biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Phylo.BaseTree

Base classes for Bio.Phylo objects.

All object representations for phylogenetic trees should derive from these base classes in order to use the common methods defined on them.

Link to this section Summary


Match a node by specified attribute values

Match a node if it’s an instance of the given class

Convert [targets] or *targets arguments to a single iterable

Merge target specifications with keyword arguments

Safer attribute lookup — returns False instead of raising an error

Match a node to the target object by identity

Traverse a tree in breadth-first (level) order

Retrieve a matcher function by passing an arbitrary object

Traverse a tree in depth-first post-order (children before parent)

Traverse a tree in depth-first pre-order (parent before children)

Get a flat list of elem’s attributes, sorted for consistency

Encode string to UTF-8

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function _attribute_matcher()

Match a node by specified attribute values.

terminal is a special case: True restricts the search to external (leaf) nodes, False restricts to internal nodes, and None allows all tree elements to be searched, including phyloXML annotations.

Otherwise, for a tree element to match the specification (i.e. for the function produced by _attribute_matcher to return True when given a tree element), it must have each of the attributes specified by the keys and match each of the corresponding values — think ‘and’, not ‘or’, for multiple keys.

Link to this function _class_matcher()

Match a node if it’s an instance of the given class.

Link to this function _combine_args()

Convert [targets] or *targets arguments to a single iterable.

This helps other functions work like the built-in functions max and min.

Link to this function _combine_matchers()

Merge target specifications with keyword arguments.

Dispatch the components to the various matcher functions, then merge into a single boolean function.

Link to this function _function_matcher()

Safer attribute lookup — returns False instead of raising an error.

Link to this function _identity_matcher()

Match a node to the target object by identity.

Link to this function _level_traverse()

Traverse a tree in breadth-first (level) order.

Link to this function _object_matcher()

Retrieve a matcher function by passing an arbitrary object.

i.e. passing a TreeElement such as a Clade or Tree instance returns an identity matcher, passing a type such as the PhyloXML.Taxonomy class returns a class matcher, and passing a dictionary returns an attribute matcher.

The resulting ‘match’ function returns True when given an object matching the specification (identity, type or attribute values), otherwise False. This is useful for writing functions that search the tree, and probably shouldn’t be used directly by the end user.

Link to this function _postorder_traverse()

Traverse a tree in depth-first post-order (children before parent).

Link to this function _preorder_traverse()

Traverse a tree in depth-first pre-order (parent before children).

Link to this function _sorted_attrs()

Get a flat list of elem’s attributes, sorted for consistency.

Encode string to UTF-8.