biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Emboss.Primer3

Code to parse output from the EMBOSS eprimer3 program.

As elsewhere in Biopython there are two input functions, read and parse, for single record output and multi-record output. For primer3, a single record object is created for each target sequence and may contain multiple primers.

i.e. If you ran eprimer3 with a single target sequence, use the read function. If you ran eprimer3 with multiple targets, use the parse function to iterate over the retsults.

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Iterate over primer3 output as Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record objects

Parse primer3 output into a Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record object

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Iterate over primer3 output as Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record objects.

Parse primer3 output into a Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record object.

This is for when there is one and only one target sequence. If designing primers for multiple sequences, use the parse function.