biopython v1.71.0 Bio.Restriction.Restriction.RestrictionType

RestrictionType. Type from which all enzyme classes are derived.

Implement the operator methods.

Link to this section Summary


Add restriction enzyme to a RestrictionBatch()

Override ‘/‘ operator to use as search method

Override ‘==’ operator

Override ‘//‘ operator to use as catalyse method

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes

Initialize RestrictionType instance

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes

Return lenght of recognition site of enzyme as int

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes

Override ‘%’ operator to test for compatible overhangs

Override ‘!=’ operator

Override division with reversed operands to use as search method

Implement repr method

As floordiv, with reversed operands

Override ‘>>’ operator to test for neoschizomers

As truediv_, with reversed operands

Return the name of the enzyme as string

Override Python 3 division operator to use as search method

Link to this section Functions

Add restriction enzyme to a RestrictionBatch().

If other is an enzyme returns a batch of the two enzymes. If other is already a RestrictionBatch add enzyme to it.

Override ‘/‘ operator to use as search method.

 >>> EcoRI/Seq('GAATTC')

Override ‘==’ operator.

True if RE and other are the same enzyme.

Specifically this checks they are the same Python object.

Override ‘//‘ operator to use as catalyse method.

 >>> EcoRI//Seq('GAATTC')
 (Seq('G', Alphabet()), Seq('AATTC', Alphabet()))
 Returns RE.catalyse(other).

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes.

Override ‘>=’. a is greater or equal than b if the a site is longer than b site. If their site have the same length sort by alphabetical order of their names.

 >>> EcoRI.size
 >>> EcoRV.size
 >>> EcoRI >= EcoRV

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes.

Override ‘>’. Sorting order:

1. size of the recognition site.
2. if equal size, alphabetical order of the names.

Initialize RestrictionType instance.

Not intended to be used in normal operation. The enzymes are instantiated when importing the module. See below.

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes.

Override ‘<=’. Sorting order:

1. size of the recognition site.
2. if equal size, alphabetical order of the names.

Return lenght of recognition site of enzyme as int.

Compare length of recognition site of two enzymes.

Override ‘<’. Sorting order:

1. size of the recognition site.
2. if equal size, alphabetical order of the names.

Override ‘%’ operator to test for compatible overhangs.

True if a and b have compatible overhang.

 >>> XhoI % SalI

Override ‘!=’ operator.

Isoschizomer strict (same recognition site, same restriction) -> False All the other-> True

WARNING - This is not the inverse of the eq method

 >>> SacI != SstI  
 >>> SacI == SstI

Override division with reversed operands to use as search method.

 >>> Seq('GAATTC')/EcoRI

Implement repr method.

Used with eval or exec will instantiate the enzyme.

Link to this function __rfloordiv__()

As floordiv, with reversed operands.

 >>> Seq('GAATTC')//EcoRI
 (Seq('G', Alphabet()), Seq('AATTC', Alphabet()))
 Returns RE.catalyse(other).

Override ‘>>’ operator to test for neoschizomers.

neoschizomer : same recognition site, different restriction. -> True all the others : -> False

 >>> SmaI >> XmaI

As truediv_, with reversed operands.

Like rdiv.

Return the name of the enzyme as string.

Override Python 3 division operator to use as search method.

Like div.