biopython v1.71.0 API Reference
(auto-generated from source code)
Reading information from Affymetrix CEL files version 3 and 4
Affymetrix parser error
Stores the information in a cel file
Extract information from alignment objects
Represent a position specific score matrix
Calculate summary info about the alignment
Bio.AlignIO support for “clustal” output from CLUSTAL W and other tools
Clustalw alignment iterator
Clustalw alignment writer
Bio.AlignIO support for “emboss” alignment output from EMBOSS tools
Emboss alignment iterator
Emboss alignment writer (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Bio.AlignIO support for “fasta-m10” output from Bill Pearson’s FASTA tools
AlignIO support module (not for general use)
Base class for building MultipleSeqAlignment iterators
Base class for building MultipleSeqAlignment writers
Base class for building MultipleSeqAlignment writers
Bio.AlignIO support for the “maf” multiple alignment format
Index for a MAF file
Accepts a MultipleSeqAlignment object, writes a MAF file
Bio.AlignIO support for “xmfa” output from Mauve/ProgressiveMauve
Mauve xmfa alignment iterator
Mauve/XMFA alignment writer
Bio.AlignIO support for the “nexus” file format
Nexus alignment writer
AlignIO support for “phylip” format from Joe Felsenstein’s PHYLIP tools
Reads a Phylip alignment file returning a MultipleSeqAlignment iterator
Relaxed Phylip format Iterator
Relaxed Phylip format writer
Sequential Phylip format Iterator
Sequential Phylip format Writer
Bio.AlignIO support for “stockholm” format (used in the PFAM database)
Loads a Stockholm file from PFAM into MultipleSeqAlignment objects
Stockholm/PFAM alignment writer
Standard nucleotide and protein alphabets defined by IUPAC
Extended IUPAC DNA alphabet
Extended uppercase IUPAC protein single letter alphabet including X etc
Uppercase IUPAC ambiguous DNA
Uppercase IUPAC ambiguous RNA
Uppercase IUPAC protein single letter alphabet of the 20 standard amino acids
Uppercase IUPAC unambiguous DNA (letters GATC only)
Uppercase IUPAC unambiguous RNA (letters GAUC only)
Reduced alphabets which lump together several amino-acids into one letter
Definitions for interacting with BLAST related applications
Wrapper for the NCBI BLAST+ program blast_formatter
Code for calling standalone BLAST and parsing plain text output (DEPRECATED)
Attempt to catch and diagnose BLAST errors while parsing
Parses BLAST data into a Record.Blast object
Iterates over a file of multiple BLAST results
Error caused by running a low quality sequence through BLAST
Parses BLAST data into a Record.PSIBlast object
Error caused by running a short query sequence through BLAST
Code to invoke the NCBI BLAST server over the internet
Code to work with the BLAST XML output
Parse XML BLAST data into a Record.Blast object
A parser for the NCBI blastpgp version 2.2.5 output format. Currently only supports the ‘-m 9’ option, (table w/ annotations). Returns a BlastTableRec instance
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Record classes to hold BLAST output
Stores information about one hit in the alignments section
Saves the results from a blast search
Holds information about a database report
Stores information about one hit in the descriptions section
Stores information about one hsp in an alignment hit
Saves information from a blast header
Holds information about a multiple alignment
Saves the results from a blastpgp search
Holds information about the parameters
Holds information from a PSI-BLAST round
Codon tables based on those from the NCBI
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
A codon-table, or genetic code
Initialize the class
Information about the IUPAC alphabets
Additional protein alphabets used in the SCOP database and PDB files
Bio.DocSQL: easy access to DB API databases (DEPRECATED)
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Code to interact with and run various EMBOSS programs
Commandline object for the diffseq program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the einverted program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the etandem program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the est2genome program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fconsense program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fdnadist program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fdnapars program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fneighbor program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fprotdist program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fdnapars program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fseqboot program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the ftreedist program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the fuzznuc program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the needle program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the needleall program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the palindrome program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the primersearch program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the seqmatchall program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the seqret program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the stretcher program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the tranalign program from EMBOSS
