biopython v1.71.0 Bio.NeuralNetwork.BackPropagation.Layer.HiddenLayer

Initialize a hidden layer.


  • num_nodes — The number of nodes in this hidden layer.
  • next_layer — The next layer in the neural network that this is connected to.
  • activation — The transformation function used to transform predicted values.

Link to this section Summary


Recalculate all weights based on the last round of prediction

Update the values of nodes from the previous layer info

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function backpropagate()

Recalculate all weights based on the last round of prediction.


  • learning_rate — The learning rate of the network
  • momentum - The amount of weight to place on the previous weight change.
  • outputs - The output values we are using to see how good our network is at predicting things.

Update the values of nodes from the previous layer info.


  • previous_layer — The previous layer in the network.