biopython v1.71.0 Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene.Signature.SignatureFinder

Find Signatures in a group of sequence records.

In this simple implementation, signatures are just defined as a two motifs separated by a gap. We need something a lot smarter than this to find more complicated signatures.

Link to this section Summary


Initialize a finder to get signatures

Add a signature to the given dictionary

Return a dictionary with all signatures and their counts

Find all signatures in a group of sequences

Link to this section Functions

Initialize a finder to get signatures.


  • alphabet_strict - Specify whether signatures should be required to have all letters in the signature be consistent with the alphabet of the original sequence. This requires that all Seqs used have a consistent alphabet. This helps protect against getting useless signatures full of ambiguity signals.

Add a signature to the given dictionary.

Link to this function _get_signature_dict()

Return a dictionary with all signatures and their counts.

This internal function does all of the hard work for the find_signatures function.

Find all signatures in a group of sequences.


  • seq_records - A list of SeqRecord objects we’ll use the sequences from to find signatures.
  • signature_size - The size of each half of a signature (ie. if this is set at 3, then the signature could be AGC——-GAC)
  • max_gap - The maximum gap size between two parts of a signature.