Commandline object for the water program from EMBOSS
Code to parse output from the EMBOSS eprimer3 program
A primer set designed by Primer3
Represent information from a primer3 run finding primers
Code to interact with the primersearch program from EMBOSS
Represent a single amplification from a primer
Represent the input file into the primersearch program
Represent the information from a primersearch job
Parser for XML results returned by NCBI’s Entrez Utilities
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
XML tag found which was not defined in the DTD
Parse the enzyme.dat file from Enzyme at ExPASy
Holds information from an ExPASy ENZYME record as a Python dictionary
Code to work with the prosite.doc file from Prosite
Holds information from a Prodoc record
Holds information from a Prodoc citation
Parser for the prosite dat file from Prosite at ExPASy
Holds information from a Prosite record
Execute a ScanProsite search
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Represents search results returned by ScanProsite
Several routines used to extract information from FSSP sections
Initialize the class
A Python handle that adds functionality for saving lines
General functionality for crossover that doesn’t apply
Perform crossovers, but do not allow decreases in organism fitness
Generalized N-Point Crossover
Perform n-point crossover between genomes at some defined rates
Demonstration class for Interleaving crossover
Helper class for Two Point crossovers
Perform two-point crossovers between the genomes of two organisms
Perform point crossover between genomes at some defined rate
Perform two-point crossovers between the genomes of two organisms
Perform two point crossover between genomes at some defined rate
Perform uniform crossovers between the genomes of two organisms
Perform single point crossover between genomes at some defined rates
Evolution Strategies for a Population
Evolve a population from generation to generation
Evolve a population in place
General functionality for mutations
Perform mutations, but do not allow decreases in organism fitness
Perform Simple mutations on an organism’s genome
Potentially mutate any item to another in the alphabet
Perform a conversion mutation, but only at a single point in the genome
Deal with an Organism in a Genetic Algorithm population
Represent a single individual in a population
Methods for performing repairs that will Stabilize genomes
Perform repair to reduce the number of Ambiguous genes in a genome
Base selection class from which all Selectors should derive
Base class for Selector classes
Select individuals into a new population trying to maintain diversity
Implement diversity selection
Implement Roulette Wheel selection on a population
Roulette wheel selection proportional to individuals fitness
Provide Tournament style selection
Implement tournament style selection
Hold GenBank data in a straightforward format
Hold information about a Feature in the Feature Table of GenBank record
Hold information about a qualifier in a GenBank feature
Hold GenBank information in a format similar to the original record
Hold information from a GenBank reference
Internal code for parsing GenBank and EMBL files (PRIVATE)
For extracting chunks of information in EMBL files
Hold GEO data in a straightforward format
Hold GEO information in a format similar to the original record
Draw representations of organism chromosomes with added information
Annotated chromosome segment
Class for drawing a chromosome of an organism
Draw a segment of a chromosome
Top level class for drawing chromosomes
A segment that is located at the end of a linear chromosome
A segment that is located at the end of a linear chromosome
Generate RGB colours suitable for distinguishing categorical data
Implement a spiral path through HSV colour space
Plots to compare information between different sources
Display a scatter-type plot comparing two different kinds of info
Represent information for graphical display
Represent a chromosome with count information
Display information distributed across a Chromosome-like object
Display the distribution of values as a bunch of bars
Display a grouping of distributions on a page
Display the distribution of values as connected lines
Classes and functions to visualise a KGML Pathway Map
Reportlab Canvas-based representation of a KGML pathway map
Dynamic Programming algorithms for general usage
An abstract class to calculate forward and backward probabilities
Implement forward and backward algorithms using a log approach
Implement forward and backward algorithms using a rescaling approach
Deal with representations of Markov Models
Represent a hidden markov model that can be used for state estimation
Interface to build up a Markov Model
Provide trainers which estimate parameters based on training sequences
Provide generic functionality needed in all trainers
Trainer that uses the Baum-Welch algorithm to estimate parameters
Estimate probabilities with known state sequences
Hold a training sequence with emissions and optionally, a state path
Generic functions which are useful for working with HMMs
KD tree data structure for searching N-dimensional vectors
