biopython v1.71.0 Bio.GenBank.Record.Reference

Hold information from a GenBank reference.


  • number - The number of the reference in the listing of references.
  • bases - The bases in the sequence the reference refers to.
  • authors - String with all of the authors.
  • consrtm - Consortium the authors belong to.
  • title - The title of the reference.
  • journal - Information about the journal where the reference appeared.
  • medline_id - The medline id for the reference.
  • pubmed_id - The pubmed_id for the reference.
  • remark - Free-form remarks about the reference.

Link to this section Summary



Convert the reference to a GenBank format string

Output for AUTHORS information

Output for CONSRTM information

Output for JOURNAL information

Output for MEDLINE information

Output for PUBMED information

Output for REFERENCE lines

Output for REMARK information

Output for TITLE information

Link to this section Functions


Convert the reference to a GenBank format string.

Link to this function _authors_line()

Output for AUTHORS information.

Link to this function _consrtm_line()

Output for CONSRTM information.

Link to this function _journal_line()

Output for JOURNAL information.

Link to this function _medline_line()

Output for MEDLINE information.

Output for PUBMED information.

Link to this function _reference_line()

Output for REFERENCE lines.

Output for REMARK information.

Output for TITLE information.