biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Seq.MutableSeq

An editable sequence object (with an alphabet).

Unlike normal python strings and our basic sequence object (the Seq class) which are immutable, the MutableSeq lets you edit the sequence in place. However, this means you cannot use a MutableSeq object as a dictionary key.

 >>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
 >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna
 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq("ACTCGTCGTCG", generic_dna)
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGTCGTCG', DNAAlphabet())
 >>> my_seq[5]
 >>> my_seq[5] = "A"
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG', DNAAlphabet())
 >>> my_seq[5]
 >>> my_seq[5:8] = "NNN"
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGNNNTCG', DNAAlphabet())
 >>> len(my_seq)

Note that the MutableSeq object does not support as many string-like or biological methods as the Seq object.

Link to this section Summary


Add another sequence or string to this sequence

Delete a subsequence of single letter

Compare the sequence to another sequence or a string (README)

Return a subsequence of single letter, use my_seq[index]

Initialize the class

Implement the less-than or equal operand

Return the length of the sequence, use len(my_seq)

Implement the less-than operand

Implement the not-equal operand

Add a sequence on the left

Return (truncated) representation of the sequence for debugging

Set a subsequence of single letter via value parameter

Return the full sequence as a python string

Add a subsequence to the mutable sequence object

Modify the mutable sequence to take on its complement

Return a non-overlapping count, like that of a python string

Return an overlapping count

Add a sequence to the original mutable sequence object

Return the position of a subsequence of the first occurrence of a single letter

Add a subsequence to the mutable sequence object at a given index

Remove a subsequence of a single letter at given index

Remove a subsequence of a single letter from mutable sequence

Modify the mutable sequence to reverse itself

Modify the mutable sequence to take on its reverse complement

Return the full sequence as a new immutable Seq object

Return the full sequence as a python string (DEPRECATED)

Link to this section Functions

Add another sequence or string to this sequence.

Returns a new MutableSeq object.

Delete a subsequence of single letter.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> del my_seq[0]
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('CTCGACGTCG', Alphabet())

Compare the sequence to another sequence or a string (README).

Currently if compared to another sequence the alphabets must be compatible. Comparing DNA to RNA, or Nucleotide to Protein will raise an exception. Otherwise only the sequence itself is compared, not the precise alphabet.

A future release of Biopython will change this (and the Seq object etc) to use simple string comparison. The plan is that comparing sequences with incompatible alphabets (e.g. DNA to RNA) will trigger a warning but not an exception.

During this transition period, please just do explicit comparisons:

 >>> seq1 = MutableSeq("ACGT")
 >>> seq2 = MutableSeq("ACGT")
 >>> id(seq1) == id(seq2)
 >>> str(seq1) == str(seq2)

Biopython now does:

 >>> seq1 == seq2
 >>> seq1 == Seq("ACGT")
 >>> seq1 == "ACGT"

Return a subsequence of single letter, use my_seq[index].

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq[5]

Initialize the class.

Implement the less-than or equal operand.

Return the length of the sequence, use len(my_seq).

Implement the less-than operand.

Implement the not-equal operand.

Add a sequence on the left.

 >>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
 >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_protein
 >>> "LV" + MutableSeq("MELKI", generic_protein)
 MutableSeq('LVMELKI', ProteinAlphabet())

Return (truncated) representation of the sequence for debugging.

Set a subsequence of single letter via value parameter.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq[0] = 'T'
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('TCTCGACGTCG', Alphabet())

Return the full sequence as a python string.

Note that Biopython 1.44 and earlier would give a truncated version of repr(my_seq) for str(my_seq). If you are writing code which needs to be backwards compatible with old Biopython, you should continue to use my_seq.tostring() rather than str(my_seq).

Add a subsequence to the mutable sequence object.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.append('A')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCGA', Alphabet())

No return value.

Modify the mutable sequence to take on its complement.

Trying to complement a protein sequence raises an exception.

No return value.

Return a non-overlapping count, like that of a python string.

This behaves like the python string method of the same name, which does a non-overlapping count!

For an overlapping search use the newer count_overlap() method.

Returns an integer, the number of occurrences of substring argument sub in the (sub)sequence given by [start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.