KD tree implementation in C++, SWIG python wrapper
Classes and functions to parse a KGML pathway map
Parses a KGML XML Pathway entry into a Pathway object
Classes to represent a KGML Pathway Map
An Entry subelement used to represents a complex node
Represent an Entry from KGML
An Entry subelement used to represents the visual representation
Represents a KGML pathway from KEGG
A specific chemical reaction with substrates and products
A relationship between to products, KOs, or protein and compound
Provides code to access the REST-style KEGG online API
Code for doing logistic regressions
Holds information necessary to do logistic regression classification
A state-emitting MarkovModel
Create a state-emitting MarkovModel object
NOEtools: For predicting NOE coordinates from assignment data
General Naive Bayes learner
Hold information for a NaiveBayes classifier
Model a single layer in a nueral network
Abstract base class for all layers
Initialize a hidden layer
Initialize the input layer
Initialize the Output Layer
Represent Neural Networks
Represent a Basic Neural Network with three layers
Find and deal with motifs in biological sequence data
Convert motifs and a sequence into neural network representations
Find motifs in a set of Sequence Records
Generic functionality useful for all gene representations
Allow reading and writing of patterns to files
Hold a list of specific patterns found in sequences
Deal with Motifs or Signatures allowing ambiguity in the sequences
Calculate fitness for schemas that differentiate between sequences
Find schemas using a genetic algorithm approach
Calculate a fitness giving weight to schemas that match many times
Generate a random motif within given parameters
Deal with motifs that have ambiguity characters in it
Convert a sequence into a representation of ambiguous motifs (schemas)
Alphabet of a simple Schema for DNA sequences
Generate Schema from inputs of Motifs or Signatures
Find schema in a set of sequences using a genetic algorithm approach
Determine when we are done evolving motifs
Find and deal with signatures in biological sequence data
Convert a Sequence into its signature representatives
Find Signatures in a group of sequence records
Classes to help deal with stopping training a neural network
Class to stop training on a network when the validation error increases
Provide classes for dealing with Training Neural Networks
Manage a grouping of Training Examples
Hold inputs and outputs of a training example
Nexus class. Parse the contents of a NEXUS file
Represent a NEXUS block with block name and list of commandlines
Helps reading NEXUS-words and characters from a buffer (semi-PRIVATE)
Represent a commandline as command and options
Initialize the class
Calculate a stepmatrix for weighted parsimony
Linked list functionality for use in Bio.Nexus
Stores a list of nodes that are linked together
A single node
Objects to represent NEXUS standard data type matrix coding
Create a StandardData iterable object
Tree class to handle phylogenetic trees
Store tree-relevant data associated with nodes (e.g. branches or otus)
Represent a tree using a chain of nodes with on predecessor (=ancestor) and multiple successors (=subclades)
Class that maps (chain_id, residue_id) to a residue property
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Initialize the class
Atom class, used in Structure objects
Create Atom object
Contains all Atom objects that represent the same disordered atom
Chain class, used in Structure objects
Initialize the class
Run DSSP and parse secondary structure and accessibility
Code for chopping up (dicing) a structure
Only accepts residues with right chainid, between start and end
Base class for Residue, Chain, Model and Structure classes
Wrapper class to group equivalent Entities
Basic container object for PDB heirachy
Classify protein backbone structure according to Kolodny et al’s fragment libraries
Represent a polypeptide C-alpha fragment
Map polypeptides in a model to lists of representative fragments
Half-sphere exposure and coordination number calculation
Residue exposure as number of CA atoms around its CA atom
Class to calculate HSE based on the approximate CA-CB vectors
Class to calculate HSE based on the real CA-CB vectors
Turn an mmCIF file into a dictionary
Parse a mmCIF file and return a dictionary
mmCIF parsers
Parse an MMCIF file and return a Structure object
Parse a mmCIF file and return a Structure object
Model class, used in Structure objects
The object representing a model in a structure. In a structure derived from an X-ray crystallography experiment, only a single model will be present (with some exceptions). NMR structures normally contain many different models
Interface for the program NACCESS
Initialize the class
Fast atom neighbor lookup using a KD tree (implemented in C++)
Class for neighbor searching,
Some Bio.PDB-specific exceptions
Output of PDB files
Write a Structure object (or a subset of a Structure object) as a PDB file
Select everything for PDB output (for use as a base class)
Access the PDB over the internet (e.g. to download structures)
Parser for PDB files
Parse a PDB file and return a Structure object
Wrappers for PSEA, a program for secondary structure assignment
Initialize the class
Polypeptide-related classes (construction and representation)
