biopython v1.71.0 Bio.PDB.FragmentMapper.FragmentMapper

Map polypeptides in a model to lists of representative fragments.

Link to this section Summary


True if the given residue is in any of the mapped fragments

Get an entry

Create instance of FragmentMapper


Is this residue present? (DEPRECATED)

Link to this section Functions

True if the given residue is in any of the mapped fragments.

:type res: L{Residue}

Get an entry.

:type res: L{Residue}

:return: fragment classification :rtype: L{Fragment}

Create instance of FragmentMapper

:param model: the model that will be mapped :type model: L{Model}

:param lsize: number of fragments in the library :type lsize: int

:param flength: length of fragments in the library :type flength: int

:param fdir: directory where the definition files are

         found (default=".")

:type fdir: string


:param model: the model that will be mapped :type model: L{Model}

Is this residue present? (DEPRECATED).

:type res: L{Residue}