biopython v1.71.0 Bio.PDB.DSSP.DSSP
Run DSSP and parse secondary structure and accessibility.
Run DSSP on a pdb file, and provide a handle to the DSSP secondary structure and accessibility.
Note that DSSP can only handle one model.
>>> p = PDBParser()
>>> structure = p.get_structure("1MOT", "1mot.pdb")
>>> model = structure[0]
>>> dssp = DSSP(model, "1mot.pdb")
>>> a_key = list(dssp.keys())[2]
>>> dssp[a_key]
(3, 'A', 'H', 0.7075471698113207, -61.2, -42.4,
-2, -0.7, 4, -3.0, 1, -0.2, 5, -0.2)
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Create a DSSP object.
model : Model
The first model of the structure
in_file : string
Either a PDB file or a DSSP file.
dssp : string
The dssp executable (ie. the argument to os.system)
acc_array : string
Accessible surface area (ASA) from either Miller et al. (1987),
Sander & Rost (1994), or Wilke: Tien et al. 2013, as string
Sander/Wilke/Miller. Defaults to Sander.
file_type: string
File type switch, either PDB or DSSP with PDB as default.
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Serialize a residue’s resseq and icode for easy comparison.