Use CA—CA distance to find polypeptides
Use C—N distance to find polypeptides
A polypeptide is simply a list of L{Residue} objects
Residue class, used by Structure objects
DisorderedResidue is a wrapper around two or more Residue objects
Represents a residue. A Residue object stores atoms
Calculation of residue depth using command line tool MSMS
Calculate residue and CA depth for all residues
Selection of atoms, residues, etc
The structure class, representing a macromolecular structure
The Structure class contains a collection of Model instances
Map residues of two structures to each other based on a FASTA alignment
Class to align two structures based on an alignment of their sequences
Consumer class that builds a Structure object
Deals with contructing the Structure object
Superimpose two structures
Rotate/translate one set of atoms on top of another, thereby minimizing the RMSD
Vector class, including rotation-related functions
3D vector
Code to support writing parsers (DEPRECATED)
Base class for other Consumers
Base class for other parsers
Debugging consumer which tags data with the event and logs it
A directed graph abstraction with labeled edges
Depth first search of g
A directed multigraph abstraction with labeled edges
Base classes for Bio.Phylo objects
Indicates the color of a clade when rendered graphically
A recursively defined sub-tree
A phylogenetic tree, containing global info for the phylogeny
Base class for all Bio.Phylo classes
Methods for Tree- and Clade-based classes
Classes corresponding to CDAO trees
CDAO Clade (sub-tree) object
CDAO Tree object
I/O function wrappers for the RDF/CDAO file format
Exception raised when CDAO object construction cannot continue (DEPRECATED)
Parse a CDAO tree given a file handle
Based on the writer in Bio.Nexus.Trees (str, to_string)
Classes and methods for finding consensus trees
Classes corresponding to NeXML trees
NeXML Clade (sub-tree) object
NeXML Tree object
I/O function wrappers for the NeXML file format
Exception raised when NeXML object construction cannot continue
Parse a NeXML tree given a file handle
Based on the writer in Bio.Nexus.Trees (str, to_string)
Classes corresponding to Newick trees, also used for Nexus trees
Newick Clade (sub-tree) object
Newick Tree object
I/O function wrappers for the Newick file format
Exception raised when Newick object construction cannot continue
Parse a Newick tree given a file handle
Based on the writer in Bio.Nexus.Trees (str, to_string)
Classes corresponding to phyloXML elements
Captures the local part in a sequence identifier
The annotation of a molecular sequence
Binary characters at the root of a clade
Initialize parameters for the BranchColor object
Describes a branch of the current phylogenetic tree
Expresses a typed relationship between two clades
A general purpose confidence element
A date associated with a clade/node
Geographic distribution of the items of a clade (species, sequences)
Domain architecture of a protein
Events at the root node of a clade (e.g. one gene duplication)
A general-purpose identifier element
Store a molecular sequence
Container for non-phyloXML elements in the tree
Base class for all PhyloXML objects
Warning for non-compliance with the phyloXML specification
A phylogenetic tree
Root node of the PhyloXML document
Geographic coordinates of a point, with an optional altitude
A polygon defined by a list of ‘Points’ (used by element ‘Distribution’)
A typed and referenced property from an external resources
Represents an individual domain in a domain architecture
Literature reference for a clade
A molecular sequence (Protein, DNA, RNA) associated with a node
Express a typed relationship between two sequences
Describe taxonomic information for a clade
PhyloXML reader/parser, writer, and associated functions
Methods for parsing all phyloXML nodes from an XML stream
Exception raised when PhyloXML object construction cannot continue
Methods for serializing a PhyloXML object to XML
Classes and methods for tree construction
Class to calculate the distance matrix from a DNA or Protein
Distance matrix class that can be used for distance based tree algorithms
Distance based tree constructor
Tree searching with Nearest Neighbor Interchanges (NNI) algorithm
Parsimony scorer with a scoring matrix
Parsimony tree constructor
Base class for all tree scoring methods
Base class for all tree constructor
Base class for all tree searching methods
Module to control GenePop
Initializes the controller
Control GenePop through an easier interface
Initializes the controller
Code to parse BIG GenePop files
Holds information from a GenePop record
Large file parsing of Genepop files
Holds information from a GenePop record
Utility functions to deal with GenePop files
PrintFormat allow the printing of results of restriction analysis
Configuration of the console
Restriction Enzyme classes
Implement the methods that are common to all restriction enzymes
Implement methods for enzymes that produce variable overhangs
Provide methods for enhanced analysis and pretty printing
Implement methods for enzymes that produce blunt ends
Implement methods for enzymes which are commercially available
Implement methods for enzymes with defined recognition site and cut
FormattedSeq(seq, [linear=True])-> new FormattedSeq
Implement the information about methylation
