biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Phylo.BaseTree.Clade

A recursively defined sub-tree.


branch_length : str
    The length of the branch leading to the root node of this clade.
name : str
    The clade's name (a label).
clades : list
    Sub-trees rooted directly under this tree's root.
confidence : number
color : BranchColor
    The display color of the branch and descendents.
width : number
    The display width of the branch and descendents.

Link to this section Summary


Boolean value of an instance of this class (True)

Get clades by index (integer or slice)

Define parameters for the Clade tree

Iterate through this tree’s direct descendent clades (sub-trees)

Number of clades directy under the root

Return name of the class instance

True if this is a terminal (leaf) node

Allow TreeMixin methods to traverse clades properly

Link to this section Functions

Boolean value of an instance of this class (True).

NB: If this method is not defined, but __len__ is, then the object is considered true if the result of __len__() is nonzero. We want Clade instances to always be considered True.

Get clades by index (integer or slice).

Define parameters for the Clade tree.

Iterate through this tree’s direct descendent clades (sub-trees).

Number of clades directy under the root.

Return name of the class instance.

True if this is a terminal (leaf) node.

Allow TreeMixin methods to traverse clades properly.