  • sub - a string or another Seq object to look for
  • start - optional integer, slice start
  • end - optional integer, slice end


 >>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
 >>> my_mseq = MutableSeq("AAAATGA")
 >>> print(my_mseq.count("A"))
 >>> print(my_mseq.count("ATG"))
 >>> print(my_mseq.count(Seq("AT")))
 >>> print(my_mseq.count("AT", 2, -1))

HOWEVER, please note because that python strings, Seq objects and MutableSeq objects do a non-overlapping search, this may not give the answer you expect:

 >>> "AAAA".count("AA")
 >>> print(MutableSeq("AAAA").count("AA"))

An overlapping search would give the answer as three!

Link to this function count_overlap()

Return an overlapping count.

For a non-overlapping search use the count() method.

Returns an integer, the number of occurrences of substring argument sub in the (sub)sequence given by [start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.


  • sub - a string or another Seq object to look for
  • start - optional integer, slice start
  • end - optional integer, slice end


 >>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
 >>> print(MutableSeq("AAAA").count_overlap("AA"))
 >>> print(MutableSeq("ATATATATA").count_overlap("ATA"))
 >>> print(MutableSeq("ATATATATA").count_overlap("ATA", 3, -1))

Where substrings do not overlap, should behave the same as the count() method:

 >>> from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq
 >>> my_mseq = MutableSeq("AAAATGA")
 >>> print(my_mseq.count_overlap("A"))
 >>> my_mseq.count_overlap("A") == my_mseq.count("A")
 >>> print(my_mseq.count_overlap("ATG"))
 >>> my_mseq.count_overlap("ATG") == my_mseq.count("ATG")
 >>> print(my_mseq.count_overlap(Seq("AT")))
 >>> my_mseq.count_overlap(Seq("AT")) == my_mseq.count(Seq("AT"))
 >>> print(my_mseq.count_overlap("AT", 2, -1))
 >>> my_mseq.count_overlap("AT", 2, -1) == my_mseq.count("AT", 2, -1)

HOWEVER, do not use this method for such cases because the count() method is much for efficient.

Add a sequence to the original mutable sequence object.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.extend('A')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCGA', Alphabet())
 >>> my_seq.extend('TTT')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCGATTT', Alphabet())

No return value.

Return the position of a subsequence of the first occurrence of a single letter.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.index('A')
 >>> my_seq.index('T')

Add a subsequence to the mutable sequence object at a given index.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.insert(0,'A')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('AACTCGACGTCG', Alphabet())
 >>> my_seq.insert(8,'G')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('AACTCGACGGTCG', Alphabet())

No return value.

Remove a subsequence of a single letter at given index.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.pop()
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTC', Alphabet())
 >>> my_seq.pop()
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ACTCGACGT', Alphabet())

Returns the last character of the sequence

Remove a subsequence of a single letter from mutable sequence.

 >>> my_seq = MutableSeq('ACTCGACGTCG')
 >>> my_seq.remove('C')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('ATCGACGTCG', Alphabet())
 >>> my_seq.remove('A')
 >>> my_seq
 MutableSeq('TCGACGTCG', Alphabet())

No return value.

Modify the mutable sequence to reverse itself.

No return value.

Link to this function reverse_complement()

Modify the mutable sequence to take on its reverse complement.

Trying to reverse complement a protein sequence raises an exception.

No return value.

Return the full sequence as a new immutable Seq object.

 >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
 >>> from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
 >>> my_mseq = MutableSeq("MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAAL",
 ...                      IUPAC.protein)
 >>> my_mseq
 >>> my_mseq.toseq()

Note that the alphabet is preserved.

Return the full sequence as a python string (DEPRECATED).

You are now encouraged to use str(my_seq) instead of my_seq.tostring() as this method is officially deprecated.

Because str(my_seq) will give you the full sequence as a python string, there is often no need to make an explicit conversion. For example,

 >>> my_seq = Seq("ATCGTG")
 >>> my_name = "seq_1"
 >>> print("ID={%s}, sequence={%s}" % (my_name, my_seq))
 ID={seq_1}, sequence={ATCGTG}

On Biopython 1.44 or older you would have to have done this:

 >>> print("ID={%s}, sequence={%s}" % (my_name, my_seq.tostring()))
 ID={seq_1}, sequence={ATCGTG}