biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Restriction.Restriction
Restriction Enzyme classes.
Notes about the diverses class of the restriction enzyme implementation::
RestrictionType is the type of all restriction enzymes.
AbstractCut implements some methods that are common to all enzymes.
NoCut, OneCut,TwoCuts represent the number of double strand cuts
produced by the enzyme.
they correspond to the 4th field of the
rebase record emboss_e.NNN.
0->NoCut : the enzyme is not characterised.
2->OneCut : the enzyme produce one double strand cut.
4->TwoCuts : two double strand cuts.
Meth_Dep, Meth_Undep represent the methylation susceptibility to
the enzyme.
Not implemented yet.
Palindromic, if the site is palindromic or not.
NotPalindromic allow some optimisations of the code.
No need to check the reverse strand
with palindromic sites.
Unknown, Blunt, represent the overhang.
Ov5, Ov3 Unknown is here for symmetry reasons and
correspond to enzymes that are not
characterised in rebase.
Defined, Ambiguous, represent the sequence of the overhang.
NotDefined is for enzymes not characterised
in rebase.
Defined correspond to enzymes that display
a constant overhang whatever the sequence.
ex : EcoRI. G^AATTC -> overhang :AATT
Ambiguous : the overhang varies with the
sequence restricted.
Typically enzymes which cut outside their
restriction site or (but not always)
inside an ambiguous site.
AcuI CTGAAG(22/20) -> overhang : NN
AasI GACNNN^NNNGTC -> overhang : NN
note : these 3 classes refers to the overhang not the site.
So the enzyme ApoI (RAATTY) is defined even if its
restriction site is ambiguous.
ApoI R^AATTY -> overhang : AATT -> Defined
Accordingly, blunt enzymes are always Defined even
when they cut outside their restriction site.
Not_available, as found in rebase file emboss_r.NNN files.
allow the selection of the enzymes
according to their suppliers to reduce the
quantity of results.
Also will allow the implementation of
buffer compatibility tables. Not
implemented yet.
the list of suppliers is extracted from
Link to this section Summary
Check characters in a string (PRIVATE)
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
Check characters in a string (PRIVATE).
Remove digits and white space present in string. Allows any valid ambiguous IUPAC DNA single letters codes (ABCDGHKMNRSTVWY, lower case are converted).
Other characters (e.g. symbols) trigger a TypeError.
Returns the string WITH A LEADING SPACE (!). This is for backwards compatibility, and may in part be explained by the fact that Bio.Restriction doesn’t use zero based counting.