in the alignment (PRIVATE)

Frame of the database sequence if applicable (PRIVATE)

Offset of the database at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE)

Offset of the database at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE)

Alignment string for the database (PRIVATE)

Number of identities in the alignment (PRIVATE)

Formatting middle line as normally seen in BLAST report (PRIVATE)

Number of positive (conservative) substitutions in the alignment (PRIVATE)

Alignment string for the query (PRIVATE)

Frame of the query if applicable (PRIVATE)

Offset of query at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE)

Offset of query at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE)

Raw score of HSP (PRIVATE)

The identifier of the query (PRIVATE)

The definition line of the query (PRIVATE)

The length of the query (PRIVATE)

Expect values cutoff (PRIVATE)

Filtering options (-F) (PRIVATE)

Gap extension cose (-E) (PRIVATE)

Gap existence cost (-G) (PRIVATE)

Matrix used (-M on legacy BLAST) (PRIVATE)

Match score for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE)

Mismatch penalty for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE)

Number of letters in the database (PRIVATE)

Number of sequences in the database (PRIVATE)

The effective search space (PRIVATE)

Karlin-Altschul parameter H (PRIVATE)

The effective HSP length (PRIVATE)

Karlin-Altschul parameter K (PRIVATE)

Karlin-Altschul parameter Lambda (PRIVATE)

Reset all the data allowing reuse of the BlastParser() object

Link to this section Functions



  • debug - integer, amount of debug information to print
Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_db()

The database(s) searched (PRIVATE).

Save this to put on each blast record object

Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_hits()

Hits to the database sequences, one for every sequence (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_program()

BLAST program, e.g., blastp, blastn, etc.

Save this to put on each blast record object

Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_query_ID()

The identifier of the query (PRIVATE).

Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions

is enough
Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_query_def()

The definition line of the query (PRIVATE).

Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions

is enough
Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_query_len()

The length of the query (PRIVATE).

Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions

is enough
Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_reference()

A reference to the article describing the algorithm (PRIVATE).

Save this to put on each blast record object

Link to this function _end_BlastOutput_version()

Version number and date of the BLAST engine.

e.g. “BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005]” but there can also be variants like “BLASTP 2.2.18+” without the date.

Save this to put on each blast record object

Link to this function _end_Hit_accession()

Accession of the database sequence (PRIVATE).

Definition line of the database sequence (PRIVATE).

Identifier of the database sequence (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_align_len()

Length of the alignment (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_bit_score()

Bit score of HSP (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_evalue()

Expect value of the HSP (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_gaps()

Number of gaps in the alignment (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_hit_frame()

Frame of the database sequence if applicable (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_hit_from()

Offset of the database at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_hit_to()

Offset of the database at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_hseq()

Alignment string for the database (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_identity()

Number of identities in the alignment (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_midline()

Formatting middle line as normally seen in BLAST report (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_positive()

Number of positive (conservative) substitutions in the alignment (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_qseq()

Alignment string for the query (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_query_frame()

Frame of the query if applicable (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_query_from()

Offset of query at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_query_to()

Offset of query at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Hsp_score()

Raw score of HSP (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Iteration_query_ID()

The identifier of the query (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Iteration_query_def()

The definition line of the query (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Iteration_query_len()

The length of the query (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_expect()

Expect values cutoff (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_filter()

Filtering options (-F) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_gap_extend()

Gap extension cose (-E) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_gap_open()

Gap existence cost (-G) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_matrix()

Matrix used (-M on legacy BLAST) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_sc_match()

Match score for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Parameters_sc_mismatch()

Mismatch penalty for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_db_len()

Number of letters in the database (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_db_num()

Number of sequences in the database (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_eff_space()

The effective search space (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_entropy()

Karlin-Altschul parameter H (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_hsp_len()

The effective HSP length (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_kappa()

Karlin-Altschul parameter K (PRIVATE).

Link to this function _end_Statistics_lambda()

Karlin-Altschul parameter Lambda (PRIVATE).

Reset all the data allowing reuse of the BlastParser() object.