biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Restriction.Restriction.TwoCuts

Implement the methods for enzymes that cut the DNA twice.

Correspond to ncuts values of 4 in emboss_e.

Internal use only. Not meant to be instantiated.

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Return a generator that moves the cutting position by 1 (PRIVATE)

Return a generator that moves the cutting position by 1

Return a list of the enzyme’s characteristics as tuple

Return if the cutting pattern has one cut

Return if the cutting pattern has two cuts

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Return a generator that moves the cutting position by 1 (PRIVATE).

For internal use only.

location is an integer corresponding to the location of the match for the enzyme pattern in the sequence. _modify returns the real place where the enzyme will cut.


EcoRI pattern : GAATTC
EcoRI will cut after the G.
so in the sequence:
dna.finditer(GAATTC, 6) will return 10 as G is the 10th base
EcoRI cut after the G so:
EcoRI._modify(10) -> 11.

if the enzyme cut twice _modify will returns two integer corresponding to each cutting site.

Return a generator that moves the cutting position by 1.

for internal use only.

as _modify for site situated on the antiparallel strand when the enzyme is not palindromic

Link to this function characteristic()

Return a list of the enzyme’s characteristics as tuple.

the tuple contains the attributes:

  • fst5 -> first 5’ cut ((current strand) or None
  • fst3 -> first 3’ cut (complementary strand) or None
  • scd5 -> second 5’ cut (current strand) or None
  • scd5 -> second 3’ cut (complementary strand) or None
  • site -> recognition site.

Return if the cutting pattern has one cut.

True if the enzyme cut the sequence one time on each strand.

Return if the cutting pattern has two cuts.

True if the enzyme cut the sequence twice on each strand.