biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Restriction.Restriction.FormattedSeq

FormattedSeq(seq, [linear=True])-> new FormattedSeq.

Translate a Bio.Seq into a formatted sequence to be used with Restriction.

Roughly: remove anything which is not IUPAC alphabet and then add a space

     in front of the sequence to get a biological index instead of a
     python index (i.e. index of the first base is 1 not 0).

Retains information about the shape of the molecule linear (default) or circular. Restriction sites are search over the edges of circular sequence.

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FormattedSeq(seq, [linear=True])-> new FormattedSeq

Circularise sequence in place

Return a list of a given pattern which occurs in the sequence

Return if sequence is linear (True) or circular (False)

Linearise sequence in place

Make a new instance of sequence as circular

Make a new instance of sequence as linear

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FormattedSeq(seq, [linear=True])-> new FormattedSeq.

seq is either a Bio.Seq, Bio.MutableSeq or a FormattedSeq. if seq is a FormattedSeq, linear will have no effect on the shape of the sequence.

Circularise sequence in place.

Return a list of a given pattern which occurs in the sequence.

The list is made of tuple (location, The latter is used with non palindromic sites. Pattern is the regular expression pattern corresponding to the enzyme restriction site. Size is the size of the restriction enzyme recognition-site size.

Return if sequence is linear (True) or circular (False).

Linearise sequence in place.

Make a new instance of sequence as circular.

Make a new instance of sequence as linear.