biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Phylo.PhyloXML.Taxonomy

Describe taxonomic information for a clade.


id_source : Id
    link other elements to a taxonomy (on the XML level)
id : Id
    unique identifier of a taxon, e.g. Id('6500',
    provider='ncbi_taxonomy') for the California sea hare
code : restricted string
    store UniProt/Swiss-Prot style organism codes, e.g. 'APLCA' for the
    California sea hare 'Aplysia californica'
scientific_name : string
    the standard scientific name for this organism, e.g. 'Aplysia
    californica' for the California sea hare
authority : string
    keep the authority, such as 'J. G. Cooper, 1863', associated with
    the 'scientific_name'
common_names : list of strings
    common names for this organism
synonyms : list of strings
    synonyms for this taxon?
rank : restricted string
    taxonomic rank
uri : Uri
other : list of Other objects
    non-phyloXML elements

Link to this section Summary


Initialize the class

Show the class name and an identifying attribute

Link to this section Functions

Initialize the class.

Show the class name and an identifying attribute.