biopython v1.71.0 Bio.SeqIO.Interfaces.SequenceWriter

Base class for building SeqRecord writers.

Interlaced file formats (e.g. Clustal) should subclass directly.

Sequential file formats (e.g. Fasta, GenBank) should subclass the SequentialSequenceWriter class instead.

Link to this section Summary


Creates the writer object

Use this to catch errors like the sequence being None

Use this to avoid getting newlines in the output

Use this to write an entire file containing the given records

Link to this section Functions

Creates the writer object.

Use the method write_file() to actually record your sequence records.

Link to this function _get_seq_string()

Use this to catch errors like the sequence being None.

Use this to avoid getting newlines in the output.

Use this to write an entire file containing the given records.

records - A list or iterator returning SeqRecord objects

Should return the number of records (as an integer).

This method can only be called once.