biopython v1.71.0 Bio.LogisticRegression

Code for doing logistic regressions.


  • LogisticRegression Holds information for a LogisticRegression classifier.


  • train Train a new classifier.
  • calculate Calculate the probabilities of each class, given an observation.
  • classify Classify an observation into a class.

Link to this section Summary


Calculate the probability for each class

Classify an observation into a class

Train a logistic regression classifier on a training set

Link to this section Functions

Calculate the probability for each class.


  • lr is a LogisticRegression object.
  • x is the observed data.

Returns a list of the probability that it fits each class.

Classify an observation into a class.

Train a logistic regression classifier on a training set.

Argument xs is a list of observations and ys is a list of the class assignments, which should be 0 or 1. xs and ys should contain the same number of elements. update_fn is an optional callback function that takes as parameters that iteration number and log likelihood.