biopython v1.71.0 Bio.NMR.NOEtools

NOEtools: For predicting NOE coordinates from assignment data.

The input and output are modelled on nmrview peaklists. This modules is suitable for directly generating an nmrview peaklist with predicted crosspeaks directly from the input assignment peaklist.

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Predict the i->j NOE position based on self peak (diagonal) assignments

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Predict the i->j NOE position based on self peak (diagonal) assignments


peaklist : xprtools.Peaklist

List of peaks from which to derive predictions

originNuc : str

Name of originating nucleus.

originResNum : int

Index of originating residue.

detectedNuc : str

Name of detected nucleus.

toResNum : int

Index of detected residue.


returnLine : str

The .xpk file entry for the predicted crosspeak.


Using predictNOE(peaklist,”N15”,”H1”,10,12) where peaklist is of the type xpktools.peaklist would generate a .xpk file entry for a crosspeak that originated on N15 of residue 10 and ended up as magnetization detected on the H1 nucleus of residue 12


The initial peaklist is assumed to be diagonal (self peaks only) and currently there is no checking done to insure that this assumption holds true. Check your peaklist for errors and off diagonal peaks before attempting to use predictNOE.