Implement information about methylation sensitibility
Implement the methods specific to the enzymes that do not cut
Implement methods for enzymes with non-palindromic recognition sites
Implement methods for enzymes with non-characterized overhangs
Implement methods for enzymes which are not commercially available
Implement the methods for enzymes that cut the DNA only once
Implement methods for enzymes that produce 3’ overhanging ends
Implement methods for enzymes that produce 5’ overhanging ends
Implement methods for enzymes with palindromic recognition sites
Class for operations on more than one enzyme
RestrictionType. Type from which all enzyme classes are derived
Implement the methods for enzymes that cut the DNA twice
Implement methods for enzymes that produce unknown overhangs
Handle the SCOP CLAssification file, which describes SCOP domains
A CLA file indexed by SCOP identifiers for rapid random access
Holds information for one SCOP domain
Handle the SCOP DEScription file
Holds information for one node in the SCOP hierarchy
Handle the SCOP DOMain file
Holds information for one SCOP domain
Handle the SCOP HIErarchy files, which describe the SCOP hierarchy in terms of SCOP unique identifiers (sunid)
Holds information for one node in the SCOP hierarchy
ASTRAL RAF (Rapid Access Format) Sequence Maps
A single residue mapping from a RAF record
An ASTRAL RAF (Rapid Access Format) Sequence Map
An RAF file index
A collection of residues from a PDB structure
A collection of residues from a PDB structure
Bio.SearchIO parser for BLAT output formats
Indexer class for BLAT PSL output
Parser for the BLAT PSL format
Writer for the blat-psl format
Indexer class for Bill Pearson’s FASTA suite’s -m 10 output
Parser for Bill Pearson’s FASTA suite’s -m 10 output
Provide objects to represent biological sequences with alphabets
An editable sequence object (with an alphabet)
Read-only sequence object (essentially a string with an alphabet)
Read-only sequence object of known length but unknown contents
Represent a Sequence Feature holding info about a part of a sequence
Abstract base class representing a position
Specify a position where the actual location is found after it
Specify a position where the actual location occurs before it
Specify the position of a boundary between two coordinates (OBSOLETE?)
Specify the specific position of a boundary
Specify the location of a feature along a sequence
Specify a position where the location can be multiple positions
Simple class to hold information about a gap between positions
Represent a Generic Reference object
Specify a specific position which is uncertain
Specify a specific position which is unknown (has no position)
Specify the position of a boundary within some coordinates
Bio.SeqIO parser for the ABI format
Bio.SeqIO support for the “ace” file format
Bio.SeqIO support for the “fasta” (aka FastA or Pearson) file format
Class to write Fasta format files
Bio.SeqIO support for the “ig” (IntelliGenetics or MASE) file format
Bio.SeqIO support for the “genbank” and “embl” file formats
EMBL writer
GenBank writer
IMGT writer (EMBL format variant)
Bio.SeqIO support module (not for general use)
Base class for building SeqRecord iterators
Base class for building SeqRecord writers
Base class for sequence writers. This class should be subclassed
Returns SeqRecord objects for each chain in a PDB file
Bio.SeqIO support for the “phd” file format
Class to write Phd format files
Bio.SeqIO support for the “pir” (aka PIR or NBRF) file format
Class to write PIR format files
Class to write standard FASTQ format files (using PHRED quality scores)
Class to write QUAL format files (using PHRED quality scores)
Bio.SeqIO support for the “seqxml” file format, SeqXML
Breaks seqXML file into SeqRecords
Writes SeqRecords into seqXML file
Base class for building iterators for record style XML formats
Bio.SeqIO support for the binary Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) file format
SFF file writer
Bio.SeqIO support for the “swiss” (aka SwissProt/UniProt) file format
Bio.SeqIO support for the “tab” (simple tab separated) file format
Class to write simple tab separated format files
Bio.SeqIO support for the “uniprot-xml” file format
Parse a UniProt XML entry to a SeqRecord
Represent a Sequence Record, a sequence with annotation
Functions to calculate assorted sequence checksums
A codon adaptation index (CAI) implementation
Codon adaption indxes, including Sharp and Li (1987) E. coli index
Calculate isoelectric points of polypeptides using methods of Bjellqvist
Initialize the class
Calculate the melting temperature of nucleotide sequences
Simple protein analysis
Class containing methods for protein analysis
Indices to be used with ProtParam
Holds data of an ACE file
Holds information about a read supporting an ACE contig
Parser for PHD files output by PHRED and used by PHRAP and CONSED
Hold information from a PHD file
A class to handle frequency tables or letter count files
Initialize the class
Substitution matrices for use in alignments, etc
Code to parse the keywlist.txt file from SwissProt/UniProt
Store information of one keyword or category from the keywords list
Parsers for the GAF, GPA and GPI formats from UniProt-GOA
These documentations for Biopython are extracted from the source code